diy solar

diy solar


Dang right you are! ;)

Just petition your government to move away from that ridiculous French standard.

It's completely arbitrary that a meter is defined as the length of the path traveled by light in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second. Had they defined it as 1/100,00,000 or 1/1,000,000,000 it would have made more sense. You could just as well as defined a foot as the distance light travels in a vacuum in 1/983,571,056 s and stayed with the same system people had been using without confusion. Your stopwatch probably isn't that fast and it's a hard way to measure things.

Yes, that's the speed of light in m/s, but how do think the French decided what a second is? It's based on the rotational speed of the Earth. How narcissistic! Even worse, they stayed with the English units. Time isn't even a constant, it's all relative and some theorists think that time may not even exist.

They didn't even get grams right as it's based on water, whereas H2 or a proton would make more sense. Weight doesn't even make sense since it's based on the local gravitational field.
Until we got Cesium and hydrogen maser frequency standards a second was defined as: 1/86,400 of the mean solar day 1 January 1900.
One thing I think we can agree on, life is little easier today for converting...

"OK, Google..."


I wrote a program in my HP calculator 25 years ago that converted decimal numbers to fractions. You'd give it an acceptable level of error, such as 0.001. At least we can tell, at a glance, that .2362 is less than 1/4", enough to pick the proper lug. In this case, you might get 1/4 from my program if your error level was 0.02 or higher.
If we can't do fractions, we probably should not be near electricity. :p

The less we use our brains, the more we need "easy". Brain atrophy. What combats Alzheimers? Using our brains.

I find that converting fractions and hexidecimal is fun, just like people on FB like finding hidden things in pictures, a common share.

Fun and easy are both subjective.

I don't have the farcebook because it shrinks the brain while expanding the waisteline. I do agree that a steady regimen of challenges for both brain and body is beneficial
Some very interesting facts , hitherto unknown to me , coming out in all the interesting posts above. Fun reading , so Steve_S do not bail on us yet. We are waiting for more of your contributions ;) .
It doesn't though.... it will be more or less than that depending on altitude and contaminants.

Yeah, well it is for distilled water at sea level. But you have to start somewhere.

I do like metric better for tasks like laying out chassis bolts. If you enjoy fractional math and consider that a good use of your time when trying to get a job done, have at it. Me I like being able to do it in my head and being sure of the answer.
One thing computers and English have in common is powers of 2, derived from binary in computers. These denominators should look familiar to those who love fractional English as well as computer geeks who have their powers of 2 memorized:

2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64

You can multiple any of your English fractional measurements by a power of 2 to get an apples to apples comparison.

7/16 = 14/32 = 28/64

If you can multiply by 2, you're a pro at English fractions! Easy peasy. Do it a couple of times, and you'll breath fractions.

5/16 > 1/4 because 5/16 > 4/16.
3/8 > 5/16 because 6/16 > 5/16. :)
Once again, I probably shouldn't ask .... but, Motherless?
Always feel free to ask. "Motherless", meaning that the private for profit labor collective that took over the public school monoply via the collective bargaining acts of the 1970's, has taken it upon themselves to relieve mom from her lowly home making & full time parenting role, so she get can get a "real job", as a slave to equality in the workplace and pay government and other daycare providers to raise her children. This cycle of ever expanding government size, cost and control over a proletariat is perpetuated via indoctrination in the public school lock up which presently raises over 92% of future US voters. See Marxism & the Labor Party.
They taught us the metric system. But, we had parents and we knew our weight in pounds, not kilograms, or w/e it is Europeans weigh themselves in.

Rulers had inches and centimeters. But inches were bigger, and thus more practical.

We had 2L bottles of pop, and gallons of milk and gasoline We could never remember exactly how many liters were in a gallon, and it always seemed like a ploy to rip us off. I buy gas before I cross the border to visit Canada, cuz we see how it works out there if you do the price conversion.

It is useful to have mph on the car, because I always like to be sure I'm never going over 105 on Queen's Freeway.
Thanks for posting about the QEW - travelled along this Series 400 highway last year during our visit to Canada.Very interesting to read the history behind this very important roadway , but wow ? I have never seen so many trucks in my life on a road ! Burlington , what a wonderful town - would love to live there. Yes , the speed limit is 105kph as far as I can remember.
While in Frankfurt, we rode with a couple in their new Audi on the silky-smooth Autobahn, at 165kph (102mph). No speed limit signs. We were moving along with typical traffic. The DW/XYL and I were slinking down in our seats with fear.
While in Frankfurt, we rode with a couple in their new Audi on the silky-smooth Autobahn, at 165kph (102mph). No speed limit signs. We were moving along with typical traffic. The DW/XYL and I were slinking down in our seats with fear.
and at that speed you have to pull over for a Porsche doing 200kph :oops:
While in Frankfurt, we rode with a couple in their new Audi on the silky-smooth Autobahn, at 165kph (102mph). No speed limit signs. We were moving along with typical traffic. The DW/XYL and I were slinking down in our seats with fear.
More fun at night in a vehicle where the headlight low beam angle doesn't adjust and there are no road lights. Or so they say. ?
The main issue I have with unions, and something I think should be enshrined in law, is that merit should take precedent over or at least have equal weight with seniority, and those at the bottom 10% of the merit ranking should not have their jobs protected.
That would certainly light a fire under the coasters.
Please keep in mind that union's tend to differ by country/region. Over here they are not company based but sector wide, so they do things like collective bargaining(it's a bit of a different system here, the employers also have some sort of union, but in the end it helps leveling the playing field so that's it not individual workers vs. massive companies).

The curious thing is that USA Americans are more used to the metric system than we are used to imperial units. Whenever I read or hear a unit that is not metric, I instantly know that is foreign. Yet, Americans are used to kilobytes.. also the nutrition information that I was unaware of!
Now, I've read enough people that favor 220V @ 50Hz and three phases. I don't have the slightest idea what that "split phase" is
It's basicly 2 110V phases smushed together.

diy solar

diy solar