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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

But But But But....Big Pharma!!!!

When someone says the two words Big are listening to an idiot!
Hmmm .... didn't you just say it ..... twice .... sounds like a straight up confession to me.
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:ROFLMAO: Here's some more facts...
I don't suffer from any of this because I have not had covid but I did already suffer from chronic DVT/PE and have an IVC filter. I have had 5 of the Moderna including the latest bivalent omicron booster and no bad reaction. A good friend had his paricardium removed 10 years ago and he's had 3 Phizer and 2 Moderna including the Moderna bivalent omicron booster. No issues there either and he hasn't had covid either. I know a butt load of folks who have had covid 2-3 times and their eyes are getting dimmer by the day. Best of luck to you.
I'm sure Dahmer would tell you he didn't kill anyone also.
"There is growing evidence that individuals with severe COVID-19 disease can have symptoms that persist beyond the initial illness".

I didnt have "severe Covid-19", if you understand the zinc lozenge therapy and begin it soon enough the virus doesnt take hold long enough to do any damage. I already had a bottle of zinc lozenges on hand, I ordered them from ebay because they were sold out locally. At about 2 pm that day I detected a fever of 102, by 5 pm it was 103 and I had completely lost any sense of smell. I poured gucci envy all over my arm and it smelled like water. By midnight I had laid on my back and dissolved 22mg zinc lozenges in my throat 4x (at 6, 8, 10 and 12 oclock) making sure not to swallow but breathe as deep as possible. The next morning I repeated this 5x during the day and by mid afternoon I was feeling much better.
This is an amount of zinc considered toxic, so its imperative you swallow as little of this as possible, and why you must lay on your back when doing it. The zinc prevents the coronavirus from replicating in your lower respiratory system in the critical first stage, so your immune system does not become overwhelmed by it.
This therapy was recommended by the first researcher to identify and study coronaviruses in the 70's.
You mean the fact that you never finished high school and you believe in conspiracies like the people that were after you with direct energy weapons? Are we REALLy supposed to believe your other conspiracy theories?
Are you claiming that spending more years in institutionalized education precludes people from being completely full of shit?
As for directed energy weapons, at the time I had some really weird neighbors and was suffering from undiagnosed GIRD. Its very painful and I had no idea what the fuck was going on. Microwave weapons exist. It sounded like a reasonable explanation at the time. I was wrong.
And youre an asshole.
Are you claiming that spending more years in institutionalized education precludes people from being completely full of shit?
As for directed energy weapons, at the time I had some really weird neighbors and was suffering from undiagnosed GIRD. Its very painful and I had no idea what the fuck was going on. Microwave weapons exist. It sounded like a reasonable explanation at the time. I was wrong.
And youre an asshole.
Microwave weapons do not exist in any form that makes them a real weapon of destruction. We do have defensive devices that use microwaves to one extent or another, but they are not destructive devices like a missile or a bullet.

The best we've been able to do is to dump a bunch of energy into the air and hope it upsets whatever we're pointing it at. The problem is that we can't focus the microwaves like we focus lasers. The lower the wavelength, the more scattering that occurs which results in a sort of shotgun effect.
We can focus lasers, which means we can dump lots of energy into a very small area and burn through whatever we're pointing at, but with microwaves, its more like shining a bright spotlight at something. Not very useful.

Shotgunning a bunch of energy into the air is fine for someone throwing rocks and bottles at you, and it can mess up the electronic function of a computer if you blast enough energy out (very inefficient), but we can't focus the microwaves in a beam tight enough to actually do anything really useful.

They think Cuba is using microwaves on our diplomats, but I think its a load of horse crap. Any 2nd year college kid could rig up a device to detect microwave energy and sound an alarm. Also, a simple aluminum window screen or some kitchen aluminum foil can stop microwaves dead in their tracks. It's not even difficult to do.
Microwave weapons do not exist in any form that makes them a real weapon of destruction. We do have defensive devices that use microwaves to one extent or another, but they are not destructive devices like a missile or a bullet.

The best we've been able to do is to dump a bunch of energy into the air and hope it upsets whatever we're pointing it at. The problem is that we can't focus the microwaves like we focus lasers. The lower the wavelength, the more scattering that occurs which results in a sort of shotgun effect.
We can focus lasers, which means we can dump lots of energy into a very small area and burn through whatever we're pointing at, but with microwaves, its more like shining a bright spotlight at something. Not very useful.

Shotgunning a bunch of energy into the air is fine for someone throwing rocks and bottles at you, and it can mess up the electronic function of a computer if you blast enough energy out (very inefficient), but we can't focus the microwaves in a beam tight enough to actually do anything really useful.

They think Cuba is using microwaves on our diplomats, but I think its a load of horse crap. Any 2nd year college kid could rig up a device to detect microwave energy and sound an alarm. Also, a simple aluminum window screen or some kitchen aluminum foil can stop microwaves dead in their tracks. It's not even difficult to do.
1. The Soviets attacked the US embassy workers in moscow in the 60s with microwaves, thats a well documented case.
2. The US government did experiments with monkeys and microwave weapons.

Im not going to claim here and now that was happening to me. Nor has the idea of a weapon of DESTRUCTION been discussed. These would be for harrassment. Given what symptoms I experienced at the time and seeing documentation of the above two points it was not unreasonable for me to believe what I did at the time.
The sense of burning in the chest when laying down is not completely inconsistent with what one might feel when being attacked with weapons of the frequencies used in the above incidents.
I went to a doctor and was given a medical diagnosis. However it seems a couple of users here feel the need to ridicule me over this when its really their own ignorance talking.
The neighbors I suspected were in a proximity which was completely within range of an improvised microwave weapon.
Since the early 00's a number of websites had descriptions, pictures and tutorials explaining how to construct a weapon of harassment from a microwave oven.
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So .... Since the NIH and FDA have refused to do a study to provide evidence of their claims that the mRNA Covid vaccines are ..... safe and effective. Florida Department of Health has done their OWN study ...... and based on that study .... The state Surgeon General has issued a document recommending against the vaccine for males 18-39 years old.
The Florida Surgeon General had previously (March 2022) issued guidance against vaccinating healthy children and adolescents 5 years old to 17 years old. They have now expanded that to include infants to 5 years old ..... so, their recommendations now include ALL healthy children under 17 years old.

Here is some of the info from the study that caused them to make these guidelines.

It seems to me that Florida's has the only sane guidelines .... because ... they are the ONLY ones who are truly following the science.

I am going to attach the PDF documents of the guidelines and their analysis... If you disagree with this study, please post evidence from a different study that refutes their conclusions about the risk of mortality from taking the mRNA vaccines VS not. They have make a LOT of claims, but have NOT done studies about mortality risks.
The guidelines for this type study can be viewed here ....
I will only be responding to reasonable comments that includes actual scientific evidence that supports the comments.


  • 20221007-guidance-mrna-covid19-vaccines-analysis.pdf
    283.7 KB · Views: 2
  • 20221007-guidance-mrna-covid19-vaccines-doc.pdf
    121 KB · Views: 2
So .... Since the NIH and FDA have refused to do a study to provide evidence of their claims that the mRNA Covid vaccines are ..... safe and effective. Florida Department of Health has done their OWN study ...... and based on that study .... The state Surgeon General has issued a document recommending against the vaccine for males 18-39 years old.
The Florida Surgeon General had previously (March 2022) issued guidance against vaccinating healthy children and adolescents 5 years old to 17 years old. They have now expanded that to include infants to 5 years old ..... so, their recommendations now include ALL healthy children under 17 years old.

Here is some of the info from the study that caused them to make these guidelines.
View attachment 115577

It seems to me that Florida's has the only sane guidelines .... because ... they are the ONLY ones who are truly following the science.

I am going to attach the PDF documents of the guidelines and their analysis... If you disagree with this study, please post evidence from a different study that refutes their conclusions about the risk of mortality from taking the mRNA vaccines VS not. They have make a LOT of claims, but have NOT done studies about mortality risks.
The guidelines for this type study can be viewed here ....
I will only be responding to reasonable comments that includes actual scientific evidence that supports the comments.
These data are preliminary, based on surveillance data, and should be interpreted with caution. The
results have several limitations:
While this method has been used to assess risk of death following COVID-19 vaccination,2 it violates the
that an event does not affect subsequent exposure (for mRNA vaccines), which may
introduce bias.6 Further, it does not consider the multidose vaccination schedule required for mRNA
This study cannot determine the causative nature of a participant’s death. We used death certificate
data and not medical records.
COVID testing status was unknown for those who did not die of/with
COVID. Cardiac-related deaths were ascertained if an ACME code of I3-I52 were on their death
certificate, thus, the underlying cause of death may not be cardiac-related.

The finding that the Janssen vaccine was more protective than mRNA vaccine against mortality within 28
days of vaccination could be due to confounding and needs to be further evaluated. It is likely that the
populations who received COVID-19 mRNA vaccine and the Johnson vaccine are different, something we
were not able to ascertain in this analysis. It is possible that the population who received the Johnson
vaccine was younger and healthier than those receiving the mRNA vaccines. The Pfizer and Moderna
mRNA vaccines were released more than 2 months earlier than the Janssen vaccine when the
recommendations were limited to those 65 and older.
Additional studies should be conducted to further understand the risks and benefits of vaccination of
males between 25-39. Increased risk in the primary analysis for the 25 - 39 age group was based on a
small sample size.
Additionally, significant mortality from diagnosed COVID-19 infection occurred among
all adult age groups. COVID-19 mortality among asymptomatic or undiagnosed COVID-19 infection is less
clear. However, excess overall mortality among 25–44-year-old Americans was significant in a study1
looking at mortality from January 2020-October 2020. The largest increases were among Hispanic and
Latino. It is unclear what the contribution of asymptomatic or undiagnosed COVID-19 infection is to
mortality risk, and how this contributes to excess mortality.
Darwinism rules.

The war in Ukraine has got me watching a few English speaking Russian youtubers that are leaving the country to avoid conscription. They have fled to places like Turkey, Uzbekistan and Mongolia. What I find most striking is how many people in those countries are still masking outdoors. They don't have viable vaccine and masking is their only protection, so it makes sense due to the fact that the only thing over about the pandemic is our will to slow the spread. One of the Russian youtubers I've been watching is currently recovering from his 4th bout of Covid. I was also very surprised to see the number of Toyota Prius in Mongolia. I'd guess 9 out of 10 cars there are the Prius.
The war in Ukraine has got me watching a few English speaking Russian youtubers that are leaving the country to avoid conscription. They have fled to places like Turkey, Uzbekistan and Mongolia. What I find most striking is how many people in those countries are still masking outdoors. They don't have viable vaccine and masking is their only protection, so it makes sense due to the fact that the only thing over about the pandemic is our will to slow the spread. One of the Russian youtubers I've been watching is currently recovering from his 4th bout of Covid. I was also very surprised to see the number of Toyota Prius in Mongolia. I'd guess 9 out of 10 cars there are the Prius.
My wife is Russian (Ukraine citizen), we Skype with her mother in the heart of Kyiv several times a week. My wife also has relatives in Russia, as do many (most?) Ukrainians.

The war that Putin started is basically forcing family to shoot at family, but I suspect that all the Russians with family in Ukraine are the one's abandoning their posts. (good for them).

Want to hear something comical and a bit sad? We live in rural Michigan and my mother in law in Kyiv, right in the middle of a war zone, has a faster internet connection than I do.
Want to hear something comical and a bit sad? We live in rural Michigan and my mother in law in Kyiv, right in the middle of a war zone, has a faster internet connection than I do.
Since I'm lucky to maintain a 10 megabyte download speed here in rural Arkansas I'm guessing that even the channel I'm watching that's currently broadcasting from Uzbekistan has better internet than I do since he live streams and most of the time it comes through pretty smooth. My upload speeds barely register on the speed clock.
The war that Putin started is basically forcing family to shoot at family, but I suspect that all the Russians with family in Ukraine are the one's abandoning their posts. (good for them).
I think you're probably correct. That guy's mother is Ukranian that's streaming from Uzbekistan. His home town is Rostov and the day the invasion first began he was in complete denial that it would even happen and he was being sarcastic about the prospect. That lasted about 1 day. Today he's in total despair as he sees his nation do what they are doing.
My wife is Russian (Ukraine citizen), we Skype with her mother in the heart of Kyiv several times a week. My wife also has relatives in Russia, as do many (most?) Ukrainians.
My prayer is for the safety of your family on both sides of the border as Putin goes mad, but most especially for your mother in-law. It must be a horrifying experience for both her and your wife.
More emerging news about the vaccine .... the cracks in the foundation are getting huge.

A Pfizer Exec testified before EU Parliament that the Covid vaccine was never designed to prevent transmission of Covid .... and was NEVER tested for that.
So .... where did all this misinformation that people .... and worst of all kids .... needed to get vaccinated to protect other people. There were all kinds of ads about protecting grandma by getting vaccinated .... all lies.

Separately ... Have you noticed all the celebrities who are suddenly coming down with bell's palsy? Athletes dropping dead of heart attacks at a rate never seen before?

Why were all kinds of people fired for not getting the vaccine if there was never any evidence it prevented transmission? After all ..... we were all supposed to get vaccinated to protect other people .... more lies. Vaccine passports .. a sham.
The biggest travesty is what has been perpetrated on our young adults and kids in the name of supposedly protecting other people.

The Canadian truckers were ... of course .... right all along.
If you can't find any of this information .... you need to use a different browser and find different sources for news.
If you can't find any of this information .... you need to use a different browser and find different sources for news.
"Political affiliation has emerged as a potential risk factor for COVID-19, amid evidence that
Republican-leaning counties have had higher COVID-19 death rates than Democrat- leaning
counties and evidence of a link between political party affiliation and vaccination views."

"Aluminum exposure is believed to have the potential to adversely affect human health, including the induction of neurodegenerative diseases associated with cognitive dysfunction. Previous studies have identified aluminum-containing food contact materials, especially in conjunction with acidic foodstuff and high-temperature food preparation, as one of the major sources of aluminum exposure. Other routes of exposure, e.g. dermal uptake of aluminum from cosmetics, may also play a relevant role."
You have to quote an independent source if you want to be taken seriously. Quoting Stalin and his friends to prove Stalin wasn't evil doesn't hold water. Anyone who has been saying "safe and effective" since the beginning isn't believable. The time between the start of COVID and the "vaccines" clearly shows that they either didn't do the necessary testing or knew about it before it was released from Wuhan.

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