diy solar

diy solar

Any good Netflix shows?

I have been considering doing the same thing ..... please update the thread after you've had Tmobile for a while .... especially if you travel .... and how it compares to Verizon.
Can't help with Netflix .... we eliminated it about 6 months ago. We cycle thru the various streaming providers and Netflix is on the off cycle.
In Arizona Verizon has better reception out in the boonies. By the towns, not much of a difference.

To look for shows, I have a roku box and put the movie I want to watch in the search function and it tells me what streaming service provides it. Found some gems on the streaming services I already had but did not know were carried.

On Netflix for brainless entertainment, Tiger King is good. Other things are Lost in Space Narcos.
Witcher was excellent, but the three simultaneous timelines can make season 1 confusing.
Squidgame was good (didn't expect it from the trailer). Red Notice should be good, but haven't watched it yet. They have a top 10 under "popular" which usually has something of interest.
If it's still on there "The Heavy Water War" was hands down the best show I've ever seen. It's about the Nazis trying to get Deuterium.
There are a bunch of them, but it all depends on what you like. My personal favorites are BoJack Horseman, Sex Education, and Stranger Things. The three shows with the best atmosphere and ideas to make you think about life from a different perspective.
It’s cool that you got Netflix with the package because I am considering leaving my Netflix subscription. It has become too expensive to have one now, and there are IPTV services like, for instance, that offer way more movies for a smaller price. And you can always watch movies online for free. Inflation makes you look for ways to save money.
Almost everything being produced and written today is absolute garbage. In fact, it has me worried as it seems like our pool of quality producers is getting anorexic.

Even in books, most everything is junk with only a few good fictional stories coming out each year.
Netflix became too woke.
Witcher is a perfect example of ruining a perfectly good story by wokism.
Read the books and play the game made by CDPR.
Avoid the Netflix Series.

diy solar

diy solar