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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Youre waiting for the DOJ to investigate the Biden family crime syndicate.... I doubt thats going to happen when mob boss daddy has everyone from the secret service on down in his pocket.

Why else would they try to hide when Hunter was on the plane with Joe (the big guy) and where they went?

Free and fair election, right... The media working overtime to cover this up, federal agencies too. All to protect possibly the worst President in US history.
His sycophants in media are probably realizing they jeapordize what little credibility they have left covering up for him:

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"The fate of Biden’s social-spending and climate package is more uncertain than ever. The pandemic he promised to bring to heel rages out of control. Inflation is at a four-decade high, canceling out rising wages. The border is a mess. Violent crime continues to climb. His approval rating has sunk to the low 40s," TIME correspondents Molly Ball and Brian Bennett wrote. "

This doesnt even mention his latest gaffe, the Kamala tried to explain away- implying that a fractured NATO might allow Putin a "minor incursion" into Ukraine and not do anything about it.

To think democrats actually cheated to put this clown in the oval office, and are still pursuing Jan 6 hearings with the goal of preventing Trump, who was doing a magnificent, magnificent job-(lol) from running again.

Lets go, Brandon, right back to your Delaware basement before you do any more damage.

The ice cream is great. We can fly some illegal minors in in the middle of the night to jump in his lap and lick it off his hairy legs.

If they can get past the fence he built around his mansion.


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You take medical advice from HOWARD STERN?

What happened to listen to the experts? Follow the science? Listen to your doctor?
Now its "the shock jock agrees with my unconstitutional mandates that the supreme court tossed out".
How does the death and serious illness rate from Covid for young children compare to the diseases on your silly meme image? The science supported innoculations based upon the risk vs benefit for polio, smallpox, etc.

This just in, California just allowed vaccinations for children WITHOUT parental consent. Someones about to lose their job over this.
I am not going to get dragged into a discussion I don't think is relevant .... what is relevant is whether the treatment protocol he has developed is effective or not ... has he really used it to save all these lives?
If it weren't true .... his peers would be all over him .... I see you can't be convinced of what is right in front of you so I am done trying.
Why do you want to participate in killing people by helping withhold lifesaving treatments?
Of course, it is relevant. You are relying on his credibility. This goes directly to his credibility.
Even the WHO is starting to wake up to the misguided attempts to vaccinate young people.

What do the REAL experts have to say about it though?
(Picks up the batphone, calls the Howard Stern show... "Hello, is Hank the Angry Dwarf there?)
Looks like Omicron is sputtering .... getting ready to fizzle out?

This just in, California just allowed vaccinations for children WITHOUT parental consent. Someones about to lose their job over this.
Sounds like they're trying to combat the stupid anti-vaxxer parents who think ivermectin lollipops are the cure for covid...

That's one of the problems with some of these people..

A few perspectives on this:
1) On one side of the coin, the parents want exclusive responsibility for their child's healthcare.. but when the child is harmed by the parental choices, the parents deny responsibility to avoid prison.

More than one child has died because of the stupid medical decisions made by the kid's parents... If they want to make dumb choices for themselves, that's fine with me.. but when they force their stupid irrational beliefs on their children, then its a problem.

2) I'm not real enthusiastic about the state assuming medical responsibility or authority over my child, but it would seem that California is trying to battle the idiotic parents, and in light of that, I can understand how they are trying to pick the proverbial "lesser evil"

3) And this is the real kicker here...
If the parents have raised their child correctly, what problems do they have with the child making their own decisions? Won't the child come to them for their input? I can tell you for sure that my own child, at only 8 years old, would come to my wife and I and ask us for our advice on the issue.
Unlike most parents, my wife and I don't ever lie to our child... We don't try to scare her into submission with threats of fire and brimstone, or tell her there's a Santa Clause checking to see if she behaves... its no wonder these kids grow up and don't trust their own parents..

And now the parents are upset that their own children won't take their advice? ROFLMAO.. Suck it up idiots.. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I think "great work" is creating a cocktail of existing medicines .... using it to treat thousands and saving a LOT lives of ..... even in the face of people like you who want to do nothing but try to tear them down.
You are attributing qualities to me that are not warranted. Being sceptical is one of the prerequisites of science. I am not qualified nor have the resources to check the validity of the claims, regardless if it is ingesting your own urine or a cocktail of drugs.

The smart thing to do is to rely on the medical experts to perform the tests and verify the results. Just me wanting a working solution is not enough. Taking mnine or your assessment that it does or doesn't work would be foolish, nor do I trust a single doctor and wait for verification.

In the mean time we know vaccines work and that would be the responsibil advise to give.
I think there is going to be a huge fight here .... It will be interesting to see where it goes. I hope this brave doctor can survive the heat that is going to come his way.

I think there is going to be a huge fight here .... It will be interesting to see where it goes. I hope this brave doctor can survive the heat that is going to come his way.

He has been this way on all topics for a long time. Just one of the usual suspects.
Well .... this totally demonstrates the ridiculous nature of how are health agencies are responding .... They want to increase use of the drug with the worst efficacy LOL

Maybe they will try to bring AZT back as well.
Thanks Dr. Bob. You, youtube educated doctors are the absolute best. I like someone not afraid of flying their moron flag.

FDA is also making available, carrot juice, urine, progesterone and polyartic cocktails, followed with a livestock dewormer chaser.
Thanks Dr. Bob. You, youtube educated doctors are the absolute best. I like someone not afraid of flying their moron flag.

FDA is also making available, carrot juice, urine, progesterone and polyartic cocktails, followed with a livestock dewormer chaser.
So .... You think Remdesivir is an effective drug?
Sounds like they're trying to combat the stupid anti-vaxxer parents who think ivermectin lollipops are the cure for covid...

That's one of the problems with some of these people..

A few perspectives on this:
1) On one side of the coin, the parents want exclusive responsibility for their child's healthcare.. but when the child is harmed by the parental choices, the parents deny responsibility to avoid prison.

More than one child has died because of the stupid medical decisions made by the kid's parents... If they want to make dumb choices for themselves, that's fine with me.. but when they force their stupid irrational beliefs on their children, then its a problem.

2) I'm not real enthusiastic about the state assuming medical responsibility or authority over my child, but it would seem that California is trying to battle the idiotic parents, and in light of that, I can understand how they are trying to pick the proverbial "lesser evil"

3) And this is the real kicker here...
If the parents have raised their child correctly, what problems do they have with the child making their own decisions? Won't the child come to them for their input? I can tell you for sure that my own child, at only 8 years old, would come to my wife and I and ask us for our advice on the issue.
Unlike most parents, my wife and I don't ever lie to our child... We don't try to scare her into submission with threats of fire and brimstone, or tell her there's a Santa Clause checking to see if she behaves... its no wonder these kids grow up and don't trust their own parents..

And now the parents are upset that their own children won't take their advice? ROFLMAO.. Suck it up idiots.. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
How many children died of covid because their parents refused to vaccinate them? Think hard now.
It is no paxlovid. Seems okay if given early. The trials where it was given late were not good.
..... and yet that is how they have been using it. Wait til a person is about to drop dead and then give them an ineffective drug.
..... and yet that is how they have been using it. Wait til a person is about to drop dead and then give them an ineffective drug.
They are using it earlier now Doctor. If only you were there to consult.
How many children died of covid because their parents refused to vaccinate them? Think hard now.
I don't know.... How many is too many for you? What's your acceptable number of preventable child deaths? Oh boy, you don't want to answer that now do you..

And this is the real kicker here...
If the parents have raised their child correctly, what problems do they have with the child making their own decisions? Won't the child come to them for their input? I can tell you for sure that my own child, at only 8 years old, would come to my wife and I and ask us for our advice on the issue.
Unlike most parents, my wife and I don't ever lie to our child... We don't try to scare her into submission with threats of fire and brimstone, or tell her there's a Santa Clause checking to see if she behaves... its no wonder these kids grow up and don't trust their own parents..

And now the parents are upset that their own children won't take their advice? ROFLMAO.. Suck it up idiots.. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
How happy would you be if some teacher told your 8 year old daughter she could be a boy if she wanted to ?
You think it's ok for adults to ask kids to make judgements when they have no idea what the consequences will be ?
Forced vaccinations of kids is SICK. Nothing but a bunch of scared adults hoping to stop children from being "carriers" of covid.
How happy would you be if some teacher told your 8 year old daughter she could be a boy if she wanted to ?
You think it's ok for adults to ask kids to make judgements when they have no idea what the consequences will be ?
Forced vaccinations of kids is SICK. Nothing but a bunch of scared adults hoping to stop children from being "carriers" of covid.
Sounds like BMcl was originally a girl.
Thanks Dr. Bob. You, youtube educated doctors are the absolute best. I like someone not afraid of flying their moron flag.

FDA is also making available, carrot juice, urine, progesterone and polyartic cocktails, followed with a livestock dewormer chaser.
Only a moron would recommend using remdesivir, unless you want them to die.
Bob, could it be Mr Kipp was always a bad lawyer and never a nurse ?
He has never acted with any compassion nor does he seem to have any medical knowledge.

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