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LV6548 and SOK server rack battery communication warning 61

I will confirm the firmware in the unit I'm running tomorrow. Based on the source of the inverter, I'm under the impression that it's already been upgraded to the latest and greatest version, but it won't hurt to check for sanity purposes.

Did everyone in this thread get their LV6548's from Watts247?
Thanks for the help on this! Mine is actually the sungoldpower 6548, just received it. I went back and watched Will's video where he received the sungoldpower and compared the firmware to his mpp 6548. For what it's worth the ones listed here have newer firmware.
Did everyone in this thread get their LV6548's from Watts247?
That's where I got mine from.

I'll contact Watts247 and see if there are any newer firmware versions available. @PlaneBatteries can you check what firmware version you're on? Clearly this communication CAN work as demonstrated in the Current Connected and EG4 videos, but there must be something the three of us have in common that's causing an issue.
I have started the process to reach sungoldpower also to get them involved. Will update with how that goes.
What is shocking to me is that the firmware numbers @fanchazstic posted seem to be way off from the ones in this unit. Perhaps I am interpreting this wrong?
What is shocking to me is that the firmware numbers @fanchazstic posted seem to be way off from the ones in this unit. Perhaps I am interpreting this wrong?
The version numbers I got were from the watchpower app. It could be a difference of hex vs dec. I can double check on the unit itself. How do you get to the screen you posted pictures of? I couldn't find it in the menu when I looked for it last
The version numbers I got were from the watchpower app. I can double check on the unit itself. How do you get to the screen you posted pictures of? I couldn't find it in the menu when I looked for it last
On home screen push up arrow a couple of times.
I called Watts247 and was directed to this page on their website that has firmware version 45.07 and instructions. I was also told that my unit should have the latest firmware but that I can try downgrading to the 45.07 and seeing if that helps. I'll try that and report back, but my expectations are low because @PlaneBatteries has this same version on his and is also having issues. My RS232 cable to connect to the batteries is supposed to arrive tomorrow so I can connect to them and double check the settings on the battery. If the only difference between the master and slave batteries (other than DIP switch settings) is the communication output setting, I can try enabling that on my slave battery and using that one as the master to see if maybe there's something wrong with my master battery. Lastly I ordered a ferrite choke to help with possible interference on the cable. It's a bit of a long shot but it seems like communication is attempting to work but the connection is dropping out, so maybe it could be interference related. Worth a shot I guess.
The RS232 cable I bought on amazon doesn't recognize the batteries. I checked the current connected listing for the cable and it says "Custom cable only compatible with SOK batteries" so I guess I need to either purchase that or figure out the correct pinout and rewire mine. It's a bit frustrating these connections don't follow existing standards.
I received the rs232 cable from current connected and the replacement 485 cable. Short version is i still get the 61. I can succussfully connect the batteries to the pc but looks like their software is the older V2.04 and it doesn't show the protocol config like the new bms software version 2.5. @HighTechLab can you confirm if it's safe for me to run V2.5 so I can see the protocol the battery is set to?
With help from Eric S. (not sure if forum member or not), I think I found why it works in my shop and not elsewhere. I am testing a fix on Monday (Once Amazon delivers my parts!) and will report back with results.
With help from Eric S. (not sure if forum member or not), I think I found why it works in my shop and not elsewhere. I am testing a fix on Monday (Once Amazon delivers my parts!) and will report back with results.
Ahh awaiting that Amazonian magic pixie dust eh?
Thanks for you support on all of this !
I have exactly the same issue with my a week old MPP LV6548 (watts247) and two Jakiper Pro batts (also delivered last week) I followed LithiumSolar's youtube video to set it up but got the same issue as many others in this thread. What I noticed and no one else mentioned here is the field "Inverter protocol" never gets filled with the currently set value it just stays empty no matter what I do. When I select pylon 485 from the dropdown list it states "Successfully updated" and the battery icon on the inverter starts blinking for a few seconds then error 61, low batt error, etc.
@fanchazstic @Scotts954 please send me your order numbers by PM as soon as possible so I can express-ship something to you.

@PlaneBatteries I know who you are so I've got stuff going in the mail today.

When you three get the part, test it and let me know if there is any changes.

I also have the firmware files for the inverter successfully running in my shop that we can try, if the new part doesn't work.
Hi all, I've been working on this issue w/ @HighTechLab. Props to him for really enthusiastic customer support.

My inverter is a Sun Gold SP6548. My understanding is that it is a relabel of the MPP, so presumably there is a shared root cause.

Here's a brief recap of my exploration:

At first I thought the battery was not configured for the correct protocol. @HighTechLab helped me out with this, but the configuration turned out to be correct. Also tested with a replacement cable, no dice.

So then I started digging. I made some breakout cables and inspected the signals with an oscope, and man, dirty signals. Lots of switching transients and just plain noisy on the inverter side (the SOK side was clean BTW). Figure maybe it was a data corruption issue. Played with terminations and filtering, cleaned up a little, but still no love.

Then I attached a RS-485 adapter to the line to monitor. Turns out the data seemed okay. Yay for differential signaling! Even checked all the packet checksums and they were all good. I also confirmed that the battery was indeed responding to query/commands from the inverter. Conclusion: it is not a data link integrity issue.

So, using protocol definitions found on the web, I started digging into the messages. The inverter scans for and queries the battery for its protocol version (CID2=4F) several times and then issues commands that are not in my documentation, but the battery responds. E.g. CID2 = 61, 62, 63. After several seconds of this, the inverter throws comms (61) error. Sometimes (I don't think every time, but I may be missing it) it throws a "low battery" (04) error first.

My current hypothesis is that the inverter and BMS have incompatible protocol implementations. Unfortunately, I don't have any documentation for what the messages *should* be, so it's hard to make more progress from here. I would suspect the Sun Gold was in error due to the undocumented command IDs, but the battery does respond, so... *shrug*

I'll be waiting to hear from Sun Gold support. Hopefully a firmware upgrade can fix this.

@Scotts954, did you ever get any response from Sun Gold?

If anyone has anymore information about the Pylontech protocol, please share!

A data capture for the interested:

Use at your own risk:

I don't totally recommend this for @esch or anyone using a non MPP branded unit, but I have the firmware files available that match what is working on my unit. I don't have a Sungold/EG4 inverter to test installing this firmware on, otherwise I would do a test before sharing this information.

Firmware w/ instruction PDF contained:

Not sure if this firmware can be loaded on non MPP-branded units, but you can try at your own risk (but do note that firmware update failures can brick your inverter).
Use at your own risk:

I don't totally recommend this for @esch or anyone using a non MPP branded unit, but I have the firmware files available that match what is working on my unit. I don't have a Sungold/EG4 inverter to test installing this firmware on, otherwise I would do a test before sharing this information.

Firmware w/ instruction PDF contained:

Not sure if this firmware can be loaded on non MPP-branded units, but you can try at your own risk (but do note that firmware update failures can brick your inverter).
@HighTechLab I tried the new cable you sent out but no dice on that, same behavior as before. I then tried flashing this firmware, but when I tried to flash the firmware I see the UPG YES pop up on the LCD, but then when it goes away the firmware is still at 69.02, not 45.07. I then tried to flash the LCD panel, but I get an error writing flash:


I've tried two different RS232 usb adapters (including one from Current Connected) and both fail to write. The flash was erased and won't write so the LCD is blank and not working at all now. Do you have access to the original 112.14 version my panel was running?
I will add that I have been having the same issues between my single EG4 6500EX-48 and my rack of 4 SK48v100's.

I used the protocol editor to verify and set all batteries to Pylon 485. I have tried the cable sent from Current Connected (verified pinout) and made my own following the pinouts from the SOK manual site. I have also noticed that communication does seem to work as it begins to properly report the battery power level (full) and it changes some of my settings. When not connected my EG4 6500EX-48 is miss reporting the actual battery power saying it's around 50% when in fact the batteries are all about 99%.

I have watched every YouTube video out there relating to this (Will, Signature Solar, Current Connected, LithiumSolar, Jakiper, etc) and I know I am doing everything correctly and have quadruple checked everything at this point.

I will also note that one of my 3 SK48v100 batteries is doing the same thing that savaga reported in that while I set it to Pylon 485 it never actually shows it under "Inverter Protocol" like my other 3 did. (Don't really think this is related to the Error 61 though)

WatchPower reports my EG4 6500EX-48 versions as follows:
Main CPU version: 00079.02
Remote Panel CPU version: 0061.00
BLE CPU version: 0000.00
I have exactly the same issue with my a week old MPP LV6548 (watts247) and two Jakiper Pro batts (also delivered last week) I followed LithiumSolar's youtube video to set it up but got the same issue as many others in this thread. What I noticed and no one else mentioned here is the field "Inverter protocol" never gets filled with the currently set value it just stays empty no matter what I do. When I select pylon 485 from the dropdown list it states "Successfully updated" and the battery icon on the inverter starts blinking for a few seconds then error 61, low batt error, etc.
Just wanted to chime in and report that 1 out of my 4 SK48v100's is doing exactly what you stated here. I set it to Pylon 485 it reports successful but never lists it under the Inverter Protocol field. The other 3 all report under Inverter Protocol field.

I have the battery with that issue on address 4 and have eliminated it from the error 61 by only testing with my first two batteries so I do not believe it is related. Regardless, it does concern me that it does not perform the same as my other 3.
I've had a few hours session with jakiper support and their engineers yesterday. Gave them access to my setup through teamviewer. They verified everything - cables, pinouts, settings, addresses etc, tried different pbmstools versions. I let them try it on two different inverters and two different batteries. Eventually they contacted with LV6548 OEM manufacturer and they said it could be inverter f/w issue and provided new firmware. I haven't tested it yet and now after @fanchazstic post regarding his re-flashing failure experience I'm afraid to give it a try. The firmware version is 112.19. Currently both of my inverters are running 112.14. I'm attaching it for the ones who brave enough to give it a go. Again: THIS IS NOT A MPPSOLAR OFFICIAL F\W it's OEM manufacturer provided f\w.

Update: Jakiper eng said the "inverter protocol" doesn't appear in the upper field anymore and this is totally normal.
2Update: Please read the thread to the end before you flash this file. It might not work and you'll brick you inverter.


  • Remote Panel_Reflash_MCU(112.19).rar
    862.7 KB · Views: 48
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I've had a few hours session with jakiper support and their engineers yesterday. Gave them access to my setup through teamviewer. They verified everything - cables, pinouts, settings, addresses etc, tried different pbmstools versions. I let them try it on two different inverters and two different batteries. Eventually they contacted with LV6548 OEM manufacturer and they said it could be inverter f/w issue and provided new firmware. I haven't tested it yet and now after @fanchazstic post regarding his re-flashing failure experience I'm afraid to give it a try. The firmware version is 112.19. Currently both of my inverters are running 112.14. I'm attaching it for the ones who brave enough to give it a go. Again: THIS IS NOT A MPPSOLAR OFFICIAL F\W it's OEM manufacturer provided f\w.
I'll give that a go, right now I have no working LCD so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it can't be worse haha

Edit: also just to confirm, that firmware came from voltronic?

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diy solar