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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

You have to agree that your post about joining you in a "civil" war is extreme, quite sad really. Why don't you calm down a little and try to make the country you live in a more hospitable place for all?
Why are you putting this on my shoulders, when not too long ago someone produced and released a film which showed people being hunted down and murdered, merely because they voted for Trump?
If youre going to reference my statements alleging I encourage civil war, do copy and paste these statements directly or I wont dignify them with a response. I doubt I said that at all and putting words in peoples mouths is common practice.
I don't consider Fauci expert at anything except how to enrich drug companies, his cronies, and himself while using a multi-billion dollar budget to consolidate power that he uses to attack anyone who gets on the wrong side of him.
Well, from 1983 to 2002, dr Fauci was one of the world's most frequently cited scientists across all scientific journals and in 2008, President George W. Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

We had already established you live in lala land, this just reaffirms it.
Well, from 1983 to 2002, dr Fauci was one of the world's most frequently cited scientists across all scientific journals
.... that is a SAD thing ..... He is a psychopath. Who else could have funded studies for all the sick things he did?
I wouldn't be at all surprised that he is some sort of hero for you.
Why are you putting this on my shoulders, when not too long ago someone produced and released a film which showed people being hunted down and murdered, merely because they voted for Trump?
This one?

If youre going to reference my statements alleging I encourage civil war, do copy and paste these statements directly or I wont dignify them with a response. I doubt I said that at all and putting words in peoples mouths is common practice.
All I saw was a screenshot of the selected text, why don't you explain what you mean by joining you in a civil war?
.... that is a SAD thing ..... He is a psychopath. Who else could have funded studies for all the sick things he did?
It took you two months and numerous sources before you finally admitted that you were wrong and that Trump left office with higher unemployment numbers than when he go into office. What will it take for you to get you out of the cult and accept that you could be wrong about other things?

I wouldn't be at all surprised that he is some sort of hero for you.
I have never idolized any one, not even fictional beings.

Stop with the party politics, THINK!!!
He did not suggest anything, he is saying you are stupid for posting nonsense when people can identify you.
Why dont you let him answer for himself, why are you speaking for him? My identity is revealed in whats been posted aleady. Nice try trying to backpedal for others.

He said people can google my email to get my street address.
What, murphyguy, were you thinking people should do with my street address? Were you hoping some whack job lurker would come to my residence and do something because they disagree with my ideology?
Or maybe you just want one of your fellow trolls to send me a bag of dog****.
Well, from 1983 to 2002, dr Fauci was one of the world's most frequently cited scientists across all scientific journals and in 2008, President George W. Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

We had already established you live in lala land, this just reaffirms it.
Thats right so why a page or two back were people calling Trump stupid on january 22nd when his statement was the same as what fauci said?
Whats going on is compilations of his statements are presented by people who think we are stupid. They think Trump saying in January 2020 we have it under control makes him wrong because in 2022 we have hundreds of thousands dead.
Thats asinine. He repeated.what experts said at the time.
Why dont you let him answer for himself, why are you speaking for him? My identity is revealed in whats been posted aleady. Nice try trying to backpedal for others.
Because I don't care about your real name nor your street address.
He said people can google my email to get my street address.
What, murphyguy, were you thinking people should do with my street address? Were you hoping some whack job lurker would come to my residence and do something because they disagree with my ideology?
Or maybe you just want one of your fellow trolls to send me a bag of dog****.
That is why I replied, that no one is going to harm you.

Thats right so why a page or two back were people calling Trump stupid on january 22nd when his statement was the same as what fauci said?
Because Trump is stupid, numerous members from his inner circle have said so publicly and we know he "hired the best people".

Whats going on is compilations of his statements are presented by people who think we are stupid.
Why do you allow yourself to be defined by others? That would be stupid right?

They think Trump saying in January 2020 we have it under control makes him wrong because in 2022 we have hundreds of thousands dead.
Thats asinine. He repeated.what experts said at the time.

It took you two months and numerous sources before you finally admitted that you were wrong and that Trump left office with higher unemployment numbers than when he go into office. What will it take for you to get you out of the cult and accept that you could be wrong about other things?

I have never idolized any one, not even fictional beings.

Stop with the party politics, THINK!!!
Would you give that a rest.

The only reliable comparison of Trumps unemployment figures with any other President will consider the period ending in February 2020 and nothing later.

If you want to argue against that you are wrong.

Bobs error was in wording his claim to include.pandemic months, he certainly was NOT in error about which president was better for jobs creation.

Youre browbeating Bob over a technicality not over your position on the issue being right.

Why are you so obsessed over Trump anyway? Its because thats how liberals operate. Its never about how their candidate will do a better job its always about bashing their opponent using dishonesty. Its all they got because as with Biden their guy is usually awful.
It took you two months and numerous sources before you finally admitted that you were wrong and that Trump left office with higher unemployment numbers than when he go into office. What will it take for you to get you out of the cult and accept that you could be wrong about other things?

I have never idolized any one, not even fictional beings.

Stop with the party politics, THINK!!!
You are the ONLY one who is hyper focused on what happened as Trump left office and a pandemic was decimating the world .... I was focused on what he did while he was IN office.

Do you deny that he achieved the lowest minority unemployment numbers EVER? .... Never mind, I don't intend to get into further discussion with you about something you seem to think is EXTREMELY important .... but in reality is totally meaningless.

Your focus on this is just another indication of the shallow nature of your posts.
You very simply rely on what you find by looking at Wikipedia or a couple of your favorite fact blocker sites. If you can't find what you want there .... you just make stuff up like the rest of your cronies .... or try to shift the discussion to something totally meaningless .... just like your latest responses to my post about Fauci .... You want to talk about other things that are meaningless.

I have spent a LOT of time researching Fauci .. and have read books about him ... including the similarities of the atrocities he committed during the aids epidemic .... Spend a little time reading up on what the guy is actually all about and then get back to me ..... no ... don't get back to me because what you think or say is meaningless to me ... other than being a pain in the backside with your clueless posts.
Because I don't care about your real name nor your street address.

That is why I replied, that no one is going to harm you.

Because Trump is stupid, numerous members from his inner circle have said so publicly and we know he "hired the best people".

Why do you allow yourself to be defined by others? That would be stupid right?

Thats the worst fact check Ive seen. Partisan hackery and does not refute what I said. See how it pretends to address their claims about the pandemic threat at the beginning but instead launched into talk about july 7th and masking? Which is irrelevant anyway because mask mandates were all done at the state and local levels not federal.

then look at the stupider point they rest on. Fauci was more accurate because he stated the situation could change.

who in their right mind thinks that any situation does not change with time? So Trump is at odds with Fauci because each statement does not include a reminder that water is wet and ice is cold as well?

Fact check sites are thinly disguised partisan propaganda and that page doesnt exist for any other reason than to manipulate facts to discredit donald trump.

Get back to me when you can prove Trumps statement on January 22nd was not consistent with what his experts were saying. You can find similar consistencies throughout.
Would you give that a rest.
Hell no. The guy is spouting nonsense and I will keep using it as an example.

The only reliable comparison of Trumps unemployment figures with any other President will consider the period ending in February 2020 and nothing later.
Nonsense, that is called cherry picking.

If you want to argue against that you are wrong.
Lol, exclude data that is not flattering to the dear leader?

Bobs error was in wording his claim to include.pandemic months, he certainly was NOT in error about which president was better for jobs creation.
Bob's error was (and is) that he idolizes Trump and buys into conspiracy theories, instead of looking at the facts.

Youre browbeating Bob over a technicality not over your position on the issue being right.
Bob was wrong about something that was easily verifiable and refused to admit that.

Why are you so obsessed over Trump anyway?
I like facts, don't care for politics.

Its because thats how liberals operate.

Its never about how their candidate will do a better job its always about bashing their opponent using dishonesty. Its all they got because as with Biden their guy is usually awful.
If you wanted to, you could say something like "Biden has created more jobs in his first 7 months than any POTUS in history"

You guys are just like cult members, stop the conspiracy theories and politics, instead start dealing in facts.
Thats the worst fact check Ive seen. Partisan hackery and does not refute what I said. See how it pretends to address their claims about the pandemic threat at the beginning but instead launched into talk about july 7th and masking? Which is irrelevant anyway because mask mandates were all done at the state and local levels not federal.
I have never met a conspiracy theorist who hasn't claimed that the fact checkers are not part of the conspiracy, regardless of the conspiracy theory...

then look at the stupider point they rest on. Fauci was more accurate because he stated the situation could change.
The smart thing to do is listen to the scientists instead of the politicians. Politicians tend to get in the way of science.

who in their right mind thinks that any situation does not change with time? So Trump is at odds with Fauci because each statement does not include a reminder that water is wet and ice is cold as well?
I could be wrong, but didn't Trump say he was lying about the severity because he didn't want people to panic?

Fact check sites are thinly disguised partisan propaganda and that page doesnt exist for any other reason than to manipulate facts to discredit donald trump.
If you think facts are thinly disguised partisan propaganda, you are not on the right side of the facts.

Get back to me when you can prove Trumps statement on January 22nd was not consistent with what his experts were saying. You can find similar consistencies throughout.
Ok, you made me look it up..

Hell no. The guy is spouting nonsense and I will keep using it as an example.

Nonsense, that is called cherry picking.

Lol, exclude data that is not flattering to the dear leader?

Bob's error was (and is) that he idolizes Trump and buys into conspiracy theories, instead of looking at the facts.

Bob was wrong about something that was easily verifiable and refused to admit that.

I like facts, don't care for politics.


If you wanted to, you could say something like "Biden has created more jobs in his first 7 months than any POTUS in history"

You guys are just like cult members, stop the conspiracy theories and politics, instead start dealing in facts.
Cherry picking is also publishing a 4 year period of unemployment figures and claiming the effects of the pandemic were impossible to calculate, so not mentioning the pandemic when using the figures.

You dont realize that USA today link actually refuted itself.

While the liberal website stated the effects were impossible to calculate, the USA today journalist furnished job figures that showed exactly how many jobs were lost, to the last digit, as the pandemic began.

Im not sure whats in it for you to run interference for joe biden who is proving to be the worst president in modern history.

Lest we forget you are a canadian resident, we should consider your unusually strong interest in our elections, your unrelenting defense of a train wreck president and attacks on a President who took action on foreign trade abuse including that of canada, should be evidence your function is trolling is to disrupt American citizens discussing matters of our national interest.

You are the enemy. Of course you hate Trump, he put America first. Of course you defend Biden, he is a doormat for the world on our doorstep and we get weaker with every day he is on the job which should delight canadians.

I have little to gain in pursuing progressive discourse with someone whose agenda is my countrys degradation and ultimate downfall.

I have little to gain proving people liars over and over nor winning arguments with keyboard warriors trying to enlist people to harm others at their homes because of differences in ideologies.

Departing the thread, nothing to see here.
I have never met a conspiracy theorist who hasn't claimed that the fact checkers are not part of the conspiracy, regardless of the conspiracy theory...

The smart thing to do is listen to the scientists instead of the politicians. Politicians tend to get in the way of science.

I could be wrong, but didn't Trump say he was lying about the severity because he didn't want people to panic?

If you think facts are thinly disguised partisan propaganda, you are not on the right side of the facts.

Ok, you made me look it up..

So he provides a link that goes off into a hundred directions besides the quite simple one being discussed.

Trumps claim on january 22nd was what fauci claimed. I simply used that as an example.

How is it I can specify exactly why that fact check site was nonsense yet your reply doesnt refute or address any of those points. Why even quote my posts?.

Holy **** just look at the first passage. Im talking about the bull**** content of his fact check and his reply is an implied personal.attack on me.

Why dont you want to talk about the content of your own link?

Youre a brain sink. Goodbye, enemy troll. Id promote America should just annex your frigid wasteland and make another US possession but we could do without the half of the country that were frenchmen too stupid to get out of the cold.
Cherry picking is also publishing a 4 year period of unemployment figures and claiming the effects of the pandemic were impossible to calculate, so not mentioning the pandemic when using the figures.
No, that is his entire term as president.

"Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position while ignoring a significant portion of related and similar cases or data that may contradict that position"

You dont realize that USA today link actually refuted itself.
Which USA today link?

While the liberal website stated the effects were impossible to calculate, the USA today journalist furnished job figures that showed exactly how many jobs were lost, to the last digit, as the pandemic began.
There are always reason why unemployment grows or falls, the point is about Bob making a patently false statement and when it was pointed out it was false, he refused to acknowledge it. Stop trying to change the subject....

Im not sure whats in it for you to run interference for joe biden who is proving to be the worst president in modern history.
I am not running interference, if you want to claim that unemployment numbers are an indicator how well a president is doing (it isn't) then Biden would be the best president ever (I have no opinion on that)

Lest we forget you are a canadian resident
I keep repeating that as well.

we should consider your unusually strong interest in our elections
I don't care, I told you many times I have a front row seat to the freak show.

your unrelenting defense of a train wreck president and attacks on a President who took action on foreign trade abuse including that of canada, should be evidence your function is trolling is to disrupt American citizens discussing matters of our national interest.
You can discus all you like, again, Bob made a false statement and for two months refused to acknowledge he was wrong. I use it and will keep using it to show he lives in lala land, Somehow that isn't registering.

You are the enemy.
For stating facts and backing them up with sources?

Of course you hate Trump
I don't hate any one, hate is a useless emotion.

he put America first.
He didn't and still doesn't, he put Trump first.

Of course you defend Biden.
I am not, again I pointed that if you want to claim that unemployment numbers are an indicator how well a president is doing (it isn't) then Biden would be the best president ever (I have no opinion on that)

he is a doormat for the world on our doorstep and we get weaker with every day he is on the job which should delight canadians.
Actually an economically strong US is beneficial to Canada.

I have little to gain in pursuing progressive discourse with someone whose agenda is my countrys degradation and ultimate downfall.
The US is Canada's biggest trading partner, the last thing normal Canadians want is to see is your countries degradation and ultimate downfall. However a civil war would ensure that downfall.

I have little to gain proving people liars over and over
I have shown you reputable sources for all of my claims.

nor winning arguments with keyboard warriors trying to enlist people to harm others at their homes because of differences in ideologies.
Don't be a snowflake, no one is going to harm you.

Departing the thread, nothing to see here.
Your choice ;)
So he provides a link that goes off into a hundred directions besides the quite simple one being discussed.
Ignore all the others if you like.

Trumps claim on january 22nd was what fauci claimed. I simply used that as an example.
Why don't you do some of the legwork and provide a reputable source that shows that Fauci did say the same thing.

How is it I can specify exactly why that fact check site was nonsense yet your reply doesnt refute or address any of those points. Why even quote my posts?.
Just go back and reread what you wrote, it isn't hard...

Holy **** just look at the first passage. Im talking about the bull**** content of his fact check and his reply is an implied personal.attack on me.
What part is bs?

Why dont you want to talk about the content of your own link?
I keep telling you, I don't care about your politics, or even Canadian politics, I care about facts.

Youre a brain sink.
It is ok, it is is difficult to deal with facts when you are brainwashed.

Goodbye, enemy troll.
Enemy lol...

Id promote America should just annex your frigid wasteland and make another US possession
Why doesn't that surprise me?

but we could do without the half of the country that were frenchmen too stupid to get out of the cold.
What have the French ever done to you? Without the French there might not even have been a USA to begin with.

That bloomberg piece is labelled OPINION which allows the author to make out of context claims like that of its sole mention of covid:

"If anything, Covid-19 accelerated California’s record productivity. Quarterly revenue per employee of the publicly traded companies based in the state climbed to an all-time high of $1.5 million in May, 63% greater than its similar milestone a decade ago, according to data compiled by Bloomberg"

How does "revenue PER EMPLOYEE" prove that businesses werent closed and people didnt lose jobs? I guess you just figured youd post that and I wouldnt read it?
But thanks for the laughs, that article was a real suck up piece for Givin' Nuisance.
It mainly cites the huge budget surplus as his success.
Ya that happens when you have the highest taxes, business fees, and useless but expensive layers of regulations in the country. This hardly makes our state a success for its citizens and its current path as a sanctuary welfare state for illegals, ever increasing homeless, and only the elite can afford to buy property is really a bad one.

I thought it was troubling that LA Sheriff Villawhatever his name is, upon taking office made LA county a sanctuary for illegals and banned ICE from entering county courts and facilities to arrest even dangerous felons- but 3 years later was applauded for his crackdown on local homeless citizens at venice beach. I watched as he proudly talked of his efforts to TV cameras with deputies destroying and discarding possessions of his countys poorest residents, offering token assistance in the form of crowded shelters where homeless live like prisoners.
So he coddles illegal border crossers and punishes those displaced by them, assisted by his policies.
Mayor Todd Gloria of San Diego seems to have a similar agenda, ejecting local homeless from the unused convention center he then offered to ICE for housing for illegal minors Biden had invited in. Amazingly they sent SDUSD teachers in for in person learning of those illegals while the schools were still closed for our childrens in person learning. Gloria is now cracking down on tent cities and with city council is considering having private security man gates at mission bay parking lots to enforce overnight parking rules- for the sole reason of denying facilities and services to those homeless living in their vehicles. They cited "crime problems" that were statistically insignificant.

America last. mean Alex Villanueva!

He is on the right wing side of things. He is the one that got in trouble for doing homeless roundups. At least research a little bit before you spout more bullshit.

He banned courts from releasing prisoners to ICE. You have it 180 degrees backasswards. How am I not surprised.
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I live in CA. Was not even close to 100% shut down.
My cousin sent me a text from Georgia where he said enjoy closed down California. Was pretty funny since we were going to restaurants, camping...he wouldn't set foot in a restaurant since his son was going through some sort of immunity treatment. Covid didn't do much to change our life in california at all. Of course the right wing news channels and the Whackos made it sound like it was really bad!
All you need to do is press the up arrow next to your name to find your own post.
You want me to find my post out of 600+ messages here that you have a problem with. All you need to do is prove that I said what you described since you wont I probably didnt.
Do you deny that he achieved the lowest minority unemployment numbers EVER? .... Never mind, I don't intend to get into further discussion with you about something you seem to think is EXTREMELY important .... but in reality is totally meaningless.
You mean the same unemployment rate that had been declining for years? Of course he fixed that fast with his lousy handling of the pandemic.


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