diy solar

diy solar

Helicopter rotor blades to build wind turbine? I have 4 rotor blades from a Bell helicopter.

I've been distracted lately with the cg detectors on my Dyson Cow Burp Sucker plc ladder logic.
When you start your own thread on the Burp Sucker, will it be here:
OR in a new forum here: ?
When you start your own thread on the Burp Sucker, will it be here:
OR in a new forum here: ? seems like it would fit best right now at least until I get it miniaturized and battery operated for operation on the run, then it might fit better here... :)
Great fun! So much to consider. Ive started a few fires cutting and baling hay. The worst worry. Wow! Beautiful way to start out March in Oklahoma today. Close to 80 and please give me more!
But I don't want to hijack this thread. We were talking about feathers.
No, we (well this half of we) was talking about feathering.

I’m thinking of sensing wind direction and turning the head electromechanically and limiting it to 350 degrees or so travel.
What's the reason for limiting travel? Someone has already come up with a plate thing for the electricity, so wire twisting shouldn't be an issue.
I’m planning on a hydraulic monopole for a tower and I could stabilize the turbine for raise and lowering.
I really like the up and down feature. (y)
Hey! Here’s a thought. What if I don’t let it rotate at all. Just N and S. i rotate the blades 180 when the wind shifts and ignore the light stuff from diff directions.
So yea, that could be an option. There goes the empenage. It would have looked cool.
Did I mention that I’m a paraglider? I went to Colombia in January with a few friends. I like wind power.
Roldanillo? Did a 3 hour XC there in my hang glider a few years ago. Amazing place.
I have 4 timed out blades and want to build a wind turbine. Each are 17 ft long and a foot wide and weigh about 90 lbs. my plan is to use a final drive from a combine I have laying around to mount the rotor head on. I’ll be able to adjust the pitch of the blades with a stepper motor. The output of the final drive will turn 7 times that of the rotor and can spin a generator.
There is a video of a guy testing his system by mounting it to the front of his bronco. He stated that with the blades bending and flimsy they loose a lot of power while demonstrating the fact. Might look it up. Was very critical of the systems. Yours would be preferably bent and flimsy
with the length you have.
Has the project progressed since the thread got being sidetracked, I know I helped with that? ?

It would be pretty easy to build one of the world's largest ceiling fans with some of your parts n pieces. ?
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Has the project progressed since being sidetracked, I know I helped with that? ?

It would be pretty easy to build one of the world's largest ceiling fans w⁷ith some of your parts n pieces. ?
They had a Sears outlet store near me before they shut down, in a big warehouse that had like 30ft ceilings. In it was an enormous slow ceiling fan must have been 25ft tip to tip. I guess they were having a blow out sale!
Was hoping for some help and positive feedback. But ok. Let’s go with that’s stupid. ??
Well, I'll admit that I only quick scanned this thread. Were you thinking or HAWT or VAWT? in case of the latter I can think of some interesting expermints to see if this can go somewhere.

When going the VAWT route I strongly advise against it as the blades you have are probably designed to have a maximum lift at an RPM you would not want to see anywhere near you.

However I could be mistaken though so I strongly encourage you to go the experimental route and find out for your self and let us know.
Yet I have no practical way of tracing a full sized helicopter blade and scaling it down.

You could try the technology of photogrammtery
Well, I'll admit that I only quick scanned this thread. Were you thinking or HAWT or VAWT? in case of the latter I can think of some interesting expermints to see if this can go somewhere.

When going the VAWT route I strongly advise against it as the blades you have are probably designed to have a maximum lift at an RPM you would not want to see anywhere near you.

However I could be mistaken though so I strongly encourage you to go the experimental route and find out for your self and let us know.
Yet I have no practical way of tracing a full sized helicopter blade and scaling it down.

You could try the technology of photogrammtery
The thread is pretty amusing and worth the read when you have some spare time.
HAWT was the initial idea but who knows which way the wind will blow in the end.
The thread is pretty amusing and worth the read when you have some spare time.
HAWT was the initial idea but who knows which way the wind will blow in the end.
ugg I mean experiment in a VAWT setting might be worth exploring.
HAWT is pretty much a no go. keep those things FAR AWAY from me please ;)
Can someone explain this mining thing. Looks to me like a sort of currency that consumes valuable resources but produces nothing. Is scarcity, even if it exists only in a ledger, the measure of value?
Oops, wrong string.
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diy solar

diy solar