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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

It still does not prevent infection or the spreading of the virus. You are simply talking in circles.
If not boosted you have a 30% reduction. I sure would not rely on it but it is a reduction. Boosted does stop Omicron infection at a much higher rate but that only lasts 9 weeks, as far as we know.
Dhasper : Never expose yourself to the virus

LOL. Why can't you just stay inside your house and leave everyone else alone instead of wanting to control everyone ?
I want to stop misinformation that overburdens hospital. I guess I never told you that before.
Yep like I said. The vaccines to not prevent infection or transmission. (reduce yes prevent no)
No, previous
Yep like I said. The vaccines to not prevent infection or transmission. (reduce yes prevent no)
I see so when Smokey the Bear said “Only you can prevent forest fires”, he meant every forest fire ever? What you are talking about is a sterilizing vaccine. No one ever, from the beginning of this, said the mRNA vaccines were sterilizing. No one. You are creating a straw man argument.
Impressive Early Treatment Study of over 4000 in California (Ivermectin & HCQ)


Impressive Early Treatment Study of over 4000 in California (Ivermectin & HCQ)

View attachment 80594

Wondered when one of you would stumble across this. It has already been discredited.
Wondered when one of you would stumble across this. It has already been discredited.
In the
Impressive Early Treatment Study of over 4000 in California (Ivermectin & HCQ)

View attachment 80594

In the title, what does it say? A case series and observational study. Is that the kind of evidence needed. No. Case study and observation are the second to lowest rung. One above animal studies.
When you start researching treatment .... you run across things like this ..... that perfectly explain why we still have no officially sanctioned early treatment protocols.

Of course Dr Zelenko will be another nut case who has no idea what he is talking about.
When you start researching treatment .... you run across things like this ..... that perfectly explain why we still have no officially sanctioned early treatment protocols.

Of course Dr Zelenko will be another nut case who has no idea what he is talking about.
No we don’t. Which goes against the narrative that FDA will approve anything for Big Pharma. Nothin exists except basic measures. That doesn’t mean we should make stuff out. I will post tomorrow but India just modified their treatment protocols. All reference to HCQ, Azithro and Ivermectin are gone. There was no science to support.
Nobody believes your side anymore. Lies, lies and more lies
Oh does the study not say it is a case series? Do they give any dosages etc. They gave about 12 meds and had no placebo group. Nonsense. It is a preprint. It is neither peer reviewed nor published.
No we don’t. Which goes against the narrative that FDA will approve anything for Big Pharma. Nothin exists except basic measures. That doesn’t mean we should make stuff out. I will post tomorrow but India just modified their treatment protocols. All reference to HCQ, Azithro and Ivermectin are gone. There was no science to support.
The politics of this is why Dr Chetty no longer uses Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin.
It isn't because they don't work .... it is that he has developed a protocol that is extremely effective without using them ... so, he can evade the politics they bring.
I have no doubt that his protocol would be even better if he used hydroxychloroquine in the first days .... during the viral part of the illness.
The Dr Zelenko video I posted shows how coordinated the attack has been on these medicines.
Avoiding the politics is the reason Uttar Pradesh wouldn't release the info about what was in the med packs they distributed.
Pfizer owns the company used to fact check Twitter .... Pfizer funds the news agencies that call Ivermectin horse de-wormer.

We just gotta wake up and try to figure out how to support these front line clinical doctors that are doing such good work actually treating people ... In spite of all the pressure to get in line, they put their patients ahead of all that ...... They are some of the best of humanity.
Those trying to destroy their reputations are some of the worst of humanity.
If you watch any one of these brave committed doctors speak ..... there is no doubt of their competence and motives.
The politics of this is why Dr Chetty no longer uses Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin.
It isn't because they don't work .... it is that he has developed a protocol that is extremely effective without using them ... so, he can evade the politics they bring.
I have no doubt that his protocol would be even better if he used hydroxychloroquine in the first days .... during the viral part of the illness.
The Dr Zelenko video I posted shows how coordinated the attack has been on these medicines.
Avoiding the politics is the reason Uttar Pradesh wouldn't release the info about what was in the med packs they distributed.
Pfizer owns the company used to fact check Twitter .... Pfizer funds the news agencies that call Ivermectin horse de-wormer.

We just gotta wake up and try to figure out how to support these front line clinical doctors that are doing such good work actually treating people ... In spite of all the pressure to get in line, they put their patients ahead of all that ...... They are some of the best of humanity.
You mean front line as in FLCCC doctors?
The politics of this is why Dr Chetty no longer uses Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin.
It isn't because they don't work .... it is that he has developed a protocol that is extremely effective without using them ... so, he can evade the politics they bring.
I have no doubt that his protocol would be even better if he used hydroxychloroquine in the first days .... during the viral part of the illness.
The Dr Zelenko video I posted shows how coordinated the attack has been on these medicines.
Avoiding the politics is the reason Uttar Pradesh wouldn't release the info about what was in the med packs they distributed.
Pfizer owns the company used to fact check Twitter .... Pfizer funds the news agencies that call Ivermectin horse de-wormer.

We just gotta wake up and try to figure out how to support these front line clinical doctors that are doing such good work actually treating people ... In spite of all the pressure to get in line, they put their patients ahead of all that ...... They are some of the best of humanity.
Those trying to destroy their reputations are some of the worst of humanity.
If you watch any one of these brave committed doctors speak ..... there is no doubt of their competence and motives.
So I did not read this. Chetty does not use Ivermectin and HCQ anymore? Want this on the protocol pdf you posted? (Not at my computer). If he believes it and can do it legally why wouldn’t he save lives? Does he think his other stuff is equally effective?
You mean front line as in FLCCC doctors?
I have named a few different doctors in my posts .... showing the treatment protocols they are using with great success.
Which end of the humanity spectrum are you on?
So I did not read this. Chetty does not use Ivermectin and HCQ anymore? Want this on the protocol pdf you posted? (Not at my computer). If he believes it and can do it legally why wouldn’t he save lives? Does he think his other stuff is equally effective?
I told you .... he can quickly resolve their illness without using them. Many of his patients can't afford those meds. They are too political. He acknowledges their effectiveness if asked. I have watched several of his interviews.
They aren't in his 8Th day protocol that I posted.

They are optional medicines in the protocols Dr McCollough and his group recommends.

I think that lady who started her own clinic is using intravenous meds .... there are a LOT of ways to effectively treat this illness's criminal they aren't recognized or officially recommended.
I have named a few different doctors in my posts .... showing the treatment protocols they are using with great success.
Which end of the humanity spectrum are you on?
I quit the practice of law to become a nurse and actually care for people. I believe in science based medicine. I believe we should put others before ourselves.
I have named a few different doctors in my posts .... showing the treatment protocols they are using with great success.
Which end of the humanity spectrum are you on?
There just is no documentation of the success Bob. Saying something does not make it true.
I quit the practice of law to become a nurse and actually care for people. I believe in science based medicine. I believe we should put others before ourselves.
If that's the case .... you need to REALLY do some self examination to figure out why you routinely try to delegitimize those who are doing great work.
There just is no documentation of the success Bob. Saying something does not make it true.
In my book it does ..... I can watch these people speak and KNOW they are telling the truth. I can also watch a charlatan and know that also. When the battle is over, a lot more of the skirmishes will be documented. Anecdotal evidence of what works is the only thing we have that is reliable ... the data that we are supposed to be able to rely on is corrupted .... Even HHS spokes people are starting to admit this.
In my book it does ..... I can watch these people speak and KNOW they are telling the truth. I can also watch a charlatan and know that also. When the battle is over, a lot more of the skirmishes will be documented. Anecdotal evidence of what works is the only thing we have that is reliable ... the data that we are supposed to be able to rely on is corrupted .... Even HHS spokes people are starting to admit this.
We have methods and procedures for scientific evidence. You cannot see what is wrong because you do not understand the parameters. I don’t mean that in an offensive way. I just mean you do not understand the protocols and underlying rational because you have no background in it. You cannot ask the right questions. Again, that is not a criticism or meant to diminish you. I am not name calling— for the moment. If the things they described worked, especially as effectively as they claim, then they would have no trouble proving it. They don’t and can’t. In addition to my medical training I have decades of legal experience in recognizing fraud, inconsistencies and lies. They are saying things that consistently blend fact and distortion of truth. They say enough so sound legitimate. Whenever you put the right questions to them they deflect. They never have data which amounts to anything more than “trust me”. The overwhelming thing is that if what they said is true they could easily document it. They never do. This is fraud.

diy solar

diy solar