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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

The thread? I was referring to posting right wing conspiracy links as a whole, not just in this thread.

But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.. I don't pay much attention to who says what in here, I just respond to what's being said.

There's like three or four of you "far right" guys.. maybe it was one of the other ones posting alt-far-right wing conspiracy garbage...
Fair enough, thank you for your honesty.
I might add as example that while some people consider mark zuckerbergs financial interference in the election proof of election fraud a "conspiracy theory", in the times I brought it up I used credible media sources rather than Breitbart etc. The credible sources didnt always come to the same conclusions about its impact as partisan sites but do confirm the underlying and indisputed facts.
I have made few if not no comments about vaccines or alternative covid treatments other than zinc lozenges, which I believe that discussion ended with a consensus that there was scientific evidence supporting the theory, although further testing would be helpful.
Fair enough, thank you for your honesty.
I might add as example that while some people consider mark zuckerbergs financial interference in the election proof of election fraud a "conspiracy theory", in the times I brought it up I used credible media sources rather than Breitbart etc. The credible sources didnt always come to the same conclusions about its impact as partisan sites but do confirm the underlying and indisputed facts.
That's interesting.. I don't consider his meddling in the elections as a conspiracy.. not only that, but I would be surprised if he didn't.

You see, back in 2010, a group of right wingers realized they needed more money to finance various propaganda campaigns for their political purposes.. Enter an organization called "Citizens United" which was funded by the Koch brothers.. The Koch brothers are responsible for about 90% of the anti-global warming propaganda.. you see. the Koch brothers are in the oil business.. They finance all kinds of underhanded crap and try to keep their name out of the media as much as possible. Please feel free to google them or anything else I say here.. its all well known stuff.

Anyhow, Citizens United wanted to allow corporations to donate money to campaigns.. like people do.. They wanted corporations to have a legal standing commonly referred to as "personhood".. Interestingly, you can put a person in prison, but not a corporation.

It was a conservative supreme court that took on the case.. (Citizens United vs FEC)-2010, and they won. This opened the door to allowing mega corporations to inject their money into our elections unihibited.

The republicans had their eye on allowing oil companies, banks, and other (typically) right wing corporations to finance their campaign and literally "out spend" the democrats.. Basically they wanted to purchase the election instead of winning it on the merits of the best candidate.

It gets worse.. since many corporations are multi-national, this also opened the door for other countries to influence our elections.... other countries like Saudi Arabia, Russia, and anyone willing to spend money on election campaigns. But that's illegal right? =Yup.. but not so much really.

Corporations run on profits.. no profits, no corporation right? So what happens now is a guy like Putin will contact one of these big multinational corporations.. maybe someone in the oil business.. and he'll say "I'll buy these products from you at an inflated price if you donate some of the profits to this campaign or that campaign"..

Putin isn't donating the money, that would be illegal.. Putin is helping fuel the profits of the corporation so they can donate the money.

The most powerful law in the entire universe is called "The law of unintended consequences"

You can thank the republicans for allowing Zuckerberg's money to enter politics, as well as Putin's and the Saudi's.

And in case you haven't figured it out yet, that single SCOTUS decision will destroy our country.. You already see the huge divisions getting bigger and nastier... It won't be long.. I'm guessing maybe one or two more elections before we have a civil war that will allow China to take the international lead and relegate the USA much further down the list.

You might want to be careful who you vote for.. Propaganda is a powerful thing and can trick even highly intelligent people.
I stand by the claimed speeds 100% your link does nothing to disprove my experience driving in san diego before and during the pandemic and its absurd for a user IN F***ING CANADA to tell someone who has been commuting in urban southern california for almost 40 years, that you know more about our traffic patterns than I do.
So you claim you were doing 80 miles an hour, are you willing to testify to that in court?

Your stupid link is hiding behind a paywall but part of the only paragraph i can see says "Traffic has returned to southern california" which obviously suggests my claim was spot on.
Clean out your cookies and use a proxy.

I would expect you to ignore such an obvious validation of the larger point and harangue me over some technicality (like omitting the pandemics effects on unemployment) that has zero relevance to what i observed to prove something dumb.
No one is omitting the pandemics effects on unemployment, the point was and still is, to expose Bob for making false claims. I don't understand why I have to keep on repeating that.

Traffic on Socal freeways is a nightmare during the afternoon/evening commute with many sections repeating patterns daily of crawling at 5 mph or less at the same bottlenecks or merges. For instance I-8 east leaving the beach areas where it merges with I-5, between 4-6 pm you come to a dead stop 4 out of 5 days a week, and crawl at several mph till the 163/friars merge 2 miles later.
I am sure it is hell, why would you put up with that and change jobs so you can work from home (I did) or even change to a quieter part of the country? Working from home saves me 2 hours of travel time a day, allowed me to move to a larger and cheaper place even more remote and cleaner air. The downside is that there are weeks I work more then 40 hours, but I make up for that by sitting outside with my laptop on nice days when it is not so busy. Having a smart employer helps...

As for the rate of travel, you'd have to take averages, you focused only on the extremes which is meaningless. Just try to take note of the time and distance traveled. You claim you like to go at 80 miles an hour. So the next thing you have to look at how many cars have to travel that stretch of road, before you get to speeds that are below the posted speed limit and look how many extra cars are traveling that same road.

At the height of restrictions/lockdowns at no point in any san diego freeway could you not travel the speed limit or higher even at 5 pm thursday and friday.
The problem is that those are your experiences, which are relevant only to you, what you should be looking at is real data.

You say youre educating people when youre just being argumentive and wrong.
Your word is just as (in)valid as any one else, the only thing that matters to me, as it should to you, is data. Be aware of your own biases.

I don't care if you are in the Trump cult (or even in the Biden cult). It is all partisan politics, which is just nonsense. Bob made a false claim and you are trying to defend him. Nice of you, but futile, the fact is that Trump left office with higher unemployment then when he entered office. The mistake you keep making is that you think it is an attack on Trump, it isn't.

Don't get me wrong, I think Trump was the worst American president ever and there are now people here who are thinking about working closer with the European Union. I don't see how that would work, given that our countries share the longest (and for the most part unprotected) border in the world. I also think that people like you, who want a civil war, will get your wish and that the US could split up in a number of small nations, or be destroyed by the fighting.
So .... no evidence the data is false ... but ignored because of who reported it .... That is just totally nuts.
I'm back to ignoring you guys ... it is impossible to overcome your ignorance and unwillingness to see the truth.
Data is false? You posted no data
The one who's question I answered got it ..... I don't care if you do or not.
I have the same question. What data? There was no data. It was an article from Fox News speculating about the contents of a report not yet issued. Outside the headline, the article specifically says they do not know. The report they are waiting for is from Trump's own people. That entire initiative has now be found to be a giveaway to the rich under the guise of helping the poor. There will be no long-term data as the pandemic started shortly thereafter. You just make stuff up and don't even read what you post.
That's assuming that "our country" makes it through the incompetence of the current administration.
You think Biden is incompetent?

Do you know what it means to be a competent president? It means listening to the highly educated, highly experienced army of experts you have working for you.. This is something most presidents do.. its not rocket science.

An incompetent president would ignore their advice.. which is what Trump did.. and that would result in those valuable, highly educated, highly experienced experts walking off the job while shaking their heads thinking "What a moron".. and that's exactly what happened with Trump's administration.. He changed people over faster than an amusement park ride..

How did you enjoy the lock downs? The crashed economy? Trump borrowed more money than any other president in history.. Is that how you run your finances too?

I still don't get it.. How utterly stupid does someone have to be to elect a person who's had so many bankruptcies??? People are just dumb.

I just read a book that explained the cause behind civil wars across the world.. I was stunned, and it opened my eyes to what's going on in the USA.
How touching. Posting disinformation on behalf of your fallen misinformation ally.
What exactly is the disinformation?

The disinformation is entirely in YOUR mislabeling of it.
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What exactly is the disinformation?

The disinformation is entirely in YOUR mislabeling of it.
The fact that you ask that is kind of sad.
He's not a doctor of medicine.. His doctorate is in teaching, but does he ever tell anyone that? Or does he refer to himself as a Doctor and hope people assume that means medical doctor?

His bull$hit has been debunked repeatedly.

The disinformation is: A) A youtube idiot pretending to be a medical expert B) knowing that he can tell the truth in such a way that it actually distorts the truth, which makes it a lie.. C) Knowing that the combination of his misleading doctor title and the fact that he's giving debunked treatments attention, will entice some people to advocate for these treatments.

For crying out loud.. are you being intentionally obtuse or are you really that gullible?
The fact that you ask that is kind of sad.
He's not a doctor of medicine.. His doctorate is in teaching, but does he ever tell anyone that? Or does he refer to himself as a Doctor and hope people assume that means medical doctor?

His bull$hit has been debunked repeatedly.

The disinformation is: A) A youtube idiot pretending to be a medical expert B) knowing that he can tell the truth in such a way that it actually distorts the truth, which makes it a lie.. C) Knowing that the combination of his misleading doctor title and the fact that he's giving debunked treatments attention, will entice some people to advocate for these treatments.

For crying out loud.. are you being intentionally obtuse or are you really that gullible?
As usual .... you try to attack the messenger instead of the message .... how sad is that?

He merely reviewed 2 papers ... on of which was a peer reviewed study with around 100,000 participants.
He merely presented the data from the studies ... maybe you can look at the actual studies and tell me where they are flawed .... or where he misrepresented the data from the study.

The degree of blindness of some of you guys is so ridiculous there are no words to describe it. Somebody said something negative about him so this proves the information is bad .... LOL

There are still a couple more of you guys due to chime in with something completely ridiculous and no substance.
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So you claim you were doing 80 miles an hour, are you willing to testify to that in court?

Clean out your cookies and use a proxy.

No one is omitting the pandemics effects on unemployment, the point was and still is, to expose Bob for making false claims. I don't understand why I have to keep on repeating that.

I am sure it is hell, why would you put up with that and change jobs so you can work from home (I did) or even change to a quieter part of the country? Working from home saves me 2 hours of travel time a day, allowed me to move to a larger and cheaper place even more remote and cleaner air. The downside is that there are weeks I work more then 40 hours, but I make up for that by sitting outside with my laptop on nice days when it is not so busy. Having a smart employer helps...

As for the rate of travel, you'd have to take averages, you focused only on the extremes which is meaningless. Just try to take note of the time and distance traveled. You claim you like to go at 80 miles an hour. So the next thing you have to look at how many cars have to travel that stretch of road, before you get to speeds that are below the posted speed limit and look how many extra cars are traveling that same road.

The problem is that those are your experiences, which are relevant only to you, what you should be looking at is real data.

Your word is just as (in)valid as any one else, the only thing that matters to me, as it should to you, is data. Be aware of your own biases.

I don't care if you are in the Trump cult (or even in the Biden cult). It is all partisan politics, which is just nonsense. Bob made a false claim and you are trying to defend him. Nice of you, but futile, the fact is that Trump left office with higher unemployment then when he entered office. The mistake you keep making is that you think it is an attack on Trump, it isn't.

Don't get me wrong, I think Trump was the worst American president ever and there are now people here who are thinking about working closer with the European Union. I don't see how that would work, given that our countries share the longest (and for the most part unprotected) border in the world. I also think that people like you, who want a civil war, will get your wish and that the US could split up in a number of small nations, or be destroyed by the fighting.
What "real data" proves that freeway traffic wasnt much lighter during the lockdowns than before and after the pandemic?
Provide it or move along. Your trolling is tiresome.
As usual .... you try to attack the messenger instead of the message .... how sad is that?

He merely reviewed 2 papers ... on of which was a peer reviewed study with around 100,000 participants.
He merely presented the data from the studies ... maybe you can look at the actual studies and tell me where they are flawed .... or where he misrepresented the data from the study.

The degree of blindness of some of you guys is so ridiculous there are no words to describe it. Somebody said something negative about him so the information must be bad .... LOL
The fact is moron, that this "study" has had numerous criticisms that he does not address. BUT even if we assume it is perfect it is not a double-blind controlled clinical trial. We have been over this numerous times with multiple studies. The options now are that (1) you simply push things without reading or understanding them because they seem to support your position (2) you are intentionally lying (3) you are stupid. I personally think all three come into play. You are a dishonest, under 90 IQ, idealogue intentionally pushing false information.
As usual .... you try to attack the messenger instead of the message .... how sad is that?
Why is that sad? Because someone TOLD you that attacking the messenger is bad? ROFLMAO

In general, when someone delivers news, then yes, attacking the messenger is wrong.. they're just the messenger.. But when someone is PRETENDING to be an authority or expert on the subject, attacking the messenger is absolutely acceptable.

Your thinking is so narrow I don't know how to explain it.

He merely reviewed 2 papers ... on of which was a peer reviewed study with around 100,000 participants.
He merely presented the data from the studies ... maybe you can look at the actual studies and tell me where they are flawed .... or where he misrepresented the data from the study.

The degree of blindness of some of you guys is so ridiculous there are no words to describe it. Somebody said something negative about him so the information must be bad .... LOL

There are still a couple more of you guys due to chime in with something completely ridiculous and no substance.
He's not qualified to understand or review medical research.. He's not a medical doctor genius.
The fact that you ask that is kind of sad.
He's not a doctor of medicine.. His doctorate is in teaching, but does he ever tell anyone that? Or does he refer to himself as a Doctor and hope people assume that means medical doctor?

His bull$hit has been debunked repeatedly.

The disinformation is: A) A youtube idiot pretending to be a medical expert B) knowing that he can tell the truth in such a way that it actually distorts the truth, which makes it a lie.. C) Knowing that the combination of his misleading doctor title and the fact that he's giving debunked treatments attention, will entice some people to advocate for these treatments.

For crying out loud.. are you being intentionally obtuse or are you really that gullible?
Right, John Campbell now makes his living off youtube. He has a very large following. You get paid based on views. Every time he puts ivermectin in the title he draws attention. The fact that rumble reposted this nonsense speaks for itself.
The fact is moron, that this "study" has had numerous criticisms that he does not address. BUT even if we assume it is perfect it is not a double-blind controlled clinical trial. We have been over this numerous times with multiple studies. The options now are that (1) you simply push things without reading or understanding them because they seem to support your position (2) you are intentionally lying (3) you are stupid. I personally think all three come into play. You are a dishonest, under 90 IQ, idealogue intentionally pushing false information.
Ahhhh .... So that is your substantive response? ..... NOT I'm still waiting for you to tell me what he presented that was wrong .... or how the greater than 100,000 person peer reviewed study was flawed.

Don't you get tired of posting such ridiculous crap?
He is two functioning neurons away from a drool cup.

Why did you bring up Trump? Is he your benchmark?

Because you said something about the incompetence of the current administration.. I brought up Trump as a good example of what incompetence is.
We don't know yet if Biden is incompetent.. We do know that Trump was incompetent, but I'm not so sure about his administration.. Judging by the rate at which they left Trump's admin, I'm guessing they were competent people who got fed up with dealing with an incompetent boss.

But we don't know if Biden is incompetent yet or if his administration is.. or maybe they are very competent.. going to take longer than a year for that to be figured out.

You think Biden is incompetent?

Do you know what it means to be a competent president? It means listening to the highly educated, highly experienced army of experts you have working for you.. This is something most presidents do.. its not rocket science.

An incompetent president would ignore their advice.. which is what Trump did.. and that would result in those valuable, highly educated, highly experienced experts walking off the job while shaking their heads thinking "What a moron".. and that's exactly what happened with Trump's administration.. He changed people over faster than an amusement park ride..

How did you enjoy the lock downs? The crashed economy? Trump borrowed more money than any other president in history.. Is that how you run your finances too?

I still don't get it.. How utterly stupid does someone have to be to elect a person who's had so many bankruptcies??? People are just dumb.

I just read a book that explained the cause behind civil wars across the world.. I was stunned, and it opened my eyes to what's going on in the USA.
You think Biden is incompetent?

Do you know what it means to be a competent president? It means listening to the highly educated, highly experienced army of experts you have working for you.. This is something most presidents do.. its not rocket science.

An incompetent president would ignore their advice.. which is what Trump did.. and that would result in those valuable, highly educated, highly experienced experts walking off the job while shaking their heads thinking "What a moron".. and that's exactly what happened with Trump's administration.. He changed people over faster than an amusement park ride..

How did you enjoy the lock downs? The crashed economy? Trump borrowed more money than any other president in history.. Is that how you run your finances too?

I still don't get it.. How utterly stupid does someone have to be to elect a person who's had so many bankruptcies??? People are just dumb.

I just read a book that explained the cause behind civil wars across the world.. I was stunned, and it opened my eyes to what's going on in the USA.
Yeah the ones who have used washington dc for their own personal slush funds for decades... The idea that if people dont get along with their boss there is something wrong with the boss is a rather novel idea, maybe you can copyright that.
Meanwhile Im not sure people writing tell all books full of shocking unsubstantiated claims is anything new at all.
By your standard of "competance" if all the "good ole boys" are getting along and cover for each other everything is fine, right?
And how dumb do people have to be to elect someone who spent 47 years on capital hill and expect him to improve anything?

Yes, that is my response. Peer-reviewed is virtually meaningless in this context. This is a retroactive population-based study. There is no control. There was no randomization. It was not double-blind and it was not a clinical trial. The most that can be drawn here is a correlation, not causation. This is something you would be taught in a 100 level college course. Go take one if you still do not understand. The standard here has been made clear for over a year and a one-half. They need an actual double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. That is how medicines are approved. There are NO exceptions.
Because you said something about the incompetence of the current administration.. I brought up Trump as a good example of what incompetence is.
We don't know yet if Biden is incompetent.. We do know that Trump was incompetent, but I'm not so sure about his administration.. Judging by the rate at which they left Trump's admin, I'm guessing they were competent people who got fed up with dealing with an incompetent boss.

But we don't know if Biden is incompetent yet or if his administration is.. or maybe they are very competent.. going to take longer than a year for that to be figured out.
The only competant person I have seen is Jen Psaki. They should disappear the two duly elected morons and let her give it a whirl.
Yes, that is my response. Peer-reviewed is virtually meaningless in this context. This is a retroactive population-based study. There is no control. There was no randomization. It was not double-blind and it was not a clinical trial. The most that can be drawn here is a correlation, not causation. This is something you would be taught in a 100 level college course. Go take one if you still do not understand. The standard here has been made clear for over a year and a one-half. They need an actual double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. That is how medicines are approved. There are NO exceptions.

I didn't hear anything in the video about a medicine being approved.

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