diy solar

diy solar

Growatt 5000 ES requires semi-frequent shut-down/restart


New Member
Feb 11, 2021
I have a Signature Solar 5000 ES powering a single mini-split and charging a battery bank that has been in service since early summer. A recent new development is that it requires a complete shutdown (removal of AC, solar, and battery connections) to re-train the MPPT.

The MPPT gets stupid after partly cloudy weather and completely forgets that as an MPPT, it's job is to find the highest power output. Instead, it generates 80-100 watts, even in good sunlight following the clouds.

After a complete shutdown, it remembers how to do it's job, and output is as expected.

This has happened several times now.

Once or twice I considered a fluke; now I grow weary of this semi-frequent dance.

My firmware display shows:
040 05 701
041 05 701

What can I do differently to make this thing work as it should?
I have a Signature Solar 5000 ES powering a single mini-split and charging a battery bank that has been in service since early summer. A recent new development is that it requires a complete shutdown (removal of AC, solar, and battery connections) to re-train the MPPT.

The MPPT gets stupid after partly cloudy weather and completely forgets that as an MPPT, it's job is to find the highest power output. Instead, it generates 80-100 watts, even in good sunlight following the clouds.

After a complete shutdown, it remembers how to do it's job, and output is as expected.

This has happened several times now.

Once or twice I considered a fluke; now I grow weary of this semi-frequent dance.

My firmware display shows:
040 05 701
041 05 701

What can I do differently to make this thing work as it should?
On Monday I'll check your firmware version to make sure that isn't it. DM me your email address and I'll be in touch that way if you're still having this issue.

diy solar

diy solar