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diy solar

Aims Battery Charger 12V & 24V Smart Charger 75 Amps


New Member
Feb 25, 2021
Hi All, hoping someone can help determine the Power Factor (PF) of the Aims CON120AC1224VDC. This is the 12/24v 75A smart charger.


If you have one of these units and a Kill-A-Watt can you please measure the input current, input voltage, wattage, VA and P.F. while charging a battery at 50% and 100% charger output.


In moving the currnt control dial to 50% - it seemed to drop the current to close to 10A on my clamp meter. PF went to 0.993.
Wow, that’s a fantastic power factor! Im really glad to see that! Must be some active correction.

What do you reckon is the overall conversion efficiency?
1131watts in and 1123 out (28.8v x 39A) seems a little off.
Well based on your power factor measurements I think I’m going to get one of those chargers.
I have to say over the last few days it contiunes to preform fantastic for it's price.
Tho, I may end up selling my unit.

I ended up buying a Victron Multi-plus 24/3000/50 this week.... So I won't have much use for it anymore...

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