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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

Just shows you that someone can manipulate data to show anything they want .... It had leveled off under Obama ... Minorities didn't improve much under Obama .... Under Trump it went lower than any time in 50 years and for minorities lower than ever in history .... If that chart was extended about 40 years into the past it might have better perspective.
If you did expand the chard, you might find that democrat presidents have usually reduced unemployment while unemployment increased under republican presidents. And you don't need me to look that up for you.

I don't give a rats arse what you find important in an election, nor are historic trends a guarantee that the next republican president will increase unemployment again, who knows, there is always the possibility that you get a good one again.
Trump never had a racist bone in his body .... Trump created a gazillion opportunity zones .... he did more to advance race relations than anyone since MLK.
Don't you mean he has done more for black people than anyone since Lincoln, maybe even more than Lincoln?
Of course, he is just a businessman, these quotes probably never happened, and he wasn't racist, he was just supporting others racism? I am not sure there are many people who dont have a single racist bone in their body, but to claim Trump is one of them isn't funny it is just pathetically blind and sad.

WTF? You get information from the Texas Public Policy Foundation?????????????????????? Is this a joke or something or are you serious? I can't tell because its a new low of stupid. You believe anything you see on the internet don't you?

YUP.. BUSTED.. You didn't think I'd look that up eh? ROFLMAO
The may be the origin .... but if you bothered to look at the Forbes article I linked you would see that is where I got it.

Show me where the chart is in error.
Don't you mean he has done more for black people than anyone since Lincoln, maybe even more than Lincoln?
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Of course, he is just a businessman, these quotes probably never happened, and he wasn't racist, he was just supporting others racism? I am not sure there are many people who dont have a single racist bone in their body, but to claim Trump is one of them isn't funny it is just pathetically blind and sad.

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That's all google gossip and he said she said stuff .... can you substantiate any of that?
If you were a billionaire would you be a racist if one of your employees was did something sketchy?
But ... You guys are going to think what you are going to think .... while ignoring all the good things he did for the minority communities.

I thought you guys were above the race baiting that is so popular in your party .... but .... I guess not.
That's all google gossip and he said she said stuff .... can you substantiate any of that?
If you were a billionaire would you be a racist if one of your employees was did something sketchy?
But ... You guys are going to think what you are going to think .... while ignoring all the good things he did for the minority communities.

I thought you guys were above the race baiting that is so popular in your party .... but .... I guess not.
Those quotes are accurate, even I, some one who knows little about your politics (you are all nuts as far as I am concerned) know that. All you need to do is verify them for yourself. The biggest problem is that you, like so many others who vote, know next to nothing about what is happening in the real world. Just look at US health care per capita, it is the most expensive health care system in the world, by far!, so much for free market economics... And to make things worse, the US does not even rank in the top 10 in outcomes.
That's all google gossip and he said she said stuff .... can you substantiate any of that?
If you were a billionaire would you be a racist if one of your employees was did something sketchy?
But ... You guys are going to think what you are going to think .... while ignoring all the good things he did for the minority communities.

I thought you guys were above the race baiting that is so popular in your party .... but .... I guess not.
I guess it is true, love is blind.

Most honest people I know who voted for Trump wouldn't argue half of what you have, but they voted for him despite his failings... instead you seem to be rewriting history where Trump is the champion of the minorities.
Those quotes are accurate, even I, some one who knows little about your politics (you are all nuts as far as I am concerned) know that. All you need to do is verify them for yourself. The biggest problem is that you, like so many others who vote, know next to nothing about what is happening in the real world. Just look at US health care per capita, it is the most expensive health care system in the world, by far!, so much for free market economics... And to make things worse, the US does not even rank in the top 10 in outcomes.
When one person says something happened and another says it not ..... Then you are the arbitrater and know which one is telling the truth? You guys are more delusional than I thought.
I guess it is true, love is blind.

Most honest people I know who voted for Trump wouldn't argue half of what you have, but they voted for him despite his failings... instead you seem to be rewriting history where Trump is the champion of the minorities.
Just not allowing fiction to replace fact .... You should try it some time.

I posted data proving my points ... You posted Google Gossip Race Baiting.
When one person says something happened and another says it not ..... Then you are the arbitrater and know which one is telling the truth? You guys are more delusional than I thought.
Ever hear of google or factcheck? I do not have to be the arbitrator, all I need to do is for you to look further before you keep repeating falsehoods.
Ever hear of google or factcheck? I do not have to be the arbitrator, all I need to do is for you to look further before you keep repeating falsehoods.
Most of those "fact checkers" are college kids sitting behind a keyboard or some other group with an agenda .... You are just drinking more of the cool aid when you put your faith in these self proclaimed "fact checkers" who's agenda is really to be a fact blocker.

Haven't you noticed that about 2/3 of what these self described fact checkers declare as misinformation turns out to be true a couple months later?

It's like Hitler declaring himself to be a lover of Jewish people or the head of the KKK declaring themselves to be protecting minority rights.
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Most of those "fact checkers" are college kids sitting behind a keyboard or some other group with an agenda .... You are just drinking more of the cool aid when you put your faith in these self proclaimed "fact checkers" who's agenda is really to be a fact blocker.

Haven't you noticed that about 2/3 of what these self described fact checkers declare as misinformation turns out to be true a couple months later?

It's like Hitler declaring himself to be a lover of Jewish people or the head of the KKK declaring themselves to be protecting minority rights.
It absolutely amazes me that a lazy keyboard warrior thinks they are actually getting the facts from the self proclaimed fact checkers.

Duh .... Yep ... I looked it up and those "fact checkers" said it was true ... so I guess I can't trust what I see with my own eyes.

Most of those "fact checkers" are college kids sitting behind a keyboard or some other group with an agenda .... You are just drinking more of the cool aid when you put your faith in these self proclaimed "fact checkers" who's agenda is really to be a fact blocker.

Haven't you noticed that about 2/3 of what these self described fact checkers declare as misinformation turns out to be true a couple months later?

It's like Hitler declaring himself to be a lover of Jewish people or the head of the KKK declaring themselves to be protecting minority rights.
Ohh, the irony...

After Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, Spencer urged his supporters to "party like it's 1933," the year Hitler came to power in Germany. In the weeks following, Spencer quoted Nazi propaganda and denounced Jews. At a conference Spencer held celebrating the election, Spencer cried: "Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!"

(Richard B. Spencer is an American neo-Nazi, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, and white supremacist public speaker and former editor and activist on behalf of the alt-right movement)
It absolutely amazes me that a lazy keyboard warrior thinks they are actually getting the facts from the self proclaimed fact checkers.

Duh .... Yep ... I looked it up and those "fact checkers" said it was true ... so I guess I can't trust what I see with my own eyes.

As opposed getting your facts from your thumb?
Ohh, the irony...

After Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, Spencer urged his supporters to "party like it's 1933," the year Hitler came to power in Germany. In the weeks following, Spencer quoted Nazi propaganda and denounced Jews. At a conference Spencer held celebrating the election, Spencer cried: "Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!"

(Richard B. Spencer is an American neo-Nazi, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, and white supremacist public speaker and former editor and activist on behalf of the alt-right movement)
So ... You think that is evidence that Trump had something to do with that nutcase? A politician is somehow supposed to be just like everyone who supports him? It must be comforting to live in your simplistic little world.
As opposed getting your facts from your thumb?

I trust what I see with my own eyes over what some agenda driven "fact checker" is trying to feed me. Apparently you just want someone to tell you what to think and what to believe so you can just get in line with what you are fed.

All the propaganda agents try to name themselves something that sounds just great to be a part of ..... BLM for instance.
I trust what I see with my own eyes over what some agenda driven "fact checker" is trying to feed me. Apparently you just want someone to tell you what to think and what to believe so you can just get in line with what you are fed.
You are wrong, you mistakenly believe that your opinions are the result of years of rational, objective analysis. While in fact your opinions are the result of years of paying attention to information which confirmed what you believed while ignoring information which challenged your preconceived notions.

All the propaganda agents try to name themselves something that sounds just great to be a part of ..... BLM for instance.
You are the one following the propaganda, Trump did not reduce unemployment as much as you believed, but any indepent information that shows he didn't, is rejected by you. The question you need to ask yourself is why you would do that.

And now you lost the argument, you try to switch to Black lives Matter (BLM). BLM is a decentralized political and social movement that seeks to highlight racism, discrimination, and inequality experienced by black people. When its supporters come together, they do so primarily to protest incidents of police brutality and racially motivated violence against black people.

Police violence is a leading cause of death for young men in the United States. Over the life course, about 1 in every 1,000 black men can expect to be killed by police. (twice the average)

What is your problem with BLM?
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So ... You think that is evidence that Trump had something to do with that nutcase? A politician is somehow supposed to be just like everyone who supports him? It must be comforting to live in your simplistic little world.
It is not just the left that knows that Trump is a racist.
You are wrong, you mistaken you believe that your opinions are the result of years of rational, objective analysis. While in fact your opinions are the result of years of paying attention to information which confirmed what you believed while ignoring information which challenged your preconceived notions.

You are the one following the propaganda, Trump did not reduce unemployment as much as you believed, but any indepent information that shows he didn't, is rejected by you. The question you need to ask yourself is why you would do that.

I doubt you even looked at the data I posted .... which proved what I said in my original statement .... You just want to believe what some fact blocker says.
And now you lost the argument, you try to switch to Black lives Matter (BLM). BLM is a decentralized political and social movement that seeks to highlight racism, discrimination, and inequality experienced by black people. When its supporters come together, they do so primarily to protest incidents of police brutality and racially motivated violence against black people.
BLM is an organization that tries to appear they have the best interest of black people at heart when what they are actually doing is burning down black neighborhoods and making money for themselves .... Maybe you should look at some of the recent news showing what BLM is REALLY all about .... But I know you won't actually take the time to inform yourself.
Police violence is a leading cause of death for young men in the United States. Over the life course, about 1 in every 1,000 black men can expect to be killed by police. (twice the average)

What is your problem with BLM?

OMG .... Look at what they are doing .... Look where all the money went that they were donated. Big money is missing .... Millions in real estate is being purchased for personal use by the "leaders". Millions of money is just plain missing .... ditch Google and actually inform yourself.

Push those posers aside and donate to a good cause like the King family.
It is not just the left that knows that Trump is a racist.
I think you are beyond the point that your "mind" can be unraveled from the propaganda .... you refuse to look with your own eyes .... judge by what you can see actually happening instead of what people with an agenda say ... It seems to be too late for you to wake up .... so ... zombie on.
I doubt you even looked at the data I posted .... which proved what I said in my original statement .... You just want to believe what some fact blocker says.
I believe a fact checker over some on on the internet, you are again correct.

BLM is an organization that tries to appear they have the best interest of black people at heart when what they are actually doing is burning down black neighborhoods and making money for themselves .... Maybe you should look at some of the recent news showing what BLM is REALLY all about .... But I know you won't actually take the time to inform yourself.
And Trump supporters stormed the capitol in an attempt to overthrow the election.

OMG .... Look at what they are doing .... Look where all the money went that they were donated. Big money is missing .... Millions in real estate is being purchased for personal use by the "leaders". Millions of money is just plain missing .... ditch Google and actually inform yourself.
Ditch google and inform myself how? By following conspiracy sites?

Push those posers aside and donate to a good cause like the King family.
Not pushing any one aside.
I think you are beyond the point that your "mind" can be unraveled from the propaganda .... you refuse to look with your own eyes .... judge by what you can see actually happening instead of what people with an agenda say ... It seems to be too late for you to wake up .... so ... zombie on.
So I am not allowed to use fact checkers, or google because facts are propaganda?

Again, I have not voted in decades in any election. I am just watching the freak show down South.

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So I am not allowed to use fact checkers, or google because facts are propaganda?

Again, I have not voted in decades in any election. I am just watching the freak show down South.

Feel free to keep using the fact blockers to tell you what to think .... It's way to dangerous to have an original thought.

Maybe you should worry a little more about what is happening in your own back yard.
Feel free to keep using the fact blockers to tell you what to think .... It's way to dangerous to have an original thought.
Fact "blockers"? How old are you?

Maybe you should worry a little more about what is happening in your own back yard.
Not worried at all, you guys will turn into yet another failed superpower, destroyed from within because normal people are not allowed to use search engines or facts. In the mean time China, a dictatorship will feel justified to censor anything it doesn't like because people like yourself will follow untruths.

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