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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence



Yes .....You are the reason the thread was renamed.
So you will need to explain the logistics of a single dr treating 8000 Covid patients.But that is enough fairy tale theater today.
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So,edit you will need to explain the logistics of a single dr treating 8000 Covid patients.But that is enough fairy tale theater today.
He works out of a tent ... You'll have to ask him how he has treated so many and save so many lives ...... He is a brilliant doctor who knows how clinical medicine works .... How many have you treated?
He works out of a tent ... You'll have to ask him how he has treated so many and save so many lives ...... He is a brilliant doctor who knows how clinical medicine works .... How many have you treated?
Uh huh. So you say. But, you also just told me he recommends female hormones for Covid.
Uh huh. So you say. But, you also just told me he recommends female hormones for Covid.
The only thing we know for sure from your posts is that you can always fall back on your carnie dunk tank experience.
Just as clever as your misinformation posts. Progesterone Bob.
If you don't understand what a typo is .... maybe you can find someone to explain it to you.
The fact that you continue to bring that up just accentuates how shallow you really are .... What ... no substantive arguments to offer.
I'm not surprised about the lack of substance ... because you can't attack anything I have said with substance.... only childish nonsense that isn't worthy of this forum.
Do you really fail to understand how this childish crap diminishes everything you say? You are nothing more than a heckler .... an empty bag .... everyone but you knows that.
A typo. Good lord. You accurately typed in the name of a completely different drug. Polyartic Bob
Every hospital has a Covid ward.There is no hospital with a vaccine injury ward.


Yes .....You are the reason the thread was renamed.

Sounds like the words of someone who knows they lost the argument.

I've been reading his posts and he's far more knowledgeable then you conspiracy / ivermectin folks are.
A typo. Good lord. You accurately typed in the name of a completely different drug. Polyartic Bob
So .... You thought about it a while ... and this was the substance you decided to post? LOL
There ARE effective treatments right now. Maybe you want to ignore that .... but some doctors are treating this VERY effectively.
I will leave it to the medical experts to decide if it is effective.
Why do you guys keep bringing this up? ... Is it because you need to have something you can make fun of? I haven't seen any of the doctors mention something like that in any context.
I used it as an example of what types of claims have been made. For example how do you know drinking your own urine is or is not an effective treatment. Again I listen to the consensus of the experts

You must be one because I have presented plenty of evidence that your are ignoring.
I ignore rumours and conspiracy theories (to put it politely)
This guy has actually treated a massive amount of patients ... successfully ... It doesn't matter if I ignore my doctor because he has no treatment options to offer.
I want you to be right, but with all the misinformation going about, you will understand why I want to.see more evidence.
The smart play is to do what works.
We agree on that, you trust one doctor, I trust the scientific method.
It is not smart to have no treatment options available to front line doctors.
Sometimes there aren't any, and there is nothing wrong with trying different things in those cases, providing it doesn't kill the patient.
This illness changes at the 8th day
Does it?
.... that is why I am calling it an illness rather than a virus.
The illness is caused by a virus. .a virus for which we have an effective, but imperfect vaccine.
While the first phase is a virus ... what happens after that is NOT viral pneumonia ... it is a systemic reaction to the spike protein. The treatment before the 8th day is pretty much as you would treat any virus .... what happens on the 8th day after the first symptom determines how serious it is going to be and the treatment from that 8th day on needs to be much different than while it is still acting like a typical virus.

If my doctor, who follows mainstream science and keeps up to date with the latest developments, recommends a treat, I would certainly follow it.

I really fail to see why you'd want other people to ignore their doctors.
Bob B said:
While the first phase is a virus ... what happens after that is NOT viral pneumonia ... it is a systemic reaction to the spike protein. The treatment before the 8th day is pretty much as you would treat any virus .... what happens on the 8th day after the first symptom determines how serious it is going to be and the treatment from that 8th day on needs to be much different than while it is still acting like a typical virus.

I am curious where you got this. You are saying that the first phase is a virus (I assume it isn't 8 days exactly for everyone?), and the second phase is a systemic reaction to the virus (which has the spike protein). Or are you saying the spike protein somehow breaks off from the rest of the virus? If it is no longer acting like a virus does that mean it has stopped replicating for everyone at this point?

I am not doubting you just asking for more information as this seems like it might be related to a specific set of circumstances rather than an umbrella description.
I am curious where you got this. You are saying that the first phase is a virus (I assume it isn't 8 days exactly for everyone?), and the second phase is a systemic reaction to the virus (which has the spike protein). Or are you saying the spike protein somehow breaks off from the rest of the virus? If it is no longer acting like a virus does that mean it has stopped replicating for everyone at this point?

I am not doubting you just asking for more information as this seems like it might be related to a specific set of circumstances rather than an umbrella description.
I did see one of the doctors describe it as :

It starts with virus replication
Which then triggers inflammation, or a cytokine storm.
This, in turn, leads to blood clotting. If enough micro blood clots form in the lungs, a person can’t get enough oxygen and dies.

It’s a complex process, and no single drug is going to work to treat it, which is why doctors use a combination of drugs, as is done to treat HIV, staph and other infections.
UK releases Covid, case, hospitalization and death rates for unvaccinated vs boosted.


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Switzerland releases data on deaths for unvaccinated, vaccinated, and those with booster.


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Bob B said:
While the first phase is a virus ... what happens after that is NOT viral pneumonia ... it is a systemic reaction to the spike protein. The treatment before the 8th day is pretty much as you would treat any virus .... what happens on the 8th day after the first symptom determines how serious it is going to be and the treatment from that 8th day on needs to be much different than while it is still acting like a typical virus.

I am curious where you got this. You are saying that the first phase is a virus (I assume it isn't 8 days exactly for everyone?), and the second phase is a systemic reaction to the virus (which has the spike protein). Or are you saying the spike protein somehow breaks off from the rest of the virus? If it is no longer acting like a virus does that mean it has stopped replicating for everyone at this point?

I am not doubting you just asking for more information as this seems like it might be related to a specific set of circumstances rather than an umbrella description.
This is some stuff Bob picked up from his new beloved, the kooky general practitioner in South Africa.

It is true of one segment of Covid patients although either Bob or the kook have mangled the terminology. Probably both.

There are many mainstream scientists that believe Covid is not primarily, or not at all, a respiratory disease but rather an immune disease or vascular disease. I would not be surprised if it turns out to be all of the above and more.

In a segment of patients after an initial infection period and even apparent recovery, the immune system will significantly over-respond and start harming the body. This is called the cytokine storm. This is only one of the ways Covid kills, hospitalizes, or disables but that does not fit Bob's kooky doctor's narrative. WHO just recommended another medication for this type of situation. The FDA has had it available for treatment under an EUA for some time.

Whether or not covid causes viral pneumonia is semantics and a ridiculous point. It causes pneumonia due to a virus but Covid is a very very serious disease that impacts multiple systems in the body. Somehow Bob discards this point whenever I talk about the extreme unknown risk but when an antivax kook makes the point on youtube he is ALL IN.

The focus on the spike protein is also bizarre and used by this "doctor" to fuel a very very bizarre antivaccine narrative and thus we are forced once again to rely on his "special protocol". Anti-vax nonsense.
Bob B said:
While the first phase is a virus ... what happens after that is NOT viral pneumonia ... it is a systemic reaction to the spike protein. The treatment before the 8th day is pretty much as you would treat any virus .... what happens on the 8th day after the first symptom determines how serious it is going to be and the treatment from that 8th day on needs to be much different than while it is still acting like a typical virus.

I am curious where you got this. You are saying that the first phase is a virus (I assume it isn't 8 days exactly for everyone?), and the second phase is a systemic reaction to the virus (which has the spike protein). Or are you saying the spike protein somehow breaks off from the rest of the virus? If it is no longer acting like a virus does that mean it has stopped replicating for everyone at this point?

I am not doubting you just asking for more information as this seems like it might be related to a specific set of circumstances rather than an umbrella description.
Here is Bob B's witch doctor's exceedingly crazy claim.

He attributes everything to the spike protein (this is why Bob is yammering about the spike protein). He then says that by giving the vaccine we are creating the spike protein which is just as dangerous as the virus itself.

Here is the kicker though. He claims the vaccine created spike protein causes a delayed reaction, which is why it isn't apparent now, but it was intentionally created, as was the virus itself, to allow worldwide domination and control.

By elevating the spike protein to the sole causative agent, dr Kookbag, not only can say the vaccine is worst than the virus but can he can pawn off his special remedies.

So Bob B's special friend says the virus was created as part of a worldwide conspiracy and that the vaccine was intentionally created to kill later in the second round of deaths. He says: " those are the deaths that are ‘meant’ to follow – and they will never be pinned on the spike protein – a very well engineered toxin.'

You ask:
"Well why would governments around the world create a killer virus and then propose a remedy that would also kill?". Well here is what Bob's BFF 'doctor" says about that:

“But I think if people understand what the intention is, then we’ll understand why what’s happened has happened.

“The illogic, the coercion, the suppression, is all warranted, if you understand that there is a bigger plan.

“This plan is to make sure that we can control, and kill off, a large proportion of our population without anyone suspecting that we were poisoned.

“We’ve given up our freedoms, we were told that jail is the best place for us to be secure, so we willingly went down that road.

“Now today, if we want our freedoms back, they’ve got a ‘mandated vaccine’.

This is the absolute bullshit Bob wants us to believe. It is INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So is BOB trying to intentionally mislead us? Is he this stupid????

Bob B said:
While the first phase is a virus ... what happens after that is NOT viral pneumonia ... it is a systemic reaction to the spike protein. The treatment before the 8th day is pretty much as you would treat any virus .... what happens on the 8th day after the first symptom determines how serious it is going to be and the treatment from that 8th day on needs to be much different than while it is still acting like a typical virus.

I am curious where you got this. You are saying that the first phase is a virus (I assume it isn't 8 days exactly for everyone?), and the second phase is a systemic reaction to the virus (which has the spike protein). Or are you saying the spike protein somehow breaks off from the rest of the virus? If it is no longer acting like a virus does that mean it has stopped replicating for everyone at this point?

I am not doubting you just asking for more information as this seems like it might be related to a specific set of circumstances rather than an umbrella description.
The first time I heard the "8th day" phenomena was from the South African Dr Chetty. The way he describes it is that if you are going to have severe illness is will start presenting itself on the 8th day with a change in symptoms. He says that sometimes, the flu like symptoms have nearly disappeared and then suddenly new symptoms appear on the 8th day from first symptoms.
His theory is that this is an allergic reaction to the spike protein and that the spike protein may have been dislodged when the virus was killed by the immune system ..... This part is pure speculation .... except he says saw a huge change in how fast he can resolve the symptoms after adding a histamine to his drug cocktail when the allergic type symptoms appear on the 8th day.
He says that if a bee stings you on the butt .... your lips swell up. This reaction to the spike protein presents itself in the lung.
He says he tells his patients to call him immediately if they experience any change in symptoms on the 8th day ..... but that now his patients have usually already told each other about it. If he isn't going to be available 8 days after their first symptom, he writes a script for the meds ahead of time with detailed instruction on how to use them.
He says he only treats people symptomatically at the onset of the illness and concentrates his treatment to stopping any 8th day symptom changes as quickly as possible .... at that point he uses corticosteroids, antihistamines, anti-leukotrienes, and anti-coagulants with dosages depending on how severe the symptoms are and how the patient recovers .... He claims with this approach he has treated people with oxygen levels as low as 70 and returned them to normal as quickly as 4 hours.
It's hard to argue with his success .... he has trained other doctors around the world with his protocols and they are being very effectively in places like Honduras where the government health agencies adopted his approach.
The thing that bugs me is how many people could have been saved if we had adopted ANY early treatment protocols .... Dr McCullough and the group he works with has devised a very similar protocol that they have used effectively as well.

This 8th day reaction only occurs in some people ... other people are pretty much well after the viral stage and don't have the reaction to the spike protein.

Since I saw him mention this phenomena, I have watched videos with several doctors brainstorming .... when they hear this theory they pretty much all say ... yeah, that is how the progression works .... and why different treatments are required in the first 8 days than after.

I have attached a PDF with Dr Chetty's 8th day protocol as interpreted and used by others. This document was put together in May 2021 ... I don't know if there have been updates since then.
I am not recommending anyone use this treatment protocol ... just offering up for discussion.


  • COVID-Rx-4-DR-CHETTY-8th_day_therapy_may_12_2021.pdf
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The first time I heard the "8th day" phenomena was from the South African Dr Chetty. The way he describes it is that if you are going to have severe illness is will start presenting itself on the 8th day with a change in symptoms. He says that sometimes, the flu like symptoms have nearly disappeared and then suddenly new symptoms appear on the 8th day from first symptoms.
His theory is that this is an allergic reaction to the spike protein and that the spike protein may have been dislodged when the virus was killed by the immune system ..... This part is pure speculation .... except he says saw a huge change in how fast he can resolve the symptoms after adding a histamine to his drug cocktail when the allergic type symptoms appear on the 8th day.
He says that if a bee stings you on the butt .... your lips swell up. This reaction to the spike protein presents itself in the lung.
He says he tells his patients to call him immediately if they experience any change in symptoms on the 8th day ..... but that now his patients have usually already told each other about it. If he isn't going to be available 8 days after their first symptom, he writes a script for the meds ahead of time with detailed instruction on how to use them.
He says he only treats people symptomatically at the onset of the illness and concentrates his treatment to stopping any 8th day symptom changes as quickly as possible .... at that point he uses corticosteroids, antihistamines, anti-leukotrienes, and anti-coagulants with dosages depending on how severe the symptoms are and how the patient recovers .... He claims with this approach he has treated people with oxygen levels as low as 70 and returned them to normal as quickly as 4 hours.
It's hard to argue with his success .... he has trained other doctors around the world with his protocols and they are being very effectively in places like Honduras where the government health agencies adopted his approach.
The thing that bugs me is how many people could have been saved if we had adopted ANY early treatment protocols .... Dr McCullough and the group he works with has devised a very similar protocol that they have used effectively as well.

This 8th day reaction only occurs in some people ... other people are pretty much well after the viral stage and don't have the reaction to the spike protein.

Since I saw him mention this phenomena, I have watched videos with several doctors brainstorming .... when they hear this theory they pretty much all say ... yeah, that is how the progression works .... and why different treatments are required in the first 8 days than after.

I have attached a PDF with Dr Chetty's 8th day protocol as interpreted and used by others. This document was put together in May 2021 ... I don't know if there have been updates since then.
I am not recommending anyone use this treatment protocol ... just offering up for discussion.
The first time I heard the "8th day" phenomena was from the South African Dr Chetty. LOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLLOOL
The first time I heard the "8th day" phenomena was from the South African Dr Chetty. The way he describes it is that if you are going to have severe illness is will start presenting itself on the 8th day with a change in symptoms. He says that sometimes, the flu like symptoms have nearly disappeared and then suddenly new symptoms appear on the 8th day from first symptoms.
His theory is that this is an allergic reaction to the spike protein and that the spike protein may have been dislodged when the virus was killed by the immune system ..... This part is pure speculation .... except he says saw a huge change in how fast he can resolve the symptoms after adding a histamine to his drug cocktail when the allergic type symptoms appear on the 8th day.
He says that if a bee stings you on the butt .... your lips swell up. This reaction to the spike protein presents itself in the lung.
He says he tells his patients to call him immediately if they experience any change in symptoms on the 8th day ..... but that now his patients have usually already told each other about it. If he isn't going to be available 8 days after their first symptom, he writes a script for the meds ahead of time with detailed instruction on how to use them.
He says he only treats people symptomatically at the onset of the illness and concentrates his treatment to stopping any 8th day symptom changes as quickly as possible .... at that point he uses corticosteroids, antihistamines, anti-leukotrienes, and anti-coagulants with dosages depending on how severe the symptoms are and how the patient recovers .... He claims with this approach he has treated people with oxygen levels as low as 70 and returned them to normal as quickly as 4 hours.
It's hard to argue with his success .... he has trained other doctors around the world with his protocols and they are being very effectively in places like Honduras where the government health agencies adopted his approach.
The thing that bugs me is how many people could have been saved if we had adopted ANY early treatment protocols .... Dr McCullough and the group he works with has devised a very similar protocol that they have used effectively as well.

This 8th day reaction only occurs in some people ... other people are pretty much well after the viral stage and don't have the reaction to the spike protein.

Since I saw him mention this phenomena, I have watched videos with several doctors brainstorming .... when they hear this theory they pretty much all say ... yeah, that is how the progression works .... and why different treatments are required in the first 8 days than after.

I have attached a PDF with Dr Chetty's 8th day protocol as interpreted and used by others. This document was put together in May 2021 ... I don't know if there have been updates since then.
I am not recommending anyone use this treatment protocol ... just offering up for discussion.
Scientists have known about the phases of Covid from the very first month!!!!

It is not an allergic response. It is an immune response to a pathogen.

Anticoagulants and steroid treatments are hospital treatments that require extremely close monitoring. Anticoagulant therapy especially can be deadly if the numbers get off. These are IV treatments. But he says he never had a patient in the hospital.

If you do a quick search you will see in the recent past he has said he has treated 4,000--6,000, 8,000, and 9,000 patients. Not only is it contradictory but it is coming without verification from a guy that says the virus and vaccine were engineered for the purpose of world domination. Holy SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You watched him brainstorming with other doctors? He doesnt consult with other doctors. Here is the kins of snake-oil he does!!!!!

"Panelists denounced COVID-19 vaccines and advocated alternative treatments such as horse dewormer ivermectin, antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine, vitamins and essential oils, many in direct conflict with mainstream medical advice."

That is a panel of Frontline KOOKS.
In Honduras .... a group of doctors also started TREATING Covid .... it turned the epidemic around in that country. They are using different meds than Dr Chetty and still being successful.
Below, the data shows that they have peaked at around 36 cases per week per 100,000 people .... our peak has been around 1,700 per 100,000
Anywhere doctors are actually doing early treatment of Covid is beating the pants off of the US where early treatment has been made very difficult.

The first time I heard the "8th day" phenomena was from the South African Dr Chetty. The way he describes it is that if you are going to have severe illness is will start presenting itself on the 8th day with a change in symptoms. He says that sometimes, the flu like symptoms have nearly disappeared and then suddenly new symptoms appear on the 8th day from first symptoms.
His theory is that this is an allergic reaction to the spike protein and that the spike protein may have been dislodged when the virus was killed by the immune system ..... This part is pure speculation .... except he says saw a huge change in how fast he can resolve the symptoms after adding a histamine to his drug cocktail when the allergic type symptoms appear on the 8th day.
He says that if a bee stings you on the butt .... your lips swell up. This reaction to the spike protein presents itself in the lung.
He says he tells his patients to call him immediately if they experience any change in symptoms on the 8th day ..... but that now his patients have usually already told each other about it. If he isn't going to be available 8 days after their first symptom, he writes a script for the meds ahead of time with detailed instruction on how to use them.
He says he only treats people symptomatically at the onset of the illness and concentrates his treatment to stopping any 8th day symptom changes as quickly as possible .... at that point he uses corticosteroids, antihistamines, anti-leukotrienes, and anti-coagulants with dosages depending on how severe the symptoms are and how the patient recovers .... He claims with this approach he has treated people with oxygen levels as low as 70 and returned them to normal as quickly as 4 hours.
It's hard to argue with his success .... he has trained other doctors around the world with his protocols and they are being very effectively in places like Honduras where the government health agencies adopted his approach.
The thing that bugs me is how many people could have been saved if we had adopted ANY early treatment protocols .... Dr McCullough and the group he works with has devised a very similar protocol that they have used effectively as well.

This 8th day reaction only occurs in some people ... other people are pretty much well after the viral stage and don't have the reaction to the spike protein.

Since I saw him mention this phenomena, I have watched videos with several doctors brainstorming .... when they hear this theory they pretty much all say ... yeah, that is how the progression works .... and why different treatments are required in the first 8 days than after.

I have attached a PDF with Dr Chetty's 8th day protocol as interpreted and used by others. This document was put together in May 2021 ... I don't know if there have been updates since then.
I am not recommending anyone use this treatment protocol ... just offering up for discussion.
He says prednisone but dont you want people to take progesterone and a polyartic cocktail???????

Just wondering. Very confused.
In Honduras .... a group of doctors also started TREATING Covid .... it turned the epidemic around in that country. They are using different meds than Dr Chetty and still being successful.
Below, the data shows that they have peaked at around 36 cases per week per 100,000 people .... our peak has been around 1,700 per 100,000
Anywhere doctors are actually doing early treatment of Covid is beating the pants off of the US where early treatment has been made very difficult.

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sure well who cares if the fake treatment is different from the other fake treatment. You might as well give them soy sauce.

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