diy solar

diy solar

Shipping demand plumments (DIY members go off deep end)

Yup thats what happens when the toughest questions you ask your presidential candidate involve what flavor of ice cream he likes. This administration is a bad joke, only doubles down when its policies are quickly revealed as the obvious disasters they are, but his supporters just keep the faith as the country spirals into the abyss. We had the ability to continue with 4 more years of prosperity in 2020 but one party decided they didnt want that and cheated to achieve their goals
Will this mean shipping costs from China will decrease?
Shipping prices are still higher than what they were, but on a downward trend.

The US dollar is rising in comparison to the Yuan. (and other currencies)

US Job numbers are higher.

High inflation.

Wages not keeping up.

Hard to predict how things will play out, I will leave that to the economists. But it looks like imports into the US will become cheaper, which is good for Americans building batteries as 90% of those batteries are build in China. The only downside is that the price of Lithium is up by 186.80%

Yup thats what happens when the toughest questions you ask your presidential candidate involve what flavor of ice cream he likes. This administration is a bad joke, only doubles down when its policies are quickly revealed as the obvious disasters they are, but his supporters just keep the faith as the country spirals into the abyss. We had the ability to continue with 4 more years of prosperity in 2020 but one party decided they didnt want that and cheated to achieve their goals
LOL...tRump was a moron. People realized it and voted his ass out. Stupid idiots like yourself believe his nonsense that election was stolen. need to go back to high school and finish off that year or two you missed.
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LOL...tRump was a moron. People realized it and voted his ass out. Stupid idiots like yourself believe his nonsense that election was stolen. need to go back to high school and finish off that year or two you missed.
Here we go again Trump Trump Trump instead of the mob boss driving energy, food, the economy, high crime, Open border, pushing us ever closer to a world war. But by all means berate a person that is not in power.
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Here we go again Trump Trump Trump instead of the mob boss driving energy, food, the economy, high crime,
None of that is the fault of any single president, it is a systemic government and societal problem. The inflation you are seeing is the result of irresponsible government monetary policy, and the printing and borrowing of money.

Whenever a problem happens in the USA, the fed's throw money at it. Our population has somehow evolved to seek money to solve our problems instead of being responsible enough to prevent them in the first place. We like to blame others when we are harmed by our own irresponsible behavior.

And just to note, Donald Trump was the worst offender of all. In his four short years, he borrowed more money than any other president in history before him. He put this country further into debt than any other president.
Obama was the 2nd place holder.

In fact, the last president to actually balance the budget was Bill Clinton, but not because he was some responsible genius, it was because of the flood of economic activity due to the new internet.

Open border,
The border has always been open.. This country is over 200 years old and the border has always been open. The only reason you think its a problem is because someone told you to think that.

pushing us ever closer to a world war. But by all means berate a person that is not in power.
We are being pushed into a world war, that much is true. But it isn't Biden doing it, it's Trump's buddy Putin doing it.

The USA has pushed NATO and democracy because they provide security and economic opportunity, unfortunately for some countries, the oligarchs, kings, and other dictators, view security and economic opportunity for the average person as a threat to their power and control, and they'd be correct about that. Democracy is a threat to those who seek authoritarian dictatorship style control over their populations.

What would you have us do? Kneel to it? Bow down to a dictator?
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None of that is the fault of any single president, it is a systemic government and societal problem. The inflation you are seeing is the result of irresponsible government monetary policy, and the printing and borrowing of money.

Whenever a problem happens in the USA, the fed's throw money at it. Our population has somehow evolved to seek money to solve our problems instead of being responsible enough to prevent them in the first place. We like to blame others when we are harmed by our own irresponsible behavior.

And just to note, Donald Trump was the worst offender of all. In his four short years, he borrowed more money than any other president in history before him. He put this country further into debt than any other president.
Obama was the 2nd place holder.

In fact, the last president to actually balance the budget was Bill Clinton, but not because he was some responsible genius, it was because of the flood of economic activity due to the new internet.

The boarder has always been open.. This country is over 200 years old and the boarder has always been open. The only reason you think its a problem is because someone told you to think that.

We are being pushed into a world war, that much is true. But it isn't Biden doing it, it's Trump's buddy Putin doing it.

The USA has pushed NATO and democracy because they provide security and economic opportunity, unfortunately for some countries, the oligarchs, kings, and other dictators, view security and economic opportunity for the average person as a threat to their power and control, and they'd be correct about that. Democracy is a threat to those who seek authoritarian dictatorship style control over their populations.

What would you have us do? Kneel to it? Bow down to a dictator?
energy, food

the economy
Unemployment is down.

Wages are going up (just not fast enough to keep up with inflation)

Inflation is caused by companies taking more profit.

high crime
Crime is relatively low.

Open border

, pushing us ever closer to a world war
To be fair I myself miscalculated Putin, I did not think Putin would have invaded Ukraine as it makes no sense. But Putin is on a quest to make Russia great again through violence and threating the world with nukes if he can't take Ukraine by force. Calling his bluff and comprehensively defeating Russia in Ukraine by giving Western weapons to Ukraine is going to cost far less than the annual US defense budget without the loss of a single US soldier. The chance of a world war is now lower than if Russia had succeeded. More countries would have been looking to acquire a sufficient number of nukes and the methods to deliver them, which would increases the risk of a nuclear war.

The question is, do you want Russia and it's allies (like Iran and North Korea) to succeed or not.

Unemployment is down.

Wages are going up (just not fast enough to keep up with inflation)

Inflation is caused by companies taking more profit.

Crime is relatively low.


To be fair I myself miscalculated Putin, I did not think Putin would have invaded Ukraine as it makes no sense. But Putin is on a quest to make Russia great again through violence and threating the world with nukes if he can't take Ukraine by force. Calling his bluff and comprehensively defeating Russia in Ukraine by giving Western weapons to Ukraine is going to cost far less than the annual US defense budget without the loss of a single US soldier. The chance of a world war is now lower than if Russia had succeeded. More countries would have been looking to acquire a sufficient number of nukes and the methods to deliver them, which would increases the risk of a nuclear war.

The question is, do you want Russia and it's allies (like Iran and North Korea) to succeed or not.
Both a fraud and a liar nice!
Both a fraud and a liar nice!
I would like to learn, do you have sources that refute the data sources I linked to? Or are you just making those allegations because the reality doesn't fit your fantasy world?
I would like to learn, do you have sources that refute the data sources I linked to? Or are you just making those allegations because the reality doesn't fit your fantasy world?
Why would I? I have done my homework. Besides you have allready made up your mind with the "fantasy world" comment.
Why would I?
Well you claim I am a fraud and a liar. Since I posted sources to back up my assertions, the best you could do is show that I am mistaken, proving lies is more difficult, because you would have to show intent, rather then being fooled by your federal institutions and the markets.

I have done my homework.
I suspect that you did not, else you would have know the things I pointed out to be correct and that would make you a liar. Therefore the best thing you can do is be quiet.

Besides you have allready made up your mind with the "fantasy world" comment.
It is pretty obvious that you live in a fantasy world, I have provided sources for my assertions and without evidence you claim them to be lies and fraudulent.
Ya right. Like printing 6 trillion dollars in 21 months would not cause inflation? ( I agree that it would not surprise me that big corporation's got there hands on it)
Ya right. Like printing 6 trillion dollars in 21 months would not cause inflation? ( I agree that it would not surprise me that big corporation's got there hands on it)
Source for your claim that (I assume the Federal reserve) printed 6 trillion dollars over 21 months? (The Federal reserve controls the money supply, not the president or congress)

The current federal reserve chair is Jerome Powell, a Trump appointee (sworn in on February 5, 2018) It was the Federal reserve that primarily dropped the ball on addressing inflation in 2021, missing the opportunity to act quickly and effectively as the Fed chairman, reassured the public that inflation was likely to be merely transitory even as it gained steam. We’re seeing high inflation in almost all of the developed countries around the world. And they have very different fiscal policies. So it can’t be the case that the bulk of the inflation the US is experiencing is a result of quantitative easing.

diy solar

diy solar