diy solar

diy solar

Jakiper Customer Service

I have been in contact with Zhoulun of Jakiper Battery. Jakiper's response time and concern has improved a lot. I am having further issues with one of the 48V Jakiper batteries that I bought. One of the batteries has an obvious issue with the BMS. The RST button does not work at all.

Per Jakiper, they are going to send me a replacement BMS to resolve the issue. I only want to inform anyone who is interested in purchasing batteries from Jakiper, their warranty affords them the option to send you replacement parts for you to install yourself. If you uncomfortable in opening and performing repairs on a 48V battery or any battery they sell, you might want to reconsider.

This should be fun for me as I am a little uncomfortable playing around inside a 48V/100Ah battery.
It looked like it did reset the first time... did i miss something? Sorry about your bad luck with this battery.
It looked like it did reset the first time... did i miss something? Sorry about your bad luck with this battery.
If you watch the video closer, you will see that the lower battery works, then I pan up to the second battery and the RST button does not react.
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I'm having problems with my Jakiper 48v batteries. It took forever to get them. To begin with they were not in stock as advertised. They finally arrived in Rancho Cucamonga and shipped in mid January. They sat on ABF dock in San Bernardino another month.
I had to reschedule installation several times. Now they will not turn on at all. No buzzer, no lights, no nothing.
Brand new and just opened the boxes. Totally doa, not a sign of life in them.
Wow, I thought I had it bad. Really sorry to hear about that. Contact Jakiper, they may send you a complete replacement, who knows. In my case, the RST is a BMS issue and they can send me a replacement BMS.

I so regret buying these batteries. I really wish I had stuck with the EG4's. No issues at all, and they play well together.
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Mine have not turned on at all. Literally 2 expensive 48v bricks.
I'm having problems with my Jakiper 48v batteries. It took forever to get them. To begin with they were not in stock as advertised. They finally arrived in Rancho Cucamonga and shipped in mid January. They sat on ABF dock in San Bernardino another month.
I had to reschedule installation several times. Now they will not turn on at all. No buzzer, no lights, no nothing.
Brand new and just opened the boxes. Totally doa, not a sign of life in them.
Hi Gimi Howard,

TWO batteries all can't switch on? Not one?
Have you see the email we sent you yesterday, have you tried to start the battery from 'RST' key as per below link?
If you watch the video closer, you will see that the lower battery works, then I pan up to the second battery and the RST button does not react.
Noticed the difficulties for ON/OFF BMS from RST key, as RST is on PCB, if the rod slips while pressing, the key might damage. That is why we decided to add a ON/OFF switch on the new version.
I finally received my 2 48v and they will not turn on.
They sat on ABF dock forever and had to reschedule installation several times.
Hi Howard,

Tried to reach you by phone twice, found no answer. Please try to call us at your earliest convinence.
+18483051868, or +8615217151060.

To start the BMS, there's more other ways:
1. RST, 2. Small red wire, 3. HMI via PC software (on/off), 4. Charging (voltage wake up, voltage >40V).

Jakiper Battery
Noticed the difficulties for ON/OFF BMS from RST key, as RST is on PCB, if the rod slips while pressing, the key might damage. That is why we decided to add a ON/OFF switch on the new version.

Hi Howard,

Tried to reach you by phone twice, found no answer. Please try to call us at your earliest convinence.
+18483051868, or +8615217151060.

To start the BMS, there's more other ways:
1. RST, 2. Small red wire, 3. HMI via PC software (on/off), 4. Charging (voltage wake up, voltage >40V).

Jakiper Battery
But what are you doing to make it right for all of us. Glad you fixed the problems we all helped you identify, but frankly that helps not at all
Noticed the difficulties for ON/OFF BMS from RST key, as RST is on PCB, if the rod slips while pressing, the key might damage. That is why we decided to add a ON/OFF switch on the new version.

Hi Howard,

Tried to reach you by phone twice, found no answer. Please try to call us at your earliest convinence.
+18483051868, or +8615217151060.

To start the BMS, there's more other ways:
1. RST, 2. Small red wire, 3. HMI via PC software (on/off), 4. Charging (voltage wake up, voltage >40V).

Jakiper Battery
FWIW, I had trouble with the RST buttton, but opening the case and disconnecting the red cable (+ve to the battery) and reconnecting it brings the BMS to life. They do also turn on when voltage applied through a charger. Hopefully one of those options works for you!
I just received a call from ABF Freight. They are now telling me that it is possible that the batteries were sent by accident to Dallas. I was told that it could take up to a week or more to get an answer if the batteries are actually on that truck. The run-around with the freight company is starting, and I am done with them.

Thank you Will for your help. I was also told that there was a billing problem, then misplaced, now accidentally sent to Dallas. It is always a different story with ABF. I hope that Jakiper will finally find out something. Thanks again!

I have everything documented with ABF and Jakiper.
Jakiper has stopped using *BF for the future shipping.
Jakiper has sent me a replacement BMS for my 48V/100Ah server rack battery. The RST button does not work and the battery cannot be turned on/off or be reset. It is also the battery that alarmed on installation. I have my battery open, disconnected the BMS from the cells, and now after going through my complete tool assortment to include my electronics tools, I have determined that there is no way to get the BMS out without completely disassembling the battery and removing the cells. I was uncomfortable on doing this procedure to begin with, now I am downright fed up with Jakiper. As user friendly as these batteries may be, it is no small task replacing the BMS. This is Jakiper's warranty. They have the option of sending you the repair parts in their so called "Mutual Support". It breaks, you repair, even if you can't repair it yourself.

I am not sure how this repair is going to come out as I have an entire day of removing a 100+lb battery from my battery rack, lugging it to my work bench, completely disassembling the battery, replacing the BMS, reassembling the battery, putting it back and connecting it to my system. If you do not feel comfortable in doing this procedure, DO NOT BUY JAKIPER. If you have any issues with your batteries, you are on your own to repair it. They didn't even send me instructions. They did ask me to send them videos on replacing the BMS if I have one. They should be paying me. One more thing, 48V batteries are VERY dangerous. So if you are uncomfortable with it, do not attempt it. See the pictures below on the limited space for removing the BMS.

So, now that I have vented, I have to get to work and try to repair this piece of junk. Should $1,700.00 be this much trouble? I say not. If I had it my way, they would go back to Jakiper and I would buy two more Signature Solar EG4's. Wish me luck on the repair.


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After my post above and looking over the battery again, I decided not to proceed with the repair for several reasons. Mostly because I am disabled, and my physical limitations are just not up to the task. It is really hard doing an installation, but after less than a month and a half, having to go through all of this and attempt this repair is just too much. Quite frankly I am not afraid to say the 48V battery also intimidates me too much as 48V can easily kill you.

I have contacted Jakiper, and through my frustration have asked to return the batteries. I have had enough with their customer service. I feel that Jakiper thinks that we are privileged to buy their products. If you would see some of their emails they sent me on making videos on how good the product is you would think I owed it to them. Arrogance.

Let's see how this plays out. If I am stuck with them, I have two Jakiper 48V volt batteries for sale with a replacement BMS and only 1.5 months old. Anyone? :)
After my post above and looking over the battery again, I decided not to proceed with the repair for several reasons. Mostly because I am disabled, and my physical limitations are just not up to the task. It is really hard doing an installation, but after less than a month and a half, having to go through all of this and attempt this repair is just too much. Quite frankly I am not afraid to say the 48V battery also intimidates me too much as 48V can easily kill you.

I have contacted Jakiper, and through my frustration have asked to return the batteries. I have had enough with their customer service. I feel that Jakiper thinks that we are privileged to buy their products. If you would see some of their emails they sent me on making videos on how good the product is you would think I owed it to them. Arrogance.

Let's see how this plays out. If I am stuck with them, I have two Jakiper 48V volt batteries for sale with a replacement BMS and only 1.5 months old. Anyone? :)
The 'RST' key no response can be many reasons, and but it is not that much necessory to replace the BMS immediately,
if not required you can choose to replace later, you can keep the received new BMS as spare.

For turn off the battery you can turn off the breaker/from PC.
For turn on the battery, press 'RST' is not the only way, there's many other ways:
  1. Press & Hold ‘RST’3-6 seconds.
  2. Remove & connect small red wire
  3. PC software (on/off).
  4. Charging (voltage wake up, voltage >40V).
When you are familar with the products, you want to replace the BMS and if it is really need to repalce the BMS, then replace will be better.
Some of your Jakiper battery concerns, there might already have the answers.

The 'RST' key no response can be many reasons, and but it is not that much necessory to replace the BMS immediately,
if not required you can choose to replace later, you can keep the received new BMS as spare.

For turn off the battery you can turn off the breaker/from PC.
For turn on the battery, press 'RST' is not the only way, there's many other ways:
  1. Press & Hold ‘RST’3-6 seconds.
  2. Remove & connect small red wire
  3. PC software (on/off).
  4. Charging (voltage wake up, voltage >40V).
When you are familar with the products, you want to replace the BMS and if it is really need to repalce the BMS, then replace will be better.
Your complete lack of empathy and failure to address your customer’s actual issues have been noted
Some of your Jakiper battery concerns, there might already have the answers.

No, actually our concerns have more to do with the attitude exemplified in your replies than any particular failing.
I got the battery out of my server rack, opened the top and removed the server rack mounts to expose the screws for the faceplate. Nine screws and the entire from comes off. Getting the BMS out was a breeze thanks to HighTechLabs's tip. Thank you!

Now for the most unbelievable news. I opened the box with the replacement BMS, and the top button of the four menu buttons on the right hand side of the BMS is physically broken and ready to fall off. Needless to say that I had to put the old BMS back in and reassemble the battery, tote it back to my server rack and install it. I about had a conniption. I have contacted Zhoulun about the BMS and all I got back was a reply questioning if the RST button was broken off of the old BMS. I sent him pictures of everything and a short video of the broken menu button on the new BMS. Waiting for some kind of reply with a resolution to this mess.

This is my last posting of this situation as I am sure everyone knows what is going on, and are more than likely tired of reading about it.

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Well, you are not going to believe this. The Jakiper batteries are equiipped with an anti-theft function that goes into alarm, shuts down the BMS and sound the beeper until the battery is reset. The anti-theft is active on mine for some reason. Once the battery is tilted to 60 degrees, the alarm is activated. That would explain why it went off when I was putting it into my rack. Watch the video to ensure that if you have a Jakiper battery that the alarm is not activated.

Now for the bad news. Jakiper said I need a special tool and software to reset the alarm. Here it is:

Here is how:

They are on backorder and cannot be purchased at this time. Great, now I have a loud beeping battery that will beep until I can somehow get one of these tools. Let me tell you, that the alarm is so loud, that we can hear it in our bedroom, and the battery is under two blankets in the garage. We thought we could drown out the alarm by throwing blankets over them. It only helps a little. Ingenious feature, really crappy execution. There should be a button combo with a self set numeric key to reset it. The way it looks, Windows 10 is required. Great, another bump in the road, I just upgraded to Win 11.
Here is a copy and paste of a comment I left on Jebu bus' website about my Jakiper experience:
unplugging/replugging that cable only stops the beeping, it does not restore the functionality of the battery. The cable you need is $40 and Jakiper doesn't have any in stock! (must be selling a lot of $40 dollar cables!) I am still sitting on a 100lb paperweight! The company is pretty shady if you ask me. here is why. I ordered the battery because it said "California stock 40 - units available! That was a lie. I had to wait 2 months for the battery. I tried to cancel the order 1 month into it and they only would refund me if I paid some huge credit card fee so I decided to wait. The boat is stuck out at sea...stuck in the dock, another 2 weeks from the dock to their warehouse. This is where it gets crazy. They realize I am in California and 2+ hrs away from their warehouse, so they try a bribe me to come pick it up. I tell them it will cost me more in gas. I tell them I don't want to drive to Diamond Bar or where the 'F' it is. just ship it.. I wait another 2 weeks nothing...I call them back and now my battery is mysteriously damaged and they try to get me to wait 2 months for the next shipment. I am fuming mad. I got the impression they were just going to flip to some other sucker they got to come pick it up and save the $100 + in shipping and have to wait til the next slow boat arrives. I tell them to just refund me. 5 days later no refund...I get an email from a shipping company wanting to deliver. Miracle my damaged battery is miraculously healed!. I finally get it and guess what. Sabotage like many others. I tilt the battery and this alarm goes off and disables the BMS. No way of bypassing this (shorting that cable only kills the alarm, it doesn't restore BMS functionality. I got on their website oh look a $1 cable selling for $40 dollars how awesome.. oh wait it's out of stock...must be selling like hotcakes! I wouldn't buy an eggroll from them in the future, gave me a bad taste about the whole solar project...just thinking about solar makes me angry now..there it sits in the hallway. sharp corners right at shin level.....keep banging into it...small cuts and bruises piss me off every time I get near that (^*&^(*& thing. no motivation right now to continue with this nightmare. I could just imagine the hell awaiting me ordering the out-of-stock everywhere inverter from Taiwan...ya no thanks right now. a big F YOU to Jakipur. My grandmother spits on your haircut. I wonder how long this comment is going to stay up. it's ok I copied and pasted it. I would feel guilty not warning people about this company.. there are tons of stories like mine..look around the forums.... diysolar ..Facebook groups hosting cable making parties.....well maybe not but I wouldn't know..still waiting to be added to this exclusive group on -pasted from youtube

UPDATE: I found a $13.99 cable that works without modification and it came in 1 day!
This is not an affiliate link! $13.99 RJ12 to USB with FDTI Chip Link to Software - Click (DOWNLOAD)

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I got the battery out of my server rack, opened the top and removed the server rack mounts to expose the screws for the faceplate. Nine screws and the entire from comes off. Getting the BMS out was a breeze thanks to HighTechLabs's tip. Thank you!

Now for the most unbelievable news. I opened the box with the replacement BMS, and the top button of the four menu buttons on the left hand side of the BMS is physically broken and ready to fall off. Needless to say that I had to put the old BMS back in and reassemble the battery, tote it back to my server rack and install it. I about had a conniption. I have contacted Zhoulun about the BMS and all I got back was a reply questioning if the RST button was broken off of the old BMS. I sent him pictures of everything and a short video of the broken menu button on the new BMS. Waiting for some kind of reply with a resolution to this mess.

This is my last posting of this situation as I am sure everyone knows what is going on, and are more than likely tired of reading about it.

BMS working now?