diy solar

diy solar

WiFi Kill A Watt

Those look interesting indeed. I love my kill-a-watt and use it all the time. I see at least one reference to not working with android. Come back and tell us how they work for sure. I don't exactly need one but...
Word of warning, be cautious with that. It requires internet access to be ON, as well, the phone app will use things on your phone.

I thought of using the Samsung Smartplug which is very similar to this, because of the phone access, monitoring & control. But to install the app, you have to give it permission to everything on the phone, browse, photos, address book, gps… pretty much everything. I'd call that a Red Flag. In my case without data on my phone the app failed during the initial install and was told by Samsung that it had to be on, which was the eye opener, that's also when I found out you had to give access o everything on the phone. WTH for ? wifi to device, info to & fro from device, why web, why all access, why, why why ??? no good reason I can think of, should be optional and selectable if anything.

Different products do & want different things but just be cautious with these things, you could end up with more than you bargained for.
Word of warning, be cautious with that. It requires internet access to be ON, as well, the phone app will use things on your phone.

I thought of using the Samsung Smartplug which is very similar to this, because of the phone access, monitoring & control. But to install the app, you have to give it permission to everything on the phone, browse, photos, address book, gps… pretty much everything. I'd call that a Red Flag. In my case without data on my phone the app failed during the initial install and was told by Samsung that it had to be on, which was the eye opener, that's also when I found out you had to give access o everything on the phone. WTH for ? wifi to device, info to & fro from device, why web, why all access, why, why why ??? no good reason I can think of, should be optional and selectable if anything.

Different products do & want different things but just be cautious with these things, you could end up with more than you bargained for.

Red flag indeed! More like deal breaker for me. Joe, let us know what permissions it needs.
Sorry, I don't like to be a downer but it was a real downer when I learned that about Samsung and there's no point to getting stuck with something that can cause "issues" which should be avoided at all costs. Fingers Crossed that they are not "invasive" like Samsung. From a little digging that I did do into it afterwards, apparently Home-IO can be used to work around some things and manage things locally using your own "server". Apparently, also ZIGBEE devices have even more flexibility in regards to how they can be managed. Unfortunately, I only did a cursory look at this stuff last fall as I'd like o do IoT but not if it required Full time access to internet, as I need something that will run without being connected to the web at large.

Andreas Speiss on YouTube have devoted quite a bit to IOT, ZigBee and more
Well @Steve_S was right. The unit wanted access to location services on my WiFi only iPad and wouldn't work without it so back it went.

This is where I love Amazon Prime. For a return they instantly give me a QR code that I print and take to the UPS store. I don't even have to package the item, just drop it on their desk with the QR code I printed.

The UPS store is only 5 minutes away and by the time I got back home the money was already credited to me! I had the item in my home about 10 minutes to figure out it wouldn't work for my application and 5 minutes later I had my refund. Crazy.
Well @Steve_S was right. The unit wanted access to location services on my WiFi only iPad and wouldn't work without it so back it went.

This is where I love Amazon Prime. For a return they instantly give me a QR code that I print and take to the UPS store. I don't even have to package the item, just drop it on their desk with the QR code I printed.

The UPS store is only 5 minutes away and by the time I got back home the money was already credited to me! I had the item in my home about 10 minutes to figure out it wouldn't work for my application and 5 minutes later I had my refund. Crazy.
In the "like" button, there should be one for "Phew".
Yeah, really, what are they gonna do with that info ? Who's will it be sold to ??
Ahhh Landline Phone, TV & Newspaper, no web, no smart nothing making more stupid's.... Hmmm :ROFLMAO:
For privacy with local WIFI/Bluetooth devices.

- Old phone
- No sim card
- Wiped, rooted, and ROMed. (CyanogenMod or whatever)
- GPS location spoofing

If you don't have an old phone buy one. They're cheap.

diy solar

diy solar