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diy solar

Daly / Solis integration ?

Wow, thank you so much for your fast replay. I use the code DiySolarU posted in his comment. M5Stack_DALY_SOLIS_Converter_24 I use the code in the main.cpp.
Is it just that one cmd or multiple.

You can comment it out in the code, or comment out this - goto fail.

0x94 hex is 148 decimal.

if (!bms_rx(0x94)) {
//goto fail;
else {
_bat_cycle = bms_word(5); // charge discharge cycle
I comment it out as you show. Now it puts out the same error message, but with the code CMD:147

and it is just the cmd error, but it beeps every second with the same message

and with no cables from the bms, it is also red display and the error message but with BMS Read Error CMD: 0

I use the pinout according to the attached picture


  • daly_bms_pinout.png
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I comment it out as you show. Now it puts out the same error message, but with the code CMD:147

and it is just the cmd error, but it beeps every second with the same message

and with no cables from the bms, it is also red display and the error message but with BMS Read Error CMD: 0

I use the pinout according to the attached picture
Maybe your not getting any communication from the BMS, have you tried swapping tx / Rx around?
Between the short flashes I can read read some of the values. and they seam to be right. It loos like the thubnail of DiySolarU.

I tried to swapp tx / rx but than it does put out the CMD:0 like without cables at all
Thank you very much for your help and your time. I will try it out but I think I have to begin with more basic stuff to learn. This is already to high end for me :)

Which delay's I have to increase?
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Attached You will find the latest Version. Try also to remove the Battery on the M5stack on the bottom and use a good 5 Volt USB Power Supply. Perheaps it helps. Code is working well.


    869.3 KB · Views: 15

Attached You will find the latest Version. Try also to remove the Battery on the M5stack on the bottom and use a good 5 Volt USB Power Supply. Perheaps it helps. Code is working well.
I don't think it's a code issue, I've seen the Daly stop responding on the 485 port when it's hot, it's bizarre but as soon as it all cools down it's able to communicate again, funny thing is the 232 port seems to always work.
Thank you for your support. I will try it today and give feedback if it works or not. My thoughts are also that the level of the signals from the bms are already 3,3V and with the voltage drop of the diodes it is to low. I think I will also try it without the limiter.
Have connected Solis RHI with Daly BMS, CAN is working and Solis shows SOC/SOH, but there are no Voltage... Solis after some period of time sets CAN BatName error. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Have connected Solis RHI with Daly BMS, CAN is working and Solis shows SOC/SOH, but there are no Voltage... Solis after some period of time sets CAN BatName error. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Hi Oryx
have a look at the below post, it may help you, myself and driver had similar issues, there are some fixes that may help,


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diy solar