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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Actually natural gas usage dropped as well, 2%, year over year. There are studies that clearly show what caused the drop, worldwide. I just lost a little faith that you were at least posting the Trump rhetoric with honesty or integrity. The fact that you still wanted to hang on to such a ridiculous concept as "Green Trump", and finished by saying "not really worth arguing" tells the tale.

It isn't 100% of the time, but if someone responds to your point with a one liner, ending in "not really worth arguing" chances are they know they are probably wrong but can dismiss it instead of finding out and admitting it.
.... and now you are trying to us Mr Kipp's method .... misquote what I'm saying.
You are also insisting on arguing one point out of a long post which is another of his strategies .... guess you learned how to muddy what I am saying from him.

When did I say anything about "Green Trump" .... that's a term you made up or read somewhere.

Was what I posted in my original post inaccurate? Did our carbon footprint go down during his presidency? Did I say his policies were the reason?

I actually don't think Trump put much focus on global warming issues ... other that to get us out of an accord that tried to punish the US while letting China do whatever they wanted.

I don't want to get into a huge global warming... green .... argument. There was another thread about that.
Was what I posted in my original post inaccurate? Did our carbon footprint go down during his presidency? Did I say his policies were the reason?
"Oh, oops. I was listing all of the benefits of Trump and I accidentally listed something that I knew had nothing to do with his policies and that he actually contributed to it not dropping as much as it would have if he hadn't been president. You are such an idiot for latching onto that misleading point and arguing against it" -- Bob B

What fucking two-faced bullshit Bob. It really puts a lot of your posts into perspective if you don't actually relate anything you say to anything else you say, and intentionally insert facts like those above to mislead and distract the conversation.

Fucking p a t h e t i c.
I read that as the issue isnt that important to him.
Worse than that, not important to him, and not even something he attributes to Trump. Good fucking grief, no wonder we can't get anywhere when both sides are throwing out points they don't care about or aren't willing to defend. FFS

Don't fucking say shit you either don't believe or don't care to defend, its just a waste of time and misleads people into trying to honesty discuss this shit for no apparent reason.
"You are also insisting on arguing one point out of a long post which is another of his strategies"

Good to know that you can't actually defend most of what you say, and if someone pulls one thing out to clarify you accuse them of this.
"You are also insisting on arguing one point out of a long post which is another of his strategies"

Good to know that you can't actually defend most of what you say, and if someone pulls one thing out to clarify you accuse them of this.
I'm merely defending against your attacks ..... I don't care to argue climate science.

My mention of it was to indicate his policies didn't increase our carbon footprint ... guess I could have made that more clear.... but I see no reason for you getting so exorcised over it.
Stupid can't be fixed.


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.... and now you are trying to us Mr Kipp's method .... misquote what I'm saying.
You are also insisting on arguing one point out of a long post which is another of his strategies .... guess you learned how to muddy what I am saying from him.

When did I say anything about "Green Trump" .... that's a term you made up or read somewhere.

Was what I posted in my original post inaccurate? Did our carbon footprint go down during his presidency? Did I say his policies were the reason?

I actually don't think Trump put much focus on global warming issues ... other that to get us out of an accord that tried to punish the US while letting China do whatever they wanted.

I don't want to get into a huge global warming... green .... argument. There was another thread about that.
TBH thats a strategy I often use too, and I think revealing something someone gets wrong and educating them about it is more productive than an offhand quip about every statement.
This is where murphygirl fesses up that she has to pay real men to repair her car for her.
I bet you call AAA to have them come out and change your tire for you.
My 9 year old daughter is now replying to you:

Whatever you say, bounces off of me and sticks to you.
Oh and let me tell you, I have yet to see an instance where I had an affliction and couldnt spend a few hours (often less) on the internet and know more than my primary care provider knows about it.
If I got a referral to a specialist thats different, but primary care providers have so many possible areas of expertise they have to keep up on, and many dont care enough about your case to brush up on it. Ive switched doctors a few times because they gave me bad advice. They arent super geniuses, they can be wrong, and Im probably as good as finding info on the web as the average doctor.
So lets not pretend the best way to manage your own health care isnt going to your doctor, then getting a second opinion, then checking various resources available to you, then making your own informed decision.
Stupid can't be fixed.
Haha. The more I look at this gem the funnier it gets.
Many of the cookie cutter tract homes getting slapped together by teams of illegal aliens never had an architect within a mile of the plans or project.
Even funnier, you might call an attorney for your legal problem, you might get one of the tiny minority who acts in your best interests, not one of the more common ones who is mostly interested in stacking up the billable hours, with little concern that he might increase your chances of a favorable outcome.
You.... Actually think people should put their blind trust in lawyers.

I sought the advice of a lawyer recently, one that offered a free phone consult. I scheduled an appointment for them to call me, the atty didnt call but her paralegal did. Had no interest in discussing anything other than what credit card I wanted to pay a $50 fee with before the atty actually called. I passed, the atty finally sent me an email explaining her charges of $6500 to file one document in court with no guarantee my case would even be heard.
Ive used attys with good results a few times, if youre intelligent you can figure when they are just a money pit.

BTW I negotiated my problem without an atty just fine, in this instance I would have been out 6500 and the outcome much worse.
Her goal was to get 6500 out of me, not resolve the matter in a way best for me.
No, fantasizing about killing other humans is certainly not a healthy mindset.. But its better to have it and not need it than it is to need it and not have it.
Chance Favors the Prepared _Louise Pasteur

I sincerely hope every penny I have spent on being prepared will be a penny I never use... The problem is that the risk/reward profile is so lopsided. There's almost no downside to being prepared, but the consequences of not are catastrophic.
I have lived in three countries and have been fortunate enough never to have needed to arm myself in order to protect myself from fellow citizens. I can't imagine what it is like to live there.
I have lived in three countries and have been fortunate enough never to have needed to arm myself in order to protect myself from fellow citizens. I can't imagine what it is like to live there.

Where I live is actually very nice and almost no crime. We live in the rural countryside surrounded by corn and cows.

I didn't become a prepper because I was afraid of my fellow citizens in normal times, I became a prepper when the fat guy with the funny hair in North Korea started lobbing ICBM's into space and detonating nuclear weapons while screaming "death to America".

One good EMP blast, and you're going to wish you were as prepared as I am. The good news is that the possibility of that happening is pretty low.. Probably on par with the possibility of any random home being taken out by a tornado or some other common event that isn't really common.

The chances of your home burning down are pretty low, but most people pay for fire insurance right? And that's money they will never see again, whereas I get to keep my prepping supplies.

Honestly though, the only bad part of the USA are the cities, us country folks live nice quiet lives. My wife doesn't carry her weapon around here, just when she's down near the population centers. Almost all of the crazy stuff you see on the news involves city people.

Most people don't understand how fragile society really is.. it wasn't always like this, but it is now.
still looks like she's in her late 20's or early 30's. She's tall, thin, and attractive,

Pics, now. High res in bikini if you got em. While I admire them I will try and forget shes married to a jerk.

You really are BattShette Crazy. You think I'm a jerk because to idiots like you, I am.

As I get older, I have less tolerance for stupid people.
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Where I live is actually very nice and almost no crime. We live in the rural countryside surrounded by corn and cows.

I didn't become a prepper because I was afraid of my fellow citizens in normal times, I became a prepper when the fat guy with the funny hair in North Korea started lobbing ICBM's into space and detonating nuclear weapons while screaming "death to America".

One good EMP blast, and you're going to wish you were as prepared as I am. The good news is that the possibility of that happening is pretty low.. Probably on par with the possibility of any random home being taken out by a tornado or some other common event that isn't really common.

The chances of your home burning down are pretty low, but most people pay for fire insurance right? And that's money they will never see again, whereas I get to keep my prepping supplies.

Honestly though, the only bad part of the USA are the cities, us country folks live nice quiet lives. My wife doesn't carry her weapon around here, just when she's down near the population centers. Almost all of the crazy stuff you see on the news involves city people.

Most people don't understand how fragile society really is.. it wasn't always like this, but it is now.
Or solar flare like in the 1800s. Or pandemic bad enough that it disrupts power stations, food delivery, etc. Imagine Omicron transmissionbrste but with an across the board 5% mortality rate with treatment and 15% without.... It would fuck things up for decades
Or solar flare like in the 1800s. Or pandemic bad enough that it disrupts power stations, food delivery, etc. Imagine Omicron transmissionbrste but with an across the board 5% mortality rate with treatment and 15% without.... It would fudge things up for decades

Back in 2012, a Carrington Event level CME missed earth by just 12 days.. Had it hit us, we wouldn't be having this conversation today as probably 50% to 70% of the USA (world?) would be dead.

The CME did hit a NASA satellite designed for the specific purpose of measuring CME particle density.. it saturated the satellite to such an extent that all the readings were meaningless. Like trying to use a baby thermometer to measure the temperature of your BBQ.

It was a near miss, and most of the public has no clue..

Did you notice the pandemic?

Up till then he smashed the numbers every quarter.
You mean the pandemic that was a democrat hoax? The one that was going to magically go away on its own? The one they were going to handle and had under control?

That pandemic?

Never hand a science problem to someone who thinks magical invisible sky fairies are real...
You mean the pandemic that was a democrat hoax? The one that was going to magically go away on its own? The one they were going to handle and had under control?

That pandemic?

Never hand a science problem to someone who thinks magical invisible sky fairies are real...
I seem to remember all the democrats trying to call him a racist because he was shutting down travel to China .... Do you mean those democrats?

..... and Nancy Pelosi who went partying in China town just to prove there was nothing to worry about?
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Back in 2012, a Carrington Event level CME missed earth by just 12 days.. Had it hit us, we wouldn't be having this conversation today as probably 50% to 70% of the USA (world?) would be dead.

The CME did hit a NASA satellite designed for the specific purpose of measuring CME particle density.. it saturated the satellite to such an extent that all the readings were meaningless. Like trying to use a baby thermometer to measure the temperature of your BBQ.

It was a near miss, and most of the public has no clue..

Yup, was aware of that, and of 1859, but I think your 50% to 70% number is wildly high. We would have enough warning to do some preparation, and it would be the worst global event in modern history, but I can't see 50% dying. Curious where you came up with that, honestly, I like this kind of stuff.
I have no clue why people would think Trump is racist. He didn't understand what the 19 in Covid-19 stood for, but he liked the name kung flu, china virus, china flu better, because it got cheers from his supporters.

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diy solar