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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence


I didn't hear anything in the video about a medicine being approved.
Look dumb ass. You posted the video because you think it furthers your argument that ivermectin is effective as a treatment for Covid. It does not and it is misleading to imply that it does. This is the disinformation that you, Rumble, and Campbell engage in constantly. These "studies" do not move the ball an inch down the field with regard to the issue of ivermectin's effectiveness as a drug (and if you are giving it to people as a treatment for a medical it is a drug in case you are too ignorant to even understand that point).
Yeah the ones who have used washington dc for their own personal slush funds for decades... The idea that if people dont get along with their boss there is something wrong with the boss is a rather novel idea, maybe you can copyright that.
Meanwhile Im not sure people writing tell all books full of shocking unsubstantiated claims is anything new at all.
By your standard of "competance" if all the "good ole boys" are getting along and cover for each othr

There's a big difference between incompetence and the good-ole-boy network. There's also a difference between people who don't get along with their boss, and ALL the people who don't get along with the boss. Not to mention the scattering of lawyers, family, wives, etc.

People leaving presidential administrations is a big deal.. Not so much when its for health reasons or something like that, but its a big deal when its for political ideological reasons..
Why would someone choose to give up one of the most powerful positions in the most powerful country voluntarily? And when you think you have to correct answer, can you reasonably apply it to an entire administration turned over twice? Three times? Then throw in the lawyers and accountants as well?

Con-artists and criminals meaning to do you harm will never tell you such.. Trump didn't drain the swamp, he was the swamp.. We have a lot of problems with our current political system, but none of them relate to anything concerning Trump.. Its like a bank robber breaking into a bank vault and stealing money, then the idiots crawl out of the wood work and start complaining that the bank was corrupt because it charged to high interest rates.. WTF?

Would you like to really know what's going on in this country? I just learned about it myself to be honest..

What's really going on is the White Christian Male, feels threatened that their historical positions of privilege, power and control, is going to be taken away.
They studied 200+ years of civil wars, and its always the same story.. In the USA, its the White Christian Male, in other countries, its some other ethnic or culture. The term to describe them is "The Son's of the Soil".. The historically indigenous cultural, political, ethnic, or religious demographic population feels their position is society is threatened.
Time after time, in almost all civil wars, the tipping point of change that threatens the "Son's of the soil", frequently results in a civil war.

You're being manipulated by those who will fight for their historical positions, but not actually be part of the battle.. they'll manipulate you and others to die for them.

You should read the book "Why Civil Wars happen and how to stop them" Interesting stuff.
The only competant person I have seen is Jen Psaki. They should disappear the two duly elected morons and let her give it a whirl.
I'll take your word for it.. I don't watch or pay attention to such things.. The last time I paid attention to what a White House admin says was when Bush 1 invaded Iraq. The rest is just tip toe public relations.
Look dumb ass. You posted the video because you think it furthers your argument that ivermectin is effective as a treatment for Covid. It does not and it is misleading to imply that it does. This is the disinformation that you, Rumble, and Campbell engage in constantly. These "studies" do not move the ball an inch down the field with regard to the issue of ivermectin's effectiveness as a drug (and if you are giving it to people as a treatment for a medical it is a drug in case you are too ignorant to even understand that point).
So ..... now you are presenting yourself as psychic .... You know what I am thinking?

I posted the video for the information in it.

Why are you so frantic about it that you have to start with the personal attacks again?

Oh ... and he addressed the subject of a double blind study in the video.
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So ..... now you are presenting yourself as psychic .... You know what I am thinking?

I posted the video for the information in it.

Why are you so frantic about it that you have to start with the personal attacks again?

Oh ... and he addressed the subject of a double blind study in the video.
So you agree it is meaningless yammering but you thought you would post it anyway. Got it.
But we don't know if Biden is incompetent yet

I would not consider any president to be competent in his job or responsibilities if he demonstrates cognitive issues such as being barely aware of what he is saying most of the time and/or who is around him - his staff is so fearful of what he might say next that they rarely allow him to speak off the cuff.

How utterly stupid does someone have to be to elect a person who's had so many bankruptcies???

Or a guy who has been in politics for 45 years and has nothing notable to show for it.
So you agree it is meaningless yammering but you thought you would post it anyway. Got it.
No .... I thought that people could look at the video and decide for themselves what to do with the information ... nothing to get frantic about.

You guys had no interest in discussing the actual content of the video .... just in doing personal attacks on me and him.
No .... I thought that people could look at the video and decide for themselves what to do with the information ... nothing to get frantic about.

You guys had no interest in discussing the actual content of the video .... just in doing personal attacks on me and him.
I did discuss it. It is about two observational studies.
I did discuss it. It is about two observational studies.
With one of them being peer reviewed and involving over 100,000 participants .... That is a huge amount of participants by any measure.

The likelihood of the data being a co-incidence was 1 in 10,000 for both.
Sigh. So when you peer review an observational study you look at whether the observational study was conducted and reported in accordance with scientific standards. That is all ity means. BUT it is still an observational study. By definition, observational studies do not control all confounding variables so they simply do not provide a high level of evidence. I have posted this numerous times and you have seen it but I will try once again.


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What "real data" proves that freeway traffic wasnt much lighter during the lockdowns than before and after the pandemic?
Provide it or move along. Your trolling is tiresome.
If you are talking about CA there was no "lockdown". However there was virtually no traffic during March-April 2020 when the recommendation was to stay home due to the unknown strength of the virus with no cure or treatment. In my narrow experience traffic is still a bit lighter but certainly not in all areas. That is my first hand anecdotal evidence.

There was a call from police to slow down as highway citations of 100+ mph speeding increased significantly. Although there were some areas where 100 mph was fairly common before the pandemic ;)
I would not consider any president to be competent in his job or responsibilities if he demonstrates cognitive issues such as being barely aware of what he is saying most of the time and/or who is around him - his staff is so fearful of what he might say next that they rarely allow him to speak off the cuff.
Why don't you go up in front of millions people and try to give a speech.. when you get back, lets see if your perspective has changed.

Every president's staff is fearful of a flubber.. I can't imagine what Trump's staff was going through.
Or a guy who has been in politics for 45 years and has nothing notable to show for it.
Name any congressional politician who has something notable to show for their service.. Democratic governments don't work that way.. not if things are going normally anyhow.

I do find it a bit perplexing that all your statements are coming straight from the propaganda campaigns.. that's interesting. I just read a book on how this works.. The book is called "How civil wars start and how to stop them". Best book I've read all year, and probably the last two or three years.

The "biden has cognitive disability" comes from the propaganda.. Where did you get that from? Do you have access to a cognitive test Biden took? Or are you just going to claim you saw him on television and he stuttered a few times? Or do you just repeat the propaganda like the rest of the farm animals? Did you make such statements about the stupid stuff Trump said as well? Or Obama? Bush? Reagan? They all do it dude..

Like I said, go stand up in front of the cameras and give it a try..

Can you name a congress person who has something notable or extraordinary to show for their service? I'm not sure what your statement means here.. Are you expecting some congress person to have saved the White House from a terrorist attack by crawling through duct work clenching a glock between his teeth or defusing a nuclear weapon?

The only notable work that comes from congress people are the laws they vote for or against.. and that's not really notable, its their damn job.

If you're going to debate something with me, you better have your ducks lined up.. I don't act like a farm animal or rationalize things with a grade school mentality.
Sigh. So when you peer review an observational study you look at whether the observational study was conducted and reported in accordance with scientific standards. That is all ity means. BUT it is still an observational study. By definition, observational studies do not control all confounding variables so they simply do not provide a high level of evidence. I have posted this numerous times and you have seen it but I will try once again.
AGAIN .... He addressed that in the video.
Then why post it Bob. Meaningless. Oh for BMCL you said.
There is a BIG difference between not being a double blind placebo study that no-one will do because there is no money in it .... and meaningless ..... A peer reviewed study with over 100,000 participants is FAR from meaningless .......It is you and your comrades comments since I posted that video that are meaningless.
AGAIN .... He addressed that in the video.
Go to Twitter and type in Brazil study Campbell. All the disinformation people saying it is the conclusive proof they have been waiting for. Pierre Kory, ONE OF YOUR FRONTLINE HEROS, touting it. Then when I point out they are merely observational studies you say "Oh yeah, I know.
Go to Twitter and type in Brazil study Campbell. All the disinformation people saying it is the conclusive proof they have been waiting for. Pierre Kory, ONE OF YOUR FRONTLINE HEROS, touting it. Then when I point out they are merely observational studies you say "Oh yeah, I know.
Unlike you .... I don't make my decisions about things based on what someone else has to say about it .... but ... Pierre Kory is millions of times more competent about this than you are.

I don't do Twitter ... I consider it all to be meaningless .... just like your opinions
There is a BIG difference between not being a double blind placebo study that no-one will do because there is no money in it .... and meaningless ..... A peer reviewed study with over 100,000 participants is FAR from meaningless .......It is you and your comrades comments since I posted that video that are meaningless.
There are peer-reviewed studies being done and some have been done which you should know from this board. You think they will spend the money to do massive observational studies but can't do a clinical trial. You have no idea what you are talking about.
Unlike you .... I don't make my decisions about things based on what someone else has to say about it .... but ... Pierre Kory is millions of times more competent about this than you are.

I don't do Twitter ... I consider it all to be meaningless .... just like your opinions
He is considered a fraud by actual experts in the field but you do you, Bob. Over 2 years of making the claim and he cant come up with a single clinical trial.
There are peer-reviewed studies being done and some have been done which you should know from this board. You think they will spend the money to do massive observational studies but can't do a clinical trial. You have no idea what you are talking about.
Trying to give something credibility by repeatedly asserting peer-reviewed only demonstrates you do not understand peer review or you are intentionally misleading.

If I have a piece of shit and numerous doctors and labs confirm it is a piece of shit, it is still a piece of shit. An observational study is simply that.
Unlike you .... I don't make my decisions about things based on what someone else has to say about it .... but ... Pierre Kory is millions of times more competent about this than you are.

I don't do Twitter ... I consider it all to be meaningless .... just like your opinions
Here is another one Bob, you said no one will pay for them. They do. The problem is they prove the opposite of what you nutbags claim. Here is the conclusion. " In conclusion, we did not demonstrate a significant reduction in viral load between ivermectin and placebo, although a trend for the highest dose is apparent. Whether this drug might have clinical efficacy at lower doses remains debated. We believe that our findings further support the WHO recommendation [25] suggesting that it is currently advisable to refrain from administrating ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 outside of clinical trials. Considering the reduced tolerability, large, high-dose clinical trials should not be recommended."

I have posted both of these before so maybe you are just--- lying?
Did you make such statements about the stupid stuff Trump said as well? Or Obama? Bush? Reagan? They all do it dude..

Trump said many dumb things. His speeches were often cringe-worthy and I couldn't stand to watch them especially towards the end of his term. [I am already to that point with Biden, and he has a long way to go yet].

Biden is not the same, his mistakes appear to me to be coming from a state of confusion.
Here is another one Bob, you said no one will pay for them. They do. The problem is they prove the opposite of what you nutbags claim. Here is the conclusion. " In conclusion, we did not demonstrate a significant reduction in viral load between ivermectin and placebo, although a trend for the highest dose is apparent. Whether this drug might have clinical efficacy at lower doses remains debated. We believe that our findings further support the WHO recommendation [25] suggesting that it is currently advisable to refrain from administrating ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 outside of clinical trials. Considering the reduced tolerability, large, high-dose clinical trials should not be recommended."

I have posted both of these before so maybe you are just--- lying?
So .... You think posting a few angry diatribes and a study with less than 100 people where they measured viral load makes your posts more meaningful ..... and give people a very large dose that is difficult to tolerate .... No ... it doesn't.

The studies in the video had over 100,000 participants and measured the difference in hospitalizations and death.

It's a real nice day here .... so I'm going for a walk to enjoy it ... nothing worth seeing here.
So .... You think posting a few angry diatribes and a study with less than 100 people where they measured viral load makes your posts more meaningful ..... and give people a very large dose that is difficult to tolerate .... No ... it doesn't.

The studies in the video had over 100,000 participants and measured the difference in hospitalizations and death.
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It's a real nice day here .... so I'm going for a walk to enjoy it ... nothing worth seeing here.
They are actual randomized double-blind controlled trials which you said do not exist and yes obviously they have more merit than an observational study. Moron.

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