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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

The fast majority of people are vaccinated. Again proving that you are a liar and not a follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ.
All people are sinners Johnson. At least know what Jesus taught us.
Everything you say is controlled by your communistic beliefs that the individual must submit to whatever the majority wants.
That's not how America works. I think you will be happier staying in Canada.
This is an opinion article from a non-doctor.
He claims "ivermectin is not recommended for Covid" but ignores the fact it can be used for Covid, unlike here in the US.
After medical authorities recommended using ivermectin on August 13th, covid death rates plummeted to almost zero.
All people are sinners Johnson. At least know what Jesus taught us.
Everything you say is controlled by your communistic beliefs that the individual must submit to whatever the majority wants.
That's not how America works. I think you will be happier staying in Canada.
Okay Bat Man cl. You have a batman car and named yourself after batman. But you lecture Johnson on political theology from your toy car. I am sure it mildly amuses him.
This is an opinion article from a non-doctor.
He claims "ivermectin is not recommended for Covid" but ignores the fact it can be used for Covid, unlike here in the US.
After medical authorities recommended using ivermectin on August 13th, covid death rates plummeted to almost zero.
He is an epidemiologist from the UK and part of the science fraud team.
This is an opinion article from a non-doctor.
He claims "ivermectin is not recommended for Covid" but ignores the fact it can be used for Covid, unlike here in the US.
After medical authorities recommended using ivermectin on August 13th, covid death rates plummeted to almost zero.
I don't think you actually read the article.
New dashboards from NY show 82% of all reported reinfections have occurred since Dec 13, 2021, around the time Omicron became dominant in the state, and that vaccines continue to provide strong protection against hospitalization from Covid (consistently higher than 90% efficacy).


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All people are sinners Johnson.
So you are arguing that it is okay to lie?

At least know what Jesus taught us.
I do.

Everything you say is controlled by your communistic beliefs that the individual must submit to whatever the majority wants.
Communism is an economic system. One that I understand and can see the beauty of, but do not subscribe to.
That's not how America works.
I don't think there is any one, least of all the most radical communist, who would disagree.
I think you will be happier staying in Canada.

Oh there are even better countries to live in than Canada. The US isn't one of my opinion.

I am still waiting for your solution for chrony capitalism.
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This is an opinion article from a non-doctor.
He claims "ivermectin is not recommended for Covid" but ignores the fact it can be used for Covid, unlike here in the US.
After medical authorities recommended using ivermectin on August 13th, covid death rates plummeted to almost zero.
Why do you keep lying?
Normal people don't, know that, conspiracy theorists on the other hand...

Why do you need to know? The virus is mutating all the time. I will leave that to the specialist working for your CDC or other authorities.

You are talking like a conspiracy theorist, so you are probably a conspiracy theorist.

That is not meant as an insult, that is an honest observation.
I know you will never see the importance of early treatment of this illness until Anthony Fauci comes out and says it is important .... He is so invested in a different narrative .... that will never happen. He is just going to have to be fired.

So .... recognizing the necessity of early treatment makes a person a conspiracy theorist .... That makes so much sense I don't know why I didn't see it before.
That depends on what you believe is "great work." I know that I am not qualified to question the medical profession and follow the advice of my doctor. Just like I trust the structural engineer when it comes to bridge safety. Sure even professionale make mistakes, but they would do a much better job than I could.
Would you hire that engineer if the last bridge he built fell down killing a lot of people?

Just take a 2nd to look at the history of Aids and AZT .... Who was that?
Yes it am be done. That is how we get protocols.
So ...... you think all these doctors are liars?
Just to pick Dr Chetty .... He has been doing this interviews for a while now. Do You REALLY think that if he was lying that other doctors .... or patients ... or just people who know him wouldn't have popped up and revealed the truth .... He is telling the truth .... So are the other front line clinical doctors.
That depends on what you believe is "great work." I know that I am not qualified to question the medical profession and follow the advice of my doctor.
I think "great work" is creating a cocktail of existing medicines .... using it to treat thousands and saving a LOT lives of ..... even in the face of people like you who want to do nothing but try to tear them down.
"Many people who experience neurologic symptoms that linger after acute COVID-19 are less than 50 years old and were healthy and active prior to infection"
Did you really look at Honduras success story?

What amazes me is that you guys are running around hating on those evil unvaccinated people .... they are killing themselves and other people.
What you totally fail to realize is the failure to mainstream ANY of these early treatment protocols is actually what has killed untold numbers of people. Writing totally fake articles about hydroxychloroquine and somehow getting them published in the Lancet ... is killing people by discouraging them from using life saving medicines. YOU guys denying the obvious lifesaving treatments ... is killing people.

So ...... you think all these doctors are liars?
Just to pick Dr Chetty .... He has been doing this interviews for a while now. Do You REALLY think that if he was lying that other doctors .... or patients ... or just people who know him wouldn't have popped up and revealed the truth .... He is telling the truth .... So are the other front line clinical doctors.
Absolutely. Unqualifiedly.
Absolutely. Unqualifiedly.
A better question for you.

Chetty says both the virus and the vaccine were created with the express purpose of killing people in a plan to gain world domination. What do you think Bob. You always refuse to answer the question.
A better question for you.

Chetty says both the virus and the vaccine were created with the express purpose of killing people in a plan to gain world domination. What do you think Bob. You always refuse to answer the question.
I am not going to get dragged into a discussion I don't think is relevant .... what is relevant is whether the treatment protocol he has developed is effective or not ... has he really used it to save all these lives?
If it weren't true .... his peers would be all over him .... I see you can't be convinced of what is right in front of you so I am done trying.
Why do you want to participate in killing people by helping withhold lifesaving treatments?
Absolutely. Unqualifiedly.
There are success stories all over the world .... It has to be delusion or mass formation that causes you to deny the obvious.... or the other possibility that you are part of the propaganda side of this.
I'm just angry at myself for wasting the time trying to show you the truth. I am somewhat confounded that the depth of denial is so strong.
Does the Dallas Buyers Club mean anything to you?

I'm going back to ignoring you and the others who refuse to see ... I have better things to do.
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Back to TROLL?
He would like us to forget that he argued for days that zinc doesnt help, then later posted recommending zinc pills.

This is the person who wished we were dead.

I can only conclude he is here to troll and disrupt any progressive discourse.
He would like us to forget that he argued for days that zinc doesnt help, then later posted recommending zinc pills.

This is the person who wished we were dead.

I can only conclude he is here to troll and disrupt any progressive discourse.
I said I would take them. Nothing to lose.

Go play Batman freak.
He would like us to forget that he argued for days that zinc doesnt help, then later posted recommending zinc pills.

This is the person who wished we were dead.

I can only conclude he is here to troll and disrupt any progressive discourse.


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I don't care what party they are from. If they do something illegal, the DOJ will investigate, and if you don't trust the DOJ, then you should probably leave the country because not much else will matter.

You have no knowledge, zero, zip, nada, of any illegal political activities by either party.. the only thing you know is what propagandists tell you, or what the media has told you. You are acting like a farm animal being lead around by their nose ring. They tell you what to think and you're gullible enough to believe it.

This is why you think everything is a conspiracy, its simply because someone told you it was a conspiracy.

Yup, that's a typical response.
Youre waiting for the DOJ to investigate the Biden family crime syndicate.... I doubt thats going to happen when mob boss daddy has everyone from the secret service on down in his pocket.

Why else would they try to hide when Hunter was on the plane with Joe (the big guy) and where they went?

Free and fair election, right... The media working overtime to cover this up, federal agencies too. All to protect possibly the worst President in US history.
His sycophants in media are probably realizing they jeapordize what little credibility they have left covering up for him:

"The fate of Biden’s social-spending and climate package is more uncertain than ever. The pandemic he promised to bring to heel rages out of control. Inflation is at a four-decade high, canceling out rising wages. The border is a mess. Violent crime continues to climb. His approval rating has sunk to the low 40s," TIME correspondents Molly Ball and Brian Bennett wrote. "

This doesnt even mention his latest gaffe, the Kamala tried to explain away- implying that a fractured NATO might allow Putin a "minor incursion" into Ukraine and not do anything about it.

To think democrats actually cheated to put this clown in the oval office, and are still pursuing Jan 6 hearings with the goal of preventing Trump, who was doing a magnificent, magnificent job-(lol) from running again.

Lets go, Brandon, right back to your Delaware basement before you do any more damage.

The ice cream is great. We can fly some illegal minors in in the middle of the night to jump in his lap and lick it off his hairy legs.

If they can get past the fence he built around his mansion.

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