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diy solar

EG 6500 ex & growatt 8kw inverter low voltage battery cut off settings


chadjones LLC
Aug 8, 2021
Arizona & Coloardo
Hello, a few questions here regarding the low voltage cut-off. I have searched this forum and it is discussed but not at the level I'm looking for.
So my 1st issue/ question is my EG4 6500 Ex has a value to set low voltage cut off from 42-48 . the problem is my trophy battery at 48 volts are near 0 % SOC . The funny thing is the app on the phone allows setting all the way up to 49 so far( I've slowly raised it from 48.0 to 49 ) it seems to accept it but my question. Is the inverter really taking the higher voltage setting or is the app just letting me input this value .? I ask because the above 48-volt setting is not an option in the manual.
2nd issue is my growatt 8kw same issues other than it will NOT allow an input value above 48 period... is there a way around this I need it to be around 49 ( for the same reason ) . I don't want to keep running these batteries flat.
I even reached out to trophy battery to see if there is update available for the battery to cut it self off above 10 or 20% SOC . And there is not ( was looking to do this as a safety back up )
any help would be appreciated
Is the inverter really taking the higher voltage setting or is the app just letting me input this value .? I ask because the above 48-volt setting is not an option in the manual.
If you look at option 29 on the inverter, does it display 49v? I would imagine it would still show 48 and the app is just allowing you to set 49v. WatchPower is used for more than just the 6500s, so it’s possible some other “voltronic flavor” inverter allows 49v as the cut off voltage.

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