diy solar

diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

He doesn't think anything through.. easily manipulated by internet propaganda...
He isn't dumb though. But his rhetoric reminds me more of football hooligans in the UK who support their team regardless, rather then some one who considers the issues clearly and will accept the referee's decisions.
Says the guy breathing clean air and drinking clean water because the EPA forces compliance.

You see, most of these stupid little internet memes are targeted at the ignorant and gullible who don't possess critical thinking skills. These types are easily manipulated and coerced into opinions and attitudes to serve the purposes of others.
See what I did there .... You guys just want to argue and don't care what it's about .... kind disappointed you couldn't come up with more examples though ... ?
See what I did there .... You guys just want to argue and don't care what it's about .... kind disappointed you couldn't come up with more examples though ... ?



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See what I did there .... You guys just want to argue and don't care what it's about .... kind disappointed you couldn't come up with more examples though ... ?
Are... you.... bragging about trolling? You either post things you don't actually believe or intend to defend, and then when we fall all over ourselves like eager puppies because maybe... just maybe.... this example is too extreme for even you to defend.... you laugh and deflect, or pretend you didn't mean it, or that you just posted it to troll us into responding as we did.
Are... you.... bragging about trolling?
Yes .... just wanted to try it out to see how it felt.
You either post things you don't actually believe or intend to defend, and then when we fall all over ourselves like eager puppies because maybe... just maybe.... this example is too extreme for even you to defend.... you laugh and deflect, or pretend you didn't mean it, or that you just posted it to troll us into responding as we did.
I think it's pretty clear by now what I actually believe.

I believe it is criminal that there are an abundance of early treatments that work ..... yet they are all suppressed by our health care agencies and their eager minions.

I believe it is criminal that anyone under the age of 30 was ever encouraged to be vaccinated unless they had comorbidities.

I believe it is beyond criminal that they decided kids needed vaccinated .... or forced to wear masks ..... beyond maybe a few special cases.

I believe we should have concentrated the vaccines on those who really needed it ..... around the world .... and concentrated on early treatment for everyone else.

It hard for me to believe that they have kept up the vaccine, vaccine, vaccine mantra and attempts to mandate in the face of all the evidence that it's not really working against the new variants.

I could be jerking you guys around all day and night if I wanted .... because you are so predictable ... but I choose not to do that. I wanted to get this discussion out of the weeds .... but really doubt that is possible.

Cases are back to where they were in late December ..... We may have all been saved from further tyranny by a lucky shift of the virus .... probably won't be long before all these incompetent fools are running around declaring that their strategies have won the day.

Yes .... just wanted to try it out to see how it felt.

I think it's pretty clear by now what I actually believe.

I believe it is criminal that there are an abundance of early treatments that work ..... yet they are all suppressed by our health care agencies and their eager minions.
They're all suppressed? What CIA, FBI, NSA stealthy tactics did you use to uncover these global secret conspiracy treatments that are hidden from everyone else?

I believe it is criminal that anyone under the age of 30 was ever encouraged to be vaccinated unless they had comorbidities.
Your belief is based on what? Your PhD and 30 years of medical experience? Or the fact that you know how to watch youtube videos and type crap into google?

I believe it is beyond criminal that they decided kids needed vaccinated .... or forced to wear masks ..... beyond maybe a few special cases.
Again, your vast knowledge and medical education is impressive...

I believe we should have concentrated the vaccines on those who really needed it ..... around the world .... and concentrated on early treatment for everyone else.
The vaccine is the holy grail of early treatment genius.. It prevents you from needing all those other top secret treatments you uncovered with those amazing research skills you've acquired over your 30 years of medical experience.

It hard for me to believe that they have kept up the vaccine, vaccine, vaccine mantra and attempts to mandate in the face of all the evidence that it's not really working against the new variants.
Its hard for you to believe scientific and medical experts with decades of experience, but someone tells you there's a magical invisible sky fairy that needs your money and support and you jump right in? Did I get that about right?

I could be jerking you guys around all day and night if I wanted .... because you are so predictable ... but I choose not to do that. I wanted to get this discussion out of the weeds .... but really doubt that is possible.

Cases are back to where they were in late December ..... We may have all been saved from further tyranny by a lucky shift of the virus .... probably won't be long before all these incompetent fools are running around declaring that their strategies have won the day.

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Yup.. and we're all sure that the wide spread use of vaccines had nothing to do with it right?

At least we are starting to get a little honesty out of Israel.

Oh ..... and it looks like BMcL was right all along about Ivermectin. There's a Japanese study showing the same thing.

Gotta say .... These people have done a very good job of organizing this thing. It's going to catch on in every "free" country if they don't quit with the mandates.

One thing I saw that I thought was funny .... the police announced they were going to arrest anyone trying to deliver fuel to the protesters .... the protesters then sent out a bunch of people carrying around empty fuel containers.

That was the whole point.

The guy was trolling all along, I really thought he believed all that nonsense.
Just to make it clear for anyone else not paying attention .... I trolled you guys on1 post and 1 post only ... but as usual, you guys want to make things up to make it appear different than it actually is.
.... or .... should I just say you are a liar.
What? Bob B? Now he says he was trolling the whole time? I have him blocked.
I think being ignored by you is a badge of honor .... I don't really think I need to point out that you are a liar .... we already know that.
Just to make it clear for anyone else not paying attention .... I trolled you guys on1 post and 1 post only ... but as usual, you guys want to make things up to make it appear different than it actually is.
.... or .... should I just say you are a liar.
I am confused, which posts did you believe the nonsense you were spouting and which one was only trolling?

And while we are at it, do you admit that Trump left office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover?


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I am confused, which posts did you believe the nonsense you were spouting and which one was only trolling?

And while we are at it, do you admit that Trump left office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover?
I realize that you are confused.
But do you admit that Trump left office with the worst jobs record in modern times?

There you go with your ignorant "fact check" crap again. Do you really want to have the same discussion in a circular fashion? We've been over this already ... sorry you have such a short memory.

diy solar

diy solar