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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

In Honduras .... a group of doctors also started TREATING Covid .... it turned the epidemic around in that country. They are using different meds than Dr Chetty and still being successful.
Below, the data shows that they have peaked at around 36 cases per week per 100,000 people .... our peak has been around 1,700 per 100,000
Anywhere doctors are actually doing early treatment of Covid is beating the pants off of the US where early treatment has been made very difficult.

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Look at South Korea's numbers Bob. Why don't you wonder how they did that?
Fox News
"We now know that the vaccines do not prevent infection and transmission, so any community-spread benefit is negligible."

This is in fact a lie. The kind of lie BMcl and Bob b tell.

Here are the numbers from UK


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I know there will be relentless insults thrown around after posting this video .... but what I want to know from those people is .... What are the facts that he has wrong?

I know there will be relentless insults thrown around after posting this video .... but what I want to know from those people is .... What are the facts that he has wrong?

Quit jumping topis Bob. You are the one that brought the Soth African doctor up. You are the one that gave him accolades. Do you believe this?
Do you believe both the virus and vaccine were intentionally engineered for the purpose of world domination? Here is his quote.

Well why would governments around the world create a killer virus and then propose a remedy that would also kill?". Well here is what Bob's BFF 'doctor" says about that:

“But I think if people understand what the intention is, then we’ll understand why what’s happened has happened.

“The illogic, the coercion, the suppression, is all warranted if you understand that there is a bigger plan.

“This plan is to make sure that we can control, and kill off, a large proportion of our population without anyone suspecting that we were poisoned.

“We’ve given up our freedoms, we were told that jail is the best place for us to be secure, so we willingly went down that road.

“Now today, if we want our freedoms back, they’ve got a ‘mandated vaccine’.
I know there will be relentless insults thrown around after posting this video .... but what I want to know from those people is .... What are the facts that he has wrong?

Post garbage videos. Don't respond when they are discredited. Post more garbage videos.
For a little HUMOR.

Actually .... there is 1 thing in there to pay a little attention to .... listen to what comes up at 21:30 and see if it sounds a little familiar.
Fauci DID use the same playbook during the aids epidemic .... The people who eventually brought drug treatments to bring it under control were relentlessly persecuted by Fauci and his minions at the time.

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Look at South Korea's numbers Bob. Why don't you wonder how they did that?
There is no merit to your posts .... You have no character .... You try to cover up the truth.
I see no reason to entertain your delusions or even read your posts.

I might reconsider engaging if you grow up a little and drop the childish crap .... or post something about an effective treatment tool kit to have on hand ..... I think, however, that is is too late for many of us to take you seriously. If anyone thinks your heckling BS is meaningful ... then their opinion doesn't matter to me either.

If you have some information about South Korea that we can all learn from ... post it ....but don't hold your breath that I will read it .... You simply are not worth my time.

It is VERY clear the vaccine is no longer holding up against the new variants. I'm finding that there are established treatment protocols that work and I am researching to make sure I have what I need if someone in my family gets a break-thru case. I have no inkling that you have any information that will help me with that.
Right now, I see all the flak about vaccines or their effectiveness as a waste of time. I have moved on from the vaccine BS ...... Treatment efficacy is where my concern is now.

Treatment .... and early treatment needs to be the focus now .... and that is where it should have been all along.
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There is no merit to your posts .... You have no character .... You try to cover up the truth.
I see no reason to entertain your delusions or even read your posts.

I might reconsider engaging if you grow up a little and drop the childish crap .... or post something about an effective treatment tool kit to have on hand ..... I think, however, that is is too late for many of us to take you seriously. If anyone thinks your heckling BS is meaningful ... then their opinion doesn't matter to me either.

If you have some information about South Korea that we can all learn from ... post it ....but don't hold your breath that I will read it .... You simply are not worth my time.

It is VERY clear the vaccine is no longer holding up against the new variants. I'm finding that there are established treatment protocols that work and I am researching to make sure I have what I need if someone in my family gets a break-thru case. I have no inkling that you have any information that will help me with that.
Right now, I see all the flak about vaccines or their effectiveness as a waste of time. I have moved on from the vaccine BS ...... Treatment efficacy is where my concern is now.

Treatment .... and early treatment needs to be the focus now .... and that is where it should have been all along.
Here is what I do if anyone is interested.

My wife and I have not had a sniffle since the pandemic started. My sisters and their family have not either. There is no miracle. Use your head.

A. Never expose yourself to the virus

1. Don't be stupid.
2. Wear an N95 mask whenever you are in inside contact even if momentary. I wear the 3M 9025 mask. I have worn that in public spaces since February 2020.
3. Make sure any indoor space you are in is well ventilated. 2 and 3 are how South Korea and Japan do it. Do not go in restaurants. Do not go to other crowded places. Things will get better. Do not sacrifice your long-term health or endanger others.
4. Consider every contact and whether you can make it lower risk. I use amazon and pick up for groceries etc.
5. Make a Corsi box so it is ready if you have guests (don't) or if someone in yourhouse of gets sick.–Rosenthal_Box

B. Stay healthy
6. Relax and do things outside. Keep up moderate exercise.
7. Eat healthy. No need for supplements. If you live in winter cloud country supplement with Vit D only to recommended daily level. If you don't eat healthy--daily multivitamin.
8. Sleep!!!!!!!!

C. Get vaccinated. 9. No one should simply rely on vaccination. We are in the middle of a pandemic with a mutating virus. However, vaccination is a safety net and considerably improves your odds regarding hospitalization and death.

D. What if?
10. Buy a pulse ox. (20-30 dollars) They are easy to use. Covid sneaks up on you and people come into the hospital with O2 in the 80's. This will cause brain damage. If you have Covid symptoms and your O2 is below 94. GO IN TO THE HOSPITAL. You may think you feel fine but Covid spirals fast. Early on my friend an ICU nurses said he had never seen anything like it. People talking one minute and then tanking.
12. Buy at home tests but if you are positive-contact your doctor and get an actual test. Paxlovid will be extremely effective against any variant but you need to early on to prevent immune system overreaction. Sitting at home without a formal test puts you days behind. Hopefully, they get a better system but for now be proactive. Assume it will get worse and act now.
13. Have antihistamines, cough syrup, possibly zinc pills, sore throat pain relief, already on hand. Make a Covid kit.
14. Have a plan in place how you will protect other family members if someone test positive. If you have symptoms assume you have Covid and implement the plan. Omicron especially will still test negative even though symptoms are present. You need to be 2-3 days into it. The first twenty minutes of this podcast is excellent in explaining the difference between tests and timing. This discussion will also get into the difference between early immune response and systemic infection.
Here is what I do if anyone is interested.

My wife and I have not had a sniffle since the pandemic started. My sisters and their family have not either. There is no miracle. Use your head.

A. Never expose yourself to the virus

1. Don't be stupid.
2. Wear an N95 mask whenever you are in inside contact even if momentary. I wear the 3M 9025 mask. I have worn that in public spaces since February 2020.
3. Make sure any indoor space you are in is well ventilated. 2 and 3 are how South Korea and Japan do it. Do not go in restaurants. Do not go to other crowded places. Things will get better. Do not sacrifice your long-term health or endanger others.
4. Consider every contact and whether you can make it lower risk. I use amazon and pick up for groceries etc.
5. Make a Corsi box so it is ready if you have guests (don't) or if someone in yourhouse of gets sick.–Rosenthal_Box

B. Stay healthy
6. Relax and do things outside. Keep up moderate exercise.
7. Eat healthy. No need for supplements. If you live in winter cloud country supplement with Vit D only to recommended daily level. If you don't eat healthy--daily multivitamin.
8. Sleep!!!!!!!!

C. Get vaccinated. 9. No one should simply rely on vaccination. We are in the middle of a pandemic with a mutating virus. However, vaccination is a safety net and considerably improves your odds regarding hospitalization and death.

D. What if?
10. Buy a pulse ox. (20-30 dollars) They are easy to use. Covid sneaks up on you and people come into the hospital with O2 in the 80's. This will cause brain damage. If you have Covid symptoms and your O2 is below 94. GO IN TO THE HOSPITAL. You may think you feel fine but Covid spirals fast. Early on my friend an ICU nurses said he had never seen anything like it. People talking one minute and then tanking.
12. Buy at home tests but if you are positive-contact your doctor and get an actual test. Paxlovid will be extremely effective against any variant but you need to early on to prevent immune system overreaction. Sitting at home without a formal test puts you days behind. Hopefully, they get a better system but for now be proactive. Assume it will get worse and act now.
13. Have antihistamines, cough syrup, possibly zinc pills, sore throat pain relief, already on hand. Make a Covid kit.
14. Have a plan in place how you will protect other family members if someone test positive. If you have symptoms assume you have Covid and implement the plan. Omicron especially will still test negative even though symptoms are present. You need to be 2-3 days into it. The first twenty minutes of this podcast is excellent in explaining the difference between tests and timing. This discussion will also get into the difference between early immune response and systemic infection.
I mentioned possible brain injury above. They don't know if it is just O2 deprivation or the virus---immune response. Here, 10 out of 10 autopsies of severe disease had Beta Amyloid deposits (think Alzheimer's) in the brain. Young people had them, including a 39 year old man. The other 10 were under 60. These are extreme cases (these were autopsies) but neurological damage is on a sliding scale.


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My wife and I have not had a sniffle since the pandemic started. My sisters and their family have not either. There is no miracle. Use your head.

A. Never expose yourself to the virus

1. Don't be stupid.
2. Wear an N95 mask whenever you are in inside contact even if momentary. I wear the 3M 9025 mask. I have worn that in public spaces since February 2020.
3. Make sure any indoor space you are in is well ventilated. 2 and 3 are how South Korea and Japan do it. Do not go in restaurants. Do not go to other crowded places. Things will get better. Do not sacrifice your long-term health or endanger others.
4. Consider every contact and whether you can make it lower risk. I use amazon and pick up for groceries etc.
5. Make a Corsi box so it is ready if you have guests (don't) or if someone in yourhouse of gets sick.–Rosenthal_Box

B. Stay healthy
6. Relax and do things outside. Keep up moderate exercise.
7. Eat healthy. No need for supplements. If you live in winter cloud country supplement with Vit D only to recommended daily level. If you don't eat healthy--daily multivitamin.
8. Sleep!!!!!!!!

C. Get vaccinated. 9. No one should simply rely on vaccination. We are in the middle of a pandemic with a mutating virus. However, vaccination is a safety net and considerably improves your odds regarding hospitalization and death.

D. What if?
10. Buy a pulse ox. (20-30 dollars) They are easy to use. Covid sneaks up on you and people come into the hospital with O2 in the 80's. This will cause brain damage. If you have Covid symptoms and your O2 is below 94. GO IN TO THE HOSPITAL.
I do have a pulse oximeter ...... I don't think they will admit you if your oxygen level is 94.
You may think you feel fine but Covid spirals fast. Early on my friend an ICU nurses said he had never seen anything like it. People talking one minute and then tanking.
12. Buy at home tests but if you are positive-contact your doctor and get an actual test. Paxlovid will be extremely effective against any variant but you need to early on to prevent immune system overreaction. Sitting at home without a formal test puts you days behind. Hopefully, they get a better system but for now be proactive. Assume it will get worse and act now.
13. Have antihistamines, cough syrup, possibly zinc pills, sore throat pain relief, already on hand. Make a Covid kit.
14. Have a plan in place how you will protect other family members if someone test positive. If you have symptoms assume you have Covid and implement the plan. Omicron especially will still test negative even though symptoms are present. You need to be 2-3 days into it. The first twenty minutes of this podcast is excellent in explaining the difference between tests and timing. This discussion will also get into the difference between early immune response and systemic infection.
Most of those are good practices to follow .... and some of the OTC meds can help in the early stages.

I would prefer to be on 2 meds that have anti-viral efficacy in the early stages .... and have stronger meds available if things turn down in the 8th day .... I have NO faith in the current treatment regiments in the hospitals. I don't think monoclonal antibodies are even available around here now.

I will be prepared to do tele-med consultation .... I already know my family doctor has nothing to offer .... in order to get some of the stronger meds required after day 8. I will also have some of those meds on hand .... I already have some and others are on the way.

I am also looking at alternative to fine tune my nasal nebulizer treatment .... there are quite a few thing to look at. Providone iodine is one thing I am looking at .... it is cheap OTC as well as hydrogen peroxide and saline.

I wouldn't be so concerned about preparedness except that the wife and I are old codgers.
Most of that is very sensible .... except I don't

I do have a pulse oximeter ...... I don't think they will admit you if your oxygen level is 94.

Most of those are good practices to follow .... and some of the OTC meds can help in the early stages.

I would prefer to be on 2 meds that have anti-viral efficacy in the early stages .... and have stronger meds available if things turn down in the 8th day .... I have NO faith in the current treatment regiments in the hospitals. I don't think monoclonal antibodies are even available around here now.

I will be prepared to do tele-med consultation .... I already know my family doctor has nothing to offer .... in order to get some of the stronger meds required after day 8. I will also have some of those meds on hand .... I already have some and others are on the way.

I am also looking at alternative to fine tune my nasal nebulizer treatment .... there are quite a few thing to look at. Providone iodine is one thing I am looking at .... it is cheap OTC as well as hydrogen peroxide and saline.
Listen to the podcast you will find it interesting as it supplements some of the things you were reading.
New CDC data suggest unvaccinated people 50+ are about 45x more likely to end up in the hospital than those who got a booster. These are the first real-world data on boosters in the U.S.

Bob B says vaccines don't work.
Please stop posting CDC data and making up things I have never said ..... We all know CDC data is corrupt

I'm also completely dis impressed with testing accuracy ..... I think we need to know the symptoms of each variant.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck .... it's probably a duck.
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Please stop posting CDC data and making up things I have never said ..... We all know CDC data is corrupt
Here is part of what I was talking about in Japan Bob. Co2 levels do not tell you the presence of Covid but they do tell you the ventilation level in a building. If you have this kind of information at businesses you can make informed risk decisions. They have a long history of mask-wearing and hygiene. It makes a big difference.


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Well griz that is from June 2021. Pre Omicron, pre-booster and different issue. Other than that you re doing great. Just stupid, not malicious. Do you read articles you post? No, of course not.

The numbers I posted are current and did not address whether an infected vaccinated person could transmit the virus. So, big stupid Grizz, that is a different issue than what I posted.

Uk's numbers clearly show a reduced infection rate, hospitilization rate and death rate especially for the boosted
Well griz that is from June 2021. Pre Omicron, pre-booster and different issue. Other than that you re doing great. Just stupid, not malicious. Do you read articles you post? No, of course not.

The numbers I posted are current and did not address whether an infected vaccinated person could transmit the virus. So, big stupid Grizz, that is a different issue than what I posted.

Uk's numbers clearly show a reduced infection rate, hospitilization rate and death rate especially for the boosted
Always warping the truth.
Dhasper : Never expose yourself to the virus

LOL. Why can't you just stay inside your house and leave everyone else alone instead of wanting to control everyone ?

'Think About What We've Been Told About This Virus That Wasn't True': Jim Jordan​

The vaccinations do not keep you from contracting the virus or spreading it.
The data is clear they reduce getting infections even with Omicron. If fewer people have it. Then fewer transmit. I posted supporting data. You did not.
It still does not prevent infection or the spreading of the virus. You are simply talking in circles.

'Think About What We've Been Told About This Virus That Wasn't True': Jim Jordan​

So BM, I got to thinking today about you and Batvette both thinking you are Batman and driving around in Batman cars. And you are both science deniers are ardent conspiracy fans. What are the odds? I don’t believe in coincidences of this nature. You both are emotionally immature and prefer to live in a fantasy world.

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