diy solar

diy solar

Project Veritas is Not Dead Yet

It's in the Twitter link in the first post.

Here is some more video from that same seminar.
It says Project V right at the bottom left of the video screen.

Damn.... just when I thought you couldn't possibly be that utterly stupid and gullible. What the F is wrong with you?
It says Project V right at the bottom left of the video screen.

Damn.... just when I thought you couldn't possibly be that utterly stupid and gullible. What the F is wrong with you?
You aren't making any sense whatsoever .... Look at the title of the thread .... Yes, Project Veritas did these undercover videos at a seminar put on by this school district. Not sure why that is so hard for you to understand.
I think that's like saying "Do airline pilots molest children?". Questions that seek binary answers are almost always useless if one wants to understand a problem.

The proper question would be to ask "At what rate do drag queens molest children as compared to church leaders?"

I don't have that answer, you'd have to google it.. I don't remember seeing any in the news, but I'm confident the conservative media would be all over that like flies on $hit.
I am sure there would be some, but I just have not seen any reports.
You aren't making any sense whatsoever .... Look at the title of the thread .... Yes, Project Veritas did these undercover videos at a seminar put on by this school district. Not sure why that is so hard for you to understand.
Project Veritas is a known fraud genius.. They produce selectively edited and fake videos. They are well known for being dishonest and manipulating videos. They are fraudsters, liars, cheats, and dishonorable, and you seem to want to patronize their productions. Seriously, What the F**k?

There is no way you can possibly that grossly ignorant or stupid... which makes me wonder what your motivations are? Are you really so against something that you're willing to dishonor yourself with such fraudsters?

What I don't get is why you don't seem to understand that.

You exhibit all the attributes of someone who grew up in a broken home where the father was absent, mostly absent, or a weekend dad.. didn't have enough exposure to learn honor and integrity, and never served in the military to learn what it means or why it's important.

Here, let me put this in simple terms even you can understand. After knowing that Project V falsifies videos and evidence, anyone who posts anything using them as a reference is a piece of $hit.

Is that clear enough for you?
You didn't score very high on the conceptualization parts of the IQ testing did you?
It isn't that he just doesn't get it, he is making an effort to misinterpret the argument in order to vilify a minority that is no threat to him whatsoever.

Perhaps you should do some homework. Why don't you chart the number of church pedophiles and graph them against other demographics.. See what you come up with for numbers.
I looked myself, can't find reliable numbers for either group. Just news paper articles of individual cases against religious people and (mostly conservative) politicians.
Project Veritas is a known fraud genius.. They produce selectively edited and fake videos. They are well known for being dishonest and manipulating videos. They are fraudsters, liars, cheats, and dishonorable, and you seem to want to patronize their productions. Seriously, What the F**k?

There is no way you can possibly that grossly ignorant or stupid... which makes me wonder what your motivations are? Are you really so against something that you're willing to dishonor yourself with such fraudsters?

What I don't get is why you don't seem to understand that.

You exhibit all the attributes of someone who grew up in a broken home where the father was absent, mostly absent, or a weekend dad.. didn't have enough exposure to learn honor and integrity, and never served in the military to learn what it means or why it's important.

Here, let me put this in simple terms even you can understand. After knowing that Project V falsifies videos and evidence, anyone who posts anything using them as a reference is a piece of $hit.

Is that clear enough for you?
?I couldn't find the forehead slap emoji ... I think you are trapped in some sort of vortex ... and apparently still haven't watched the content of any of the videos.
NONE of the people in the videos I posted have come forward to say they didn't say any of that. The guy in the first video simply didn't show up at the next school board meeting.
All you are doing by continuing to post the same crap is show everyone how useless your opinions are.
?I couldn't find the forehead slap emoji ... I think you are trapped in some sort of vortex ... and apparently still haven't watched the content of any of the videos.
NONE of the people in the videos I posted have come forward to say they didn't say any of that. The guy in the first video simply didn't show up at the next school board meeting.
All you are doing by continuing to post the same crap is show everyone how useless your opinions are.
The problem that PV is trying to get you idiots worked up and argue over is the statement that his “sexual identity” helps him make “connection with kids…” There is no evidence of grooming, Bob. At least not in the tweeted excerpt. It is just your sick mind interpreting it that way.

This is aimed at invoking anger in guilible conservatives who themselves advocate for more than one gender in "proper" parenting, those roles just have to be only restricted to those they prescribe.
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Ok .... so now you are in full troll mode .... just added you to the ignore pile officially so I won't have to waste time trying to add a little reality to a mind that is incapable of accepting reality.
If you looked beyond your favorite bogus fact checker and actually looked up some of Project Veritas work you wouldn't be able to dismiss them so recklessly.

Should have done that a long time ago, but mistakenly thought you might not be 100% troll.
Ok .... so now you are in full troll mode .... just added you to the ignore pile officially so I won't have to waste time trying to add a little reality to a mind that is incapable of accepting reality.
If you looked beyond your favorite bogus fact checker and actually looked up some of Project Veritas work you wouldn't be able to dismiss them so recklessly.

Should have done that a long time ago, but mistakenly thought you might not be 100% troll.
Sweet! Thank you.

Now I can blast your ridiculously ignorant statements and not have to worry about rebuttal. Oh man, that opens the door..
Sweet! Thank you.

Now I can blast your ridiculously ignorant statements and not have to worry about rebuttal. Oh man, that opens the door..
Ok ... I thought about it and decided to come back and take you off ignore .... I may still ignore you if I think you are just being a troll .... but, I actually think there is still hope for you. I have seen a few posts you made in the past that I agreed with.
I think if you can dump the bogus fact checkers and actually look at things for yourself .... there is still hope.

Don't let Leo drag you down the troll path.
Ok ... I thought about it and decided to come back and take you off ignore .... I may still ignore you if I think you are just being a troll .... but, I actually think there is still hope for you. I have seen a few posts you made in the past that I agreed with.
I think if you can dump the bogus fact checkers and actually look at things for yourself .... there is still hope.

Don't let Leo drag you down the troll path.
Those fact checkers are pretty damn accurate 99% of the time. There have been a few instances where I didn't like their results and had to do some work on my own.. but they were correct and I'm forced to reevaluate.

Leo is not a troll, you just don't seem to like the factual information when it disagrees with your belief systems. Leo and I don't agree on everything either.. but I've never seen him post information from fraudsters, make unsubstantiated claims, or take part in conspiracy garbage.

I only have one person on ignore.. D71.. but not because I disagree with him.. its because I got sick of trying to decipher his incoherent cryptic babbling. My child communicated better than he does when she was 6 years old.
murphy said: “I only have one person on ignore.. D71.. but not because I disagree with him.. its because I got sick of trying to decipher his incoherent cryptic babbling. My child communicated better than he does when she was 6 years old.”

I am happy …good with it….. ?????

historically anyone checking can see that child molesters tried to tag onto the gay movement. The gay movement kicked them out. Now you see child molesters pushing for laws to allow them rights and access to children. They are even saying access to small children is within their 1st amendment rights.

I am 100% against pedo having access to children in whatever form.
I am 100% for the worse sentence possible for pedo when convicted of child abuse and criminal sex acts.7C5D5047-68D5-4859-8BC8-1EFC6169AF8E.jpeg
You asked for it... Here is some substance for you. It would appear, based on the research, that people who subscribe to conspiracy theories are weak minded, have feeble mentalities, suffer from anxiety, and are looking for sources of comfort and blame. (I'm paraphrasing of course)

This would explain the common connection between conspiracy idiots and religion.

Oh looky.... here's another one..

Damn, they just keep rolling in..

I'm guessing you have some issues to work on.. good luck to you. Hope you feel better soon.
While I agree with that in theory on the more obvious false ones, there are facts behind some of these theories that should be looked at, and it seems they are labelled as conspiracy theories by people who dont want people talking about it.

Do you think Oswald acted alone in killing JFK?

They call "Deep State" a conspiracy theory, but from multiple angles the truth is alphabet agencies were working to get rid of Trump.

Is white replacement theory a conspiracy theory when the current administration is obsessed with equity? Just because its not being organized or controlled doesnt mean it might not be happening.

Wiki has an extensive article on New World Order (conspiracy theory)
While it goes out of its way to debunk all the forms it takes, in the end it provides plenty of evidence it may be happening, just under other names.

Ill be the first to say you have to have a screw loose about 9/11 but thats because of all the people youd have to have involved.

If LBJ had Kennedy whacked there might be just a few dozen players. Perfectly plausible and the motive is as old as Caesar.
Those fact checkers are pretty damn accurate 99% of the time.
Just keep on drinking that koolaid.
The problem with most fact checkers is why they check some facts and why they dont check others. And sometimes its obvious theyre trying to tell people what to think.
Then you have Snopes which at some point just plain got corrupted to the left.



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By your logic it does not mean the fact checkers get it right. The real problem is there political agenda.
We already established that the fact checkers get it mostly right, your problem is that they have a "political agenda" because they expose the lies on "your side". (whatever that side might be) That is not my problem though.
We already established that the fact checkers get it mostly right, your problem is that they have a "political agenda" because they expose the lies on "your side". (whatever that side might be) That is not my problem though.
No "we" have not. "You" have. This comment shows clearly where you stand. ( once again )

diy solar

diy solar