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diy solar

Inverter input voltage help


New Member
Nov 10, 2022

New member here. Been Lurking for a while and I am getting ready to pull the trigger on a 16.5KW grid tie system. I need help with the input voltage of the inverter I am looking at. The inverter has 4 MMPT with Nominal voltage of 360V and Operating Voltage range of 50-550V. I am getting 36 panels so I was hoping to run 4 strings of 9 panels. The panels have Operating Voltage of 42.4V and an Open Circuit Voltage of 50.8V. I tried discussing this with the manufacturer but seems like something was getting lost in translation. Can I Run 9 panels with these numbers or do I need to get a second inverter and just add 4 more panels to run 5 strings of 8?

Thank you for all the great info on here and any help thats offered.
From the panel data sheet, if I calculated correctly, at 0° Celsius, the VOC of each panel will rise about 6.5%, which is around 3.5v.
So even if we round the panel voltage to 55v, time 9 panels in series, you are still under 500v, which should be OK.
That is unless you have -25° C weather.
That could be a problem.

As for current, 9 panels in series will give you the same current as one panel, which according to spec sheet is around 11A.
The inverter can handle up to 16A max per MPPT input.

So as long as you connect each string of 9 panels to a separate MPPT input, seems like you should be fine.

600V max Voc
Max array Isc = 16.9A

Your panels Isc prevent 2P, so a single string of 10 panels per MPPT is your limit.

Panels have a -0.26%Voc/°C, which is pretty exceptional.

With 10S, you'll be good down to -48°C

If it rarely gets below freezing, 11S would be good down to -6°C

Given the quantity of panels, 9S on each MPPT will get you full use of your 36 panels.

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diy solar