diy solar

diy solar

Is it supposed to be this HARD??


"Here - Hold my Beer"
Nov 13, 2019
EE from LAX CA -work in SouthTX for giant evil Oil
Short story made long … one of the sub-contractors we have came into the TECH shop today with a ton of BBQ and asked if we had a moment could we help him eat some of the BBQ and also take a look at why he was NOT getting the charging he use to get off his panels on his RV … SO 15 minutes later all the BBQ is gone – along with corn – mashed potatoes – beans and Ice Tea and the five of us grabbed our gear and went outside to his rig... He had had the solar installed by a “professional” in Quartside (sp?) AZ a couple of years ago … about 1300W of panels and had upgraded recently to 800aH of LiFePO4 … SOOO we divided up the system -- one guy took the batteries .. one took the SCC .. one took the cabling on the ground .. and me being the lightest I always get the roof (because honestly – some of these Texas boys are pretty big – but I digress) .. By the time I got the lift (YEP too lazy to climb a ladder) the other guys were halfway thru and had not found anything major – just minor this or that a little dirty or loose and the SCC had some wrong settings … SO I get on the roof – get to the first panel, disconnect the MC4 and take a volt reading … 21.2V … hmmm that looks fine … I go to plug the (+) MC4 back in and the cable just pulls apart in half … (I’m thinking damn – I’m already breaking stuff) … so I making a new cable and realize that the (-) also broke off because they were zipped tied … THEN I realized – whatever idiot installed the cabling on top did not use UV resistant cabling but instead just 8AWG COOPER SPEAKER CABLE whose insulation had cracked (probably a month after install) and allowed the elements to get to the copper and – well – it was like a straw with cement instead of pliable 16 strand copper … SO since I was still burping Brisket I figure I would just re-run all his lines with 10AWG UV insulated copper stranded cabling … UNFORTUNATELY after we ran the proper cabling and set his SCC up correctly – he was THEN producing more AMPS then his SCC should handle .. but that’s another story – and going to take allot more BBQ …. BUT MORAL OF THE STORY – CHECK YOUR CABLING on the roof for any cracks or hardness …
It's a good point and I'm running Solarline 10 on my trailer's roof. It's UV resistant, and I'm wondering if I should also run it through some flexible conduit for added protection. Brisket takes 12 hrs minimum of slow smoking on real wood to do it right for me. I have tried to do it via solar with an electric pressure cooker with liquid smoke and... just no.
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Should also put cable shrouding over it. Its cheap so why not.
It's a good point and I'm running Solarline 10 on my trailer's roof. It's UV resistant, and I'm wondering if I should also run it through some flexible conduit for added protection. Brisket takes 12 hrs minimum of slow smoking on real wood to do it right for me. I have tried to do it via solar with an electric pressure cooker with liquid smoke and... just no.

Totally agree with the flexible conduit ... even with our UV protected stuff i will drop it in a flexible conduit ... cheap and easy ... and great way to hide ugly wires .. LOL
a “professionSal” in Quartside (sp?) AZ a couple of years ago

It's Quartzsite, Az. You know rock capital of the world, Big Tent Rv Jan 14th+10 days. There's only 2 solar install shops here Discount Solar and Solar Bills however there's 4 huge BLM lands that are open from like Sept 15 to April 15 where people can dry camp for $180.00 all winter and independent installers are all over it.

Hmm BBQ..actually had ribs from Quartzsite store "Coyote Foods" today. Anyways it's "Quartzsite".
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You can always tell cable that is designed for PV installations because stripping it is a pain - it has two layers.

diy solar

diy solar