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ANKER 767 not charging via Ford truck pro-power?


New Member
Apr 7, 2022
Got a friend with an F150 with the 2kw pro power onboard inverter system trying to charge a Anker 767. It's not working. The ANKER is rated to pull in 1000w AC continuous and it's not getting an overload alert. It's acting like nothing is plugged in at all. The Anker charges from a home outlet no problem. Is this a "floating ground" issue? Or something we're missing?
Have you tried plugging any other loads into the truck to see if it works with those?

For example a power drill, hair dryer or saw?


I am not familiar in detail with the Ford built in inverter, but inverters draw some standby power when turned "on".

Sometimes companies implement a sleep mode to keep this standby power very low. It searches for power loads before turning fully on. If the load has some soft start functions, it might not be enough to turn on. Have seen this with inverters and coffee makers.

For fun, try plugging in a small load such as a light bulb and see if this is enough to trigger it to go on to power the Anker unit.
the answer is in the question !!!!

chap says the Anker 767 charges from a home outlet

its nothing other than the truck setup
Didn't Will Prowse have similar issues? Turned out to be the truck if I remember.
I can confirm the Anker 767 is charging with the rear Pro Power port on my 2023 F150 (2K inverter) in generator mode. I’m running the latest Anker firmware v2.1.5.

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