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Jakiper Customer Service

I sent the oder ID per email to

I also wrote that the batteries are connected in parallel with two Signature Solar 48V/100Ah batteries, and they do not play well together. The Jakiper batteries discharge faster and charge longer than the Signature Solar batteries. I have observed the SOC for months now. The batteries are connected per bus bar and cross connected correctly. I even went as far as to connect the cross connection between batteries 1 and 2 on the positive side and batteries 3 and 4 on the negative side on the bus bar. No change. I am personally overall disappointed in the Jakipers.
Received your Order ID from email, I will keep you posted for the upgraded project status.
I have been in contact with Zhoulun, and he is the central contact for support. Jakiper has picked up on their customer support and have assisted me through a couple of issues. Jakiper seems to have come around, it seems that they are really taking all issues seriously.
I have been in contact with Zhoulun, and he is the central contact for support. Jakiper has picked up on their customer support and have assisted me through a couple of issues. Jakiper seems to have come around, it seems that they are really taking all issues seriously.
Which issues did they help you resolve? Was missing inverter comms one of them? I'm another person who saw it listed on the website (in December) before ordering four v1 units.
Which issues did they help you resolve?
Well it’s not resolved, but is badly as I have bashed them for the bait and switch with the first GEN batteries, and the silly alarm function meant to sell you a $40 cable you could make yourself for two dollars I figure I need to also tell the good. They have been helpful and reasonable working through a weak cell in my first gen. They haven’t replaced the cell yet, but their process is reasonable and deliberate. I can’t fault him for that.

edited to correct silly spelling errors
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Well it’s not resolved, but is badly as I have bashed them for the bait and switch with the first GEN batteries, and the silly alarm function meant to sell you a $40 cable you could make yourself for two dollars I figure I need to also tell the good. They have been helpful and reasonable working through a week cell in my first gen. They haven’t replaced the sale yet, but their process is reasonable and deliberate. I can’t fault him for that.
Good to hear, I have a weak cell too, haven't tried emailing yet since I'm not through 30 cycles. Are you seeing progress on the cell / is balancing helping?
Well it’s not resolved, but is badly as I have bashed them for the bait and switch with the first GEN batteries, and the silly alarm function meant to sell you a $40 cable you could make yourself for two dollars I figure I need to also tell the good. They have been helpful and reasonable working through a week cell in my first gen. They haven’t replaced the sale yet, but their process is reasonable and deliberate. I can’t fault him for that.
I agree, I'm mildly annoyed that it's unclear what my v1 batteries can communicate with (if anything), and I think they should have had a firmware update approach in place from the start. But that was never a make or break feature for me.

But my interactions with Jakiper tech support have been good, I'm fairly newbie and I was unsure whether the differences in voltage at the top end were a major problem or not. They listened then worked with me to connect up a laptop, then joined that laptop via Teams from China and downloaded the diagnostics. They recommended checking torque on a few cells, and sent me a youtube video on doing that. It was all pretty straight forward and they responded quickly and clearly.

I had a BMS that was flakey and the reset button broke, they sent out a new BMS and later when it continued to be iffy (unclear if I disturbed a connection when tightening the cells) they walked me through replacing the BMS. That wasn't hard, nothing more involved or requiring skills than what is involved in setting up busbars etc.

Over time the cells seems to be balancing better and I'm showing 101 AH on both of mine, proven by the victron shunt I'm using. At one point one of the batteries was only showing mid 90Ah capacity, but now they are both above 100. That's after 40-60 cycles, pretty much as they said from the start. Not perfectly top-balanced before shipping? Stuck on the docks for a few months? I dunno, but they work well now.

It's a funny thing servicing these batteries, as a customer I did more than I would expect, but we can't be shipping these things back and forth and we can't expect technicians to show up at the door. So having good guidance by email, youtube and laptop teams sessions is the next best thing.
I'm showing 101 AH on both of mine, proven by the victron shunt
Cannot go wrong with Victron. My issue is that when I finally had to take it to zero, it only delivered 94%, and now that’s what the BMS thinks “full” is. My cell 12 has a lower IR so it drops faster under load and peaks faster under charge. They will get there, but they’re being methodical. Cannot fault them for that

i am a bit peeved they won’t share the BMS PW. They offered to enter it for me but nothing in that setup has a WAN connection nor will it ever
Good thing it didn't "call home ET", automagically rerouting the call to the local cops . You answer your door defensively, they taze you and you drop dead from a heart attack. We would never have learned from your experience!

But seriously this is a cautionary tale of the future about the unintended consequences of technology. All companies are dealing with this. Thanks for sharing, I'm sure they will take it to heart and look into their security protocols.

They better, electronics are the most returned item, costing retailers a lot of money. All because of avoidable errors in setup. You were the guinea pig!

Thank goodness Will had your back. He had to, he recommended them. We are lucky to have Will.
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It's a funny thing servicing these batteries, as a customer I did more than I would expect, but we can't be shipping these things back and forth and we can't expect technicians to show up at the door. So having good guidance by email, youtube and laptop teams sessions is the next best thing.
That beautifully summarizes the quandary of serviceable lithium batteries
Install some serial port monitoring software or a key logger to capture it. I haven't done either but it should work.
Wouldn’t somebody have to enter it for that to reveal it? If I don’t have it to enter it, and I am not allowing remote access I don’t think such monitoring will reveal anything. I could be wrong, I am not a data traffic guy but …
Good to hear, I have a weak cell too, haven't tried emailing yet since I'm not through 30 cycles. Are you seeing progress on the cell / is balancing helping?
No, the cells IR is substantially different. It runs both up and down. i sent video of it sagging under load and that convinced Jakiper to send replacement kit. I am only at 42 cycles after 9 months, and 5+ of those happened in the last 2 weeks as I worked this issue
Wouldn’t somebody have to enter it for that to reveal it
Yes indeed, I missed your last sentence. You'd have to have internet out there somehow, maybe a phone hotspot if nothing else is available.
Available certainly. Connected to my critical infrastructure, no
Agreed. When they checked the battery via Teams I used a million year old laptop hooked to that battery via usb to serial cable, the laptop was wiped clean and connected to the internet via a separated Virtual network (DMZ style). Ubiquity router makes that fairly easy. Pain in the neck, but doable.

FWIW I don’t recall have to enter a BMS password, and I can still connect the laptop to the batteries and access the logs to see individual cell voltages over time. This is using their slightly clunky windows only software.
Agreed. When they checked the battery via Teams I used a million year old laptop hooked to that battery via usb to serial cable, the laptop was wiped clean and connected to the internet via a separated Virtual network (DMZ style). Ubiquity router makes that fairly easy. Pain in the neck, but doable.

FWIW I don’t recall have to enter a BMS password, and I can still connect the laptop to the batteries and access the logs to see individual cell voltages over time. This is using their slightly clunky windows only software.
I have a similar approach (old clunky laptop with RS232 / 485 adapters) for monitoring batteries. i am not letting anyone onto that VLAN however. While I chafe at not having control of my BMS I can see why they lock them down

EG4s are also locked, but I haven’t asked for their PW yet

Do both have settings I would change, yep. Are any critical, nope
Is there a place where I can get the software to unlock the Jakiper 48v100ah battery. The website linked earlier does not seem to be working. I have already built the cable as suggested however I am unable to obtain the windows software at the current time.

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