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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

A large amount of the junk BMcl posts here comes from lifesitenews which is a known purveyor of misinformation and has been banned from social media companies for fraudulent misinformation.

BMcl should be banned from this forum for continuously repeating known disinformation.
He behaves like a Russian troll, I have asked for his solutions for dealing with chrony capitalism twice now, but I am not surprised he falls to do so. All he is capable of is name calling, lying and repeating conspiracy theories.
A large amount of the junk BMcl posts here comes from lifesitenews which is a known purveyor of misinformation and has been banned from social media companies for fraudulent misinformation.

BMcl should be banned from this forum for continuously repeating known disinformation.
Freedom of speech is a BIG deal to some. Unlike In China and other communist run countries. ( This shows everyone what you think of the constitution. )
Freedom of speech is a BIG deal to some. Unlike In China and other communist run countries. ( This shows everyone what you think of the constitution. )
Well, you see Grizz. Not to get pedantic, but freedom of speech is freedom from government interference with speech. (This shows everyone you do not understand even basic principles of the constitution).
I don't know.... How many is too many for you? What's your acceptable number of preventable child deaths? Oh boy, you don't want to answer that now do you..

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So what? Children died when there was no vaccine for parents to deny them. The majority had preexisting conditions. You cant prove they would be alive now even if a vaccine was available.
What does that have to do with the science not supporting the need for healthy young children to get vaccinated solely for their own benefit?
Freedom of speech is a BIG deal to some. Unlike In China and other communist run countries. ( This shows everyone what you think of the constitution. )
Freedom of speech was never created to allow intentional misinformation or propaganda campaigns, it was never created to allow intimidation through threats, or to entice others into violence, it was created to allow honorable people to speak out against the government without fear of retribution, and it was created to allow freedom of expression.

Unfortunately, as all laws get tested to their limits to find the line in the sand, dishonorable and evil people use our constitutional rights to harm us, and the do so under the guise of freedom of speech.

Just because you have the right, doesn't mean you are right.
Do you know the word eugenics Batvette?

Do you know the words, callous, self-centered, soulless, ignorant, miscreant?
So what? Children died when there was no vaccine for parents to deny them. The majority had preexisting conditions. You cant prove they would be alive now even if a vaccine was available.
Wow.. You really are a special kind of stupid.

What does that have to do with the science not supporting the need for healthy young children to get vaccinated solely for their own benefit?
Even if I explained it to you, you are not capable of understanding it.
Well, you see Grizz. Not to get pedantic, but freedom of speech is freedom from government interference with speech. (This shows everyone you do not understand even basic principles of the constitution).
You dont have to get anything. The mods on this forum dont want to get involved with what is misinformation or not, and youre an arrogant twat if you think you have that power as well.
Freedom of speech was never created to allow intentional misinformation or propaganda campaigns, it was never created to allow intimidation through threats, or to entice others into violence, it was created to allow honorable people to speak out against the government without fear of retribution, and it was created to allow freedom of expression.

Unfortunately, as all laws get tested to their limits to find the line in the sand, dishonorable and evil people use our constitutional rights to harm us, and the do so under the guise of freedom of speech.

Just because you have the right, doesn't mean you are right.
And as far as we know, Will Prowse is not the government.

My point simply was that is major media companies recognize they have liability by allowing people to perpetuate dangerous mistruths, why wouldn't Will be concerned about the same thing? You endanger other peoples' lives and endanger this community.
Wow.. You really are a special kind of stupid.

Even if I explained it to you, you are not capable of understanding it.
You never answered the question. How many children died because their parents denied them a covid vaccine? Calling me stupid is not an answer to the question.
And as far as we know, Will Prowse is not the government.

My point simply was that is major media companies recognize they have liability by allowing people to perpetuate dangerous mistruths, why wouldn't Will be concerned about the same thing? You endanger other peoples' lives and endanger this community.
Now youre going to tell Will how to run his site.

You need to get over yourself if you believe any users here are reading your posts in this thread and applying the garbage advice youre pooping out to their health care.

The idea is insane.
Thanks Dr. Bob. You, youtube educated doctors are the absolute best. I like someone not afraid of flying their moron flag.

FDA is also making available, carrot juice, urine, progesterone and polyartic cocktails, followed with a livestock dewormer chaser.
To think they wasted money on all that when a better investment for humanity would have been forced birth control for your parents.
What a reprobate. You should stick your head in a commode and flush it.
He won't see this but natural immunity has always been recognized. If there was no natural immune response the vaccines would not work. There has to be a natural immune response or the vaccine would have nothing to mimic. The whole argument is distorted and intended to mislead.

Why did they want people to be vaccinated rather than simply say they had a previous infection.

1. They want to prevent infections overall and vaccines are the safest way to accomplish this.
2. As we have seen with the vaccines, the immunity response of covid infection is dose and time infection. There is no meaningful way to know the level of exposure or anticipated immune response with disease-induced immunity.
3. People are mistaken and lie. We see fake vaccine cards the way it is. Imagine if people could simply say "Yea, I have been infected".
So .... These are all good reasons it is acceptable for the CDC to LIE to us? Try to get people fired?
They have known for a long time that the vaccines are less and less effective with each variant.

Maybe they should have been trying to improve and proliferate antibody testing.

Maybe they should have been studying treatments that work well regardless of the variant. Treat people who need it instead of trying to force everyone to get vaccines that probably couldn't get approved if they were presented for approval now because their efficacy is so poor.
A large amount of the junk BMcl posts here comes from lifesitenews which is a known purveyor of misinformation and has been banned from social media companies for fraudulent misinformation.

BMcl should be banned from this forum for continuously repeating known disinformation.
If anyone should have been banned from this forum it is you for continuous use of childish personal attacks that have zero merit.

Freedom of speech .... and others to decide for themselves means nothing in your way of thinking.

I realize that you have the freedom to say what you want .... and I have the freedom to ignore most of it.
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And as far as we know, Will Prowse is not the government.

My point simply was that is major media companies recognize they have liability by allowing people to perpetuate dangerous mistruths, why wouldn't Will be concerned about the same thing? You endanger other peoples' lives and endanger this community.
No, that is wrong.

With the exception for calls to violence or online threats, social media websites are insulated from liability for their users postings. As I said, there are exceptions to this insulation for speech which encourages violence, and for online threats.. the only other exception is for copyrighted materials. Social media websites must remove copyrighted material when they are made aware of it.

Other than that, they are not liable for misinformation, even when that misinformation causes someone harm.

Websites like Facebook, twitter, etc, are free to pick and choose what can and can't be posted, the same way you and I are free to choose what we allow to be said or talked about inside our own homes. Facebook bans misinformation, not because of legal concerns, but because of moral concerns for which there is no law or restrictions.

Facebook has a lot of resources and could potentially be sued in civil court for damages caused by misinformation... and they have money to make such a civil lawsuit worth the effort. How this falls under the protection laws that are set up specifically to protect these websites is something that is beyond my knowledge.
Interestingly, Donald Trump tried to blackmail them with the law. Advocating for his freedom to use Facebook as his own personal misinformation campaign, Trump threatened to get the laws removed that protect these websites from the very thing he was trying to blackmail them with. Irony doesn't quite describe it.. Most of the public had no clue because Trump misstated what the law was and what it did, but the fact is, had he actually been able to get the law rescinded, it would have forced facebook to remove anything fake or misleading, which is what they did for the covid and election related stuff.

In simple terms, Trump basically said "Let me in the door or I'm going to ban myself from entering". Which, as you can imagine, is so utterly ridiculous it can't be put into words..

The law is Section 230 and it basically protects websites from liability due to user content. Without such law in place, everything you posted would have to be pre-approved so these websites could protect themselves from liability. In the absence of 230, this very website would be shut down, either voluntarily, or through a civil lawsuit. All it would take is for one person to hurt themselves based on the advice in some member's post or reply, and that would be the end.

230 is a good thing.. Trump wanted to remove it to further his own agenda of misinformation..
You never answered the question. How many children died because their parents denied them a covid vaccine? Calling me stupid is not an answer to the question.
You can't even ask a legitimate and honorable question.. which says a lot about your character.

I can play those stupid games too:
When you started abusing drugs 6 months ago, were you molesting children at that time or had you molested them before the drug abuse?

Go play your stupid games somewhere else.
Well, you see Grizz. Not to get pedantic, but freedom of speech is freedom from government interference with speech. (This shows everyone you do not understand even basic principles of the constitution).
Spoken like an Authoritarian fascist. " My way or the highway"
Spoken like an Authoritarian fascist. " My way or the highway"
Its not his way, its the constitution... Freedom of speech has been tested in the Supreme Court numerous times and has always been affirmed.

The only exceptions are advocating for violence, threatening others, and copyrighted material.

its not "his way or the highway".. its the way of the United States.. and if you don't like it, find another place to live.
No, that is wrong.

With the exception for calls to violence or online threats, social media websites are insulated from liability for their users postings. As I said, there are exceptions to this insulation for speech which encourages violence, and for online threats.. the only other exception is for copyrighted materials. Social media websites must remove copyrighted material when they are made aware of it.

Other than that, they are not liable for misinformation, even when that misinformation causes someone harm.

Websites like Facebook, twitter, etc, are free to pick and choose what can and can't be posted, the same way you and I are free to choose what we allow to be said or talked about inside our own homes. Facebook bans misinformation, not because of legal concerns, but because of moral concerns for which there is no law or restrictions.

Facebook has a lot of resources and could potentially be sued in civil court for damages caused by misinformation... and they have money to make such a civil lawsuit worth the effort. How this falls under the protection laws that are set up specifically to protect these websites is something that is beyond my knowledge.
Interestingly, Donald Trump tried to blackmail them with the law. Advocating for his freedom to use Facebook as his own personal misinformation campaign, Trump threatened to get the laws removed that protect these websites from the very thing he was trying to blackmail them with. Irony doesn't quite describe it.. Most of the public had no clue because Trump misstated what the law was and what it did, but the fact is, had he actually been able to get the law rescinded, it would have forced facebook to remove anything fake or misleading, which is what they did for the covid and election related stuff.

In simple terms, Trump basically said "Let me in the door or I'm going to ban myself from entering". Which, as you can imagine, is so utterly ridiculous it can't be put into words..

The law is Section 230 and it basically protects websites from liability due to user content. Without such law in place, everything you posted would have to be pre-approved so these websites could protect themselves from liability. In the absence of 230, this very website would be shut down, either voluntarily, or through a civil lawsuit. All it would take is for one person to hurt themselves based on the advice in some member's post or reply, and that would be the end.

230 is a good thing.. Trump wanted to remove it to further his own agenda of misinformation..
We all know that Facebook at Twitter ban people because they don't like their ideology .... Their "fact checkers" are a joke.
When there is actually those that push for violence and online threats ... like ISIS leaders ..... or democrats that call for people to harass their opponents .... and worse ..... they don't do anything.
I don't know how anyone could fail to see the truth of this.
So .... These are all good reasons it is acceptable for the (1) CDC to LIE to us? Try to get people fired?
They have known for a long time that the vaccines are less and less effective with each variant.

Maybe they should have been (2) trying to improve and proliferate antibody testing.

Maybe they (3) should have been studying treatments that work well regardless of the variant. Treat people who need it instead of trying to force everyone to get vaccines that probably couldn't get approved if they were presented for approval now because their efficacy is so poor.
(1) How did the CDC lie? Did you want them to talk about immunity before we knew if there was any?

(2) Actually, they are looking for ways to do titer testing to determine antibody level. We are in the middle of a pandemic though and there are higher priorities, but there are companies working on this. There are many reasons this would be helpful, spacing boosters, measuring response in immunosuppressed.

(3) Paxlovid and the Merck drug have been approved. There are hundreds of other trials going on. I can't help that your folk remedies do not work. I want urine and horse dewormer to be as effective as much as the next guy, but no data.
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If anyone should have been banned from this forum it is you for continuous use of childish personal attacks that have zero merit.

Freedom of speech .... and others to decide for themselves means nothing in your way of thinking.

I realize that you have the freedom to say what you want .... and I have the freedom to ignore most of it.
it is you for continuous use of childish personal attacks that have zero merit.

So who named the thread "

Thread where people insult each other for the dopamine fix.​

If anyone should have been banned from this forum it is you for continuous use of childish personal attacks that have zero merit.

Freedom of speech .... and others to decide for themselves means nothing in your way of thinking.

I realize that you have the freedom to say what you want .... and I have the freedom to ignore most of it.
Maybe you should change the name again to "Thread where Bob B says really stupid things but you can't make fun of him".

diy solar

diy solar