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diy solar

Forum validation issue

Pat Buckman

New Member
Dec 8, 2019
I have lurked for awhile on this forum. I have this account, using my work email, which I was able to receive the validation email for... but when I try and use any of my four personal email addresses, (,,, and my home server email system) I don't receive the validation email. I have tried using Chrome, firefox, IE, Edge and Opera browsers to no avail. I have checked spam filters, junk mail, using my client software (outlook) and gone directly to the servers.

trying to get moved over to my personal email since I just retired last week and soon I assume my work email will go POOF.

thanks for the direction.
have checked spam filters and box on all my email systems I have tried.... the only one it comes through on (as spam) is my work address.
Mine went to spam as well. Gmail has been putting so many important emails in spam lately. And thats is strange, what is the username? I can manually validate it
Mine went to spam as well. Gmail has been putting so many important emails in spam lately. And thats is strange, what is the username? I can manually validate it
Will, I have been meaning to address this with you. My email always shows this message in RED at the top, "“This email has failed its domain’s authentication requirements. It may be spoofed or improperly forwarded!" Here is their attached article which explains: Can you address / fix please? Perhaps this is why people aren't getting their emails.
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for some reason gmail puts all email from this site into spam folder even after i mark them as not spam.very strange.
congratulations pat,i got around 8 years to go.
feels like a prison sentence.
Wow this is crazy! Everything works flawlessly. I thought my personal email would be more "personal" if people saw my name. I had no idea it would get flagged like that. Thanks again everyone
Thank you all.... Will. .. whatever you did.... all my email addresses are now coming through..... that would be, and

so far the biggest thing for retirement for me has been... "well Pat.. you didn't get it done this weekend.. guess you need to plan for another weekend to finish things up".... now is it "well Pat... you didn't get it done today..... lets try again tomorrow..."....., I think I like that....

diy solar

diy solar