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Vestwoods app? Does it work??


New Member
Aug 20, 2022
Has anyone used the vestwoods battery app for their line of batteries? I’ve tried without success.
Has anyone used the vestwoods battery app for their line of batteries? I’ve tried without success.

Yes, i use it. What is the issue? Be sure you are choosing the correct BT device as the app will show other BT devises. There is an option to scan the battery barcode too.

Oh, are you sure you have a battery that has BT? I think they are listed as the "plus" models.
Has anyone used the vestwoods battery app for their line of batteries? I’ve tried without success.

Did you ever get it working? did you determine if your battery has BT? If it does, do not pair the battery with your phone. It will pair, but then the app won't see it. Also, it gets glitchy once in a while and won't see the battery even if you have connected before. If you clear the app's data and cache it will work again.

FWIW, if you have multiple batteries, there is an option under the app menu that will let you switch between them. Normally when you start the app, it will show the BT devices it sees, but will attempt to connect to the last one it was connected to. This makes it hard to tap on the correct one before the list goes away. I pulled my hair out a bit trying to select the correct battery on app startup, before finding that option.
I have just one battery. It is advertised to be used with a Bluetooth app. which I downloaded. The app finds the battery but no telemetry is shown. I have done this by scanning the barcode on the battery as well. Since I use an iPhone I had a friend try with an android phone….same result…battery serial number is shown on app, click it and nothing happens
battery serial number is shown on app, click it and nothing happens

Does it say anything like "failed to fetch data" after clicking on it? I've had that happen a few times, and clearing the cache and data fixed that too. Did you allow it the permissions it asked for? It will ask again if you clear those items.

On my two batteries, it works about 95% of the time on the first try. The other 5% I have to do the procedure above.

You are using the correct app, right? The one linked above (for android).
In all cases after clicking on the battery serial number in the app all I get is a spinning icon. I used the vestwoods app followed by the pow bank app. For android it was the pow bank app.
I ran across your discussion separate from this one. Did you mention a need to “wake up” the battery? Maybe this is what I’m missing…
I ran across your discussion separate from this one. Did you mention a need to “wake up” the battery? Maybe this is what I’m missing…

I only had to wake up the battery when I first got it by applying a charge for about 5-10 seconds. I think I did that before I tried the app. I do not know how long it has to sit idle before the BMS goes back to sleep. I am guessing days or weeks.
I only had to wake up the battery when I first got it by applying a charge for about 5-10 seconds. I think I did that before I tried the app. I do not know how long it has to sit idle before the BMS goes back to sleep. I am guessing days or weeks.
Yep, looks like power must be applied to wake up the vestwoods battery. My new charger arrived, I hooked it up and the app is reporting data now. Thanks
Yep, looks like power must be applied to wake up the vestwoods battery. My new charger arrived, I hooked it up and the app is reporting data now.
Good. As I mentioned somewhere, on the first charge, do not go by the % the BMS is reporting. It seems to default to 50% the first time. Do a full charge by voltage/current. After that, it will be in sync.
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Good. As I mentioned somewhere, on the first charge, do not go by the % the BMS is reporting. It seems to default to 50% the first time. Do a full charge by voltage/current. After that, it will be in sync.
Yes mine also showed around 50% but was really under 30%.
I have a Vestwoods 250ah Ultra. Bluetooth works but it really sucks in that it:
1) doesn’t allow renaming the battery so you’re stuck with a long number as it’s id, in tiny font.

2) it doesn’t seem to remember the battery. I have to find my battery each time and select it from a long list of apparantly every bt device in range, which has been around 40 items at times. And this while the list moves as items are found and unfound by the app. So lame.

Other than the bt, the battery is fine, and I’ve confirmed the cold temp cutoff has worked.

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