diy solar

diy solar

Solar and the Economy Your Thoughts??? Or anything else on your mind!

Simply ignoring everything happening around the world and thinking it can never happen here is nothing but a fool’s errand
And insisting that you're the sane and reasonable voice. Cognitive bias goes both ways.
There are 11 million children in the US who can't afford school lunches. Somehow I think emergency preparedness is the least of their and their parent's worries.... You're preaching from a perspective of significant privilege with zero humility or basic awareness of what surrounds you.
Here we go a white privilege guy who just spent a small fortune on a PV system installed by a contractor spreading garbage about someone he knows nothing about. All the while you’re sitting in your multimillion dollar home and swimming in your pool. Save it brother.
And insisting that you're the sane and reasonable voice. Cognitive bias goes both ways.
Wrong I’m not saying I’m sane or reasonable I’m saying I’m independent and I need nothing you have to offer.
Here we go a white privilege guy who just spent a small fortune on a PV system installed by a contractor spreading garbage about someone he knows nothing about. All the while you’re sitting in your multimillion dollar home and swimming in your pool. Save it brother.
Unlike you, I'm keenly aware of my own privilege and recognize that my situation is not like everyone else's. You on the other hand feel very strongly about things only make sense the way you and your lord intended it...
You got called out twice about it in a single thread, I'd say it's time to reflect....
Wrong I’m not saying I’m sane or reasonable I’m saying I’m independent and I need nothing you have to offer.
Yeah...I think we're using "you" in general terms. There is nothing personal about these comments regarding the state of the world or preparedness in general. Everyone needs to find their own "happy" place to be. Mine is being as independent as possible with the resources I have access to.
Battery technology is in its infancy 10 yrs from now who knows but I bet it’s not Lithium.
I bought my first Winston batteries in 2011 and they were fairly mature as a manufacturer even then. They were a spinoff of Thundersky, Sinoply and another brand. My point is there was already consolidation and retrenchment in that market twelve years ago. Lithium batteries have been prolific in cell phones since the early nineties which was thirty years ago. Cell phone batteries are what gave BYD their growth before they started making vehicles.

Based on the announced capacity of Lithium battery plants under construction I think Lithium batteries will be around for another ten or more years. Just the momentum and the sunken cost is going to keep those plants around for a while. There is nothing on the horizon that looks like it will change any of my assumptions.
Yeah...I think we're using "you" in general terms. There is nothing personal about these comments regarding the state of the world or preparedness in general. Everyone needs to find their own "happy" place to be. Mine is being as independent as possible with the resources I have access to.
No problem brother I get it and no offense taken I can take it and dish it back with the best. I’m an independent cuss who has worked hard for everything I have. No handouts ever. However I’m not unsympathetic to those in need. I work professionally helping others and I have preparations in place for those down on their luck. That is between myself and the Lord.
There are 11 million children in the US who can't afford school lunches.
Correction: There are 11 million children who get free lunches. NOT the same. These children would be better off if their parents knew how to plant a garden, no?
Easy to show the receipts that you have donated all of your income above poverty level to help the starving waifs. If you're going to be a bear, be a Grizzly not a Panda. (Yes, the Panda is lovably socialist and wants to take from everyone and give nothing).
Correction: There are 11 million children who get free lunches. NOT the same. These children would be better off if their parents knew how to plant a garden, no?
Easy to show the receipts that you have donated all of your income above poverty level to help the starving waifs. If you're going to be a bear, be a Grizzly not a Panda. (Yes, the Panda is lovably socialist and wants to take from everyone and give nothing).
Start a separate thread for the virtue signaling please...
Correction: There are 11 million children who get free lunches. NOT the same. These children would be better off if their parents knew how to plant a garden, no?
Easy to show the receipts that you have donated all of your income above poverty level to help the starving waifs. If you're going to be a bear, be a Grizzly not a Panda. (Yes, the Panda is lovably socialist and wants to take from everyone and give nothing).
Pure Grizzly here with a soft spot for those poor saps that believed the BS fed to them over the last century.
Renewables are cheaper in many cases than conventional sources. If you have a free market, you buy your electricity from the cheapest supplier (the electrons are all the same quality) It means that the fixed costs for those plants will have to be earned back during the times those renewables are not available, raising the price for electricity during those times.

People who can afford rooftop solar will find it increasingly beneficial to install solar and batteries, but still rely on the grid for cloudy and windless days. Those who can't will pay a larger share of the costs to keep the grid operational, which will increase the benefits of rooftop solar.

The smart thing to do (until there is something even cheaper than solar, wind) would be to build a better grid and integrated it with our neighbours. Europe with Asia and Africa, North and South America. Which means we all have to learn to play nice with each other.

Balloon of questionable origin detonates EMP. Although localized to a 500 mile radius, it begins a cascade failure of the entire US grid. Within 24 hours all store shelves and gas stations are empty. Most people wait for the Gov to come help. The powers that be are unable to do a black restart on the grid and within 3 weeks cannibalism overtakes all cities of over 10,000 population. 90% of US population dies within 12 months. People see your lights on. They come and barbeque you before you realize any profit on your system. Solar is not a good investment.
Install an electric fence....... :ROFLMAO:
Renewables are cheaper in many cases than conventional sources. If you have a free market, you buy your electricity from the cheapest supplier (the electrons are all the same quality) It means that the fixed costs for those plants will have to be earned back during the times those renewables are not available, raising the price for electricity during those times.

People who can afford rooftop solar will find it increasingly beneficial to install solar and batteries, but still rely on the grid for cloudy and windless days. Those who can't will pay a larger share of the costs to keep the grid operational, which will increase the benefits of rooftop solar.

The smart thing to do (until there is something even cheaper than solar, wind) would be to build a better grid and integrated it with our neighbours. Europe with Asia and Africa, North and South America. Which means we all have to learn to play nice with each other.
I agree we are all in this together. Glad to help but if you don’t mind I prefer to rely on myself and not others.
I agree we are all in this together. Glad to help but if you don’t mind I prefer to rely on myself and not others.
For most people it is a myth that we rely upon ourselves, even your post of this forum requires the cooperation of many people and companies.

However that has nothing to do with the economy of switching to renewable energy.
Man, you throw the word "prepper" into a conversation and things sometimes get heated up. I think the term got a bad rap with that horrible Doomsday Prepper show. If you've got a bunker and 20 years of food and can afford it, then I guess good for you. But I think there are a ton of people who really just want to be more self-reliant. Most people are preppers to some degree and many don't realize it. Do you keep bandaids in your medicine cabinet? Probably. Why? Because you're almost certainly going to need them and you want to be prepared. Are you a prepper? By the very definition of the word, yep.

I spent most of my life in hurricane alley. If you live there and you dont' keep at least two weeks of food and supplies on hand I don't have much sympathy. A generator should be a must on the list as well. Gas for the gen. A little extra stock of any meds you take. It really is just common sense because this isn't something that MIGHT happen. It's something that WILL happen. Just as important is to get your finances in order. But every single hurricane I've been through I ended up taking care of people who should have been able to take care of themselves with just a little forethought. (Forethought = prepared)

One last rant - Yeah, I've done pretty well for myself over the years and have a lot of resources available as a result. But I didn't start out that way. We got electricity when I was six years old. Before that, kerosene lanterns. We got indoor plumbing when I was nine. By any standard in this country today or even back then, that's way below the poverty level. But I made myself a promise I wouldn't always be poor and I kept that promise. Then I made a second promise - that I wouldn't ever let myself get back to having to worry about a mortgage or a car payment or paying the electric bill. I'm going to keep that promise as well. Part of it is making sure my family is prepared for the things that are likely to happen and the things that will probably happen. I'm not going to live my life expecting the apocalypse by any stretch, but I'm not going to apologize for being as self reliant as possible.

Whew - I feel better now. Don't y'all? :LOL:
For most people it is a myth that we rely upon ourselves, even your post of this forum requires the cooperation of many people and companies.

However that has nothing to do with the economy of switching to renewable energy.
The pioneer sprit is what made this country possible. So sad to see the majority perfectly happy to depend on others for their survival. This forum and many other things are luxuries. If they ended today no big deal. The real meat and potatoes needed to survive I have well covered along with the skill set to match. I am perfectly capable of producing everything we need to survive most catastrophies. While technically it’s impossible to cover all the markers I have covered those I can.
Man, you throw the word "prepper" into a conversation and things sometimes get heated up. I think the term got a bad rap with that horrible Doomsday Prepper show. If you've got a bunker and 20 years of food and can afford it, then I guess good for you. But I think there are a ton of people who really just want to be more self-reliant. Most people are preppers to some degree and many don't realize it. Do you keep bandaids in your medicine cabinet? Probably. Why? Because you're almost certainly going to need them and you want to be prepared. Are you a prepper? By the very definition of the word, yep.

I spent most of my life in hurricane alley. If you live there and you dont' keep at least two weeks of food and supplies on hand I don't have much sympathy. A generator should be a must on the list as well. Gas for the gen. A little extra stock of any meds you take. It really is just common sense because this isn't something that MIGHT happen. It's something that WILL happen. Just as important is to get your finances in order. But every single hurricane I've been through I ended up taking care of people who should have been able to take care of themselves with just a little forethought. (Forethought = prepared)

One last rant - Yeah, I've done pretty well for myself over the years and have a lot of resources available as a result. But I didn't start out that way. We got electricity when I was six years old. Before that, kerosene lanterns. We got indoor plumbing when I was nine. By any standard in this country today or even back then, that's way below the poverty level. But I made myself a promise I wouldn't always be poor and I kept that promise. Then I made a second promise - that I wouldn't ever let myself get back to having to worry about a mortgage or a car payment or paying the electric bill. I'm going to keep that promise as well. Part of it is making sure my family is prepared for the things that are likely to happen and the things that will probably happen. I'm not going to live my life expecting the apocalypse by any stretch, but I'm not going to apologize for being as self reliant as possible.

Whew - I feel better now. Don't y'all? :LOL:
Check, check check 100% agree
They always want to spend other people’s money never their own.
I never said anything about spending anyone's money. I simply stated that there are plenty people who will have priorities far in front of getting an off-grid self reliant power generation system. I probably paid more in taxes than most people earned last year so there's that...
I believe that it is a worthwhile investment.

I wanted to upgrade my power connection from single phase to three phase here in Australia. It is 10 meters from my private pole to the pole transformer on an 11KV pole. Due to our corrupt ASP system here in Australia where you buy the assets and gift it to the power company, and because the upgrade costs were $100K AUD I told them that I wasnt interested. I have subsequently revised my outlook to be more self sufficient with the single phase connection and use it as a backup while I progressively go off grid.

We also have power supply reliability issues where we are living including outages lasting a few days. We are also on tank water so if we lose the grid, we also lose the ability to access our water, which could become a big problem. Therefore, phase one of my off grid rollout is going to be getting the septic and the water tank working on an off grid setup so they run when the grid is down. Its also the reason I joined this learn more about the best way to provide energy security to my family.

diy solar

diy solar