diy solar

diy solar

PIP-5048MGX and generator startup and use


New Member
Mar 15, 2022
Hey All,

I have recently picked up my family and moved out to my farm, which is only 30 min from the city so not completely isolated but still have no services, So I am completely off grid. Just after some thoughts and recommendations to a couple of quirks I am trying to resolve.

I currently have:

  • 2 x mpp solar pip-5048MGX inverters in parallel
  • 6 x us3000c Pylontech batteries
  • 20 x 380w panels
  • And a 9kw generator with 2 wire start

Everything is working as expected, but I am having issues with when the generator kicks in as its crossing over between % and voltage and the 2 are hard to match. I am running a BMS cable and the battery type configured as PYL and output source priority set to SBU, now while it doesn’t specifically call it out in the manual the dry contacts will switch when the BMS reports low battery which is at 20% (little early for me but ok) but if the low voltage of program 12 (Setting voltage point back to utility source) hasn’t been met it wont actually switch over to grid and the generator just runs not doing anything and depending on the power draw on the battery they will shut down before it hits low voltage current set at 46v. if I set the voltage any higher it can drop and trigger if a big power draw is happening like the in the kitchen with ovens and hot plates and aircon etc going even though the battery is 50% as an example.

I have looked at switching the output source to USB or utility first and that will work however when the generator is switched on at 20% once the battery is at 21% it will turn the generator off because the low voltage hasn’t been met still and then 20 seconds later start the generator when it hits 20% again basically on / off / on / off in rapid succession?

How are others handling this? I can program a Particle io or aduino board to switch the dry contacts based on the data im getting from the batteries and inverter and take control, however I like to keep this simple as I travel a lot and want it to be easy to fix for he family if I am not around. Interested to get some more view points from people a lot more experienced than me.

I manage mine with sonoff or Shelly modules... You can have it trigger and have the genset run for up to an hour and then switch off and limit it to certain times of the day etc..

diy solar

diy solar