diy solar

diy solar

Project Veritas is Not Dead Yet

So MurphyGuy what does your comments have to you being a dickhead about religion ( sure hope I spelled it correctly . )
Your "Sky Fairies" comments as a example.
You did spell it correctly! Congrats on that.

You're wondering why I have a problem with religion? Is that a serious question?
I do not have a problem with you not believing in it. I have a problem with your mocking it. Religion imposes morals that in my opinion helps social life. Look at what happened to Rome as an example.
I do not have a problem with you not believing in it. I have a problem with your mocking it. Religion imposes morals that in my opinion helps social life. Look at what happened to Rome as an example.
And I don't have a problem with you believing in it... until you start to impose those morals on others via laws and regulations, which is ALWAYS the case. Always..

And on that note, I'd have to question your assertion that religion "imposes morals which helps social life".. While there are certainly some good ones, there are also a lot of really horrible ones.. and the horrible ones are the problem. It's actually more than that.. even if the horrible values where not present, religion is very bad for humanity as a whole. Religion is the polar opposite of critical thinking, logical thought, and rational behavior.. it has a de-facto way of neutralizing these types of thought processes because they are toxic to sustaining an irrational belief system.

In fact, the practice is so horrible, it must be forced upon young vulnerable children with easily manipulated and malleable minds in order to be successful and survive. It must use a carrot and stick approach to sell itself.. it uses fear to manipulate. That should actually be one's first clue that something is wrong with it, that it needs a vulnerable victim who can not choose.

In fact, you find the same techniques used by politicians because it is so effective.. They create a fear of something and paint themselves as the solution.

"Give me the child for 7 years and I'll give you the man". I think that was Ignatius Loyola (name spelling?) sometime around the year 1500 to 1600 I think. Even back then, they recognized the power of brainwashing a child.

And moral values? yikes.. have you even read the book? What moral values do you find in relegating women to second class citizens to be subservient to their male masters? Seriously, WTF? And how would you justify the endorsement of buying and selling human slaves?

Dude, trust me on this one.. this is not a train you want to ride with me... I don't blindly reject religion.. I reject it because I intimately understand it. I spent a considerable amount of time reading the bible and playing racquetball with a pastor (neighbor) while I was in the Air Force, and asking him questions.

It is a dirty and corrupt belief system that prays on children and robs its own followers of resources. Its just a giant pyramid scheme..

I had a lady and some kid knock on my door one day doing the door-to-door thing back in the earlier 2000's.. After playing her for a few minutes, she pulled out her bible and started her preaching skit... That ended pretty quickly when I started quoting Timothy 212.. She didn't even know that part of her bible existed..
What a cynical view you have. Your assumption that I am religious. ( We have had this discussion before ) is not correct. I have found that if you focus on the negatives hard enough you WILL find what your looking for, but at the cost of ignoring the positive. I find some entrusting parallels with regards to the federally controlled education system and your point of view about religion.
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What a cynical view you have.
Sometimes reality isn't what we wish it to be.

Your assumption that I am religious. ( We have had this discussion before ) is not correct.
My apologies if I am confusing you with someone else, but didn't you proclaim a belief in god?

I have found that if you focus on the negatives hard enough you WILL find what your looking for, but at the cost of ignoring the positive.
So if someone brings you flowers then burns you home down, you'll focus on the flowers? Most of these platitudes are just regurgitated nonsense.
I focus on reality, facts, and science.. I'll even include statistics and past performance when needed.. but I don't partake in wishful thinking and I generally ignore the colorful brochures.

I find some entrusting parallels with regards to the federally controlled education system and your point of view about religion.
I was worried about the educational system as well. I live just outside a small rural town with two gas stations and just about everyone thinks the magical invisible sky fairy is real. We have two gas stations and like 5 churches.. hardcore conservatives, most of them on food stamps and barely intelligent enough to tie their own shoelaces.

I was pretty worried about our grade schools being sort of quasi-religious indoctrination centers in such a small town.. My wife and I kept a close eye on what they were teaching and listened closely to our child's comments and descriptions.

They don't seem to be teaching anything political.. just the basics of math, reading, science, etc.

The conservative "powers that be" are very upset we have removed religion from the schools.. and so they have created a campaign to attack the schools. It's a pretty basic strategy.. if you don't agree with how something is built, do your best to tear it down.

That's not to suggest every school is devoid of political ideology or trying to 'sneak one over the line".. but those are the exceptions, not the rule.. and there are always exceptions on both sides. It's what we do about them that counts.

My only complaint about the schools is that they seem to be slowing down to accommodate the dumbest kid.. The pace of learning isn't a set standard, but a sort of throttled pace that allows the inbreed moron with alcoholic pot smoking drugged out parents to keep up with the homework.

But as far as indoctrinating or pushing a political agenda.. Nope.. not seeing it in either direction.

The problem with our children isn't the schools, its the parents.. but the parents are not willing or capable of admitting such things to themselves.. that isn't going to happen.. ever. So they look for someone to blame.

Here's an example.. I was at a friend's house helping his neighbor install an underground electrical circuit. We're both in our 50's and we had to dig a 100ft trench. He has two teenage kids and while we were digging the trench and installing everything, the kids were inside playing video games. We're all complaining about our knees, it's hot out, taking breaks every twenty minutes, etc.. like old guys. So I asked him, why don't you get your kids out here to help? Nope, that was never going to happen..

For F**ks sakes... and they wonder why the kids grow up lazy and stupid and need government help with everything? That guy's kids are never outside, they never do chores, never work with their father..

My child works right along with my wife and I.. if we're building the barn, she's bringing nails or helping move the ladders.. If we're cleaning up the yard, she's dragging branches and sticks.. In fact, I usually give her tasks that are about 10% beyond what I think her capabilities are.

It's not the schools, its the parents. But you will never get someone to admit they are at fault themselves.
Sometimes reality isn't what we wish it to be.

My apologies if I am confusing you with someone else, but didn't you proclaim a belief in god?

So if someone brings you flowers then burns you home down, you'll focus on the flowers? Most of these platitudes are just regurgitated nonsense.
I focus on reality, facts, and science.. I'll even include statistics and past performance when needed.. but I don't partake in wishful thinking and I generally ignore the colorful brochures.

I was worried about the educational system as well. I live just outside a small rural town with two gas stations and just about everyone thinks the magical invisible sky fairy is real. We have two gas stations and like 5 churches.. hardcore conservatives, most of them on food stamps and barely intelligent enough to tie their own shoelaces.

I was pretty worried about our grade schools being sort of quasi-religious indoctrination centers in such a small town.. My wife and I kept a close eye on what they were teaching and listened closely to our child's comments and descriptions.

They don't seem to be teaching anything political.. just the basics of math, reading, science, etc.

The conservative "powers that be" are very upset we have removed religion from the schools.. and so they have created a campaign to attack the schools. It's a pretty basic strategy.. if you don't agree with how something is built, do your best to tear it down.

That's not to suggest every school is devoid of political ideology or trying to 'sneak one over the line".. but those are the exceptions, not the rule.. and there are always exceptions on both sides. It's what we do about them that counts.

My only complaint about the schools is that they seem to be slowing down to accommodate the dumbest kid.. The pace of learning isn't a set standard, but a sort of throttled pace that allows the inbreed moron with alcoholic pot smoking drugged out parents to keep up with the homework.

But as far as indoctrinating or pushing a political agenda.. Nope.. not seeing it in either direction.

The problem with our children isn't the schools, its the parents.. but the parents are not willing or capable of admitting such things to themselves.. that isn't going to happen.. ever. So they look for someone to blame.

Here's an example.. I was at a friend's house helping his neighbor install an underground electrical circuit. We're both in our 50's and we had to dig a 100ft trench. He has two teenage kids and while we were digging the trench and installing everything, the kids were inside playing video games. We're all complaining about our knees, it's hot out, taking breaks every twenty minutes, etc.. like old guys. So I asked him, why don't you get your kids out here to help? Nope, that was never going to happen..

For F**ks sakes... and they wonder why the kids grow up lazy and stupid and need government help with everything? That guy's kids are never outside, they never do chores, never work with their father..

My child works right along with my wife and I.. if we're building the barn, she's bringing nails or helping move the ladders.. If we're cleaning up the yard, she's dragging branches and sticks.. In fact, I usually give her tasks that are about 10% beyond what I think her capabilities are.

It's not the schools, its the parents. But you will never get someone to admit they are at fault themselves.
Bahaha bhahaha he wants to be the King.

so he complains about christian values and morals. Then complains about kids not helping do work. Then talks how drugs are related to religion. Low iq and lack of education are also related to religion according to him. He sends his kid to local school and monitors but says tranny in schools flapping penis in front of kids is allowed. Why hate tranny or restrict them.

Murphy reads like a meat head that lived in big democrat city grabbed his bad politics and took them to a rural area to raise his child in safety.

he is a prepper with enough supplies to last a decade. Hahahhabhahah bhahha he is worried his neighbors will show up wanting food for themselves and their kids from him. He needs to move inner city of chicago where pooulation has and offers everything he needs.

where he really wants to live is “murphyville”. And him-Murphy be the king. The cartoonist that recently revealed how prejudice he was is a murphy.

notice he says nothing about any religion other then christian. ? He is an idiot and mentally deranged and writes responds same values as Leo. A couple other ppl claim that they are the same. Oh Murphy claimed he was home schooling at one time.

I’d venture a guess murphy bought a much younger wife from ukraine russia - mail order. I am fairly certain a western Christian woman would not put up with him but women have been redefined here so am sure he would could find one now. They could call their children donuts.
First clue you are in a bad christian church:

Why do democrats - leftist always get fed up and leave their big cities? Again Murphy sounds like the Dilbert cartoonist Scott something that turned racist - took his advice and moved to a rural area no doubt huge majority are white. Majority are probably Christians. Majority live a meager life from his description not attached to world material things.

the religion of islam would already have beheaded Murphy. and then pissed shit on his corpse to defile his body. The ppl with no religion like inner city chicago rule the streets ….. Murphy protects them too. Murphy won’t condemn or live with them but voices his opinion at a safe and protected distance of his own chosen local. He is free to move. He has stated money is not an option. Murphy has voiced his opinion for Ukraine - he should move there and take his wife home. She married and is putting up with his much older - crazy shit as a prostitute. Most ppl at a church frown on men that marry women like he has done…. Spouse purchased Money arrangement.

Imagine Murphy blocks me as Murphy but gives response as Leo. Murphy and Leo both respond as if translating their post. If knew Murphyin my area would ear mark him as a FED informer. Probably why he is here. When shtf would take his stuff and be like the Robin Hood that he claims - I would redistribute his stuff.
I would have my own but would share his stuff. Hahah bahaha bhahah

this is a murphy type- Ray Epps:

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diy solar

diy solar