diy solar

diy solar

Understanding over-paneling.

Snow Belt Solar

New Member
Jul 3, 2022
Northwest PA
While researching on the PVwatts website for my grid tie build it shows that if I use Iq8 microinverters instead of Iq8+ with my 340 watt panels it will produce 99.7% the amount of electricity. It seems a waste to go with Iq8+ then?

I tried searching over paneling but most results are in regards to string inverters/ batteries. Thanks.
While researching on the PVwatts website for my grid tie build it shows that if I use Iq8 microinverters instead of Iq8+ with my 340 watt panels it will produce 99.7% the amount of electricity. It seems a waste to go with Iq8+ then?

I tried searching over paneling but most results are in regards to string inverters/ batteries. Thanks.
I have APsystems QS1 micro inverters. They are rated for 300w per input. As I recall their spec sheet says up to 375w input recommended. So the "over paneling" is defined in the spec, at least on that make/model.

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