diy solar

diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

My cousin sent me a text from Georgia where he said enjoy closed down California. Was pretty funny since we were going to restaurants, camping...he wouldn't set foot in a restaurant since his son was going through some sort of immunity treatment. Covid didn't do much to change our life in california at all. Of course the right wing news channels and the Whackos made it sound like it was really bad!
LA Times is right wing news.

Stop smoking crack. Covid didnt do much to change our life in california at all?

Jesus christ why are you trolling us.

Ive documented and proved with links the multitude of businesses that were shuttered. Schools were closed. Lockdown and stay at home orders. People even ordered not to travel to neighboring counties.
SoCal freeways that normally crawl at 5 mph during rush hour could be driven at 80mph at 5pm on weekdays.

What the hell am I doing arguing with a proven liar.
LA Times is right wing news.

Stop smoking crack. Covid didnt do much to change our life in california at all?

Jesus christ why are you trolling us.

Ive documented and proved with links the multitude of businesses that were shuttered. Schools were closed. Lockdown and stay at home orders. People even ordered not to travel to neighboring counties.
SoCal freeways that normally crawl at 5 mph during rush hour could be driven at 80mph at 5pm on weekdays.

What the hell am I doing arguing with a proven liar.
I thought you were done!

The direct energy weapons have messed with your brain!

So you were a major conspiracy theorist at one time in your life and you all of a sudden changed? LOL mean Alex Villanueva!

He is on the right wing side of things. He is the one that got in trouble for doing homeless roundups. At least research a little bit before you spout more bullshit.

He banned courts from releasing prisoners to ICE. You have it 180 degrees backasswards. How am I not surprised.
His own site describes that he banned ICE from entering jails, stations, and courthouses.
Exactly as i said

He doesnt cooperate with ICE to deport illegal immigrants who commit rape and murder even repeatedly.
But he will gladly lock up homeless american citizens if they dont pay tickets for pitching a tent on a sidewalk.
While his policies helped make them homeless.
Los angeles is a garbage dump today because of democrat policies particularly sanctuary policies.

If you support that policy you are whacked and maybe a racist like him.
You want me to find my post out of 600+ messages here that you have a problem with. All you need to do is prove that I said what you described since you wont I probably didnt.
There is a up arrow button next to the names to see which message, if any, people respond to. It isn't rocket science..
LA Times is right wing news.
Overall, we rate the LA Times, Left-Center Biased based on editorial positions that favor the left and High for factual reporting due to a clean fact check record.

Covid didnt do much to change our life in california at all?

Ive documented and proved with links the multitude of businesses that were shuttered. Schools were closed. Lockdown and stay at home orders. People even ordered not to travel to neighboring counties.
It isn't hard to find what the state was doing, for example here is a time-line of the measures.

SoCal freeways that normally crawl at 5 mph during rush hour could be driven at 80mph at 5pm on weekdays.
You are the ONLY one who is hyper focused on what happened as Trump left office and a pandemic was decimating the world .... I was focused on what he did while he was IN office.

Do you deny that he achieved the lowest minority unemployment numbers EVER? .... Never mind, I don't intend to get into further discussion with you about something you seem to think is EXTREMELY important .... but in reality is totally meaningless.

Your focus on this is just another indication of the shallow nature of your posts.
You very simply rely on what you find by looking at Wikipedia or a couple of your favorite fact blocker sites. If you can't find what you want there .... you just make stuff up like the rest of your cronies .... or try to shift the discussion to something totally meaningless .... just like your latest responses to my post about Fauci .... You want to talk about other things that are meaningless.

I have spent a LOT of time researching Fauci .. and have read books about him ... including the similarities of the atrocities he committed during the aids epidemic .... Spend a little time reading up on what the guy is actually all about and then get back to me ..... no ... don't get back to me because what you think or say is meaningless to me ... other than being a pain in the backside with your clueless posts.
He is not hyper-focused on that issue. Hre is hyperfocused on holding you accountable for lying. You say things, deny you say them change them, and then later say them all over again. It is a pattern of lying and misinformation and I applaud him for holding you accountable.
I don't recall any specific policies made by Trump to improve minority employment.
I believe this may have happened in spite of Trump rather than because of Trump.

Or what specific policy was enacted related to minority employment?
I don't recall any specific policies made by Trump to improve minority employment.
I believe this may have happened in spite of Trump rather than because of Trump.

Or what specific policy was enacted related to minority employment?
In review, the Washington Examiner format and content have been compared to The Hill, albeit with a right leaning tilt. They generally report political news as well as local Washington DC news stories. The Washington Examiner frequently utilizes loaded wording in sensationalized headlines such as Trump’s manic Monday amid the Kavanaugh storm. While the headlines may be sensational, articles’ content is written with less bias and tend to be properly sourced to credible media outlets. Editorially, the Washington Examiner is 100% right. It is virtually impossible to find a single editorial that offers some form of balance. Most editorials have anti-left loaded headlines such as this: Obama, the Great Divider when in office, lacks the credibility to lecture America.

In review, the Washington Examiner format and content have been compared to The Hill, albeit with a right leaning tilt. They generally report political news as well as local Washington DC news stories. The Washington Examiner frequently utilizes loaded wording in sensationalized headlines such as Trump’s manic Monday amid the Kavanaugh storm. While the headlines may be sensational, articles’ content is written with less bias and tend to be properly sourced to credible media outlets. Editorially, the Washington Examiner is 100% right. It is virtually impossible to find a single editorial that offers some form of balance. Most editorials have anti-left loaded headlines such as this: Obama, the Great Divider when in office, lacks the credibility to lecture America.

Do you REALLY think that changes the facts?
No, but we have already established that your "facts" are not based on reality.
So .... no evidence the data is false ... but ignored because of who reported it .... That is just totally nuts.
I'm back to ignoring you guys ... it is impossible to overcome your ignorance and unwillingness to see the truth.
Thank you. Although there is some question on who this really helped and how much.
Overall, we rate the LA Times, Left-Center Biased based on editorial positions that favor the left and High for factual reporting due to a clean fact check record.

It isn't hard to find what the state was doing, for example here is a time-line of the measures.

You really dont need to jump into every conversation between other users, particularly if you cannot follow the argument.
I KNOW the LA Times leans left, that was sarcasm because I provided a link then he mentioned right wing websites.
That link was similar to what you just posted I hope you dont think this 59 year california native needs a canadian to educate him on our pandemic history.
You can however educate BRB, he made outlandish claims about it already.
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Sources matter. How can you not know this?
If you dismiss a source merely because its bias is opposite your own, you must dismiss yourself as well. The criticisms including "loaded wording" are regularly practiced at CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, etc. If the source is so unreliable then rhe content should be easily refuted.
You may want the safety of staying within your own echo chambers but sources meeting your approval is hardly a prerequisite for their content to be credible.
If you dismiss a source merely because its bias is opposite your own, you must dismiss yourself as well. The criticisms including "loaded wording" are regularly practiced at CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, etc. If the source is so unreliable then rhe content should be easily refuted.
You may want the safety of staying within your own echo chambers but sources meeting your approval is hardly a prerequisite for their content to be credible.
You know, if you use Mediabiasfactcheck and stick to the middle'ish parts, your reputation might go up a few points.

But you constantly post garbage from the far right where the arrow is at.. some of your links are actually INSIDE the arrow.. Personally, while I bash you for doing it, I would also bash someone for posting in the left arrow or anywhere close to it.

I stick to the middle 25% left or 25% right.. That is where you find most of the truth and accuracy. Everything else just shows ignorance.
You know, if you use Mediabiasfactcheck and stick to the middle'ish parts, your reputation might go up a few points.

But you constantly post garbage from the far right where the arrow is at.. some of your links are actually INSIDE the arrow.. Personally, while I bash you for doing it, I would also bash someone for posting in the left arrow or anywhere close to it.

I stick to the middle 25% left or 25% right.. That is where you find most of the truth and accuracy. Everything else just shows ignorance.
I constantly post garbage from far right sites, eh?

Thats a claim Id like to see backed up, go back through the thread and copy and paste a few. Should take you no time at all since Im constantly doing it!
As for your self congratulatory claim about avoiding the 25% of each fringe, some years ago a Pew research article detailing polls of thousands of journalists and their editors, the vast majority, almost unanimously, identified politically as independent. However further poll questions revealed 88% had voted democrat in the last national election.

What is considered centrist in the media, is actually solid left to the citizens.

Perhaps this is why while leftists consider fox news to be so far right they ridicule any possible credibility it has nonetheless long been the top rated news network.
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I constantly post garbage from far right sites, eh?

Thats a claim Id like to see backed up, go back through the thread and copy and paste a few. Should take you no time at all since Im constantly doing it!
As for your self congratulatory claim about avoiding the 25% of each fringe, some years ago a Pew research article detailing polls of thousands of journalists and their editors, the vast majority, almost unanimously, identified politically as independent. However further poll questions revealed 88% had voted democrat in the last national election.

What is considered centrist in the media, is actually solid left to the citizens.

Perhaps this is why while leftists consider fox news to be so far right they ridicule any possible credibility it has nonetheless long been the top rated news network.
Fox is at about the 60% range on the right... not extreme, not centrist.

CNN is about the same on the left.. you should avoid both.
I constantly post garbage from far right sites, eh?

Thats a claim Id like to see backed up, go back through the thread and copy and paste a few.
The thread? I was referring to posting right wing conspiracy links as a whole, not just in this thread.

But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.. I don't pay much attention to who says what in here, I just respond to what's being said.

There's like three or four of you "far right" guys.. maybe it was one of the other ones posting alt-far-right wing conspiracy garbage...
So .... no evidence the data is false ... but ignored because of who reported it .... That is just totally nuts.
I'm back to ignoring you guys ... it is impossible to overcome your ignorance and unwillingness to see the truth.
What data?

Did you even read the article?
You really dont need to jump into every conversation between other users, particularly if you cannot follow the argument.
I don't need to do anything unless I want to.

I KNOW the LA Times leans left, that was sarcasm because I provided a link then he mentioned right wing websites.
You guys have been posting a lot of right wing sources and when you have a history of spouting nonsense, it is hard to tell when you are being sarcastic.

That link was similar to what you just posted I hope you dont think this 59 year california native needs a canadian to educate him on our pandemic history.
Oh, we all need educating, why would you be exempt? Providing the wikipedia link was was an attempt to get you (and others) to at least agree on the time line.

The second link showed that the speed before and during the pandemic, again, giving you and every one a little more information than your wild claims of 5 and 80 miles per hour.

You can however educate BRB, he made outlandish claims about it already.

Only people who are open and want to learn can be educated. Are you open minded and willing to be educated?
I don't need to do anything unless I want to.

You guys have been posting a lot of right wing sources and when you have a history of spouting nonsense, it is hard to tell when you are being sarcastic.

Oh, we all need educating, why would you be exempt? Providing the wikipedia link was was an attempt to get you (and others) to at le ast agree on the time line.

The second link showed that the speed before and during the pandemic, again, giving you and every one a little more information than your wild claims of 5 and 80 miles per hour.

Only people who are open and want to learn can be educated. Are you open minded and willing to be educated?
I stand by the claimed speeds 100% your link does nothing to disprove my experience driving in san diego before and during the pandemic and its absurd for a user IN F***ING CANADA to tell someone who has been commuting in urban southern california for almost 40 years, that you know more about our traffic patterns than I do.

Your stupid link is hiding behind a paywall but part of the only paragraph i can see says "Traffic has returned to southern california" which obviously suggests my claim was spot on.
I would expect you to ignore such an obvious validation of the larger point and harangue me over some technicality (like omitting the pandemics effects on unemployment) that has zero relevance to what i observed to prove something dumb.
Traffic on Socal freeways is a nightmare during the afternoon/evening commute with many sections repeating patterns daily of crawling at 5 mph or less at the same bottlenecks or merges. For instance I-8 east leaving the beach areas where it merges with I-5, between 4-6 pm you come to a dead stop 4 out of 5 days a week, and crawl at several mph till the 163/friars merge 2 miles later.

At the height of restrictions/lockdowns at no point in any san diego freeway could you not travel the speed limit or higher even at 5 pm thursday and friday.
You say youre educating people when youre just being argumentive and wrong.
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diy solar

diy solar