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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

You did base your criticism of Trump based on the events of January 6th, is there a reason youd rather talk about me rather than the fact he was right when he said the election was stolen?
Trump can't stand the fact that he lost. He then sent his followers to attempt a violet coup. Even his own AG said it wasn't stolen.

Trump is batshit crazy....kinda like you.
You post fake news, fake information, and troll these forums..

You're working way to hard to be just some innocent person with a different opinion.. which means you're being paid or a Russian troll or something.

You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about, you have no education, yet you seek to provide medical advice to people you don't know.

Sick, mentally ill, desperate for attention? I'd at least respect the Russian troll being paid...
And you push the Corporate Deep State BS and think you are some moralistic hero ?
How many people have died while you call ivermectin "de-wormer" ?
I actually buy ivermectin and HCQ and hand it to people I know that are high risk.
While you advise people to trust the regime ? And do nothing if diagnosed with Covid ?
Must be nice to be a hero behind a keyboard.

Trump can't stand the fact that he lost. He then sent his followers to attempt a violet coup.
Yeah, here's where they were talking to the police about how to peacefully protest

And here they are in the Chamber praying and thanking God. Maybe not very smart but they certainly don't deserve what they got

And it's incredibly unfair that we have such double-standards. Left-wingers did the same thing in 2018 when Brett Kavanaugh was
nominated to the Supreme Court. These people received a slap on the wrist and were let go.

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I don't tell people to not be vaccinated. I do tell them to get treatment if they get Covid so they won't end up in the hospital.
My son is a DR (hospitalist-internal medicine) and I've asked him to please not continue with the "endless boosters" that they want to force on young people.
I don't think anyone who is healthy should get a booster every 6 months.
The chances of blood clots and heart problems is just not worth the risk IMHO.
Omicron appears to be weaker and hopefully the pandemic is over.
You can call me F***ing A****** if you like, thats hardly relevant.
It's the democrats "Mode of Operation." If your policies are incredibly unpopular,
and you receive criticism for them, use personal attacks to change the subject.

BTW, does your screen name infer you drive a C7 Vette ? :)
I'm not interested in Endless Boosting, to keep antibodies high because that's the only thing working now (boosters wane by 10 weeks.)
It is still Delta, not Omicron, that is filling Stanford hospital.
Hopefully Omicron is providing natural immunity with reduced damage, for the Great Unvaccinated as well as the vaccinated who aren't well enough protected.

At least back in the earlier days, with Alpha and when vaccination was young, the benefit was quite dramatic.

Treatment - unfortunately information hard to find among the noise and vocal objections, and the medications which require prescription are hard to come by. Needs some doctor to approve. Yes, information is out there, whether correct, lies, or misguided, but people have to deliberately ignore advice from the usually trusted experts if they want to go with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. Do those work? Some studies and reports say yes. Apparently few or no "properly" designed double-blind studies to show they work. Such studies are an expensive, major undertaking, and aren't likely to happen without somebody having money to back them (normally in the hopes of gaining more money.) Meanwhile, true believers will be administering what they think is the best treatment, not risking the lives of the "control" group. Similar to mRNA vaccines being offered to the control group of their study, rather than continuing to leave them at risk.

I won't be surprised if it turns out those two drugs were in fact beneficial. Or, if it turns out they were not. With a disease that is 99.7% survivable, plenty of opportunity for good outcomes for the treated patients. And compare that to a group of untreated patients who were not equivalent in terms of health and degree of Covid illness.
I'm not interested in Endless Boosting, to keep antibodies high because that's the only thing working now (boosters wane by 10 weeks.)
It is still Delta, not Omicron, that is filling Stanford hospital.
Hopefully Omicron is providing natural immunity with reduced damage, for the Great Unvaccinated as well as the vaccinated who aren't well enough protected.

At least back in the earlier days, with Alpha and when vaccination was young, the benefit was quite dramatic.

Treatment - unfortunately information hard to find among the noise and vocal objections, and the medications which require prescription are hard to come by. Needs some doctor to approve. Yes, information is out there, whether correct, lies, or misguided, but people have to deliberately ignore advice from the usually trusted experts if they want to go with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. Do those work? Some studies and reports say yes. Apparently few or no "properly" designed double-blind studies to show they work. Such studies are an expensive, major undertaking, and aren't likely to happen without somebody having money to back them (normally in the hopes of gaining more money.) Meanwhile, true believers will be administering what they think is the best treatment, not risking the lives of the "control" group. Similar to mRNA vaccines being offered to the control group of their study, rather than continuing to leave them at risk.

I won't be surprised if it turns out those two drugs were in fact beneficial. Or, if it turns out they were not. With a disease that is 99.7% survivable, plenty of opportunity for good outcomes for the treated patients. And compare that to a group of untreated patients who were not equivalent in terms of health and degree of Covid illness.
Well said. Very true that it's difficult to prove any treatment works when a disease has a high survivability rate.
That's why Bob and I point to Uddar Pradesh where they had over 200 million people and very few deaths.
The FLCCC also has had great success prescribing those treatments.
And drs have posted that Congress uses ivermectin while bad-mouthing it. LOL Who knows?
But since we don't have anything else, I think it's crazy not to use it.
My sister and her husband are 70 yrs old, my brother and his wife are 59. All had covid and recovered in 5 days taking these treatments.
But like you say, that doesn't prove anything. But it's enough for me.
It's the democrats "Mode of Operation." If your policies are incredibly unpopular,
and you receive criticism for them, use personal attacks to change the subject.

BTW, does your screen name infer you drive a C7 Vette ? :)
It was a C4 (86 z51 coupe) I did a lot of custom stuff to in the 90s. Owned it for 27 years.

I wont deny being wrong about some things, but that was a dozen years ago and certainly not posted here. Is there a reason youve decided to stalk me on the internet for anything you could use against me? Perhaps I should look you up, see where you work, see who your wife and children are?
Why dont you just admit that its really stupid for a voter to throw away their views on ideology and policy and vote for the complete opposite?
I cant see a republican that would support anything the current administration has done perhaps this is why you choose to go ad hominem instead.

BTW if you were honest about your research youd also post that Ive spent the last 12 years ridiculing the idiots making gangstalking claims. It didnt take long to realize Id been lied to.
I would agree that's what the Media is touting as the "current prevailing conspiracy theory". I would disagree that it's a common belief though, even among other "conspiracy theorists". The prevailing theory on online forums seems to be (to me, as a frequenter of these forums) that the vaccine is ineffective, and can have negative side effects, not that companies are trying to depopulate the planet. The incentive isn't some crazy new idea (depopulation), it's the same thing it's always been, money.

It's a great way to make everybody who disagrees with the current narrative look crazy. I've heard NPR compare people who believe that Hillary is a reptilian shapeshifter to people who think there was fraudulent mail in voting. There's a huge difference between those two things, obviously.

Fringe theories have always been used to try and discredit the core belief.

Here's my million dollar question; what's the motive? On both sides?

I can see the motive to keep "COVID" going. Big corporations keep getting bigger (and not just pharmaceutical co's), The stock market keeps going up, companies that sell medical supplies are doing better than they ever have, and for a while I feel like everybody was digging the two-week paid vacation while they were sick. Hospitals get more government funding to report higher levels covid. The media gets to blast fear porn, and gets more viewers. There's a lot of money in a "pandemic". People can also lose their jobs (and be publicly ostracized) for publicly coming out against this stuff.

What's the motivation for the conspiracy? Why are all these people spending hours and hours making "fake" information? What's the benefit there? It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me as to why people would make this all up.

Find the motive, find the killer.
That is not how it works, I earned my money as an electrician, that does not mean that alternating current does not exist.
I'm not interested in Endless Boosting, to keep antibodies high because that's the only thing working now (boosters wane by 10 weeks.)
It is still Delta, not Omicron, that is filling Stanford hospital.
Hopefully Omicron is providing natural immunity with reduced damage, for the Great Unvaccinated as well as the vaccinated who aren't well enough protected.

At least back in the earlier days, with Alpha and when vaccination was young, the benefit was quite dramatic.

Treatment - unfortunately information hard to find among the noise and vocal objections, and the medications which require prescription are hard to come by. Needs some doctor to approve. Yes, information is out there, whether correct, lies, or misguided, but people have to deliberately ignore advice from the usually trusted experts if they want to go with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. Do those work? Some studies and reports say yes. Apparently few or no "properly" designed double-blind studies to show they work. Such studies are an expensive, major undertaking, and aren't likely to happen without somebody having money to back them (normally in the hopes of gaining more money.) Meanwhile, true believers will be administering what they think is the best treatment, not risking the lives of the "control" group. Similar to mRNA vaccines being offered to the control group of their study, rather than continuing to leave them at risk.

I won't be surprised if it turns out those two drugs were in fact beneficial. Or, if it turns out they were not. With a disease that is 99.7% survivable, plenty of opportunity for good outcomes for the treated patients. And compare that to a group of untreated patients who were not equivalent in terms of health and degree of Covid illness.
Survivability should not be the standard but help me out with the math here!

Assume every American was infected and that our population is 340 million.

So .3 percent mortality rate would get us about 1,020,000 dead.

BUT----we already have 858,000 dead with 60, 464,000 cases.

These numbers are diluted in actually figuring out the mortality rate as the vaccine reduces the rate.
That is not how it works, I earned my money as an electrician, that does not mean that alternating current does not exist.
The thing about electricians is that they are forced to think logically because electricity always follows the same rules. Electricity cannot be influenced by Fox news or general ignorance. It will do what it does no matter what you think it should do. You can think of every damn conspiracy you want for why electricity does what it does (which Bob B, A Justice and BMcl do on a daily basis) but ultimately electricity doesn't care.

The virus and the properly applied scientific methods do not care either.
I don't tell people to not be vaccinated. I do tell them to get treatment if they get Covid so they won't end up in the hospital.
My son is a DR (hospitalist-internal medicine) and I've asked him to please not continue with the "endless boosters" that they want to force on young people.
I don't think anyone who is healthy should get a booster every 6 months.

The chances of blood clots and heart problems is just not worth the risk IMHO.
Omicron appears to be weaker and hopefully the pandemic is over.
What I look for in a doctor is having him follow the advice of his hillbilly, conspiracy raddled, utility worker. father.
I don't tell people to not be vaccinated. I do tell them to get treatment if they get Covid so they won't end up in the hospital.
My son is a DR (hospitalist-internal medicine) and I've asked him to please not continue with the "endless boosters" that they want to force on young people.
I don't think anyone who is healthy should get a booster every 6 months.
The chances of blood clots and heart problems is just not worth the risk IMHO.
Omicron appears to be weaker and hopefully the pandemic is over.
For BMcl to have a doctor son, the kid was either adopted, or BMcl somehow impregnated a genius woman that left him long ago.
Very cool !
I just got my 67 back from the paint shop. It's an original SS396 but with a 489 big block

View attachment 78849
Nice car, thats a lot of power not sure what Id do with it, Ill be 60 in june and that need to go fast faded awhile back. I like the low insurance premiums! Oh dont get me wrong every time I see a fast car go by and theres a lot Id like to take it for a spin.
A guy at my storage facility last week opened his rollup and pushed out an old malibu 2dr, think it was a 64, a little smaller than your 67. Same color or maybe a bit more aqua. It had a tubbed rear end I remarked it was probably a 9 second car. He said close, low 10s. Had AZ plates, shook the building when he started it. Similar rims to yours too. I like how youve got updated wide tires assume youve got some suspension mods too or thatd be scary to drive .

On that jan 6 clip, gee why doesnt the media cover that.... Seems like this continued investigation has several goals.
1. Allow them to beat in the message that Trumps claims of fraud are baseless which is not the case.
2..Find something to get Trump on despite being found not guilty at the impeachment.
3. Scare republicans from peaceful protest again.
4. Distract from the disastrous current admin.

As far as Im concerned Jan 6 should be called national patriots day. I understand many of these people have been and still are being held without bail?

You know why I voted for Trump? Because people said he was narcissist, egotistical, and only cared about himself and his vanity.

Thats great so he wants to take credit for making america great again. He wins, we win.

If the quarterback or coach of your football team is only focused on winning games, does it really matter if hes doing it for himself or for the whole team?

The left is so intent on destroying Trump theyd vote for Biden and destroy us all?

Who is batshit crazy now?
Survivability should not be the standard but help me out with the math here!

Not all cases are reported. Not all Covid deaths are necessarily from Covid.
Death rate estimate has ranged from about 0.1% to about 5%.
Difference may be quality of data, quality of health care.

One source says insurance industry reports working age death rate has increased 40%. That would be a portion of the population normally in lower area of "bathtub curve" between infant mortality and wear-out (same applies to technology as to people.)

Many hospitals are suffering financially due to cancelling discretionary procedures. A few are overwhelmed. If federal bailouts do in fact give higher compensation for certain diagnosis and certain treatments, people up and down the organization know which side of their bread is buttered, even in the absence of any directives to augment revenue by fudging facts.

The 99.7% survivable may be a ways off. My point was the difficulty is determining benefit of treatment.
Much higher percentage suffering from Long Covid is significant, if it turns out to be permanent.

Same issue for the "adverse effects" data.
We know multiple people who had problems following vaccinations. One quite disabled by Guillain Barré following flu vaccine. Another had a stroke (but recovered) after Pfizer Covid vaccine. Too many given the "very rare" narrative. Do these represent normal background rate? I'm not sure.
Not all cases are reported. Not all Covid deaths are necessarily from Covid.
Death rate estimate has ranged from about 0.1% to about 5%.
Difference may be quality of data, quality of health care.

One source says insurance industry reports working age death rate has increased 40%. That would be a portion of the population normally in lower area of "bathtub curve" between infant mortality and wear-out (same applies to technology as to people.)

Many hospitals are suffering financially due to cancelling discretionary procedures. A few are overwhelmed. If federal bailouts do in fact give higher compensation for certain diagnosis and certain treatments, people up and down the organization know which side of their bread is buttered, even in the absence of any directives to augment revenue by fudging facts.

The 99.7% survivable may be a ways off. My point was the difficulty is determining benefit of treatment.
Much higher percentage suffering from Long Covid is significant, if it turns out to be permanent.

Same issue for the "adverse effects" data.
We know multiple people who had problems following vaccinations. One quite disabled by Guillain Barré following flu vaccine. Another had a stroke (but recovered) after Pfizer Covid vaccine. Too many given the "very rare" narrative. Do these represent normal background rate? I'm not sure.
Yes, I think the adverse effects data is reliable.

Weeding down into a specific case may be difficult, or impossible, (e.g. why did so and so have a stoke five days after the vaccine) but they do know the normal background rates and statistics are very reliable on a population-wide basis.

The mechanism is specific enough that they were able to identify the clotting problem with J & J and the myocarditis problem in young males from the mRNA vaccines even though in both instances you are talking about a low number in the context of millions of shots given.
That is not how it works, I earned my money as an electrician, that does not mean that alternating current does not exist.
It takes an incredible level of denial to not see the $$$ motive behind the scamdemic. Just saying.
You think Pfizer wants to vax 4 year olds out of altruistic reasons ? LOL, you'd have to be a dolt to believe that.
Very cool !
I just got my 67 back from the paint shop. It's an original SS396 but with a 489 big block

View attachment 78849
From 98 to 2002 I owned this pretty much ate my life up.

hearse05.jpgPicture011.jpgFirst photo has the original skulls with tiki torches which as it turns out were illegal to drive with. Second photo has the updated ones with blinking eyes. All 65 cadillacs had one engine, a 429 with 480 ftlbs of torque. Most of any american car according to chilton. They built over one million cadillacs at one plant in michegan that year.
Open the hood there was a carb, a coil, a distributor, and thats it. A pcv valve was its only emissions but the engine had some wear and would blow it off in seconds so had a blow by hose that went under the car. This had 2 alternators from the factory.
There was a disco dance floor in back, neon all over the sides (skulls and arrows to the door that said "fantasy zone" and a skeleton neon sign in back that said "club dead".
I only miss it around halloween.
Nice car, thats a lot of power not sure what Id do with it, Ill be 60 in june and that need to go fast faded awhile back. I like the low insurance premiums! Oh dont get me wrong every time I see a fast car go by and theres a lot Id like to take it for a spin.
A guy at my storage facility last week opened his rollup and pushed out an old malibu 2dr, think it was a 64, a little smaller than your 67. Same color or maybe a bit more aqua. It had a tubbed rear end I remarked it was probably a 9 second car. He said close, low 10s. Had AZ plates, shook the building when he started it. Similar rims to yours too. I like how youve got updated wide tires assume youve got some suspension mods too or thatd be scary to drive .

On that jan 6 clip, gee why doesnt the media cover that.... Seems like this continued investigation has several goals.
1. Allow them to beat in the message that Trumps claims of fraud are baseless which is not the case.
2..Find something to get Trump on despite being found not guilty at the impeachment.
3. Scare republicans from peaceful protest again.
4. Distract from the disastrous current admin.

As far as Im concerned Jan 6 should be called national patriots day. I understand many of these people have been and still are being held without bail?

You know why I voted for Trump? Because people said he was narcissist, egotistical, and only cared about himself and his vanity.

Thats great so he wants to take credit for making america great again. He wins, we win.

If the quarterback or coach of your football team is only focused on winning games, does it really matter if hes doing it for himself or for the whole team?

The left is so intent on destroying Trump theyd vote for Biden and destroy us all?

Who is batshit crazy now?
You are 100% correct. But don't think the media is convincing anyone except democrats that jan 6th was a "horrific day."
LOL Did you see Tucker Carlson rake Ted Cruz over the coals for saying Jan 6th was a "terrorist attack?"
Poor ol' Ted was apologizing and begging forgiveness. I'd say 65% of americans know that Jan 6th was a protest that got "slightly out of control."
The only one killed was a 110 lb woman by a racist cop . Will he ever be held accountable ?

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