diy solar

diy solar

Quality vs China MPPT?

Am I reading your graphs correctly? Are you getting a max of 300 watts (roughly 1 amp) from your 3,300 watt array?
If so, something is wrong.
Are all the panels wired in series? Are they all facing the same direction at the same angle? Any shading?

You should start a new thread. Adding to the end of this unrelated thread isn't going to get much attention.
Yes it is correct but in low light conditions:
  • the panels are connected in series
  • they are all facing the same way to the east on a 15° roof (almost flat, so very bad for winter)
  • no shade but no sun either
  • in winter when it is sunny, it can be seen from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. max
They have been installed for 20 days and the maximum I have had is 600W

Do you still think it's abnormal?

I can start a new topic if you find it abnormal. Basically I just wanted to know if it was normal for my MPPT not to stabilize on a point with less than 0.9A coming from the PV.
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I think it's your panels, not necessarily the MPPT. Start a new thread, something is wrong.

I've got panels at a 20° tilt, facing due east.
They make at least 1/2 of nameplate in the winter.

Also, include your general location when you start a new post. Latitude (sun angle) will make a difference in production, especially when compared to your shallow panel angle.

diy solar

diy solar