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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

How happy would you be if some teacher told your 8 year old daughter she could be a boy if she wanted to ?
It wouldn't bother me one bit.. My daughter is fully aware of her own biology, at least so far as the time constrained limits of an 8 year old will allow.
While you religious folks tend to be all squeamish about sexuality and display all the psychosomatic behavioral traits that accompany such a condition, my child suffers from none of these.

Your infatuation with the sexuality of others is, by all accounts, a mental illness that has not be acknowledged as a public health issue yet.

You think it's ok for adults to ask kids to make judgements when they have no idea what the consequences will be ?
You've asked a question "ok for adults to ask kids to make judgements", but then you constrained any possible answer with "no idea what the consequences will be".
So I'll ask you, as an adult, the same question and lets see how you respond.. "Do you think its ok for anyone to ask you to make a judgement for which you have no idea what the consequences will be?"

The answer, due to your predefined constraints, is no.. No reasonable or rational person would feel comfortable or confident in making a judgement for which the information they have available is so limited as to conceal the possible consequences.

Judging by your previous postings, I seriously doubt you understand what my statement is actually saying.. So let me provide you with an example for which google won't be of any use to you..

If we were to update a telescope that has IR capabilities in the 600 to 900 nanometer range, would it be more advantageous to use a thermopile type sensor or a bolometer type?

The fact is, you don't have the resources, education, or knowledge, to answer this question.. In fact, I'll bet you don't even know what a thermopile or bolometer is or how it works. IE: You've been asked a question for which you have no idea what the consequences would be.

A child raised and educated properly, will look at an adult (outside their own family) asking them about their sexuality or the vaccination, or any other deeply personal attribute, and immediately reject the very line of questioning.. that child will then, upon the first opportunity, alert their parents to the questioning.

Of course, if you've done a shitty job as a parent and haven't raised your child properly, then I can understand why you would fear such things.

It has already happened with my kid.. Not with anything sexual or medically related, but a deeply personal line of questioning from an older student at her school.. And she did exactly what she was supposed to do..

Forced vaccinations of kids is SICK. Nothing but a bunch of scared adults hoping to stop children from being "carriers" of covid.
So did your parents get you vaccinated? Polio? Tetanus, Chicken Pox, or any of the dozen others? Did you have a say in the matter? And if they did, do you view your own parents as being sick for doing it?
Or are you just talking about your ass like a drugged teenager with an IQ of about 60 ?
Only a moron would recommend using remdesivir, unless you want them to die.
Bob, could it be Mr Kipp was always a bad lawyer and never a nurse ?
He has never acted with any compassion nor does he seem to have any medical knowledge.
Right well you just called the American Medical Association, NIH and FDA not to mention their corollary agencies and associations in every country. You, a utility worker from Tennessee that cannot do basic math and said on January 5 the pandemic is over (3700 deaths today)/

Anyway, the thing about Remdesivir was that it got a EUA for less than stellar early numbers in late-term treatment, then after they have the EUA already, they continue a randomized controlled trial and find 87% efficacy with early treatment which is spectacular. The continuing problem is that you typically need to be hospitalized to get it as it is IV. So it works but there are practical limitations.

So BMcl you are wrong but that is what makes you BMcl.
Only a moron would recommend using remdesivir, unless you want them to die.
Bob, could it be Mr Kipp was always a bad lawyer and never a nurse ?
He has never acted with any compassion nor does he seem to have any medical knowledge.
EU did the same thing late last month. (If only ivermectin HCQ etc would do trials. Wonder why they don't?)

04:29 AM EST, 12/21/2021 (MT Newswires) --
The European Commission has approved a variation to the conditional marketing authorization for Veklury, or remdesivir, to include adults who do not require supplemental oxygen and are at an increased risk of progressing to severe COVID-19.

The decision was based on the positive recommendation of the European Medicines Agency's Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use and was supported by data from a phase 3 trial, wherein treatment with Veklury led to a statistically significant 87% reduction in risk for the composite primary endpoint of COVID-19-related hospitalization or all-cause death by day 28, compared with placebo.
It wouldn't bother me one bit.. My daughter is fully aware of her own biology, at least so far as the time constrained limits of an 8 year old will allow.
While you religious folks tend to be all squeamish about sexuality and display all the psychosomatic behavioral traits that accompany such a condition, my child suffers from none of these.

Your infatuation with the sexuality of others is, by all accounts, a mental illness that has not be acknowledged as a public health issue yet.

You've asked a question "ok for adults to ask kids to make judgements", but then you constrained any possible answer with "no idea what the consequences will be".
So I'll ask you, as an adult, the same question and lets see how you respond.. "Do you think its ok for anyone to ask you to make a judgement for which you have no idea what the consequences will be?"

The answer, due to your predefined constraints, is no.. No reasonable or rational person would feel comfortable or confident in making a judgement for which the information they have available is so limited as to conceal the possible consequences.

Judging by your previous postings, I seriously doubt you understand what my statement is actually saying.. So let me provide you with an example for which google won't be of any use to you..

If we were to update a telescope that has IR capabilities in the 600 to 900 nanometer range, would it be more advantageous to use a thermopile type sensor or a bolometer type?

The fact is, you don't have the resources, education, or knowledge, to answer this question.. In fact, I'll bet you don't even know what a thermopile or bolometer is or how it works. IE: You've been asked a question for which you have no idea what the consequences would be.

A child raised and educated properly, will look at an adult (outside their own family) asking them about their sexuality or the vaccination, or any other deeply personal attribute, and immediately reject the very line of questioning.. that child will then, upon the first opportunity, alert their parents to the questioning.

Of course, if you've done a shitty job as a parent and haven't raised your child properly, then I can understand why you would fear such things.

It has already happened with my kid.. Not with anything sexual or medically related, but a deeply personal line of questioning from an older student at her school.. And she did exactly what she was supposed to do..
So you mock Bob and I for opposing vaccinating kids because we don't think they have the judgement/experience to make that decision.
And then you say your child is smart enough to reject a decision like that and come to you for advice. Good for her.
What's the difference ? The child didn't make the decision ! The parents did !

And of course your post was FULL of insults that weren't necessary.....
Murphy: The fact is, you don't have the resources, education, or knowledge, to answer this question.. In fact, I'll bet you don't even know what a thermopile or bolometer is or how it works.
So I need to know how thermocouples or temp sensing devices work ?
I can read about them and understand them, but if that's your hobby, I cede to your knowledge.

I hope that helps restore your pride after how I humiliated you after you insulted me the other night. :)
So you mock Bob and I for opposing vaccinating kids because we don't think they have the judgement/experience to make that decision.
And then you say your child is smart enough to reject a decision like that and come to you for advice. Good for her.
What's the difference ? The child didn't make the decision ! The parents did !

And of course your post was FULL of insults that weren't necessary.....
Murphy: The fact is, you don't have the resources, education, or knowledge, to answer this question.. In fact, I'll bet you don't even know what a thermopile or bolometer is or how it works.
So I need to know how thermocouples or temp sensing devices work ?
I can read about them and understand them, but if that's your hobby, I cede to your knowledge.

I hope that helps restore your pride after how I humiliated you after you insulted me the other night. :)
So BMcl when your plumbing parts become an international issue jump right in but in the spirit of the title of this thread, you are an incredible moron and wrong about virtually everything. Seriously, try to say something wrong and you may for one be right.
So you mock Bob and I for opposing vaccinating kids because we don't think they have the judgement/experience to make that decision.
And then you say your child is smart enough to reject a decision like that and come to you for advice. Good for her.
What's the difference ? The child didn't make the decision ! The parents did !

And of course your post was FULL of insults that weren't necessary.....
Murphy: The fact is, you don't have the resources, education, or knowledge, to answer this question.. In fact, I'll bet you don't even know what a thermopile or bolometer is or how it works.
So I need to know how thermocouples or temp sensing devices work ?
I can read about them and understand them, but if that's your hobby, I cede to your knowledge.

I hope that helps restore your pride after how I humiliated you after you insulted me the other night. :)
You think anything you say can humiliate Murphy? You are so unaware it is incredible. You are Trumpian.
Only a moron would recommend using remdesivir, unless you want them to die.
Bob, could it be Mr Kipp was always a bad lawyer and never a nurse ?
He has never acted with any compassion nor does he seem to have any medical knowledge.
There's no sense trying to communicate with these guys in any kind of a rational way ..... I forgot for a while there.
If Remdesivir gets approved for early use outside a hospital .... It will suddenly be touted as the greatest thing since sliced bread ... never mind all the lives that could have been saved in the last 2 years if only the establishment had listened to those who knew how to save lives.
I don't really know what is motivating Kipp .... I just know his goal is to make any rational discussion impossible .... obviously his motives are not what he tries to say they are.
There's no sense trying to communicate with these guys in any kind of a rational way ..... I forgot for a while there.
If Remdesivir gets approved for early use outside a hospital .... It will suddenly be touted as the greatest thing since sliced bread ... never mind all the lives that could have been saved in the last 2 years if only the establishment had listened to those who knew how to save lives.
I don't really know what is motivating Kipp .... I just know his goal is to make any rational discussion impossible .... obviously his motives are not what he tries to say they are.
Yes it is so irrational to want studies rather than hearsay.
So you mock Bob and I for opposing vaccinating kids because we don't think they have the judgement/experience to make that decision.
No. You seem to go from zero to extreme without any middle. I guess that's typical for the radical extremist profile, but its also typical for the very young who are ignorant and inexperienced.

I mock your radicalism, and if you're not radical but just a youngster, then I mock your inability to know when you're in over your head.

No one is forcing vaccinations upon kids, all they're doing is removing parental consent when a kid of at least a minimum age (12 years?) thinks that being vaccinated is important. Personally, I think I would have probably set it at 14 -15 years old myself, but then I must also consider that children today have far more knowledge than the children of my time. Being no expert on this facet of social psychology, I elect to leave it to the experts to set the proper age.
And then you say your child is smart enough to reject a decision like that and come to you for advice. Good for her.
That's close enough.. But to be more specific, I said my child will most likely reject the adult questioning and seek our advice. Even when subject matter is uncomfortable, we do not lie to her. The most I have ever been guilty of is strategically changing the subject..
What's the difference ? The child didn't make the decision ! The parents did !
Your binary logical analysis fits neatly with your "zero to extreme" profile. You should really change such thinking as I can promise you that it will have undesirable consequences for your life and livelihood. There are four possible considerations:

1) The anti-vaxxer parents reject the vaccine, the child gets vaccinated anyhow on their own.
2) The anti-vaxxer parents reject the vaccine, the child chooses to follow their parents advice.
3) The parents want the vaccine and the child willingly goes to get vaccinated.
4) The parents want the vaccine but the child does not but is forced by the parents to get vaccinated anyhow.

In a state that allows a child to freely get the vaccine without parental consent, I'm not sure if the law would also allow the child to reject the vaccine regardless of the parents wishes. But I'm guessing that's a one way street.. The child has the choice to get it on their own, but not to reject the parents wishes.

And of course your post was FULL of insults that weren't necessary.....
Murphy: The fact is, you don't have the resources, education, or knowledge, to answer this question.. In fact, I'll bet you don't even know what a thermopile or bolometer is or how it works.
So I need to know how thermocouples or temp sensing devices work ?
I can read about them and understand them, but if that's your hobby, I cede to your knowledge.

I hope that helps restore your pride after how I humiliated you after you insulted me the other night. :)
I'm wondering if you missed the point.. Amateur astronomy is my hobby so it stands to reason I know things about certain technologies specific to astronomy that others don't.
The point was to demonstrate that without proper comprehensive knowledge of the over-all subject matter, you couldn't make a confident choice. Sure, you can go read about thermopiles and bolometers, and you can even read about how they work, but it would take years of accumulated knowledge of the technology, as well as accumulated knowledge and experience in astronomy to answer my question. This is why I used it as an example.. google wasn't going to help you.

Unfortunately, while I happened to pick my hobby as an example, this "accumulated comprehensive knowledge" is a requirement for most detailed discussions of any subject matter more complex than a set of lego building blocks. And this is why I mock you.. You sit here on this forum posting silly links to one study or another, advocating for a drug you know nothing about, to help with a virus you know nothing about.. And to top it all off, you have absolutely no education in any of the relevant fields. But you're willing to argue your side!! Its like a "what the f*^k moment?" for any rational and reasonable person..

Do you have an opinion on cancer treatment procedures as well? I don't see you posting anything about cancer? Why not? The answer is because some orange guy didn't put up corral fencing for a bunch of farm-animal-like idiots to follow. Had he made a cancer treatment procedure a political issue by leveraging professional oncology debates, you would have barreled down the fenced path like a sheep and would have been posting your silly comments about that as well. You would have been posting links to different doctors, different countries, and various studies... all the while, not having a clue what the hell you're talking about.

And my take away from all this: I'm profoundly disturbed that people are so easily manipulated and are willing to express their uneducated opinions on things they know nothing about. It says something important about our society.
How happy would you be if some teacher told your 8 year old daughter she could be a boy if she wanted to ?
Why couldn't your daughter be a boy if she wanted to?

As for me, I would want teachers to be honest, compassionate and follow evidence when kids ask questions. (I would expect them to give age appropriate answers, what is there to fear from the truth? (Even though I am an atheist, I even support the teaching of comparative religion in school.)

You think it's ok for adults to ask kids to make judgements when they have no idea what the consequences will be ?
Would you allow your daughter to become a boy if she wanted to? What are the consequences of becoming a boy?

Forced vaccinations of kids is SICK.
It is done all the time. Not giving your children the best available healthcare is SICK.

Nothing but a bunch of scared adults hoping to stop children from being "carriers" of covid.
Kids do carry covid and some (800) have died from covid. I know of one elderly couple who refuse to see their great grand children because the mother refused to get vaccinated because she is too scared (by liers like yourself)| to get vaccinated. The (great) grandfather was in hospital with covid for 6 weeks, why shouldn't they be scared?
Only a moron would recommend using remdesivir, unless you want them to die.
Remdesivir is a broad-spectrum antiviral medication developed by the biopharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences. It is administered via injection into a vein. During the COVID-19 pandemic, remdesivir was approved or authorized for emergency use to treat COVID‑19 in around 50 countries. Updated guidelines from the World Health Organization in November 2020 include a conditional recommendation against the use of remdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19.

Are you really claiming that 50 countries around the world want their citizens to die? Or are you lying again?
Bob, could it be Mr Kipp was always a bad lawyer and never a nurse ?
Anything is possible, but judging from the quality of his answers, he has beaten you hands down. Which isn't hard to do, for example claiming that you only give Remdesivir to people if you want them to die is beyond stupid.

He has never acted with any compassion
Advising for vaccines while being verbally abused by know liars is showing compassion.

nor does he seem to have any medical knowledge.
He has shown that he does have medical knowledge, he continually and effectively has debunked your nonsense with facts.

On the other hand you have been suspended for lying, lied about the reason for your suspension and even accused administrators of bias.
Although UK has hopefully peaked the hospitalization of children for Covid continues to rise. The worst numbers since the beginning of the pandemic and now very close to 2x the earlier record.


  • UK Childrem hospitalized.jpg
    UK Childrem hospitalized.jpg
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Although UK has hopefully peaked the hospitalization of children for Covid continues to rise. The worst numbers since the beginning of the pandemic and now very close to 2x the earlier record.
This 3-year-old cries “Mommy I’m scared” as he was put on a ventilator, is among almost 140 Utah children <14 who were hospitalized with Covid in Utah in the past 2 weeks.


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“I’m Over COVID, What the F**k Is the Use of Boosters?” – Bill Maher Goes Off on Medical Establishment, Experimental Vaccines in Latest Interview​


Bill Maher sat down with Deadline Magazine this week before the start of his 20th season on HBO. The leftist icon told Deadline he is through with COVID, the vaccines don’t prevent you from transmitting or from catching the disease, and “What the f**k is the use of boosters?”

Obviously, Bill has broken through the mass formation psychosis that consumes many Americans today.
“I feel like Covid is still the dominant issue of our lives right now and it should not be anymore,” the Real Time with Bill Maher host says as the HBO series prepares to kick off its 20th season tonight. “And I think the big discussion on our show Friday night when we go on, is should we continue with the Covid policies we’ve had in the past?…”

“I’m over Covid.” He continued, “I mean, 78%, this is just the CDC fact, 78% of the people who died or went to the hospital were obese. Now, I’m not saying they deserved to die. Don’t twist my words, please. I’m just saying that is a lifestyle, you know? So, the fact that America, the medical establishment, never even attempted to get people to live a healthier lifestyle as a response to this pandemic is a giant scandal to me… It’s not a rarefied or weird point of view to say that if people would up their vitamin D levels, up their zinc levels, stop eating sugar, get a proper amount of sleep, stop overeating and day drinking, which is what went on during this pandemic, they would have a much better chance. The people who didn’t do that have blood on their hands. There’s no other way to put it.”

Maher continued, “I understand that the Western medical establishment is rather cozy with the pharmaceutical industry, so I understand that their only idea about solving this is a pharmaceutical response. And I’m glad there is a vaccine because many people need a vaccine. It does stop you from dying. But shouldn’t we also have at least mentioned this other way to deal with it?”

On taking a booster shot, “I mean, we’re in a very different place with Covid than we were just when I was on the air last time, and that is the vaccines, we know, do not prevent you from either transmitting it or getting the disease. We know that. That’s a fact now. They just prevent you from dying, which is a great part of it, let’s not undercount that. But if they don’t prevent you from transmitting it and they don’t prevent you from getting it why are we still treating this disease the way we always have? And what the f*ck is the use of a booster shot? Because I will never get a booster shot.”
The Covid rate for 5-9 year olds has gone over 2000 per 100K. (The actual rate of infection is several times higher, based on the ONS survey). The growth in cases shows no sign of slowing (currently doubling every 8 days), having accelerated soon after schools went back in Jan.
Umdass, kids don't even know they have it when infected. Put up a chart of deaths, if you dare ?
I am over COVID as well. If you choose not to get vaccinated, please don't go to hospital when you do get infected, call your shamans, priests, imams, instead. Is that too to much to ask for?

World renowned British Medical Journal calls for ‘immediate release’ of all COVID jab data​

‘Pfizer’s pivotal covid vaccine trial was funded by the company and designed, run, analysed, and authored by Pfizer employees,’ the BMJ explained.

Drug companies conduct their own trials, keep data hidden

According to the BMJ, manufacturers of today’s COVID-19 drugs — including double-shot mRNA jab producer Pfizer — have been allowed to sponsor and conduct their own clinical trials while keeping the data hidden from independent analysts. Findings from these corporate-sponsored trials have subsequently been forwarded to government regulatory agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which have granted approval of the shots based upon the companies’ closely guarded data.

“Pfizer’s pivotal covid vaccine trial was funded by the company and designed, run, analysed, and authored by Pfizer employees,” the medical journal explained, adding that “[t]he company and the contract research organisations that carried out the trial hold all the data.”

Meanwhile, Pfizer has said it won’t entertain requests for access to its trial data until May 2025, a full two years after the primary study completion date of May 15, 2023.

It’s ‘morally indefensible’ to hide clinical trial data

“[D]espite the global rollout of covid-19 vaccines and treatments, the anonymised participant level data underlying the trials for these new products remain inaccessible to doctors, researchers, and the public — and are likely to remain that way for years to come,” the editors of the prestigious journal stated. “This is morally indefensible for all trials, but especially for those involving major public health intervention.”

There is no way the FDA would allow this without being "bought and paid for." JMHO
Vaccine-pushers should be ashamed for thinking anti-vaxxers are stupid. On the contrary,
future health problems by the vaccinated crowd may be changing history as we speak.
Take the booster shots if you wish, just don't try to force them on anyone else.

World renowned British Medical Journal calls for ‘immediate release’ of all COVID jab data​

‘Pfizer’s pivotal covid vaccine trial was funded by the company and designed, run, analysed, and authored by Pfizer employees,’ the BMJ explained.

Drug companies conduct their own trials, keep data hidden

According to the BMJ, manufacturers of today’s COVID-19 drugs — including double-shot mRNA jab producer Pfizer — have been allowed to sponsor and conduct their own clinical trials while keeping the data hidden from independent analysts. Findings from these corporate-sponsored trials have subsequently been forwarded to government regulatory agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which have granted approval of the shots based upon the companies’ closely guarded data.

“Pfizer’s pivotal covid vaccine trial was funded by the company and designed, run, analysed, and authored by Pfizer employees,” the medical journal explained, adding that “[t]he company and the contract research organisations that carried out the trial hold all the data.”

Meanwhile, Pfizer has said it won’t entertain requests for access to its trial data until May 2025, a full two years after the primary study completion date of May 15, 2023.

It’s ‘morally indefensible’ to hide clinical trial data

“[D]espite the global rollout of covid-19 vaccines and treatments, the anonymised participant level data underlying the trials for these new products remain inaccessible to doctors, researchers, and the public — and are likely to remain that way for years to come,” the editors of the prestigious journal stated. “This is morally indefensible for all trials, but especially for those involving major public health intervention.”

There is no way the FDA would allow this without being "bought and paid for." JMHO
Vaccine-pushers should be ashamed for thinking anti-vaxxers are stupid. On the contrary,
future health problems by the vaccinated crowd may be changing history as we speak.
Take the booster shots if you wish, just don't try to force them on anyone else.
We rate LifeSiteNews far-right biased for story selection that always favors evangelical Christianity and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, and many failed fact checks.

No wonder Shale changed the title.

Still unsubscribed and not receiving any notifications from this toxic cesspool.

For anyone who didn't know yet:


World renowned British Medical Journal calls for ‘immediate release’ of all COVID jab data​

‘Pfizer’s pivotal covid vaccine trial was funded by the company and designed, run, analysed, and authored by Pfizer employees,’ the BMJ explained.

Drug companies conduct their own trials, keep data hidden

According to the BMJ, manufacturers of today’s COVID-19 drugs — including double-shot mRNA jab producer Pfizer — have been allowed to sponsor and conduct their own clinical trials while keeping the data hidden from independent analysts. Findings from these corporate-sponsored trials have subsequently been forwarded to government regulatory agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which have granted approval of the shots based upon the companies’ closely guarded data.

“Pfizer’s pivotal covid vaccine trial was funded by the company and designed, run, analysed, and authored by Pfizer employees,” the medical journal explained, adding that “[t]he company and the contract research organisations that carried out the trial hold all the data.”

Meanwhile, Pfizer has said it won’t entertain requests for access to its trial data until May 2025, a full two years after the primary study completion date of May 15, 2023.

It’s ‘morally indefensible’ to hide clinical trial data

“[D]espite the global rollout of covid-19 vaccines and treatments, the anonymised participant level data underlying the trials for these new products remain inaccessible to doctors, researchers, and the public — and are likely to remain that way for years to come,” the editors of the prestigious journal stated. “This is morally indefensible for all trials, but especially for those involving major public health intervention.”

There is no way the FDA would allow this without being "bought and paid for." JMHO
Vaccine-pushers should be ashamed for thinking anti-vaxxers are stupid. On the contrary,
future health problems by the vaccinated crowd may be changing history as we speak.
Take the booster shots if you wish, just don't try to force them on anyone else.
This is not the position of the BMJ. There are numerous editors. This is a letter. Peter Doshi wrote a letter back in January 2021 that the vaccines had efficacy between 19 and 29%. Interesting he made this claim while he also claims he has access to no data. His claim proved drastically wrong. There is more real-world evidence for these drugs than virtually any other.

I am FOR more information as long as privacy is protected.

Please note the vast distinction here is that Doshi is criticizing the amount of information released with randomized controlled trials, even though these trials were accepted by every western country that did have access to underlying information, but the alternative medicine medications from that BMcl and Bob B, HAVE NO RANDOMIZED CONTROL TRIALS.

So BMcl is in a moral outrage here about the extent of data released, to private citizens, when his opinions are based entirely upon youtube videos with no research whatsoever.
We rate LifeSiteNews far-right biased for story selection that always favors evangelical Christianity and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, and many failed fact checks.

A large amount of the junk BMcl posts here comes from lifesitenews which is a known purveyor of misinformation and has been banned from social media companies for fraudulent misinformation.

BMcl should be banned from this forum for continuously repeating known disinformation.
No wonder Shale changed the title.

Still unsubscribed and not receiving any notifications from this toxic cesspool.

For anyone who didn't know yet:

He won't see this but natural immunity has always been recognized. If there was no natural immune response the vaccines would not work. There has to be a natural immune response or the vaccine would have nothing to mimic. The whole argument is distorted and intended to mislead.

Why did they want people to be vaccinated rather than simply say they had a previous infection.

1. They want to prevent infections overall and vaccines are the safest way to accomplish this.
2. As we have seen with the vaccines, the immunity response of covid infection is dose and time infection. There is no meaningful way to know the level of exposure or anticipated immune response with disease-induced immunity.
3. People are mistaken and lie. We see fake vaccine cards the way it is. Imagine if people could simply say "Yea, I have been infected".

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