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diy solar

Victron quick check before ordering, please!


New Member
Apr 5, 2022
Hi there,

I am currently designing a system for offgrid use. I already bought the solar panels, and am discussing with a cell provider.

I would like to order the Victron components as well, but before that, could anyone with more experience please have a look at my schematics and give me feedback? I'd like to add more panels with MPPTs in the future. I've added two MPPTS in this case, since six of the panels will experience various shading in the morning and thought to do the best outcome of energy.

Do you suggest a different inverter, maybe the Phoenix one, or Quattro? I'd like the option to plug to the grid if in the future that will be possible, but I wouldn't go so far to get a Quattro. Your input is highly valuable, thank you!

The fuses and circuit breakers will be added later on, but for the time being, I would like to make sure that I order all the components, so that they arrive in good time.

Thank you very much!

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Phoenix doesn't have an AC charger.

Quattro is the multiplus + a second AC input, so unless you want two AC inputs - only one can run at a time - Quattro isn't the right choice... unless you want the higher powers the Quattros provide.

You need 3 fuses or breakers where indicated with suitably sized wires:


If you're in the U.S. the only option for grid connection is for grid-backup. You will never be able to backfeed to the grid with non-UL1741SA rated hardware, but I'm pretty sure that unit is EU spec, so you're probably not U.S. based.


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That's great, that you very much @sunshine_eggo ! I'll build the fuse and circuit breaker diagram once I place the Victron order and include these as per your suggestions.

Given what you have said, the Multiplus 2 seems best option. I'm thinking of replacing the model with the higher performing one, 48/8000. The Evo batteries can go up to 280A when drawing current... I'd get the 250A BMS then.
Any reason why this wouldn't be a good idea?

The larger inverter has a larger idle burn, but both are very manageable. The 5000 is 18W and the 8000 is 29W. My 5000 Quattro is 27W. This will be consumed ALL the time. The "II" line dropped that notably.

Inverters have a "sweet spot" around 30% rated, i.e., that's where they are most efficient. Running my 5kW at 80-100W, which is what it does most of the time, I'm only getting about 70% efficiency + the idle burn. In other words, the bigger inverter will likely be less efficient at your low power usage times.

8000W/48/.85 = 200A + surge.

Given that the unit can deliver a surge current for > 20 seconds, a 250A BMS... and your cells... likely can't deal with that.

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