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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

I'm saying that anyone who thinks an invisible sky fairy is responsible for our world, probably isn't a source of information you should listen to.
But what if my magical invisible sky fairy is whispering sweet NEC references in my ear? Isn't it okay if nobody sees it and I just repeat it like I had read straight from NEC?
Well that is not the only way it is used. This is an example of using honesty dishonestly.
Example:: devoted to a pursuit, belief, or mode of behavior : serious, earnest.
a devout baseball fan.
born a devout coward.
a devout wish for peace.
When you use devout to describe fandom as a reference to religion, I think it is an accurate but somewhat derogatory comparison to religion, but when you use it with atheism, it is just wrong. I do get your point though.
When you said NEC, that's the first thing I thought of but didn't think that's what you meant because it has no relevance.
There you go, discounting my magical invisible sky fairy that whispers sweet NEC references in my ear. You won't be happy til you've taken even that from me? Is there nothing sacred? Have you no shame, Sir? ;)
There you go, discounting my magical invisible sky fairy that whispers sweet NEC references in my ear. You won't be happy til you've taken even that from me? Is there nothing sacred? Have you no shame, Sir? ;)
When you read from the NEC, that's code.. when the NEC reads to you, that's psychosis
The truth will find a way to be told .....

Yeah .... 1.5 or higher is good.

It's simply a tactic .... Murphy made a comment to start an argument about religion to divert attention away from the video linked above ... which has absolutely nothing to do with religion.
As I said earlier ... these guys just want to argue ... they don't care what the argument is about.

Johnson keeps trying to drop bait about Trump to try to re-litigate a discussion he already lost .... They want to divert attention away from the subject because they are loosing in the discussion about vaccine effectiveness and how crazy it is that all early treatments have been shut down.

Johnson desperately wants to believe that the college student fact blockers on Facebook, Google, and Twitter are the only ones who really know what is misinformation ... and cheers on while they try to stifle free speech.
They are so much more informed than epidemiologists and brilliant front line doctors.
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It's simply a tactic .... Murphy made a comment to start an argument about religion to divert attention away from the video linked above ... which has absolutely nothing to do with religion.
That depends on your view. Religion like your arguments is also based on the presumed existence of god(s) for which there is no evidence either.

As I said earlier ... these guys just want to argue ... they don't care what the argument is about.
So what? Keep posting nonsense and don't expect push back?

Johnson keeps trying to drop bait about Trump to try to re-litigate a discussion he already lost
You claimed Trump massively reduced unemployment, the reality is that he left office with more people unemployed than when he got into office. The fact that you refuse to admit that shows you live in lala land and that you are not able to distinguish between fact and fiction.

They want to divert attention away from the subject because they are loosing in the discussion about vaccine effectiveness
No one is diverting attention away from vaccine effectiveness. It is an interesting topic, but your sources are suspect to put it politely. You might find the lancet a little more reliable.

and how crazy it is that all early treatments have been shut down.
No early treatments have been shut down. You claim they are effective, I am waiting for science to have a say before I drink urine or any of the other "treatments" promoted by the anti-vaxxers

Johnson desperately wants to believe
I don't WANT you to believe anything, nor am I desperate. I find your nonsense and inability to accept your mistakes puzzling though.

that the college student fact blockers on Facebook, Google, and Twitter are the only ones who really know what is misinformation
I have not used fact checkers on either of those three you mentioned. Besides just because they call you out on your nonsense does not make them fact blockers.

... and cheers on while they try to stifle free speech.
Private companies are not required to allow nonsense to be propagated on their platforms. Just like a baker does not have to bake a cake for a gay couple. Free speech is an interesting concept, for example should you be allowed to falsely shout fire in a crowded theater

They are so much more informed than epidemiologists and brilliant front line doctors.
I am not, I believe I am more informed than you because I get my information from reliable sources. While you have been proven wrong and still have not accepted that you were wrong.

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That depends on your view. Religion like your arguments is also based on the presumed existence of god(s) for which there is no evidence either.

So what? Keep posting nonsense and don't expect push back?

You claimed Trump massively reduced unemployment, the reality is that he left office with more people unemployed than when he got into office. The fact that you refuse to admit that shows you live in lala land and that you are not able to distinguish between fact and fiction.

No one is diverting attention away from vaccine effectiveness. It is an interesting topic, but your sources are suspect to put it politely. You might find the lancet a little more reliable.

No early treatments have been shut down. You claim they are effective, I am waiting for science to have a say before I drink urine or any of the other "treatments" promoted by the anti-vaxxers

I don't WANT you to believe anything, nor am I desperate. I find your nonsense and inability to accept your mistakes puzzling though.

I have not used fact checkers on either of those three you mentioned. Besides just because they call you out on your nonsense does not make them fact blockers.

Private companies are not required to allow nonsense to be propagated on their platforms. Just like a baker does not have to bake a cake for a gay couple. Free speech is an interesting concept, for example should you be allowed to falsely shout fire in a crowded theater

I am not, I believe I am more informed than you because I get my information from reliable sources. While you have been proven wrong and still have not accepted that you were wrong.

Oh that's the Bob you're talking about. :D
It's simply a tactic .... Murphy made a comment to start an argument about religion to divert attention away from the video linked above ... which has absolutely nothing to do with religion.
Wow. You seriously think I even bother to read most of your posts anymore? You've buried yourself so deep into the horse crap conspiracy that I treat most of your posts the same way I treat the emails from the Nigerian prince who wants to give me 30 million dollars..

As I said earlier ... these guys just want to argue ... they don't care what the argument is about.

Johnson keeps trying to drop bait about Trump to try to re-litigate a discussion he already lost .... They want to divert attention away from the subject because they are loosing in the discussion about vaccine effectiveness and how crazy it is that all early treatments have been shut down.

Johnson desperately wants to believe that the college student fact blockers on Facebook, Google, and Twitter are the only ones who really know what is misinformation ... and cheers on while they try to stifle free speech.
They are so much more informed than epidemiologists and brilliant front line doctors.
Dude, there's no such thing as "front line doctors".. That's just an advertising and marking ploy that's used to appeal to those who like to pretend they're patriots or conservatives fighting for freedom.. "Front line" implies a brave a soldier in battle... which garners respect and attention. They're basically stealing valor by attempting association.

Damn are you gullible.. its like there's no end to it.

Every doctor and nurse working at every hospital is technically the "front line" for every patient that walks into the facility needing medical attention. Doesn't matter if its covid or a broken toe..

Regardless of your irrationally misinformed beliefs, and regardless of your local hospital's policies, we both know when you get deathly sick with something, where you're going.
Wow. You seriously think I even bother to read most of your posts anymore? You've buried yourself so deep into the horse crap conspiracy that I treat most of your posts the same way I treat the emails from the Nigerian prince who wants to give me 30 million dollars..

Dude, there's no such thing as "front line doctors".. That's just an advertising and marking ploy that's used to appeal to those who like to pretend they're patriots or conservatives fighting for freedom.. "Front line" implies a brave a soldier in battle... which garners respect and attention. They're basically stealing valor by attempting association.

Damn are you gullible.. its like there's no end to it.

Every doctor and nurse working at every hospital is technically the "front line" for every patient that walks into the facility needing medical attention. Doesn't matter if its covid or a broken toe..

Regardless of your irrationally misinformed beliefs, and regardless of your local hospital's policies, we both know when you get deathly sick with something, where you're going.
If you don't read my posts ... or watch the videos ... You have no basis for your opinion.

1. More kids die every year playing little league than have died from the Omicron variant.
2. More kids have died of accidental poisoning than have died of Covid from the beginning .... even if you include the children with multiple comorbidities .... those make up 3/4 of the child deaths from Covid.
3. The Israelis hospitalizations show that even with a 2nd booster shot ... they can detect no difference in hospitalizations and deaths between the unvaccinated and the fully boosted with the current variant.
4. There are significant risks for adverse events following the vaccine. See CDC's chart below.
4. Why are they still so intent on getting every child vaccinated?

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3. The Israelis hospitalizations show that even with a 2nd booster shot ... they can detect no difference in hospitalizations and deaths between the unvaccinated and the fully boosted with the current variant.
Hrm, I think you are confused, or else have new information I havn't read yet.. They showed increased antibody response but limited efficacy against reducing infection. Preliminary results show somewhere between 5 and 50x reduction in hospitalization vs unvaccinated.

If you have new information that changes the preliminary results please share.
I don't care what you say when my magical invisible sky fairy that whispers in my ear to get the shots w/booster I obey. After all... I'm science oriented.
Hrm, I think you are confused, or else have new information I havn't read yet.. They showed increased antibody response but limited efficacy against reducing infection. Preliminary results show somewhere between 5 and 50x reduction in hospitalization vs unvaccinated.

If you have new information that changes the preliminary results please share.
I posed that info in post 2287 .... but I have lost the original article.

This one makes the same reference.
Oh that's the Bob you're talking about. :D
I honestly believe no one on this forum has an IQ below 100, but some people believe they know better than the experts in their field, which is unlikely.

Bob's style of arguing is pretty typical for conspiracy theorists, they do not let facts or logic get in the way of their conspiracy theories.
I honestly believe no one on this forum has an IQ below 100, but some people believe they know better than the experts in their field, which is unlikely.

Bob's style of arguing is pretty typical for conspiracy theorists, they do not let facts or logic get in the way of their conspiracy theories.
A big diversion from the thread .... but I'm just curious.

Concerning the trucker protests going on up there .... Do you believe what your president is saying about the truckers .... or do you believe what you are seeing with your own eyes?
Have you watched any of the truckers being interviewed by independent media so you will know for yourself what to believe?
I won't make this a major diversion ... just trying to understand how you take in information.
I honestly believe no one on this forum has an IQ below 100, but some people believe they know better than the experts in their field, which is unlikely.

Bob's style of arguing is pretty typical for conspiracy theorists, they do not let facts or logic get in the way of their conspiracy theories.
Well in fact the global average iq of a human is 100. Turns out the average American falls 2 points down from there. So there's that to consider?
According to a World IQ study, the US ranks 27th in the world with an average IQ of 98. Most people in the US have an IQ between 85 and 115.
A big diversion from the thread
It is not the first time you have diverted from the thread and that is ok.

but I'm just curious.
Curiosity is great, the first step in discovering new things..

Concerning the trucker protests going on up there.
Bunch of dicks right?

Do you believe what your president is saying about the truckers
We don't have a president here, I think you mean prime minister? What is he saying about the truckers?

or do you believe what you are seeing with your own eyes?
We had a few dozen protesters here near one of the grocery stores. They were fast outnumbered by people going about doing their shopping (while wearing mask)

Have you watched any of the truckers being interviewed by independent media so you will know for yourself what to believe?
I have not, I don't watch much tv, I dislike advertisements with a passion.

I won't make this a major diversion

just trying to understand how you take in information.
I get my information from various sources, depending on the topic. For example I come here to learn more about solar and batteries etc. I would prefer a more organized place as the information is really hard to get going especially for newbies. The good news is that there is talk of building a wiki and judging from the expertise here, I am sure it is going to be awesome.

When it comes to US unemployment figures, I used google to find the link to the government web site. The trick to doing a proper search is to keep any bias out of the search terms. In my case the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, was second on the list.

If you are a Christian and are looking for a good source, I can recommend Christian Science Monitor. Very little bias if any as far as I have been able to tell.

When it comes to taxation and economics, try reading books. For example Thomas Piketty's "Capital in the Twenty-First Century" showed that capitalism, left to itself, generates deepening inequality, which is creating social unrest.

Well in fact the global average iq of a human is 100. Turns out the average American falls 2 points down from there. So there's that to consider?
According to a World IQ study, the US ranks 27th in the world with an average IQ of 98. Most people in the US have an IQ between 85 and 115.
I.Q. is just one indication and it depends on how you test intelligence. The point I am trying to make is that you wouldn't start tinkering with solar and batteries if you were dumb. Those things are expensive (which means you need a reasonably paying job and that requires some intelligence)
Smoky and the Bandit would be proud... (This might be a bit too old for some of you)

Clip from movie Convoy...

Well in fact the global average iq of a human is 100. Turns out the average American falls 2 points down from there. So there's that to consider?
According to a World IQ study, the US ranks 27th in the world with an average IQ of 98. Most people in the US have an IQ between 85 and 115.
It gets a little more complicated as tests are normalized every 15 years or so and tests in different languages are not identical especially considering societal and nurture variations across countries (and states in the us case). It is hard to draw a sharp line but as hard as it is to believe if someone scored 100 on a new test they would have scored closer to 110 on one from the mid 1900s.

But yeah in general most of the bell curve falls within +/- one sigma.

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diy solar