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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

There are people who claimed that drinking your own urine was effective.

The smart thing to do is to follow the science and check the sources. Facebook and YouTube, tend to be bad. As an example when it comes to DIY Solar this is a pretty good forum. But a visitor coming here would get way to much information and even conflicting information. And few of us have the resources to check it all out.
If you want to ignore the Dr in South Africa who is operating on a shoe string but has successfully treated over 8000 patients .... I don't know how you can claim you are "following the science."

These Doctors that are successful at early treatment .... don't treat all their patients the same. In a study, that is what is done and it just a ridiculous way to try to figure out what is effective against this illness.

Almost all of the doctors who are seeing success are using corticosteroids once the patients are at or beyond day 8 of the illness ... They aren't using that stand alone .... They are using it in conjunction with other medicines. Prednisone seems to be their preferred corticosteroid .... the dosage they are using varies widely depending on how the patient responds ... the dosage can be as low as 20 mg to as high as 300 mg. The trajectory of the patient is monitored and the medicines and dosages are adjusted as required ..... This is clinical medicine ..... There is a huge range of severity that this thing presents itself to different people .... so, it is necessary to treat different people differently ...... You simply can't do this kind of treatment in a study.

The word is getting out .... the number of doctors now collaborating to TREAT this bi phase illness is increasing every day .... I am hoping for the day their knowledge overwhelms the system that has totally failed us.
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I admit I do not know much about her beyond that she is a specialist, ear nose and throat... does she treat critical care patients or just mild symptom patients? I heard her state the numbers but did they include her regular patients too? 2000 is a lot.
I think she left the hospital and started her own clinic that is primarily treating Covid patients .... as more people find out about her clinic .. the address showed in that video .... She is going to need a larger facility.
It is easy to see she and her staff love what they are dong.
It's funny, but not accurate in this usage. For this picture to accurately represent things it looks like we would have had to have maybe 10% of the reported results which would put deaths at 80k vs 800k. Do you really think that is the case?
I don't think the difference is that radical .... Humor sometimes exaggerates things to make it more funny.
Does anyone in this thread believe that vaccines overall do not help prevent serious disease among those who will develop more severe symptoms? I am not talking about kids, or healthy people with limited risk profiles, but those who actually end up in the hospital, the eldery, overweight, pre-existing conditions. Would you recommend the vaccine, or at least tell them to talk to their doctor about getting vaccinated, to your 80 year old overweight Uncle with diabetes?

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I am learning more about this every day .... I just instinctively know that early treatment of this thing is a necessity.
Instructing people to just go isolate and if they get so sick they can no longer walk ... go to the hospital where they will treat you with Remdesivir ... which doesn't work worth a crap. Keep doing that over and over again watching people die on a ventilator.
I mean really .... how ridiculous and irresponsible is that? Especially when anyone with internet can find out that front line doctors in other countries are curing this thing with treatments of cheap repurposed medicines.

The vaccine being used was designed for the first strain of the virus .... which is long gone. With each variant, the vaccine gets less and less helpful ... now with concerns that repeated boosters can harm the immune system. By the time they get the vaccine in production for Omicron it will have already swept thru ... They will be using another vaccine that is not effective against the new variant that is guaranteed to come along.

These doctors that are successfully TREATING this illness recognize several "waves" which were different variants ... and they had to treat them differently .... sometimes more aggressively ..... sometimes less .... still being successful with their understanding of clinical medicine.
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If you want to ignore the Dr in South Africa who is operating on a shoe string but has successfully treated over 8000 patients on a shoe string .... I don't know how you can claim you are "following the science."

These Doctors that are successful at early treatment .... don't treat all their patients the same. In a study, that is what is done and it just a ridiculous way to try to figure out what is effective against this illness.

Almost all of the doctors who are seeing success are using corticosteroids once the patients are at or beyond day 8 of the illness ... They aren't using that stand alone .... They are using it in conjunction with other medicines. Progesterone seems to be their preferred corticosteroid .... the dosage they are using varies widely depending on how the patient responds ... the dosage can be as low as 20 mg to as high as 300 mg. The trajectory of the patient is monitored and the medicines and dosages are adjusted as required ..... This is clinical medicine ..... There is a huge range of severity that this thing presents itself to different people .... so, it is necessary to treat different people differently ...... You simply can't do this kind of treatment in a study.

The word is getting out .... the number of doctors now collaborating to TREAT this bi phase illness is increasing every day .... I am hoping for the day their knowledge overwhelms the system that has totally failed us.
If and when there are effective treatments, I am sure that they will make it to the mainstream over time.

The problem is that there have been too many false claims and I can't be expected to check them all. The same goes for the risks, regardless if it is a vaccine or any treatment.

For example drinking your own urine could cure something, now we probably agree that it is unlikely, but it has not been proven that it doesn't.

The one thing I have learned from flat earthers is that it doesn't matter what evidence I produce, they will never believe it. Don't get me wrong I am not suggesting that you are a flat earther and that what you believe what you claim. The question you need to answer for yourself is how likely do you think it is that the whole world gets it wrong, but a doctor working on a shoestring budget gets it right? It isn't impossible and while I hope he or some other people have found a working solution, it would be irresponsible for me, a regular person, to advocate people ignore their doctors and put their faith in this guy until there is evidence.

It all comes down to trusting the experts, it is the smart play.
Findings suggest that insurers heavily subsidized the costs of ivermectin prescriptions for COVID-19, even though economic theory holds that insurers should not cover ineffective care.4 Wasteful insurer spending on these prescriptions, estimated at $2.5 million in the week of August 13, 2021, would extrapolate to $129.7 million annually. For perspective, this total exceeds estimated annual Medicare spending on unnecessary imaging for low back pain, a low-value service that has received extensive attention.5 The true amount of waste is even higher because estimates did not include Medicaid spending. Moreover, by reducing barriers to a drug that some individuals use as a substitute for COVID-19 vaccination or other evidence-based care, insurance coverage could increase spending for COVID-19 complications.
If and when there are effective treatments, I am sure that they will make it to the mainstream over time.
There ARE effective treatments right now. Maybe you want to ignore that .... but some doctors are treating this VERY effectively.
The problem is that there have been too many false claims and I can't be expected to check them all. The same goes for the risks, regardless if it is a vaccine or any treatment.

For example drinking your own urine could cure something, now we probably agree that it is unlikely, but it has not been proven that it doesn't.
Why do you guys keep bringing this up? ... Is it because you need to have something you can make fun of? I haven't seen any of the doctors mention something like that in any context.
The one thing I have learned from flat earthers is that it doesn't matter what evidence I produce, they will never believe it.
You must be one because I have presented plenty of evidence that your are ignoring.
Don't get me wrong I am not suggesting that you are a flat earther and that what you believe what you claim. The question you need to answer for yourself is how likely do you think it is that the whole world gets it wrong, but a doctor working on a shoestring budget gets it right? It isn't impossible and while I hope he or some other people have found a working solution, it would be irresponsible for me, a regular person, to advocate people ignore their doctors and put their faith in this guy until there is evidence.
This guy has actually treated a massive amount of patients ... successfully ... It doesn't matter if I ignore my doctor because he has no treatment options to offer.
It all comes down to trusting the experts, it is the smart play.
The smart play is to do what works. It is not smart to have no treatment options available to front line doctors.

This illness changes at the 8th day .... that is why I am calling it an illness rather than a virus. While the first phase is a virus ... what happens after that is NOT viral pneumonia ... it is a systemic reaction to the spike protein. The treatment before the 8th day is pretty much as you would treat any virus .... what happens on the 8th day after the first symptom determines how serious it is going to be and the treatment from that 8th day on needs to be much different than while it is still acting like a typical virus.
There ARE effective treatments right now. Maybe you want to ignore that .... but some doctors are treating this VERY effectively.

Why do you guys keep bringing this up? ... Is it because you need to have something you can make fun of? I haven't seen any of the doctors mention something like that in any context.

You must be one because I have presented plenty of evidence that your are ignoring.

This guy has actually treated a massive amount of patients ... successfully ... It doesn't matter if I ignore my doctor because he has no treatment options to offer.

The smart play is to do what works. It is not smart to have no treatment options available to front line doctors.

This illness changes at the 8th day .... that is why I am calling it an illness rather than a virus. While the first phase is a virus ... what happens after that is NOT viral pneumonia ... it is a systemic reaction to the spike protein. The treatment before the 8th day is pretty much as you would treat any virus .... what happens on the 8th day after the first symptom determines how serious it is going to be and the treatment from that 8th day on needs to be much different than while it is still acting like a typical virus.
Hahahahah. Bob says then give them progesterone? We’re they going through menopause?… what an absolute moron.
There ARE effective treatments right now. Maybe you want to ignore that .... but some doctors are treating this VERY effectively.

Why do you guys keep bringing this up? ... Is it because you need to have something you can make fun of? I haven't seen any of the doctors mention something like that in any context.

You must be one because I have presented plenty of evidence that your are ignoring.

This guy has actually treated a massive amount of patients ... successfully ... It doesn't matter if I ignore my doctor because he has no treatment options to offer.

The smart play is to do what works. It is not smart to have no treatment options available to front line doctors.

This illness changes at the 8th day .... that is why I am calling it an illness rather than a virus. While the first phase is a virus ... what happens after that is NOT viral pneumonia ... it is a systemic reaction to the spike protein. The treatment before the 8th day is pretty much as you would treat any virus .... what happens on the 8th day after the first symptom determines how serious it is going to be and the treatment from that 8th day on needs to be much different than while it is still acting like a typical virus.
Where they giving them one of those polyarctic cocktails?… lololol what morons. Give it up Bob. Progesterone. Good lord.
Here is a hint Short Bus Bobby. Progesterone is a hormone.

Perhaps you meant prednisone? That is a steroid.

Unless you are struggling with menopause? Is it really Roberta B?
Here is a hint Short Bus Bobby. Progesterone is a hormone.

Perhaps you meant prednisone? That is a steroid.

Unless you are struggling with menopause? Is it really Roberta B?
TROLL ....who's only goal is to create so much chaos that the truth is obscured.
TROLL ....who's only goal is to create so much chaos that the truth is obscured.
Prednisone is just a variation of dexamethasone. Same thing we have been discussing for months Short Bus Bobby.
Prednisone is just a variation of dexamethasone. Same thing we have been discussing for months Short Bus Bobby.
The successful doctors are finding prednisone to be the most effective .... Look at the protocols that work ....TROLL
The successful doctors are finding prednisone to be the most effective .... Look at the protocols that work ....TROLL
Oh I see. Just a minute ago it was progesterone and now you know which one is more effective. You have no shame. What an absolute moronic loser. Have a polyartic cocktail on me.
Oh I see. Just a minute ago it was progesterone and now you know which one is more effective. You have no shame. What an absolute moronic loser. Have a polyartic cocktail on me.
TROLL ....Please leave the forum like you promised.

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