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diy solar

Renogy your so close.. open discussion.


New Member
May 18, 2022
Open letter / discussion

@Renogy Solar you guys are so close to having a really solid company and product. SO CLOSE, but as someone new to the game I have some things which come to mind. Think of this as a customers open letter which others can add to.
I’ll do this in a list type format kinda makes it easier for me to run down my thoughts.

1. Quality control, now I get with production numbers you probably can’t test every unit that goes out. (BUT IN EMAIL I WAS TOLD THIS IS DONE) Clearly it’s not so, don’t claim it.

2. Tied into Quality control, example Rover 20amp controller. After finding mine was off about a volt or so I searched around. There is many posts about this. It’s close but “close enough” works in horse shoes but not so much when it comes to power system. With a common thread being that 1 volt variable. I’d expect there must be a common bond across these. A Engineer should be able to track where this is caused in the system.

3. Customer service teams and communications. I am not sure if you have a mix of staff in different locations who don’t work as a team or share notes on a case?
Example was my case with the defective wanderer. Over all replies went from let us reach out to another department by email and wait to hear back. The next reply mentioned maybe my system was too strong for the controller (single 100 watt panel, 100ah lithium battery). Then another email saying hey sorry about that other member they were not trained, and we will exchange the unit.

4. Customer service tied in, remind people answering emails to think outside the box, not every case will follow a employee manual work flow chart wise, example. My trying to warn you guys that your controller box is simply thrown in a plastic bag and no protection at all. Luckily your internal foam saved my controller from direct impact but unknown G forces of obviously several impacts. I think the 2nd or third reply someone got it and forwarded it on (hopefully to the amazon sales team)

5. Manual / documentation: I would be happy with a over load of technical information instead of a lack of information. I was able to email and had to ask about the Rover 20a and the max amperage output instead of reading in the manual don’t hook up a inverter or battery charger. That in the manual didn’t help other than state indirectly don’t overload the load connections.

6. Customer trust. Going back to the above post about the wanderer defective unit in a couple ways, and the .11 volt variable of battery vs controller is stating voltage is also strange 12.8 when I know hasn’t been that much draw in the time allotted. Makes one second guess a product, example I am currently looking into battery monitors with a shunt, with one defective item and the next seems to be working ok BUT with a variable it makes one question buying the next product or just 100% trusting the accuracy of it.

Again, I get it Renogy is a company in the end of days and run for profits but same time it seems to be a brand I hear more about and 50/50 on good vs it’s ok BUT. I may be one voice as I type this but I am sure others feel the same and with fine tuning and getting issues handled can bring that reputation and impression higher which would probably also result in higher sales.

Wish the company nothing but the best and welcome anyone else to give some input in a feedback yet constructive I hope.
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Oh and 7. When someone is just trying to inform you of insufficient packing by amazon for a charge controller. Box damage sucks but don’t try to make the 5% off discount for the issue sound like a oops make it right reward, you hand the codes out on the website all the time.
Mainly was emailing so you all knew your packages were getting no protection and boxes based corners smashed. Also so if there is issues in future with the unit this could be tied in. 39CA459A-7EB0-4F07-BCB0-DE4EF6F39985.jpeg6D676C29-5283-49C6-9735-5503B8AA3AE7.jpegFFF0E9DF-28DD-42F9-B21A-9006513AE641.jpeg
Renogy make a good product, but that product is only as good as the service given behind the product.In my own personal experience this is were renogy fail completely. I'm not into company bashing so I won't go into detail other than to say my experience with renogy has lost them my future business.
A measly 5% off but only when you buy more of their product. Ya right...
The box has a little damage. If the enclosed product inside is fine then consider the packaging did its job and move along. Thats just me, I know some people get their panties in a wad when the packaging isnt perfect.
These are the people that get upset when customer service is otherwise competent but isnt friendly or smiling enough for them.
Am I being an ass about this? I dunno, it seems like some would expect a hefty discount over a dented corner of packaging. That discount will be made up elsewhere, like added to the price I will pay down the road.
Its kinda like that Allstate insurance ad, where some goofball runs his car into a lake, its entirely due to his ineptitude, and Allstate brags that they gladly sent out an adjuster with scuba gear to dive on it. At midnight. On a holiday probably.
That just convinced me Im never buying insurance from that company, I dont want to pay higher premiums to subsidize someone elses stupidity and unreasonable requests.
BTW the Renogy 2kw inverter I received last year was well packed, youd really have to slam it to have any damage.
Not that Ive seen every box they send out, and I agree the coupon is a pittance.

As it should be.
The box has a little damage. If the enclosed product inside is fine then consider the packaging did its job and move along. Thats just me, I know some people get their panties in a wad when the packaging isnt perfect.
These are the people that get upset when customer service is otherwise competent but isnt friendly or smiling enough for them.
Am I being an ass about this? I dunno, it seems like some would expect a hefty discount over a dented corner of packaging. That discount will be made up elsewhere, like added to the price I will pay down the road.
Its kinda like that Allstate insurance ad, where some goofball runs his car into a lake, its entirely due to his ineptitude, and Allstate brags that they gladly sent out an adjuster with scuba gear to dive on it. At midnight. On a holiday probably.
That just convinced me Im never buying insurance from that company, I dont want to pay higher premiums to subsidize someone elses stupidity and unreasonable requests.
BTW the Renogy 2kw inverter I received last year was well packed, youd really have to slam it to have any damage.
Not that Ive seen every box they send out, and I agree the coupon is a pittance.

As it should be.
Basically it may not even be known to renogy as amazon warehouse but yea a plastic bag around the retail box offers zero protection. Luckily the retail box had decent foam around the controller. When the geek side of me looks at it though harder shock than needed during transport so if cold solder joints somewhere, higher potential of coming loose.
Everything after 55 days so far has been ok. Reads battery about .11 volts low. But I didn’t expect a discount or anything but to hype the 5% which is given when one visits their website was kinda laughable to make that sound like a “favor”.
But yea Amazon warehouse their packing computer which instructs the packing person in the warehouse has been wrong many times.
That system alone has had amazon destroy over 1400 in items coming to me with damage that was preventable. Least renogy it’s a bag and not a box which could hold 30 of the product.
Renogy is close but surely can look into issues a little better and see what’s up. Though wanderer is on my skip list
Your reading .1 of a volt, one tenth of a volt, what are you comparing with? Blaming Amazon for not packing your Renogy product is well, easy to do I have had Amazon screw up more than one item for me. Zero issues with all the stuff I have ordered from Renogy the 40 amp MPPT controller came with a several page book, did you not get one?
I have ordered and installed $2500 worth of stuff from Renogy over the past six months.... zero issues with shipping or the products I am using right now. Dented boxes, product ok.... get over it.
Anyone have experience with their DC DC chargers? My redarc 50a unit is acting up and out of warranty.
Your reading .1 of a volt, one tenth of a volt, what are you comparing with? Blaming Amazon for not packing your Renogy product is well, easy to do I have had Amazon screw up more than one item for me. Zero issues with all the stuff I have ordered from Renogy the 40 amp MPPT controller came with a several page book, did you not get one?
I have ordered and installed $2500 worth of stuff from Renogy over the past six months.... zero issues with shipping or the products I am using right now. Dented boxes, product ok.... get over it.
Multi meter in line. Least knowing the adjustment I can use custom settings accordingly. And yes a manual came with it. Main thing and I also emailed renogy is just so they know their item isn’t packed properly at all. I know other amazon sellers and it’s something they can talk with their rep and get fixed. Nothing to get over as there is nothing I’m stuck on lol
Victron taste with Renogy pockets.

I know you're not going to want to hear this but you're making a mountain out of a molehill and this is my open letter/ discussion to you!

1. Renogy is not a manufacturer. They are a retailer and in my eyes a marketing agency. The products you are discussing are manufactured by SRNE. Companies like Renogy, Rich Solar, Weize, etc slap THEIR logo onto these products and sell them. Renogy is more a marketing agency in my eyes because they market the crap out of SRNE products to really make the end consumer feel like they have a team of 100 engineers locked in a room designing only the very best for their beloved customers. I give Renogy a 10 out of 10 for doing this. They may have SOME influence over what the manufacturer does but that's it all they are is a retailer.

2. The dented corner is so tiny that I'm shocked you even contacted them about it, sounds to me like it did its job. What do you want, a carbon fiber box or them to put the box inside a box, inside another box. For a solar enthusiast, you shouldn't really want 32 lbs of box protection and I don't even need to ask if the product was damaged because looking at it I already know it wasn't. The box did its job, it's not like you were planning on keeping the box to hang it up on your wall. You weren't contacting them to tell them of their poor protection you wanted that sweet Karen discount. The margin is so slim that I bet replacing a few units is just cheaper than over-packaging all the products. If amazon has "damaged 1400 products shipped to you" I am betting that you count every box with a blemish as damaged, and you have a log book that you record this in :) Sorry I couldn't help myself though!

3. Quality control. It's a CHINEESE company and it's a $25 controller! And the rover an $85 controller. For $25 and $85 products, you are expecting WAY WAY too much from a Chinese company. You're lucky it works more than 30 days lol. But seriously, they are going to tell you whatever you want to hear. Every unit is field tested by an astronaut in space, then at the bottom of the ocean blah blah blah. They are some dude in China who gets paid $8 per day to simply get you off their back by whatever means possible. There is no training manual and different departments lol Same thing every company in China does. You paid for mid-tier almost economy product. You're going to get mid-tier quality and service, simple as that. Don't be the guy in the Kia walking around the car to inspect it for scratches when the valet brings it to you, just get into your crappy car, say thank you, and drive away.

4. I 100% agree that product manuals should be complete, in english not engrish, and have perfect grammar. 99% of chineese companies have horrible manuals with the worst English, they ar eblind to the fact that if Americans see a bad china manual we assume the product is the same. However, Renogy I think is not in that 99% They clearly paid to have a native english speaker write or edit their manuals. Good for them. If it was missing anything though then yes they need to have it complete. I have about 5k worth of renogy stuff and I've always thought their manuals were pretty good, not great but good enough for the price I paid for their products (which are again are priced well)

In conclusion, Honestly, I think Renogy made $0 off of your purchase after replacing multiple items from you and probably 5 or 6 emails and calls. I am a retailer also, and honestly I would not have given any discount because I would not have wanted another purchase from you because I know that would mean more annoying calls and emails that would cost me labor, I'm suprised they offered even 5%. You said volts were off by 1 volt I know you meant .1. Being off .1 volts isn't great but it's kinda normal. Unless it's a couple hundred dollar item like a fluke multimeter I wouldn't expect perfection. My $80 multimeter isn't even spot on and that's literally its only job. I'm not trying to offend you in any way but I think us as Americans have gotten way too critical of everything lately. The world seems to be self-correcting itself and in a few years we may wish that a slightly dented corner of a box was our only problem! Be happy, you god a good quality controller at a great price. 10 yars ago these would be $800 so I think you did pretty good all in all.
Victron taste with Renogy pockets.

I know you're not going to want to hear this but you're making a mountain out of a molehill and this is my open letter/ discussion to you!

1. Renogy is not a manufacturer. They are a retailer and in my eyes a marketing agency. The products you are discussing are manufactured by SRNE. Companies like Renogy, Rich Solar, Weize, etc slap THEIR logo onto these products and sell them. Renogy is more a marketing agency in my eyes because they market the crap out of SRNE products to really make the end consumer feel like they have a team of 100 engineers locked in a room designing only the very best for their beloved customers. I give Renogy a 10 out of 10 for doing this. They may have SOME influence over what the manufacturer does but that's it all they are is a retailer.

2. The dented corner is so tiny that I'm shocked you even contacted them about it, sounds to me like it did its job. What do you want, a carbon fiber box or them to put the box inside a box, inside another box. For a solar enthusiast, you shouldn't really want 32 lbs of box protection and I don't even need to ask if the product was damaged because looking at it I already know it wasn't. The box did its job, it's not like you were planning on keeping the box to hang it up on your wall. You weren't contacting them to tell them of their poor protection you wanted that sweet Karen discount. The margin is so slim that I bet replacing a few units is just cheaper than over-packaging all the products. If amazon has "damaged 1400 products shipped to you" I am betting that you count every box with a blemish as damaged, and you have a log book that you record this in :) Sorry I couldn't help myself though!

3. Quality control. It's a CHINEESE company and it's a $25 controller! And the rover an $85 controller. For $25 and $85 products, you are expecting WAY WAY too much from a Chinese company. You're lucky it works more than 30 days lol. But seriously, they are going to tell you whatever you want to hear. Every unit is field tested by an astronaut in space, then at the bottom of the ocean blah blah blah. They are some dude in China who gets paid $8 per day to simply get you off their back by whatever means possible. There is no training manual and different departments lol Same thing every company in China does. You paid for mid-tier almost economy product. You're going to get mid-tier quality and service, simple as that. Don't be the guy in the Kia walking around the car to inspect it for scratches when the valet brings it to you, just get into your crappy car, say thank you, and drive away.

4. I 100% agree that product manuals should be complete, in english not engrish, and have perfect grammar. 99% of chineese companies have horrible manuals with the worst English, they ar eblind to the fact that if Americans see a bad china manual we assume the product is the same. However, Renogy I think is not in that 99% They clearly paid to have a native english speaker write or edit their manuals. Good for them. If it was missing anything though then yes they need to have it complete. I have about 5k worth of renogy stuff and I've always thought their manuals were pretty good, not great but good enough for the price I paid for their products (which are again are priced well)

In conclusion, Honestly, I think Renogy made $0 off of your purchase after replacing multiple items from you and probably 5 or 6 emails and calls. I am a retailer also, and honestly I would not have given any discount because I would not have wanted another purchase from you because I know that would mean more annoying calls and emails that would cost me labor, I'm suprised they offered even 5%. You said volts were off by 1 volt I know you meant .1. Being off .1 volts isn't great but it's kinda normal. Unless it's a couple hundred dollar item like a fluke multimeter I wouldn't expect perfection. My $80 multimeter isn't even spot on and that's literally its only job. I'm not trying to offend you in any way but I think us as Americans have gotten way too critical of everything lately. The world seems to be self-correcting itself and in a few years we may wish that a slightly dented corner of a box was our only problem! Be happy, you god a good quality controller at a great price. 10 yars ago these would be $800 so I think you did pretty good all in all.
Not really a mountain just pointing out a few things would be nice to see improved from a consumers point.

1. Pretty cool to know, being newer to the solar game so this is good knowledge to have.

2. Retail boxes usually are put into a box. Not usually designed for shipping. More so with a plastic bag and the way stuff is bashed.
Nope, didn’t need the Ken discount, being more savvy using amazon points out of pocket cost was already zero. And No I mean they actually destroyed the product by putting it in a box that 10 of the product retail boxes would have fit into. They were actually non functional, sent back to the manufacturer and verified bashed to death as the retail boxes opened in the massive box.
I actually was proactive though talked with the vendor and Jeff Bezos office and got this corrected also got the vendor credited for the products as the value was so high and from amazon warehouse to my door damages were not his fault.

3. Yea the wander isn’t even worth the risk to the rest of the system. And yea as of now it seems to be pass the buck and delays then forgotten questions lol.

4. Yea I’ve found there is way better documentation from third parties who already spent the time deciphering the mistakes and all.

In the end renogy replaced nothing for me, the defective wanderer got sent back to amazon, actually take that back Amazon didn’t want to deal with the e-waste, so they refunded and it will be chucked at the next local E-Waste collection day.
As for discount I didn’t even ask for one, but it’s their way to show a good face and say here ya go the discount that’s on the website and everywhere else that’s given to anyone and everyone. Original goal was informing them that their item is improperly being packed, or lack of packing for that matter. Instead bagged and tossed on conveyor belts with strong flippers which are fine with a shipping box, not so much retail boxes, or the package against other package bashing.
So you would find a message about hey you realize your products are being bashed to hell and just tossed in a plastic bag would be described as annoying? It might cost you “labor” to know of shipping damage from amazons choices would be annoying?
A line like that makes me quite happy I’m not buying from you then.
And originally was showing off by 1 volt as of now seems to have settled after adding a few things in and a few cycles to about .11 to .14 volts off. Previously was under reporting voltage, as of today it’s over reporting voltage. With further testing and adding in a system monitor today will see where it settles.

And yea I’d like something to get to me in a nice non bashed to heck condition, American or not least let me abuse the product. Seems I can go to about any retail store and pick up any random box and I don’t see retail boxes bashed. Usually their properly wrapped on a pallet and or boxed between points until final retail shelf. I wouldn’t think of this as an American thing but any consumer spending their cash would expect it to be.
Over all I think this system will end up working out hopefully and last some time, and yea with using rewards points my out of cost was even better this project but I also save the rewards until I have something higher dollar planned.
This ended up being a whole system rebuild for a camp rig. Previous system was a sla 50ah 25 useable and a 12 watt panel hah.
As of now house lights and medical equipment will do their job off grid.
May end up adding one more 100 watt panel, after seeing 2 days of charge time from a discharged battery after capacity testing
If for camping check out the voyager controller, one of my solar systems is on a boat and I couldn't use the rover because of the moisture but the voyager is still going strong 1 year later dealing with highly corrosive seasonal.
4. I 100% agree that product manuals should be complete, in english not engrish, and have perfect grammar. 99% of chineese companies have horrible manuals with the worst English, they ar eblind to the fact that if Americans see a bad china manual we assume the product is the same. However, Renogy I think is not in that 99% They clearly paid to have a native english speaker write or edit their manuals. Good for them. If it was missing anything though then yes they need to have it complete. I have about 5k worth of renogy stuff and I've always thought their manuals were pretty good, not great but good enough for the price I paid for their products (which are again are priced well)
I have only dealt with one Renogy charge controller, the 100 amp MPPT model. Right off the bat I find that I need a passcode to get into the settings. Guess what? There's no mention of a passcode in the manual. What a joke.
The person who bought this controller did so after I recommended a Midnite Solar Classic because she said it was too expensive. I saw the receipt for her Renogy controller and was surprised to see she paid almost as much for the Renogy controller as she would have for the Classic.
If for camping check out the voyager controller, one of my solar systems is on a boat and I couldn't use the rover because of the moisture but the voyager is still going strong 1 year later dealing with highly corrosive seasonal.
Interesting I’ll have to check into that. As of now it’s a double walled fiberglass mini egg trailer. One advantage unlike the scamp and casita brands single wall with marine carpet on inside seems like the condensation tends to be on the outside. But I do need to add a strip around the door. With the curve it does show some gap around the door.
For sure good to know doesn’t like humidity, and totally understand with the boat. When I go on my friends boat first thing we do is empty the dehumidifiers and pack them out before leaving the harbor for open ocean.
This is the mini vintage rig. Light small yet has the basics for camping without worrying about a tent and weather coming through lol.
Cpap and house lights will be primary load, once in a while might drop a inverter on for single cup coffee maker. Probably not often.
After capacity test 2 3/4 days back to full charge. May add in another 100 watt panel.


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I have only dealt with one Renogy charge controller, the 100 amp MPPT model. Right off the bat I find that I need a passcode to get into the settings. Guess what? There's no mention of a passcode in the manual. What a joke.
The person who bought this controller did so after I recommended a Midnite Solar Classic because she said it was too expensive. I saw the receipt for her Renogy controller and was surprised to see she paid almost as much for the Renogy controller as she would have for the Classic.
That admin password least on this model is found in the manual on mine also a quick google search brought it up. It’s basically to prevent a accidental change to the settings. Could be a little easier to remember but I didn’t find it a big deal at all here.
Multi meter in line. Least knowing the adjustment I can use custom settings accordingly. And yes a manual came with it. Main thing and I also emailed renogy is just so they know their item isn’t packed properly at all. I know other amazon sellers and it’s something they can talk with their rep and get fixed. Nothing to get over as there is nothing I’m stuck on lol
I've ordered a number of items from them and sometimes the packaging arrives undamaged and sometimes it doesn't.

The inverter was well packed in fitted foam. The suitcase solar kit box was torn up with no other packaging and the panels face outwards (they worked).

You can always get 10% of better off if you look. Refer a friend, mailing list, etc.

Mine is all working fine. I posted on their own forum a few years ago about the voltage discrepancy with my Rover 40 but I work around it
I've ordered a number of items from them and sometimes the packaging arrives undamaged and sometimes it doesn't.

The inverter was well packed in fitted foam. The suitcase solar kit box was torn up with no other packaging and the panels face outwards (they worked).

You can always get 10% of better off if you look. Refer a friend, mailing list, etc.

Mine is all working fine. I posted on their own forum a few years ago about the voltage discrepancy with my Rover 40 but I work around it
Agreed credit due to renogy for that internal foam cage I guess one could call it in the Rover. I think that’s how it survived without any issues.
I did find it interesting that the Renogy monitor shows correct and matches the multi meter battery voltage wise. So I just adjust settings for charge and have Ameretime checking them over custom settings wise. It does seem the default lithium profile across the board has higher than suggested voltages.


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Oh yea last couple replies reminded me. Just strange and I’ll adjust accordingly but after covering the panels and then disconnecting them and tearing down system to all parts to add the meter the .13 variable now reversed lol. Controller used to under report battery now over reports.. just strange quirk. Least seems to be about settled .11 to .13 variable and + or -.
I’ll see if it changes again as I need to severely shorten the battery neg to shunt. Or get a very short copper bus bar.
This picture had better readability for the controller and the monitor displays36DBCFD2-585F-4893-8B3B-B279CDF75CC6.jpeg
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Ni on every package ive had from renogy has arrived damaged, thanks to AMAZON delivery drivers, cant blame renogy for that, every item was protected well enough from AMAZON delivery drivers though and was undamaged inside the Renogy packaging, the few that have arrived in mint condition were all purchased direct from Renogys web site (funny that).
My little Renogy system has been in for 18 months, no issues appart from voltage readings being slightly off, thing is when i check the voltage using various multimeters i get as many differant readings as meters i use, IE check with 7 meters get 7 (slightly) differant readings and yes 2 of the meters are fluke, in fact my system has 3 perminant built in voltage readings and they all differ, i count myself lucky if they are all within .2 of a Volt but the differance changes daily depending on temp in the van.
I've fitted/helped fit 7 renogy systems (mainly Uk canal narrow boats) no issues appart from the apps, they seem to need re-instaling on a regular basis (android), ive had the odd items (2XBT1) that had to go back but i've also had to send back a victron invertor charger that just gave a battery over voltage alarm stright out the box so take from that what you will ?
Instuction manuals are about the best chinese manuals i've had, admitedly it's a broad spread from 100% chinese (no translation), through the usuall chinglish translations (amusing i find), to decent attemps with only the odd error (sometimes less errors in english than many actuall english made items ! ), i have to say i find way more complaints on here from US customers than european ones (reguarding instructions), i started to beleive they are differant in terms of paper instructions ??.
Ive also noticed a LOT of mis reading/wronge manual reading and that's the thing, you rarely hear the good points only the compalints, hense this post to try and level it up.

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diy solar