diy solar

diy solar

measurement unit consensus.


Going for serious. starting as newb
Oct 6, 2021
-5m altitude from sea level
I respect and love this site.

I get to ramble, which I excel at.

I know that many of us have better intuitive feeling with weird units like elbows, tows, thumbs and what have we? feet?

Given the highly scientific nature of this forum I suggest we move to metric.

Ohh my ohh my how those French rule the world. Other than the fact that all of them speak well English yet refuse to in their own country. I have nothing bad to say about them. In fact I have quite some more good things to say.
I think Heber, California is about -15'elev. I was born at -102' on the 2nd floor. I used to run the electric shop in a geothermal power plant that was in Heber. ;)
Oops...Heber is at -10...must be just north on Dogwood.
The whole wide world? Oh my! ?

Well, I guess Liberia and Burma don't :·)

Too much momentum and no one wants to learn or change anything, ever

Well, the UK has been mostly metric since the '80s (changed money units in the early '70s) and there's not many people nearly as conservative as the British.
The whole world is laughing at America these days.

And no one here cares. Not even a little bit. There's just something about all that independence. Happy Fourth of July!. ?

I went to school in the 70's, they taught us metric measuring and said eventually everything will transition. Hmmm...fifty years later it still hasn't. I've gotten pretty good with it, working on cars and bikes and such, but still use inches and feet for anything I build.

They taught us to type, on IBM Selectrics, and I never could really figure out why, cuz I surely wans't gonna be no secretary. But low and behold the internet came along and, well, here we are. LOL Even my job transitioned to typing, I run an entire ecommerce network for a distribution company - the IT department.

There are plenty of folks out there that came after the internet and cell phones. :cool:
I grew up using both metric and imperial measurements so I have no issues using either. Many many years ago I had to laugh when an apprentice, who was a real smart arse, read out a measurement and said three eights sixteenth at the end of it because he couldn’t relate to seven sixteenths. Luckily he wasn‘t dealing with 32nd’s and 64th’s.

Back when I was young and lived in the UK the road signs to denote a hill were expressed as a ratio i.e. 1:5 and we all understood what they meant. Now the trend is to nominate the steepness as a percentage of the angle from horizontal to vertical i.e. 15%. Why anyone would want to make it more complex for those that have enough issues grasping the steepness of an incline I have no idea. I can‘t imagine many drivers relating to a sign that indicates a hill as a percentage of 90 degrees :ROFLMAO:.
Its all familiarity. Im basically "bilingual". Metric is much easier to work with as it is all decimals and all units are basically multiples of 10 (for length) Temperature is far more intuitive as freezing is 0 degC. - is below freezing and + is above freezing, but it is all fairly straight forward once you get some practice with either. Its just a matter of using it.

This is one part of my country pulling back some of the BS :
I really do not mean to rain down on USAmerica. as they have given us the freedome we all love. Also I have gotten my fair share of run ups with one of their finest women in my later days.

No America is Great. Make no mistake. And I am happy to have them as a NATO member.

But come one crew, are not we all here less religious and more scientific?
I prefer my "been to the moon units" ???
Now I am not saying it is Stanly Cubric units. But there is a fair amount of evidence that does suggest it.

Come on crew, I do not want a war here over did we go the the moon or not.

All I care about is if the smartest minds, and lets make no mistake most of them are American, can get this show on the road.
Plain and simple.
Americans aren't interested in the metric system.
We like doing our own thing. We are leaders, not followers.
(Even if it doesn't make sense to anyone else)

diy solar

diy solar