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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

BMcL is not the sharpest tool in the box, he has made various false statements and when offered a chance to come up with solutions to the problems that even he himself identifies, it is crickets.

When studies show that invermectim does not work, a normal person would accept that research or if they have doubts, fund research that confirms or rejects the conclusions.

Most people who get covid are fine, plenty of people don't even have symptoms. Only a few end up in hospital and even fewer on a ventilator. Claims that some individuals were fine because they took invermectim only show that the dose of invermectim did not kill them, it doesn't show that invermectim prevented covid. At the same time those same people will reject studies of 50,000 people conducted in different parts of the world and believe that the vaccines are more dangerous than covid. It's easy to dismiss them as nutjobs, but it is how our brains work, some of us are only a little smarter than pigeons in that regard.
BMcL is not the sharpest tool in the box, he has made various false statements and when offered a chance to come up with solutions to the problems that even he himself identifies, it is crickets.

When studies show that invermectim does not work, a normal person would accept that research or if they have doubts, fund research that confirms or rejects the conclusions.

Most people who get covid are fine, plenty of people don't even have symptoms. Only a few end up in hospital and even fewer on a ventilator. Claims that some individuals were fine because they took invermectim only show that the dose of invermectim did not kill them, it doesn't show that invermectim prevented covid. At the same time those same people will reject studies of 50,000 people conducted in different parts of the world and believe that the vaccines are more dangerous than covid. It's easy to dismiss them as nutjobs, but it is how our brains work, some of us are only a little smarter than pigeons in that regard.
Some studies showed Ivermectin to be effective ..... some studies didn't. Were the studies that failed to show efficacy properly designed? ..... I don't know and don't want to get bogged down in arguing the effectiveness of a single medicine.

There are front line doctors all over the world treating Covid with off label medicines very effectively. Most of these doctors are using a combination of off label meds .... and know very well that the treatment must change after day 8 of the beginning of symptoms. Some are using Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine, but they are not using those meds stand alone. They are using them in combination with other medicines and know what stage of the illness requires what med .... Some are doing it so effectively it is staggering.
The key thing is that they aren't waiting til the patients are so sick they have to go to the hospital ..... They are treating them early ... and watching closely for what happens at day 8 when the course of the illness changes.

Dr Chetty in South Africa has now TREATED over 8000 patients with nothing but off label meds and hasn't lost a patient ..... He is treating these people out of a makeshift tent. Don't try to tell me that success is anecdotal because his methods haven't undergone double blind studies.
These front line doctors are sharing with other doctors all over the world ..... This South African doctor shared his knowledge with a doctor in Honduras. That doctor actually had the clout to get things changed so early treatment with off label meds became the primary focus .... Honduras has since been one of it not the most successful country at fighting Covid. At their peak of Omicron, they are only having 36 cases per week per 100,000 people .... compared to our peak over 2000.
It is becoming obvious that this two phased illness can be effectively treated with readily available medicines.

The only reason we can't do it in the US is because of a medical system that is improperly designed where the power is taken away from the doctors .... and they make these medicines VERY hard to get.

If you look for these things .... the truth of them can be found. It is just beyond short sighted to be ridiculing someone who is only trying to bring these things to light ..... and show the fallacy that the way to respond to this pandemic is to ONLY use vaccines.
Some studies showed Ivermectin to be effective ..... some studies didn't. Were the studies that failed to show efficacy properly designed? ..... I don't know and don't want to get bogged down in arguing the effectiveness of a single medicine.

There are front line doctors all over the world treating Covid with off label medicines very effectively. Most of these doctors are using a combination of off label meds .... and know very well that the treatment must change after day 8 of the beginning of symptoms. Some are using Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine, but they are not using those meds stand alone. They are using them in combination with other medicines and know what stage of the illness requires what med .... Some are doing it so effectively it is staggering.
The key thing is that they aren't waiting til the patients are so sick they have to go to the hospital ..... They are treating them early ... and watching closely for what happens at day 8 when the course of the illness changes.

Dr Chetty in South Africa has now TREATED over 8000 patients with nothing but off label meds and hasn't lost a patient ..... He is treating these people out of a makeshift tent. Don't try to tell me that success is anecdotal because his methods haven't undergone double blind studies.
These front line doctors are sharing with other doctors all over the world ..... This South African doctor shared his knowledge with a doctor in Honduras. That doctor actually had the clout to get things changed so early treatment with off label meds became the primary focus .... Honduras has since been one of it not the most successful country at fighting Covid. At their peak of Omicron, they are only having 36 cases per week per 100,000 people .... compared to our peak over 2000.
It is becoming obvious that this two phased illness can be effectively treated with readily available medicines.

The only reason we can't do it in the US is because of a medical system that is improperly designed where the power is taken away from the doctors .... and they make these medicines VERY hard to get.

If you look for these things .... the truth of them can be found. It is just beyond short sighted to be ridiculing someone who is only trying to bring these things to light ..... and show the fallacy that the way to respond to this pandemic is to ONLY use vaccines.
There are people who claimed that drinking your own urine was effective.

The smart thing to do is to follow the science and check the sources. Facebook and YouTube, tend to be bad. As an example when it comes to DIY Solar this is a pretty good forum. But a visitor coming here would get way to much information and even conflicting information. And few of us have the resources to check it all out.

Doctor suspended over COVID vaccine views plans to sue Houston Methodist​

She has treated 2000 Covid patients and has only lost 1 (2 minute video)

I admit I do not know much about her beyond that she is a specialist, ear nose and throat... does she treat critical care patients or just mild symptom patients? I heard her state the numbers but did they include her regular patients too? 2000 is a lot.
I would have expected the same thing .... but .... Our local health department has done the opposite. They said they don't have enough staff to track hospitalizations and deaths so they are only reporting cases now .... kinda odd what their priority is.
Hrm, that is concerning. Why would they have time to process Xhundreds of cases a day, but not the dozens or so hospitalizations and handful of deaths? I work with two different counties health departments and have heard the opposite. I guess that's just another fragmented approach on the county-state-federal level.
The masking narrative continues to crumble :

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To be fair... Omicron has run rampant through the large cities first, with New York and LA being the largest 2, and Chicago the 3rd. I lived around Chicago and can tell you moreso than other cities many more people commute in from the suburbs, so it has created basically a cycling condition where people go into work then bring it back out to the restaurants and stores.

That being said, enforcing a mask mandate when people wear cloth masks, gaiters, and loose surgical masks isn't going to protect people much... sure more than nothing, but proper fitting N95 works much better. As far as not being able to breathe in them, I guess it depends on the person. CO2 can build up a little but for most people nothing consequential.
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Here's the procedure

The coupling on the left is a generator, on the right is a steam turbine rotor.
You place a mag-base indicator on either side of the coupling and it reads the misalignment of the outer rim,
as you rotate the two couplings at the same time, keeping them aligned together.
Every 90 degrees of rotation, you measure the gap between the couplings at 4 points, 0 degrees, 90 ,180 and 270.
In my industry, it's called the "16 point Coupling Check".
I learned that in 1980.
Please stick to what you know and don't challenge people who will embarrass you about what you don't know !
Do you use feeler gauges to check the gapping?
Does anyone in this thread believe that vaccines overall do not help prevent serious disease among those who will develop more severe symptoms? I am not talking about kids, or healthy people with limited risk profiles, but those who actually end up in the hospital, the eldery, overweight, pre-existing conditions. Would you recommend the vaccine, or at least tell them to talk to their doctor about getting vaccinated, to your 80 year old overweight Uncle with diabetes?

Where is your keyboard made? Your socks? Underwear? Shoes? Computer case?

Go scan around your home and see how many things are made in China.. Then come back here and justify your comment.
You know what else is made in China? Covid 19.
I was more bashing Joe than China. The point is how convenient that his son took fat payments from Chinese businessmen, and now his father is pushing many policies that serve to enrich China. We will go through billions of chinese masks before this is done.
Biden is mandating a complete shift to electric cars... Virtually all powered by Chinese lithium batteries.
And Hunter sells his paintings to anonymous buyers...
After making millions for serving on the board of a company whose owners were being investigated by a Ukrainian prosecutor his dad got fired.
Just a few too many koinkydinks.
Do you guys (and gals) remember all the bodies in the street at the beginning of this crap? That was provably "fake news". If this virus is so bad why do they need to pretend like people are dying in the street to scare everybody?

If you don't like those sources, you can DDG search (Google doesn't bring hardly any results, imagine that) for "fake dead people street china corona lie news", there's TONS of results.
And here, the Daily Mail proceeds to scare the shit out of everybody with the same pictures. Good job guys.

And more fear porn from The Sun, that's been proven to be fake. More great reporting gents!

A lot of (but not all) the US news retracted it after they got caught, but not before deleting all the comments of people who called them out. You can check that out on the Wayback Machine.

Here's one that's a little more relevant to this forum. The NY Post was using pictures from an LG battery plant incident, of a dead body in the street, to claim that people were randomly dropping dead from covid.


You're being lied to to drive up stock prices and convince you to buy stuff you don't need. The funny part is they don't even have to convince you to do it, you try to convince everybody else for them. It's embarrassingly predictable.
I mean, how else you supposed to legally take bribes? Art has been a form of money laundering since the beginning of time.
We cant even be certain he paints the things himself, experts agree theyre awful anyway. Dont expect the media to report it as scandal. They were mostly mum on the clinton foundation even though that was obviously payola.
You know what else is made in China? Covid 19.
You know what? If covid 19 is a weapon, then those Chinese are much smarter than we are.... and that should scare you.

Its a good thing it probably isn't, but if you actually think it is, it should scare the crap out of you.
I was more bashing Joe than China. The point is how convenient that his son took fat payments from Chinese businessmen,
More unfounded conspiracy? What kind of evil this time? I've taken payments from China too, am I some treasonous traitor now as well?

And hey, at least he's pulling money OUT of China.. you're keyboard, socks and countless other purchases mean you are giving money TO CHINA. So which is worse?

and now his father is pushing many policies that serve to enrich China. We will go through billions of chinese masks before this is done.
Maybe.. the other option is that he bans Chinese masks and you start screaming about a conspiracy to kill everyone with covid because he wouldn't allow China to ship masks here.. It wouldn't matter what he did, you'd call it a conspiracy to hurt the USA.

Biden is mandating a complete shift to electric cars... Virtually all powered by Chinese lithium batteries.
Well that's just a load of horse crap. GM buy's their batteries from LG Chem. Go ahead and try to make your point.. List the vehicle and then tell us where the batteries are made..

And Hunter sells his paintings to anonymous buyers...

After making millions for serving on the board of a company whose owners were being investigated by a Ukrainian prosecutor his dad got fired.
Just a few too many koinkydinks.
Oh man, that's funny...

Everything is a conspiracy with you.
You know what? If covid 19 is a weapon, then those Chinese are much smarter than we are.... and that should scare you.

Its a good thing it probably isn't, but if you actually think it is, it should scare the crap out of you.

More unfounded conspiracy? What kind of evil this time? I've taken payments from China too, am I some treasonous traitor now as well?

And hey, at least he's pulling money OUT of China.. you're keyboard, socks and countless other purchases mean you are giving money TO CHINA. So which is worse?

Maybe.. the other option is that he bans Chinese masks and you start screaming about a conspiracy to kill everyone with covid because he wouldn't allow China to ship masks here.. It wouldn't matter what he did, you'd call it a conspiracy to hurt the USA.

Well that's just a load of horse crap. GM buy's their batteries from LG Chem. Go ahead and try to make your point.. List the vehicle and then tell us where the batteries are made..


Oh man, that's funny...

Everything is a conspiracy with you.
You think you can dismiss criminal actions by politicians and their families by just calling them conspiracy theories, because theyre from your party.
Youre only preaching to your own choir.
You dont think theres anything fishy about hunter bidens paintings. Great.

You have no credibility.
"GM buy's their batteries from LG Chem."

They recently entered a partnership for a future factory in the US. Nothing in production yet and if LG has supplied them cells in the past theyre likely Chinese.

The vast majority of lithium batteries are produced in China.

Did you see that I said Virtually all the batteries?

A Load of crap is what that weaksauce reply was.

The point stands Bidens policies like most everything else he does serves someone elses interest besides Americas. In this case that someone else gave his son millions of dollars to do nothing.
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You think you can dismiss criminal actions by politicians and their families by just calling them conspiracy theories, because theyre from your party.
I don't care what party they are from. If they do something illegal, the DOJ will investigate, and if you don't trust the DOJ, then you should probably leave the country because not much else will matter.

You have no knowledge, zero, zip, nada, of any illegal political activities by either party.. the only thing you know is what propagandists tell you, or what the media has told you. You are acting like a farm animal being lead around by their nose ring. They tell you what to think and you're gullible enough to believe it.

This is why you think everything is a conspiracy, its simply because someone told you it was a conspiracy.

Youre only preaching to your own choir.
You dont think theres anything fishy about hunter bidens paintings. Great.

You have no credibility.
Yup, that's a typical response.
Boris Johnson Scraps Covid Restrictions in England

Boris Johnson has scrapped England’s Plan B Covid restrictions, which include a call to work from home if possible and for mandatory face masks in indoor public settings.

They also included mandatory Covid certificates for large events and night clubs.

Vaccination reduces chances of long covid.

The vast majority of lithium batteries are produced in China.

Did you see that I said Virtually all the batteries?
I guess it depends on your definition of vast majority. I guess if Majority is 51% then Vast could be anywhere beyond that... Right now it looks like that number is somewhere in the range of 74-76%, which is definitely the majority.
"GM buy's their batteries from LG Chem."

They recently entered a partnership for a future factory in the US. Nothing in production yet and if LG has supplied them cells in the past theyre likely Chinese.
LG Chem cells for the Chevy Volt and Chevy BOLT are made in South Korea. You should check your facts because someone is leading you around with misinformation.

The vast majority of lithium batteries are produced in China.
Yes they are.. that's because they're mostly low quality, which means they're cheap.. and American's love low quality cheap crap. Looks like China took a page from our capitalism and is better than we are at it.

Meanwhile, American's want social security, unemployment, medical insurance, and to sue their own employer when they do something stupid.. and then they wonder why there aren't any jobs here or why they don't make more money from the crappy jobs they do have.

You're whining and crying about China kicking our ass.. and how its not fair.. and you want to blame someone.. When the truth is, its your own fault.. but you won't admit that to yourself so all it takes is an orange idiot to point the finger, assign blame, and you're on board.

Keep it up.. you might want to consider teaching your kids to speak Chinese because your bullshit excuses and crying don't mean squat.

A Load of crap is what that weaksauce reply was.

The point stands Bidens policies like most everything else he does serves someone elses interest besides Americas. In this case that someone else gave his son millions of dollars to do nothing.
LOL.. Every one of these politicians are self serving, your statement implies republicans don't do the exact same thing.

If its any interest to you, it was your own conservative greed that caused it. You should google Citizens United v. FEC and read about how the conservative supreme court allowed big business to have personhood in their political aspirations.. Then come back and tell me all about how democrats are ruining this country.

Damn are people utterly stupid... Reminds me of a drunk driver claiming "I can drive just fine after 4 beers"..
Arizona vaccine vs hospitalization and death.


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