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Easy Things That Help You Fight Covid

Bob B

Emperor Of Solar
Sep 21, 2019
I'd like to keep away from the controversial things like the off label antivirals and other prescription medicines.

What are things that will help your immune system fight the virus ..... things that will help both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.

This video is 26 minutes at 1.5 speed .... it would probably be fine at 2x speed.

Here, he analyzes a study with more technical info about vitamin D and also Vitamin K2.

It's fine viewing at higher speeds also.

Vitamin D, C and zinc (amongst others of course)... Exercise, all those usual things, reducing stress, optimism, maintain good psychological state with a sense of well-being helps... Live in a peaceful state of being. Don't watch too much news, just enough to know a little about what is happening (so you're not blind-sighted if the world happened to fall apart around you), but sparingly. Give service to others.
Zinc lozenges in the first 24 hours of showing symptoms. The point is not to ingest it into your stomach but lay down on your back, coat your throat, breathe deeply and allow the zinc to kill or slow the growth of the covid virus as its trying to multiply in your lower resperatory system, giving your system a chance to fight it.
Its proven clinically effective for similar viruses.
I believe the health care system is loathe to approve this because there is a danger if you dont follow directions and dosages precisely.
Zicam and Coldeze are clinically proven to help with colds and flu with zinc. The first coronavirus researcher, from UCSD, endorsed this last year. I believe it helped me beat covid 19 in 2 days last year. 22mg of zinc lozenges every 2 hrs for 24 hrs. This is considered nearly toxic dosages to ingest.
I gave a friend 6 lozenges that week, the same as I took, and told her to save them for if she showed covid symptoms. 2 days later she told me "I took those pills, swallowed them all the next day. My immune system feels great!" Zinc lozenges are not pills and you do not swallow them. Lozenges are specifically used to dissolve in the throat.
I told her exactly what to do with them, she did something else. At that point I realized why doctors do not prescribe this remedy. People are stupid.
Carefully metered amounts of zinc every 2 hours at the very edge of toxicity for a 24 hr total are required. If you were stupid and ate 300mg at once at the moment your body was beginning to fight covid you run the risk of getting much sicker.
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Vitamin D, C and zinc (amongst others of course)... Exercise, all those usual things, reducing stress, optimism, maintain good psychological state with a sense of well-being helps... Live in a peaceful state of being. Don't watch too much news, just enough to know a little about what is happening (so you're not blind-sighted if the world happened to fall apart around you), but sparingly. Give service to others.
While this seems like good health advice for some there are plenty of people who maintain perfect health while being complete a** h***s, pursuing stressful careers, drinking too much, etc etc.
I myself am often not content unless I am grouchy, mad, or complaining. Burning some incense, singing kum-bay-ya, meditating or yoga are gonna just tick me off.
A guy I knew for 30 years treated his body like a temple, watched his diet, worked out, all the way until his diagnosis with prostate cancer at 55. He continued his holistic health strategy after they removed his prostate and the cancer went into remission...then returned and ravaged his body, destroying his bladder and eating into his lower spine. He died at age 60, six months after retiring and making his final house payment. Before he died he invited each of his friends over individually and gave us a number of his valuable possessions, which was a classy way to do that.
Im 59 now, I think about him every day as he was always full of life, had his act together, and conducted business with the highest integrity.
He personified the "eat healthy, work out, die anyway" meme.
While this seems like good health advice for some there are plenty of people who maintain perfect health while being complete a** h***s, pursuing stressful careers, drinking too much, etc etc.
I myself am often not content unless I am grouchy, mad, or complaining. Burning some incense, singing kum-bay-ya, meditating or yoga are gonna just tick me off.
A guy I knew for 30 years treated his body like a temple, watched his diet, worked out, all the way until his diagnosis with prostate cancer at 55. He continued his holistic health strategy after they removed his prostate and the cancer went into remission...then returned and ravaged his body, destroying his bladder and eating into his lower spine. He died at age 60, six months after retiring and making his final house payment. Before he died he invited each of his friends over individually and gave us a number of his valuable possessions, which was a classy way to do that.
Im 59 now, I think about him every day as he was always full of life, had his act together, and conducted business with the highest integrity.
He personified the "eat healthy, work out, die anyway" meme.
The think about preventive measures of any type is that you will never know what you might have prevented ..... Is it possible he could have died 10 years earlier if he hadn't been doing this lifestyle.

It is also possible that he concentrated heavily on a few things ... and didn't do well on some others ... like maybe Vitamin D?
Certain vitamin deficiencies are commonly found in people who think they have the best diets .... B12 is a big one for vegetarians.

Variety truly is the spice of life.
The think about preventive measures of any type is that you will never know what you might have prevented ..... Is it possible he could have died 10 years earlier if he hadn't been doing this lifestyle.

It is also possible that he concentrated heavily on a few things ... and didn't do well on some others ... like maybe Vitamin D?
Certain vitamin deficiencies are commonly found in people who think they have the best diets .... B12 is a big one for vegetarians.

Variety truly is the spice of life.

One thing I can tell you, is that when I used to always live a stressed out life, I had trouble sleeping well, but when I stay in a place of peace and well-being, well enough to be able to let anything and everything else fully go at bedtime, I can just climb into bed, stop my thoughts, and transition into a peaceful restful sleep, where I wake up feeling a lot better, not fighting the challenges of the day ahead, I feel more energy, recover from morning groggy faster. Quality sleep is important.

Whatever it is I could or couldn't be doing, I can say that I was happy when I got Covid over Thanksgiving, it passed by in a few days, wasn't even as bad as the Whooping cough I had years ago when I had been overweight (228 lbs) and out of shape. I lived to tell the tale, Covid was really a pleasure compared to some of the sicknesses I have had in the past.

I became more aware of my Vitamin D levels in life, back in 2007 when I had to get a fusion surgery done on my left ankle, and so they did it, and 4 months later found out it didn't fuse (bone didn't grow together). I started researching, and came to a hunch that maybe I had a nutritional deficiency, and specifically thought of Vitamin D, because the orthopedic surgeon mentioned to me around that time that you need sufficient Vitamin D levels in your body to 'push' Calcium into the bones, and to grow the fusion together.

So I went to my normal doctor and asked for a Vitamin D test, they took blood sent to the lab, come to find out my Vitamin D was at 29 nmol/L! They told me it should be at least 40-50 nmol/L... So I went onto intensive Vitamin D binge. Tanning beds, laying in Sun, Vitamin D supplement, etc... In 2 months I had it up to 52 nmol/L.

After that, I went and got a second fusion surgery done on the same ankle since fusion didn't 'take' the first time, and the second time it fused properly and grew together great.

That whole thing took around a year, for two surgeries (with recovery time between), and finally got it right and could walk again more normal (no crutches anymore). Vitamin D is super important for lots of things, also organ health, amongst others.

If in doubt what yours might be, a simple blood test can be ordered from your doctor and sent to a lab for analysis.
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@Samsonite801 .... I am totally in agreement with you about the importance of vitamin d levels for many things.
I would caution that if a person is taking higher doses of vitamin D to get their level up ... it is important to also take K2. A little research on how D and K2 play together would be prudent.
I think that 2nd video I posted brought out the importance of that.
@Samsonite801 .... I am totally in agreement with you about the importance of vitamin d levels for many things.
I would caution that if a person is taking higher doses of vitamin D to get their level up ... it is important to also take K2. A little research on how D and K2 play together would be prudent.
I think that 2nd video I posted brought out the importance of that.

Yeah I totally agree, and if in doubt a blood test for Vitamin D level is readily available so there is an actual metric to provide one with feedback. It is a harmless test and can be had as much as you want, 4 times a year if you like. Winter is probably the best time to get it checked, when natural Sun hours are low.
Yeah I totally agree, and if in doubt a blood test for Vitamin D level is readily available so there is an actual metric to provide one with feedback. It is a harmless test and can be had as much as you want, 4 times a year if you like. Winter is probably the best time to get it checked, when natural Sun hours are low.
Just sharing,
One does not have to spend the $$$$ to visit with an MD to find out if they are vitamin deficient.
A brief search on the web for a "vitamin deficiency test" and a person could save lots of time and money.

An apple a day... ;)
I attached a Pdf file that has some more info about prepping for the Omicron wave that is on the way.


  • PrepForOmicronEdited.pdf
    384 KB · Views: 7
I attached a Pdf file that has some more info about prepping for the Omicron wave that is on the way.
I thought we would get in trouble if we posted things that DO NOT make big $$$ for big pharma.

One of my strange symptoms is that I can now chop onions without my eyes burning. :sick:
Been wearing these for 2 years now, every time I enter a building that is not my house. Comes down to grocery shopping twice a week in average.

2 years with no covid infection, no flu, no cold, no vaccines, no more covid news, no stress.

Here is supporting evidence for zinc lozenges.

I think the virus is still vulnerable early on ..... I believe it is better to treat in then .... or to prepare you body ahead of time with things like vitamin D and zinc supplements than to sit around and wait til your oxygen levels get too low.
There is also a thread about using a nebulizer to try to kill it off in the sinus before it can get a foot hold.
Been wearing these for 2 years now, every time I enter a building that is not my house. Comes down to grocery shopping twice a week in average.

2 years with no covid infection, no flu, no cold, no vaccines, no more covid news, no stress.

Same. I used to love going out to eat but honestly, these years of completely avoiding any cold or crud, much less covid, have been wonderful and I don't know if I will ever go back.

Every time I have to have contact with someone I think of ways to limit risk. I always use curbside service. I don't let people pressure me into social gatherings and I always wear my 3M N95 when I do have indoor contact.

I don't know if this will hold up to Omicron which may be the most highly transmissible disease ever but trying my best to stay out of its way.
Looks like the FDA is going to have to speed up getting out the data they used to approve the Pfizer vaccine.

Instead of the 75 years it was going to take .... we should have all of it in 8 months with the new court order.


  • ORDER_2022_01_06-9e24e298ae561d16d68a3950ab57077b.pdf
    169.4 KB · Views: 1
Looks like the FDA is going to have to speed up getting out the data they used to approve the Pfizer vaccine.

Instead of the 75 years it was going to take .... we should have all of it in 8 months with the new court order.
Time to sell Pfizer stock. :ROFLMAO:
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diy solar