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Solis inverter backup


New Member
Apr 5, 2022
Hi there,

Asking here for a friend who has a Solis inverter installed. What sort of plug is it required to connect the backup circuit?
I'll search for the manual with regards to fusing and other requirements...

Here's a photo of it:
AC backup is probably for a generator input.
Regd. the plug that looks like something proprietary for that manufacturer.
Contact them and ask if it is possible to buy the plugs by themselves.
It's not for a generator input. It's an Output port that provides power to a load usually designated as essential/critical that requires power during a grid/mains outage.

When grid fails and the inverter is battery and PV powered, loads connected to the AC-BACKUP are still powered using either battery, PV or a combination of the both.

I've hunted high and low for that connector when I needed to hook up my AC-Backup to a second consumer unit/Distribution board and really went down the internet rabbit hole in my search.

Found a source and I hope it helps

That's what I thought it is as well, @Joeyhza . Thanks for confirming.
And thank you for the link as well, that looks about right.
I asked the company that installed my inverter and they are sending me the connector. With the threat of power cuts looming this winter I'm hoping to get my lighting circuits and a few essentials hooked up to it instead of to the main circuits.
Yes, that's right, good point...

I don't think people do know about this backup option that Solis inverters offer
No connector from my installers yet. A few emails where they said they were going to deliver one to me, then another saying there are different sorts and they needed a photo, which I sent them. Still waiting.

Looking at the photo, it's a different connector to the one in your picture which is a pity as I got fed up waiting and ordered that part which doesn't fit. :-(

I'll get back to the emails...
If anyone can identify this one I will be grateful :)
The Solis is supplied with both connectors, so your installers should have left you the unused connector.

View attachment 127481

Surely, the AC-backup is just the opposite sex version of the AC-grid connector? ?‍♀️ Mine looked like that when I installed it.

So, maybe this one??
They should have, yes. But they didn't. I'm going to email them again to see if they can get one to me.

I looked at the one on RS and it looks lightly different to the inverter socket. I'm not sure it will fit. I'm also going to try calling Solis support and ask them. If I still get no luck I'll try that one from RS.

Without a battery connected, the backup port will not be powered, keep this in mind before spending $$ for the connector
Without a battery connected, the backup port will not be powered, keep this in mind before spending $$ for the connector
Good point, although @rpdom said he had "2x Pylontech US2000 batteries" from another thread.

(Edited to remove my blonde moment!...) What is important to know, though, is that when that 4.8kWh of battery is used up and there is no sun, the backup port will power down. So, by all means use the backup as an alternative, but not instead, as you indicated below...
I asked the company that installed my inverter and they are sending me the connector. With the threat of power cuts looming this winter I'm hoping to get my lighting circuits and a few essentials hooked up to it instead of to the main circuits.
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Good point, although @rpdom said he had "2x Pylontech US2000 batteries" from another thread.

What is important to know, though, is that when that 4.8kWh of battery is used up and there is no sun, the backup port will power down. So, by all means use the backup as an alternative, but not instead, as you indicated below...
I was assuming that if the batteries get too low to run the backup they will force charge from the grid - as long as the grid is still up. If the grid is down as well, well I'm stuffed either way.
I was assuming that if the batteries get too low to run the backup they will force charge from the grid - as long as the grid is still up. If the grid is down as well, well I'm stuffed either way.
Sorry - was having a blonde moment - yes, the batteries will stop discharging to power the house when they reach the overdischarge limit, but will keep powering the Solis, so the backup port will still run. Only if they get to the force-charge limit will they draw from the grid. Ignore what I said above ?‍♀️
I was assuming that if the batteries get too low to run the backup they will force charge from the grid - as long as the grid is still up. If the grid is down as well, well I'm stuffed either way.
Your idea of moving your lighting and some essentials circuits from your main CU to an essentials CU fed from the AC Backup port is a good one and is exactly the purpose of the AC Backup output. Mine is wired that way with a changeover switch though. In the event of an inverter failure I can change over to grid which would then directly supply my essentials CU.
Your batteries should never be discharged to 0% anyway and as long as that remains the case your inverter will stay powered. The AC Backup blends from all 3 sources as well, PV,Battery and Grid. On grid failure it blends from PV and battery. We have grid failures up to three times a day for pre-defined periods and as long as the sun is doing its thing my batteries aren't used at all. PV essentially powers my essential loads.
AC Backup also acts as pass through on grid availability. Through self use settings you can essentially tell it to never use your battery at all and only use PV if you so desire.
We have grid failures up to three times a day for pre-defined periods and as long as the sun is doing its thing my batteries aren't used at all. PV essentially powers my essential loads.
Not good that you have that many grid-failures, but good to know that this backup feature works well with the Solis.
Not good that you have that many grid-failures, but good to know that this backup feature works well with the Solis.
Not good at all. A sad sad state our country is currently in. 15 years of what we call 'loadshedding' which is a direct result of government corruption. Oh well, can't possibly get any worse. Oh wait...I'm sure it will ?
Not good that you have that many grid-failures, but good to know that this backup feature works well with the Solis.
Indeed, and thank you both for confirming that the AC Backup output will do what I want.

We haven't had a power outage here for years, but I thought as I have got the inverter now I might as well be ready just in case.
Withe the loads I'm planning to put on the Backup circuit we should be good for quite a few hours on even a 40% charged set of batteries.
Sorry - was having a blonde moment - yes, the batteries will stop discharging to power the house when they reach the overdischarge limit, but will keep powering the Solis, so the backup port will still run. Only if they get to the force-charge limit will they draw from the grid. Ignore what I said above ?‍♀️
I might increase the overdischarge limit to 25% or 30% instead of 20%, to keep an extra 5-10% in reserve for backup.
I gave up on waiting for my supplier to find the right connetor so got in touch with Solis support. They said they would send me one... and now I have it (3 weeks later). It appears to be an Exceedconn EN030-2027-9002 although the EN030-2027-5002 should also fit, just for thinner wires. I can get that fitted now. Finally!
Evening all - hoping you can help educate me, actually learnt quite a bit from these forums already.

I have a RHI-6K-48ES-5G and 3x us3000c batteries, the backup circuit isn't connected yet and I want it to be with the amount of power cuts.

What I don't understand is - why do I have to prioritise certain circuits (lights/fridge freezer etc etc) when the house can run from batteries exclusively for hours? Obviously there is an upper limit with 3xus3000c batteries discharge rate of 37amps each? but i would have to have a lot on at the same time to get to it?

Can someone explain how that port is meant to be wired in?
Evening all - hoping you can help educate me, actually learnt quite a bit from these forums already.

I have a RHI-6K-48ES-5G and 3x us3000c batteries, the backup circuit isn't connected yet and I want it to be with the amount of power cuts.

What I don't understand is - why do I have to prioritise certain circuits (lights/fridge freezer etc etc) when the house can run from batteries exclusively for hours? Obviously there is an upper limit with 3xus3000c batteries discharge rate of 37amps each? but i would have to have a lot on at the same time to get to it?

Can someone explain how that port is meant to be wired in?
I'll try... ?‍?...

There are two things to consider.

a) I am assuming that the whole house is presently connected to the grid as well. Hence your Solis will currently be supplying the house load via its ac-grid connection. If there is a power cut, the Solis (as with any other approved grid-tie inverter) will automatically stop sending out power. This is a legal requirement and is done to prevent electrocuting line engineers working on the faulty grid socket.

b) As well as the battery discharge rate, you will be limited to 5000W output from battery alone (or up to 6000W if there is 1000W+ of solar energy being generated) - this is typically not enough to run a house on.

The Solis RHI has an ac-backup supply that can provide that 5000W-6000W of power in the event of a power cut. That needs to be on a separate circuit to the grid connection for reason (a).

The theory therefore is to re-wire your house so that you can have a 'critical-loads' circuit, powered by the ac-backup circuit. That will ensure isolation from the grid in the event of a power cut as well as not having more than 5000W of load on it. e.g. so you won't trip the inverter if you switch on the kettle or oven (or put the dishwasher on at the same time as the tumble dryer etc.)

The two gotcha's though (don't ask me how I know!) are that:-

1) The Solis ac-backup will normally pass through the ac-grid supply BUT it only does that when the Solis is powered by solar or battery. If it is the middle of the night and your batteries run out the ac-backup circuit will cut out, even when the grid is working just fine. Similarly if you restart the Solis or batteries (at night) your backup circuit will go down.

2) The Solis will trip if you attempt to power up several inductive loads (e.g. fridges) at the same time, even if their nominal power is way below the power that the Solis can provide. So you may need to turn them on individually to get up and running - and then hope they don't all decide to turn on simultaneously on their thermostats!

Hope that helps :)

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