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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

My use of Uttar Pradesh as an example has always been in the context that we should be studying them to understand why they have been successful .... That could make us more successful. Do you need it laid out like a 2nd grader.
When you keep saying I said Ivermectin is the reason ... I think that must be because you secretly ... or your subconscious thinks that is the case.
Sorry, not going to waste any more time with you tonight.
It is the only reason you raise it. They have lockdowns, vaccinations, masking, vaccination of youth and school closures.

Yet, when BMcl above says that thousands in the US would be alive if we used ivermectin, you like the comment. You pick Uttar that distributed ivermectin but ignore the rest of India that has also experienced very low numbers in recent months. It is ALL about ivermectin for you.
Ever notice how left-wingers like Mr MurphyGuy attacks you personally when you make a great point ?
I said :
Thousands of vaccinated people have died of Covid.
Were they idiots for trusting the vaccine and not taking ivermectin ?
Even if you don't think HCQ or ivermectin work, when they are dirt cheap
and have no side effects, how stupid is it to not take them ?
Mr MurphyGuy could at least address his logic for not taking a potentially life-saving medicine
when it costs less than a buck ?
The current prevailing conspiracy theory seems to be, elected officials (from the other party) are trying to kill them by giving everyone, including those who voted for them, a free vaccine.

In the real world the unvaccinated are 10 times more likely to die from covid than those who did take the vaccine.

If Democrats in the US were evil their policy would be, "Republicans won't be allowed access to the vaccine". But Democrats don't even have to do that, Trump supporters are already telling eachother not to get vaccinated, but take a medicine that has no effect and serious side effects instead.

I have followed some other conspiracy theories in the past, crop circles, flat earth, young earth creation, but this is the most deadly conspiracy theory since the wars fought over "who's gods are best" but beating sacrificing virgins to appease the gods.
Ever notice how left-wingers like Mr MurphyGuy attacks you personally when you make a great point ?
I said :
Thousands of vaccinated people have died of Covid.
Were they idiots for trusting the vaccine and not taking ivermectin ?
Even if you don't think HCQ or ivermectin work, when they are dirt cheap
and have no side effects, how stupid is it to not take them ?
Mr MurphyGuy could at least address his logic for not taking a potentially life-saving medicine
when it costs less than a buck ?

You post fake news, fake information, and troll these forums..

You're working way to hard to be just some innocent person with a different opinion.. which means you're being paid or a Russian troll or something.

You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about, you have no education, yet you seek to provide medical advice to people you don't know.

Sick, mentally ill, desperate for attention? I'd at least respect the Russian troll being paid...
The current prevailing conspiracy theory seems to be, elected officials (from the other party) are trying to kill them by giving everyone, including those who voted for them, a free vaccine.
I would agree that's what the Media is touting as the "current prevailing conspiracy theory". I would disagree that it's a common belief though, even among other "conspiracy theorists". The prevailing theory on online forums seems to be (to me, as a frequenter of these forums) that the vaccine is ineffective, and can have negative side effects, not that companies are trying to depopulate the planet. The incentive isn't some crazy new idea (depopulation), it's the same thing it's always been, money.

It's a great way to make everybody who disagrees with the current narrative look crazy. I've heard NPR compare people who believe that Hillary is a reptilian shapeshifter to people who think there was fraudulent mail in voting. There's a huge difference between those two things, obviously.

Fringe theories have always been used to try and discredit the core belief.
I have followed some other conspiracy theories in the past, crop circles, flat earth, young earth creation, but this is the most deadly conspiracy theory since the wars fought over "who's gods are best" but beating sacrificing virgins to appease the gods.
Here's my million dollar question; what's the motive? On both sides?

I can see the motive to keep "COVID" going. Big corporations keep getting bigger (and not just pharmaceutical co's), The stock market keeps going up, companies that sell medical supplies are doing better than they ever have, and for a while I feel like everybody was digging the two-week paid vacation while they were sick. Hospitals get more government funding to report higher levels covid. The media gets to blast fear porn, and gets more viewers. There's a lot of money in a "pandemic". People can also lose their jobs (and be publicly ostracized) for publicly coming out against this stuff.

What's the motivation for the conspiracy? Why are all these people spending hours and hours making "fake" information? What's the benefit there? It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me as to why people would make this all up.

Find the motive, find the killer.
Fringe theories have always been used to try and discredit the core belief.
Ding ding ding.

That is why I have quit engaging. It does not matter what I say, even if I agree with what they are saying in one regard to a topic but disagree with them on another. The instant I disagree, Im a conspiracy theorist and believe in everything fringe crazies are saying. "The vaccines are just a way to microchip you" all of a sudden is what I believe. It is such a pathetic and weak way to engage your opposition.
Heck, even conspiracy is becoming its own culture these days.

There's going to be a lot of post-pandemic research after this is done. They'll study the psychological effects of how they handled the public information issues and I suspect it will be the focus of many dissertations. There's going to be a long train of Ph.D candidates riding that train so it should be interesting to see what we learn studying stupid people..

I've seen that much more effort goes into spreading a message than researching and determining facts to create the message (e.g. cholesterol in eggs is bad for you.)

That research will likely be done (and funded) for the goal of how to "make enemies and influence people".

Did you notice that Fauci said he thought vaccination requirement for air travel would be a good thing because ... it would prompt more people to get vaccinated?
People with a PhD are the most hesitant when it comes to getting the Covid-19 vaccine, according to a paper by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh.

One observation about that - those are the ones highly educated in ... "Philosophy"?

Lots of vaccine hesitancy in the medical profession - among bottom rung nurses.
High acceptance rate among MD's.

So now you're a qualified Bible commentator ? The Old Testament is a history book. It's NOT a book of rules about how we should live.
Jesus taught us and gave us the rules.

The Old Testament is a book of rules about how people "under the law" were to live. As well as a history book.
The New Testament tells of replacing the law with a new way under Jesus.
Many people have been regarded as false prophets. Some people continue to claim adherence to Jewish law and don't accept Jesus.
Fortunately the do not fully carry out the law. I don't think there is any group other than ISIS which tries to follow a strict interpretation of the more harsh laws found in some religions.

Yeah...what rules are those? Have some Bible passages that tells us that?, including the new testament, is a book of fiction.

The Bible does contain a significant amount of accurate history. Some things in it previously dismissed as fiction were later confirmed in archeological digs.
Of course it attributes many events to divine intervention. And some of the stories seem quite contrived.

Leaked Airline Memos: Majority Of Employees With Omicron Are Vaxxed, Healthy Pilots Offered More Pay To Cover Shifts
Thousands of vaccinated people have died of Covid.
Were they idiots for trusting the vaccine and not taking ivermectin ?
Even if you don't think HCQ or ivermectin work, when they are dirt cheap
and have no side effects, how stupid is it to not take them ?

Indiana is about 50/50 vaccinated vs. unvaccinated.
100,000 breakthrough cases and 1000 deaths among the vaccinated.
Out of 1,200,000 total case and 19,000 deaths.

It appears the vaccine was worth trusting. At least for earlier variants.

(What I don't have or haven't processed and reduced to statistics is the period of time when fewer/none were vaccinated. During 2019, for instance. Therefore, we can't really compare unvaccinated vs. vaccinated cases and deaths considering population size equal for both groups. Need to consider population months of exposure. If all the vaccinations occurred in the last couple months, for instance, we could produce the same numbers with a placebo having 0% effectiveness.)

Stanford is reportedly filling up with cases, and has many healthcare workers out due to positive tests.
Filling up with Delta. They sequence all positive cases.
So Omicron either isn't predominant, or isn't what's sending people into the hospital (or showing up in others admitted) in significant numbers.
If Democrats in the US were evil their policy would be, "Republicans won't be allowed access to the vaccine". But Democrats don't even have to do that, Trump supporters are already telling eachother not to get vaccinated, but take a medicine that has no effect and serious side effects instead.

The Democrats are smarter than that. (or better educated in psychology.)
They know to just say, "We order you to take the vaccine!"
Here's my million dollar question; what's the motive? On both sides?

Find the motive, find the killer.

I think many anti-vaxxers have the goal of developing a following, and for some money does follow. Like any media, especially "news".

Some will truly believe in harm from the vaccines and benefit of the alternative treatments. Those may both be true in some cases. In other cases, it may be unrelated negative and positive outcomes. Ever look at all side effects experienced by the control group who received placebo in a drug study? Those can explain some vaccine injuries and benefits of some alternative treatments. And others could be real.

I think many anti-vaxxers are just stubborn and anti- something, want to push their agenda regardless. I saw an article reporting the number of breakthrough cases and deaths among the fully vaccinated in Indiana. The article did not give results for unvaccinated. Clearly attempting to sway people their way with statistical falsehoods. Exactly why, I'm not sure. They are cherry picking numbers to support an untenable position. I'd rather see valid statistical comparisons supporting their side (anti-vax) just as I want from the pro-vax side.

For the pro-vaccine group, there are of course those who consider statistically significant results from controlled double-blind studies. Graph below from Pfizer phase-3 trial (and adverse outcome data) is what convinced me to get that vaccine, rather than isolating while the rest of the population protected me by developing "herd immunity" as was my original plan.

But many others just jump on the bandwagon, and tout vaccination without understanding, without considering new information. In some cases, they may know of a not-insignificant number of people being harmed but only care about the greater good of a larger number of lives being saved.

I think for many it is an insistence that people obey. Mandates have been issued, and must be followed.

Articles about stupid people taking horse dewormer usually fail to say the drug is available, approved, and safe for humans. Leaving that out makes those article propaganda, and motives come into question.



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Leaked Airline Memos: Majority Of Employees With Omicron Are Vaxxed, Healthy Pilots Offered More Pay To Cover Shifts
Don't you see what garbage this headline is?

1. Omicraon does break through the vaccine.
2. Well over 95% of airline employees are vaccinated.

OF COURSE-------the majority of employees with Omicron are going to be vaccinated.

This has nothing to do with the vaccines ability to reduce transmission, length of illness, the severity of illness, hospitalization or death!

Didn't they teach you anything in prison?
Thousands of vaccinated people have died of Covid.
Were they idiots for trusting the vaccine and not taking ivermectin ?
Even if you don't think HCQ or ivermectin work, when they are dirt cheap
and have no side effects, how stupid is it to not take them ?
The data shows that vaccines are MANY times better than being unvaccinated. Less likely to get it...less likely to spread it...and less likely to die from it. There is ZERO data that show ivermectin(de wormer) does anything.

Just listen to Trump on what he thinks about vaccines since you are a Trump Humper Q follower

I voted for Biden because he was the best choice. Actually, anyone with a pulse was better than tRump. He definitely proved it one year ago today.

I voted for Gary Johnson in '16, Mitt Romney in '12 and John McCain in '08. Too bad he picked Palin for is VP running mate. That wack job doomed him.
If youre a republican but voted for biden because of trumps personal qualities Im sorry but youre a dingbat.
As for january 6 well some of you are maintaining the facade but anyone following the facts realizes that the election was in fact stolen.
How convenient Zuckerbergs Facebook was leading the efforts to censor any talk of election fraud even before the polls closed and banned the accounts of anyone trying to share evidence of it.
So you people are further condemning Trump just for trying to get the truth out.
The media who were willing participants in it are still doubling down calling Trumps allegations baseless. Repeat the lie enough it becomes fact right.
That story about zuckerbergs hundreds of millions sure died a quick death, its as if the media doesnt want to know.
I think many anti-vaxxers have the goal of developing a following, and for some money does follow. Like any media, especially "news".

Some will truly believe in harm from the vaccines and benefit of the alternative treatments. Those may both be true in some cases. In other cases, it may be unrelated negative and positive outcomes. Ever look at all side effects experienced by the control group who received placebo in a drug study? Those can explain some vaccine injuries and benefits of some alternative treatments. And others could be real.

I think many anti-vaxxers are just stubborn and anti- something, want to push their agenda regardless. I saw an article reporting the number of breakthrough cases and deaths among the fully vaccinated in Indiana. The article did not give results for unvaccinated. Clearly attempting to sway people their way with statistical falsehoods. Exactly why, I'm not sure. They are cherry picking numbers to support an untenable position. I'd rather see valid statistical comparisons supporting their side (anti-vax) just as I want from the pro-vax side.

For the pro-vaccine group, there are of course those who consider statistically significant results from controlled double-blind studies. Graph below from Pfizer phase-3 trial (and adverse outcome data) is what convinced me to get that vaccine, rather than isolating while the rest of the population protected me by developing "herd immunity" as was my original plan.

But many others just jump on the bandwagon, and tout vaccination without understanding, without considering new information. In some cases, they may know of a not-insignificant number of people being harmed but only care about the greater good of a larger number of lives being saved.

I think for many it is an insistence that people obey. Mandates have been issued, and must be followed.

Articles about stupid people taking horse dewormer usually fail to say the drug is available, approved, and safe for humans. Leaving that out makes those article propaganda, and motives come into question.

View attachment 78828
What is your source for these charts? Do you have a link? I cannot read them as they are too blurry.
If youre a republican but voted for biden because of trumps personal qualities Im sorry but youre a dingbat.
As for january 6 well some of you are maintaining the facade but anyone following the facts realizes that the election was in fact stolen.
How convenient Zuckerbergs Facebook was leading the efforts to censor any talk of election fraud even before the polls closed and banned the accounts of anyone trying to share evidence of it.
So you people are further condemning Trump just for trying to get the truth out.
The media who were willing participants in it are still doubling down calling Trumps allegations baseless. Repeat the lie enough it becomes fact right.
That story about zuckerbergs hundreds of millions sure died a quick death, its as if the media doesnt want to know. are just a nut job. I am also a republican who voted for Biden.

Do you still think people are following you? At least that was what you said a few years ago. You called it Gangstalking at the time. DEW harassment!

You believe in Chemtrails still?
Thousands of vaccinated people have died of Covid.
Were they idiots for trusting the vaccine and not taking ivermectin ?
Even if you don't think HCQ or ivermectin work, when they are dirt cheap
and have no side effects, how stupid is it to not take them ?

BMCL logic:

Thousands of people wearing seatbelts have died.
Why don't they wear tinfoil on their heads instead?
Even if you think the tinfoil won't help, it is cheap!
I think many anti-vaxxers have the goal of developing a following, and for some money does follow. Like any media, especially "news".

Some will truly believe in harm from the vaccines and benefit of the alternative treatments. Those may both be true in some cases. In other cases, it may be unrelated negative and positive outcomes. Ever look at all side effects experienced by the control group who received placebo in a drug study? Those can explain some vaccine injuries and benefits of some alternative treatments. And others could be real.

I think many anti-vaxxers are just stubborn and anti- something, want to push their agenda regardless. I saw an article reporting the number of breakthrough cases and deaths among the fully vaccinated in Indiana. The article did not give results for unvaccinated. Clearly attempting to sway people their way with statistical falsehoods. Exactly why, I'm not sure. They are cherry picking numbers to support an untenable position. I'd rather see valid statistical comparisons supporting their side (anti-vax) just as I want from the pro-vax side.

For the pro-vaccine group, there are of course those who consider statistically significant results from controlled double-blind studies. Graph below from Pfizer phase-3 trial (and adverse outcome data) is what convinced me to get that vaccine, rather than isolating while the rest of the population protected me by developing "herd immunity" as was my original plan.

But many others just jump on the bandwagon, and tout vaccination without understanding, without considering new information. In some cases, they may know of a not-insignificant number of people being harmed but only care about the greater good of a larger number of lives being saved.

I think for many it is an insistence that people obey. Mandates have been issued, and must be followed.

Articles about stupid people taking horse dewormer usually fail to say the drug is available, approved, and safe for humans. Leaving that out makes those article propaganda, and motives come into question.

View attachment 78828
It doesnt help that the govts policies have been inconsistent, inept, hypocritical, conflicting, politicized etc. are just a nut job. I am also a republican who voted for Biden.

Do you still think people are following you? At least that was what you said a few years ago. You called it Gangstalking at the time.

You believe in Chemtrails still?
In other words, the name should be Batshit? are just a nut job. I am also a republican who voted for Biden.

Do you still think people are following you? At least that was what you said a few years ago. You called it Gangstalking at the time. DEW harassment!

You believe in Chemtrails still?
You have references for these things you claim Ive said? What are you talking about?

Im pretty sure no one comes to this forum to talk about me.

You did base your criticism of Trump based on the events of January 6th, is there a reason youd rather talk about me rather than the fact he was right when he said the election was stolen?
In other words, the name should be Batshit?
You can call me F***ing A****** if you like, thats hardly relevant.

Any comment on zuckerbergs hundreds of millions used to corrupt election officials in swing states?

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