diy solar

diy solar

Victron Multiplus Programming


New Member
Feb 11, 2021
How many reprograms is too many?

Using the VE Configure software, are these settings being written to a flash memory that will degrade over time?

Specifically, Is having multiple configurations for different weather conditions with frequent changes going to be bad long term?
I've never encountered an issue, nor have I heard of any complaints along these lines.

Is there any way to use Assistants or other rules to modify behavior instead of reprogramming? What are your scenarios?
Hi Eggo,

I think assistants will be the way to go eventually – after I have a better understanding of them.

My use case is as follows:

Primarily critical system backup. I am in a rural area at the end of a line. Anything that happens affects us, and with the low population, we are low priority.

What I want to do is go ahead and use the capacity of my batteries in times of expected good solar production. I am using weather forecasts and Solcast for predictions.

When low solar production is expected, particularly when severe weather is expected, I would like to have more reserve power. (ex. Instead of draining batteries to 20% like in times of good weather, stop ignoring grid power when they go below 80% if bad weather is expected.)

Currently, I am able to do this with different VE Configure settings I have saved, but each change is a new upload, which got me to thinking about the degradation of flash memory over time.

I think using the general flag setting, and a programmable relay to ignore/not ignore the grid AC will be what I use eventually, but I am still figuring that out.

Is there an easy/easier way you know of to this?
This may be the answer:

I was/am hesitant to just short the Aux wires together, but it looks like that is the way to do it.

diy solar

diy solar