diy solar

diy solar

Hello from NSW, Australia

Aussie Collie

New Member
Dec 18, 2021
Hi Everyone,
I've just joined up after watching Will on YouTube for years and lurking in the background of this forum. I live in NSW. I've been off grid for years with a 24v 2kW system and have just upgraded to 4.4kW ). I'm interested in hearing from other people who have equipment. I have some questions regarding a new separate system I'm working on which I'll post in the relevant section. Looking forward to interacting with some like minded people.
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Welcome to the party.
My system wants to be like yours when it grows up. (y)

I look forward to seeing many pics of your countryside. It looks beautiful & diverse.
Welcome. I'm a fellow New South Welshman, mid North Coast. We are on grid and I have an off-grid system I put together for backup and it runs the pool pump and some sundry items.

I'm not familiar with Studer so no comment there.
Hi Everyone,
I've just joined up after watching Will on YouTube for years and lurking in the background of this forum. I live in the Northern Tablelands, NSW. I've been off grid for 5 years with a 24v 2kW system and have just upgraded to 4.4kW (photos below). I'm interested in hearing from other people who have Studer equipment. I have some questions regarding a new separate system I'm working on which I'll post in the relevant section. Looking forward to interacting with some like minded people.

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Nice system. You did a good job installing it. Are those 2 volt batteries?
Hi Collie welcome.

I'm from Port Stephens NSW and I must say what a neat set up. I joined here mostly to learn the battery side and for my caravan but I just had a 9.9kw system installed at home.
Welcome to the party.
My system wants to be like yours when it grows up. (y)

I look forward to seeing many pics of your countryside. It looks beautiful & diverse.

Love your comment treasure. Yes the countryside is beautiful in ways and as you say so diverse. Almost the size of the USA but only 5% arable land. Go to Google maps, zoom in and drop the yellow man in the road going up through the centre and it gives you an idea how barren it is.

Love your comment treasure. Yes the countryside is beautiful in ways and as you say so diverse. Almost the size of the USA but only 5% arable land. Go to Google maps, zoom in and drop the yellow man in the road going up through the centre and it gives you an idea how barren it is.
Yep, I've seen it. Thanks to the computer and the idiot box (TV). We've got our share of desolation here in Wyoming too.
Visiting is on my bucket list. Might have to sail on over one of these years. I like your coastlines more than anything though.
Cooking fish on the beach, keeping an eye on the crocs and drinking a cold beer sounds like something I could do for weeks, or longer.

diy solar

diy solar